Summary of the Open lesson on FEMP in the second junior group "Mathematical journey"

Mathematics in the younger group. Lesson notes on FEMP in the 2nd junior group

Program content:

  • teach children to distinguish and correctly name a circle, square, triangle;
  • teach to examine the shape of figures using touch and vision; group objects by shape;
  • consolidate the ability to identify objects and groups of objects;
  • distinguish between concepts many, one at a time, none;
  • learn to listen to the teacher’s instructions and explanations, reproduce what is shown and do what is suggested to him.

Demo material:

  • funny figures - men,
  • circle,
  • square,
  • triangle,
  • flannelograph,
  • bear toy,
  • square,
  • triangle.


  • each of the children has a circle,
  • square,
  • a triangle of different colors and berries according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, I am pleased to see you smiling, joyful, listen: You look at me, you look at me, you look at him, Look at all of us. Everyone in our city is friends You couldn’t find a friendlier friend, And everyone should know us.

Funny figures came to us today - little men. Look how unusual they are. We are familiar with two figures - little men. Did you recognize them? What is the name of the figure? ( Square ).

Sasha, say hello to this little figure. What color is it? Show your squares. Lenya, what color is your square? And what color is Ira’s? ( Children answer )

Let's trace the square with our fingers! We move our finger straight: this is a corner, we turn the finger, another corner, we turn it again... Dima, what did you circle? — Square Now we draw a square in the air. Children, tell me, does the square roll? ( The square does not roll, the corners interfere with it ).

Our round little man is tired of waiting and wants us to play with him. Tell me, what color is the circle? Take your circles and place them in front of you. Masha, what color is your circle? What about Anya? Let's draw a circle with our finger. The finger runs, runs in a circle, where it left and returned. We draw a circle in the air. Can a circle roll? — It’s rolling around, it has no corners .

We don’t know this little man and we’ll get to know him now. This is a triangle.

Let's all say it together: triangle. What colour is he? Show me all your triangles. What color is Valera's triangle? What about Maxim? Let's trace a triangle with our finger.

The finger rolled down the hill, a corner, we move the finger, we lead, again the corner, and the finger went up the hill. Let's draw a triangle in the air. What shapes did we circle? Let's say it together: triangle. What does a triangle look like? (On the roof, on the gusset, on the hill) .

Children, try rolling the triangle or not? That's right, don't roll, the corners are in the way. Funny figures - little men want them to have many friends, each little man takes a friend, just like himself, i.e. a circle only takes a circle as friends, a square is squares, a triangle is triangles.


The bear wants to play with you guys. A clumsy bear walks through the forest, collects cones and puts them in his pocket, a cone fell right on Mishka’s forehead, Mishka got angry and stamped his foot.

Mishka told me guys that he wants to build a house for himself, but doesn’t know where to start. There are different figures in front of him, let's help him. What will we build the wall from? - From the square . The roof? - From a triangle . (The bear places it either from the side or from the bottom). Does this house have a roof? The roof of the house is not on the side or below, but at the top.

Now Mishka is not afraid of rain or cold in such a house. Children, look, the bear has berries in his basket and he wants to treat you with them. How many berries does Mishka have? - A lot of . How many children do you have? - A lot of . Come and take one berry. Masha, how many berries did you take? - One . Valera, how many berries did you take? - One . Mishke has fewer and fewer berries left. How many berries are left in the basket now? - None .

Thank the children to Mishka. Guys, let’s give the bear a gift too. This is a barrel of your favorite honey.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of an open lesson on FEMP in the junior group “Mathematical Journey”

Prepared by: Gorina M. A. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 70 “Golubok” Surgut 2017

Goal: To consolidate the ability to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to use the words one, many; learn to compare two groups of objects, denote the results of comparison with the words equally, in many, equally, as much - as; continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle and a square.


  • continue to teach children to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked and answer it clearly;
  • consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the number of objects (one, many) * consolidate the ability to distinguish and name primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green;
  • develop auditory and visual attention, imagination; develop speech, observation, mental activity;
  • expand and activate children's vocabulary;
  • develop logical thinking.
  • cultivate a desire to work; cultivate kindness and responsiveness. Didactic material:

Demo material:

a group setting is used - a play corner (cars, pyramids), a book corner (books: large and small); garage (several small cars and one large one); train silhouette.


circles and squares of different colors.

Progress of the lesson

1 part

Educator: Guys, today we will go on a very exciting journey. But to make it interesting, you need to listen to me carefully!

- Let's make a train with you, I will be your driver. We got our wheels ready and off we went! Choo-Choo! How does a real train sound in our country? (Children's answers: ooh-ooh (loud))

— Look, guys, we have the “Knizhnaya” . What do we have here? (Children's answers) What books? (Children's answers - big and small) Well done! — How many big books? (Children's answers - not enough) What about the little ones? (Children: a lot!) - Are there as many big books as small ones? (Children's answers).

- Let's go further: chug-chug... Stop "Stroitelnaya". Look what we have here? (Children: cubes. Big and small) How many big cubes? (Children: few) And the little ones? (a lot) Are there as many big cubes as there are small ones? What color are the small cubes?

- Let's go further: chug-chug... Guys, here we have the Garage . What do we have here? (Children: cars). — Educator: What are they? Children: Big and small. Educator: How many little ones? Children: (count) three. Educator: And the big ones? Children: one

-Our train continues to move... And our next stop is “Toy Store” . And we are in the pyramid department. What pyramids do we see? Children: one tall. One is low. Well done! Let's play a game!

Part 2 Didactic activity game “Find your house” .

There is a circle and a square on the carpet. Children take one geometric figure from the tray, name them and begin to move to the music. At the end of the melody, they must find their houses: those who have a circle in their hands run to the circle, those who have a square run to the square. When the children scatter to their places, the teacher asks them to justify their choice.

Part 3. "Fix the Train" .

- Guys, while we were playing. Our train broke down. And you and I need to fix it. Let's come to the table. Look what we have here? (Silhouette of a train) Children: Train.

-Can he go? (children's answers) Why? Children: No wheels.

-That's right, we'll repair it now. What else do I have on my desk? Children: Circles and squares.

-What can we do with circles? (Children's answers: roll)

-Right! (Invite two or three children to ride a circle). Well done, so the mugs will be the wheels of the train. (Children attach wheels to wagons). What shape are our wheels? (Children's answers). Okay, we have wheels, what's missing for the trailers? (Children's answers). Let's attach a window to each trailer! The windows will be from this geometric shape. (Show square) What is this? Children: Square.

- Guys, can we roll a square? (Children's answers). Let's try to ride them. (Ask two or three children to roll the squares). Happened? Children: No.

-Why can’t I roll squares? Children: You can’t roll squares because the corners get in the way.

-Right. So, the squares will be windows. (Children attach windows). What shape did we get for the windows? Children: Square. - Guys, look what a beautiful train we have made, and now it can hit the road. We hooked up the trailers and off we went.

IV Result - Guys, what did we do with you today? What stops did we visit? What game did we play? Houses, for what figures were we looking? Did you enjoy the trip? (Children's answers). You are so great today! Oh, now let's take colored pencils and color our little train.

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