Card index of didactic games on the legal education of preschoolers card index (preparatory group) on the topic

Goal: to give children a reason to think about the fact that not all children have parents.


1Teach to see social injustice in situations with fairy-tale characters, make suggestions for improving or correcting the situation.
2Reinforce the concept of “orphan”.
3Develop empathy for children without parents.

Material: illustrations for the fairy tales “The Three Little Pigs”, “Cinderella”, “Wild Swans”, “Snow White” and others.

Rules of the game: players must explain to the children their rights, what children’s rights have been violated.

Game progress: 2 or more children can play. An adult reads an excerpt from a fairy tale, and child players name the fairy tale, find a suitable illustration and explain to other children the rights whose rights have been violated. The game ends when all images have been viewed and explained.

Didactic game “Let every child know that he has different rights”

Goal: to consolidate in children knowledge about the rights to love and care, rest and leisure, good nutrition, education and medical care.

Material: cube with photo illustrations on children's rights.

Rules of the game: Players must explain the rights of the child, which are shown in the picture.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. At the teacher’s signal, the children begin to pass the cube into each other’s hands. When the signal sounds, the child receiving the cube looks at his picture and talks about the child's right side, which is depicted on it. The game continues until all the illustrations have been recycled.

From about 2–3 years of age, a child’s self-awareness develops; with the acquisition of life experience, the child develops his own concepts and ideas about life. During this period of development, it is very important to include an evaluative moment, to explain to the child what is good and what is bad, what is acceptable and unacceptable from the point of view of society. Moral education is one of the important aspects of raising children. It is carried out in all types of activities. A special form of social life for preschoolers is independent detail - a game where they unite at will or act independently, realizing their plans. This happy feature of childhood contributes to the development of moral qualities such as collectivism, camaraderie, goodwill, honesty, fairness, etc.



development of dexterity, attention, patience, concentration, desire to win, strong-willed personality traits.


7 years.


5 acorns or small round pebbles.

Progress of the game:

the child takes 5 acorns (pebbles) in his hand and places them on the table. Next, he takes one of the 5 acorns, throws it up and catches it. Then he throws it up again and, while it is flying, takes another acorn from the table, not forgetting to catch the tossed one. He tosses one of the acorns again and quickly adds a new acorn to the one already held in his palm. Now there are only 2 acorns left on the table. He tosses the acorn again, managing to grab and hide the third one in his palm, and with the next toss, the fourth one. So at the end of the game the child ends up with 4 acorns out of 5 in his palm. With the last attempt, throwing up the fifth acorn, we catch it too.


: The game can be seriously complicated by asking the child to throw and catch acorns with his left hand.

Let's go for a walk


: developing artistry, overcoming stiffness, embarrassment, teaching patience.


: 4–6 years.

Progress of the game

: children sit on chairs, waiting for an invitation to participate in the game. The presenter approaches any child and says: “Shall we go for a walk?” The child agrees: “Let's go!” The presenter continues the dialogue: “Get up!” “I’m getting up,” the child answers and gets up from the chair. Presenter: “Get dressed!” Child: “I’m getting dressed,” while he imitates the movements of a person getting dressed. Presenter: “Wash yourself!” The child answers: “I wash my face!”, showing how he does it. Host: “Now let’s go for a walk!” Next, the leader and the selected child, holding hands, approach the next child. The dialogue continues. When all the participants in the game are ready to go for a walk, everyone says together:

Together we go for a walk,

Let's sing a sonorous song!



development of imagination, resourcefulness, practical skills, the ability to help in difficult times, to share, to encourage in word and deed, to come to the rescue.


: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game:

Adults and children are transported from a shipwrecked ship to an uninhabited island. They send a note in a bottle asking for help. Then there are two versions of the game.

1. Some things fall onto the island from the ship. We need to help the Robinsons come up with new uses for known things.

2. Collect a package for the Robinsons, putting in it the optimal set of things with which they could build a home, hunt, cook food, etc.

Adventure in space


: development of imagination, teaching children to manage their behavior, take into account other people’s opinions, be not only a commander, but also a subordinate, not be afraid of difficulties, firmly move towards the intended goal.


: 6–7 years.


hoops, chairs.

Progress of the game

: two leaders are selected, one is the Designer, he will build a rocket, having assembled a team of assistants, the other is the Commander of the spaceship, he will fly into space, having assembled a worthy crew. At the first stage of the game, a spaceship is built from chairs installed with their backs facing outward, control devices and hoops are installed - portholes. At the second stage, the ship's crew, having agreed with each other on the route, flies into space. The crew and the Designers are constantly in touch, as the flight is complicated by a sudden meteor shower, equipment failure, solar eclipse and similar unforeseen circumstances. The game ends when the crew returns to Earth.

forest path


: development of children's activity, overcoming indecision, stiffness, development of the ability to quickly make decisions, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.


from 4 years old.

Progress of the game

: The game begins with children moving in a circle one after another. At the teacher’s command: “Hole!” Each participant in the game finds a partner and, holding hands, shows the width and depth of the hole. At the teacher’s signal: “Bump!” children gather in threes, squat down, joining the hands of all participants above their heads. At the signal: “Slide!” one of the three guys stands up to his full height, and the rest, crouching, form the slopes of the slide. The game can be played at a slow or fast pace, as well as with musical accompaniment.

The bats


: overcoming indecision, fear of the unknown, developing endurance, dexterity, overcoming the fear of the dark.


small flashlights (one for each pair of participants), a darkened game room, skittles, balls, small chairs, a pillow.


: from 6 years.

Progress of the game

: The teacher announces that today the children will play an unusual game. Reads out G. Graubin’s poem “Bats.”

Bats don't let me sleep:

All the time they scurry and scurry over the roof.

Tomorrow I'll teach the cat to fly,

And I’ll teach these nasty mice a lesson!

The driver is selected by the reader; he will be a cat. The driver is seated in the center of the hall on a pillow, and he “falls asleep.” The bats light lanterns and, maintaining absolute silence, trying not to knock down or touch any object on the floor, try to find the toy that was hidden in the hall by the teacher. If one of the children makes noise or touches and drops any object, the Cat wakes up and catches the sluggish Mice. Children look for a hidden object and escape from the Cat in pairs, without releasing their hands. The cat catches the Mice by touching the shoulder with his hand.

You cannot touch a sleeping Cat, but you can pass by and approach. Caught Mice are eliminated from the game, and the game continues until all the Mice fall into the Cat's paws.

Sparrows and cherry


: nurturing courage, the ability to mobilize one’s strength, developing self-control, overcoming indecision, timidity, teaching children to consciously manage their behavior.


: from 4 years.

Progress of the game

: the teacher offers to play, the children become Sparrows who want to eat cherries in the garden. And in the garden there is a Scarecrow who guards the cherry trees. It really scares the Sparrows when it wakes up. The Sparrow children, holding hands and uttering words, creep up to the Scarecrow:

I'm a cheerful little sparrow

Gray mischievous rogue,

I'll peck cherries

I'll peck cherries!

Suddenly the Scarecrow comes to life and tries to catch the unwary Sparrows.

Children need to be told that they cannot touch the Scarecrow with their hands, tease him, and can only run away after the Scarecrow “comes to life.”

The game continues until all the Sparrows are caught.


Before the game, it is recommended to remember the hero of the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, the Scarecrow.

Who lives in a hollow?


: instilling in children composure, concentration, self-confidence, and dexterity.


: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game

: hollow circles are drawn on the ground or in the hall at a considerable distance from each other. There is one less of them than the participants in the game. The driver is selected by the reader. He moves from hollow to hollow with the words:

There is a hollow in the pine tree,

It's warm in the hollow.

And who is in the hollow,

Make way for me!

Each Squirrel, not wanting to give up the hollow to the Driver, sends him to another hollow, and, while the Driver is moving, tries with gestures, signs, and facial expressions to agree on an exchange of “living space.” Behind the Driver's back, the Squirrels constantly change their hollows. The driver must strive to occupy the vacated hollow. If he succeeds, he becomes Belka, and the “homeless” Belka will play the role of the Driver.

Kids at the zoo


: awaken altruism in the child, the desire to benefit, bring joy, show a humane attitude towards the weak, defenseless, patronize, help.


toys depicting animals of large and small sizes (mother and baby), drawings of predatory and herbivorous animals living in the zoo, paths drawn on the floor.


5–7 years.

Progress of the game

: The teacher reports that in the zoo, in the young animals’ area, the cubs of various animals were left unattended. They need to be taken to their mothers, choosing the safest path, the shortest path, the slowest pace, observing the rules of careful movement. Whoever comes first gets the toy.

Little fox sisters


teach children to act together, harmoniously, and be able to perform actions together.


2–4 years.

Progress of the game:

The teacher offers to play, the children are divided into pairs and each pair takes each other’s arm, and all the pairs stand in a circle. The teacher chooses any pair and addresses it:

- Little fox sisters, show me what you can do.

– We are red foxes, cheerful sisters,

We do everything together.

- Well, do it...

The teacher gives the task, the pair completes it. Then the teacher invites another pair of Chanterelles to complete another task, and so on. The tasks can be anything, the game will be more interesting if, when completing the task, the Foxes act with their right (player standing on the right) and left (player standing on the left) arms and legs. For example, “clap your hands” - players clap their hands with their free hands (those standing on the right - with the right and those standing on the left - with the left). Or “stomp your right foot, wave your left hand.” After the children get used to the game, the tasks can be made more difficult - ask the children to comb the doll’s hair, braid its hair, or assemble a figure from a construction set.

Steam locomotive runs on rails


bringing children closer together, developing perseverance and accuracy.


children's chairs, 4-5 for each team.


4–5 years.

Progress of the game:

children are divided into two teams and stand in ranks. In front of each team there are chairs placed in a row, simulating semaphores. At the teacher’s command, the children who are the first in the ranks run around the chairs in a snake, return to their team, take another player by the shoulders and run around the chairs together, and so on, until all the team players are in the snake. The winner is the team that did not knock down a single semaphore on the way and completed the task faster.

Sail, little boat!


: develop altruism, the ability to be happy for others, the desire to bring joy.


polished smooth surface (for example, a table), paper boats of different colors.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game

: the guys split into pairs, each participant takes a boat. The colors of the boats in a pair should not match. The ships are placed on the table. At the leader’s command, the children begin to blow on the boats, trying to send their friend’s boat as far as possible. The ship that lags behind is eliminated from the game.


The teacher should make sure that children do not blow on the boats too hard and for a long time (no longer than 10 seconds) so that they do not get dizzy.

Leopold the cat's birthday


: develop in children the desire to do something nice for another, learn to help each other, and be able to share.


from 5 years.

Progress of the game

: while getting ready for Leopold the cat's birthday, the game participants visit three stores: a clothing store, a gift store and a candy store. In the first, children choose the best outfit, but not for themselves, but for a friend. In the second - the best, most useful gift for the birthday boy. And in the pastry shop there is the most delicious cake. All you have to do is choose this cake together, by mutual agreement.



: develop in children the ability to make decisions independently, make informed choices, find a compromise solution, interest other children in their ideas, argue their point of view, and be able to defend it in a dispute.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game

: The chef and capricious clients of the restaurant are chosen by counting. The chef's assistants are divided into two teams; they prepare first courses, hot dishes, and dessert in secret from each other. To do this, they work together to draw a colorful menu. The chef offers capricious clients a choice of dishes from each team. Team members actively persuade the Client to try the brought dish, praising its nutritional value and taste. The team that ordered the most dishes wins.

The team dishes offered to the Client must not be identical in name and recipe. You cannot give a negative assessment of your opponent’s dish.

Get ready quickly


: to instill in children independence, accuracy, initiative, teach caring and attentive attitude towards loved ones.


: 3 flat cardboard boxes with hinged lids. Cards depicting men's, women's and children's clothing, shoes and hats.


: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game

: The teacher shows the children suitcase boxes and offers to pack their family members’ belongings for a trip to the resort. In the first version of the game, the family travels in a southern direction, in the second, the northern direction is chosen. Children select the desired items from a stack of cards provided, giving reasons for their choice. The game can be diversified by using the image of an incompetent hero, for example Dunno.

Here comes the Absent-Minded One along Basseynaya Street


: develop a sense of humor, the ability to play in a team, keep a secret.


: 3 presenter cards - photographs of a man, woman and child, cards with drawn items of clothing, shoes, hats, various accessories.


5–6 years.

Progress of the game

: the teacher randomly selects from the cards a character who will go for a walk today, he places the card in a visible place face down. For children, this mysterious person will be a surprise at the end of the game.

Children, divided into teams, choose one from the proposed pair of things. Each team works in secret from the other. The teacher places the selected items next to the photo of the Absent-Minded One. When the children have completed their choice, the teacher announces: “Today it’s pouring rain outside, and our hero decided to go for a walk in the park. What did he wear (the weather and where he goes can change every game)?” The teacher names the clothes chosen by the children. For example, he took a suitcase, a cane, tied a scarf around his neck, put on orange sandals and blue socks, a hat with earflaps, a red skirt, a purple jacket, openwork gloves, a sweatshirt and a white blouse with crimson polka dots. Next, the teacher reveals the identity of the Absent-Minded One. Many of the proposed items may not be suitable for weather, season, gender or age. After laughing at the Absent-Minded One with the children, the teacher invites the children to help him get ready for a walk.

Leisure scenario in the preparatory group “About the rights of the child - while playing”

Free time on legal topics in the preparatory group. Leisure scenario in the preparatory group “On the rights of a child - a game” with presentation.

Goal: To give children a general idea of ​​their rights. Contribute to the development of legal worldview and moral ideas. Develop the ability to reason, compare, and draw conclusions. Develop self-esteem and respect for others. Material: Demonstration: A book with “Child Rights” written on the cover; character Baba Yaga; Baba Yaga's House (hut) paper flower “Children's Rights”; ball; musical accompaniment: audio recording of the voices of forest birds. Delivery: each child - a pillow - “thought”, didactic game “Everyone has rights”, “Name”, “Home”, “Treatment”, “Education”, “Love and care”. In the group room there is a place for outdoor games, where there is Baba Yaga’s house, covered with white fabric (pillows are placed in front of it, flowers are placed on the side). Teacher: I'm glad to meet you. Today we will get acquainted with a wonderful book. This is called “Children's Rights” (shows). This wonderful book will teach you about children's rights.

Baba Yaga appears. (can be a doll or an adult role)

Baba Yaga (takes a book from the teacher) Mala, you still have the right to study! And I read this book. (goes to the open play area, hides behind his hut). Teacher: Well, Baba Yaga! He took our book and he did it! What are we going to do now? (children's answers) Well, let's contact her and return our book. Children and teacher move to the open playground. Teacher (pointing to the house covered with a white cloth). Behind this snow-capped mountain in the forest lives Baba Yaga. It is difficult to overcome the mountain, but magical clouds will help us. (points to the pillows). Get in quickly and fly! (Children sit on the pillows) We will fly very fast, so close your eyes so they don’t get wet from the wind, let’s take off! Hold on to the clouds. Feel how fast we fly! The mountain is already behind us.

What else to read: Pronoun - what is it in simple words, what are the categories of pronouns and what are their permanent and non-permanent features

Includes a voice recorder with bird sounds. Slowly increasing the volume. Removes fabric from Baba Yaga's house. Educator. Can you hear? Birds are singing. We're flying into the forest. We open our eyes. We land in a clearing. Here is Baba Yaga's hut. (Children get up from the pillows and come home). In a deep forest there is a hut with chicken legs on the edge. It is located a stone's throw from the forest where Grandma Yaga lives. - Shall we knock? (Baba Yaga appears)

Baba Yaga: Who are they? Why did they come? I'm not expecting guests. Teacher (turns off the recorder). Oh Baba Yaga, how angry you are, what a rude voice you have and your hostile words. You even scared the birds with your scream. Baba Yaga. Stop talking! Why did you come? (Children's answers) Teacher: Yes, Baba Yaga, we came to pick up the book that you stole from us. Baba Yaga. He didn't steal anything from you, he just took it. You do not own the rights to this book. And only the children and grandchildren of the Tsar Sultan and the Nightingale the Thief can count on all the rights written in the book. And also children who believe in Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal, and the same skin color as Baba Yaga, and in whom you believe. So, Baba Yaga, you are wrong, give us back the book! Baba Yaga. Oh oh! Gorgeous thing! Come on, come on! come here to me, you number one. Educator. Baba Yaga, why do you speak so strangely to children? After all, they have a name, each has its own. Baba Yaga: Names? Why give them names if the children are still small? They can handle the numbers too. Educator. Do you agree that all children are the same? (No) Prove it to Baba Yaga. (One child has black hair and blue eyes, he is tall and slow. The other child is blond, with brown eyes, with freckles. He is very cheerful and active. Etc.) Well, Baba Yaga, have we convinced you? Do you agree that every child has the right to his own name from the day he is born? Didactic game “Everyone has rights” Finger gymnastics “Lonely Grandma Yozhke” Lonely Grandma Yozhke. There's an owl and cats next to her, and she doesn't like chicken legs either. Everyone is afraid to meet her, they don’t want to sit in the oven. Grandma was wondering how to attract guests? She wouldn't like the devil and would go in for sports and invite her neighbors for tea and cake. And then the chicken legs danced on the path, and the owl and cats sang along with the guests. /TO. Strelnik / Baba Yaga: Well, I admit that you have the right to do so. Educator: Then let's introduce ourselves to Baba Yaga, and the echo will help us. Sitting game “Echo” Children stand in a circle, take turns saying their names and passing the ball to each other, the rest repeat them in chorus. Educator. And now, Baba Yaga, please return the book to us so that we can learn about the rights of other children. Baba Yaga: I will return it to you if your mother works for someone in the library. Teacher: And why? Baba Yaga: Since only the children of librarians have the right to read books, only the children of builders can live in houses, and the children of doctors are supervised. Teacher: Well, you said it! Children, do you think what Baba Yaga said is correct? (Children's answers). Baba Yaga, every child has the right to a home, food, care and education. (Hand out tokens - symbols “Home”, “Treatment”, “Education”, Baba Yaga goes to her home)

What else to read: Matches - a board game for children that develops fine motor skills and intelligence

Educator: For some reason I felt sorry for Baba Yaga. Maybe she does bad things because no one loves her, no one cares about her. After all, everyone has the right to love and care. You all have the right to this. No one even wished Baba Yaga a happy birthday. Let's do it. We collect the flower by petals and give it to him as a gift. Outdoor game “Collect a flower”

They collect flowers and knock on the door of the hut. Baba Yaga comes out. The children congratulate her on her birthday and give her flowers. Baba Yaga is embarrassed, thank you, Teacher. it's time for us to return. Ride your clouds and fly home. Baba Yaga: Wait! Get your book. I am also capable of good deeds.

Educator: Thank you, Baba Yaga. Come. We have many other interesting books and games. Until we meet again! Baba Yaga. Until we meet again! Thank you for the invitation, I will definitely come. Educator. Everything is fine? Let's fly! Don't forget to close your eyes.

(Turns on a tape recorder with a recording of bird voices, throws a rag over Baba Yaga’s house. Baba Yaga leaves.) Did you like the trip? What did you like most? (Children's answers). What rights did you learn about your rights today? (Children’s token responses are symbols)

Well done, remember your rights. We will meet again in this book, which will introduce you to other rights. Thank you all. It was very pleasant and interesting for me to be with you.

Didactic game “Fold the flower”

Goal: to consolidate in children knowledge about the great rights of the child. Teach children to understand their abilities by following certain rules and rights. Promote a negative attitude towards manifestations of aggression, cruelty, and exploitation. Encourage the desire to be honest.

Material: red and green circles with images of children's faces, multi-colored petals on which are pasted images depicting the child's rights to a good life or their violation.

Rules of the game: players must place petals around a green circle, on which are pasted images representing the rights of a child to a decent life, and around the red circle place petals representing a violation of the rights of a child.

Game progress: Two or more children can participate in the game.

Option 1

2 circles (green and red) are placed on the table in the center, and the petals on the table are placed with the image on the table. Children take turns choosing a petal, examining it, and explaining whether the child’s rights are protected or violated. If the petal depicts an image of protecting the rights of a child, it is located around a green circle, and if the rights of a child are violated, then around a red circle. The game ends when both flowers are collected.

option 2.

Two children are playing. The child is asked to fold a flower, the petals of which depict images of protecting the rights of the child, and the second child - images of violations of the rights of the child. The player who composes the flower first wins.

Didactic game “Chain of rights of the child”

Goal: to strengthen children's knowledge about the rights of a small child. Improve your reading skills. Develop fine motor skills of your hands. Cultivate attention and visual perception.

Material: parts of the “chain”: some are a graphic representation of the rights of the child, others are a verbal explanation of the graphic images.

Rules of the game: to verbally explain the rights of the child, children choose pictures with graphic images, explaining their content, forming a chain. Vice versa.

Game progress:

Option 1

The provider or child reads a verbal explanation of the child's rights to parts of the chain. Children find suitable graphics, connect them with a cable and talk about the child’s right that is depicted on it.

What else to read: Games for three

option 2:

Children choose for themselves parts with a graphic representation of the rights of the child and, with the help of the teacher, or independently find the appropriate verbal explanation. And they are connected with a cord. The one who connects the chain the fastest wins.

Card index of didactic games on moral and patriotic education


1 Card index of didactic games for moral and patriotic education A didactic game allows children to become more involved in current life in forms of moral experiences accessible to them. A didactic game for spiritual and moral education allows you to discover a complex of diverse activities of children: thoughts, feelings, experiences, empathy, searches for active ways to solve a game problem, their subordination to the conditions and circumstances of the game, children’s relationships in the game. The proposed games and exercises can be carried out by the teacher during a walk during the morning reception, in the evening hours, during the period of free activity of children

2 “My address” Goal: to develop the ability and knowledge of children to name their home address, the street of the city of Kaliningrad, the number of the house, apartment, telephone, floor, to consolidate knowledge of the right to housing, the inviolability of the home. Material: ball Progress of the game: everyone stands in a circle, the teacher passes the ball to the child and says: “I live on the floor,” the child continues, naming his floor, and passes the ball to his neighbor, etc. “Our kindergarten” Goal: to consolidate the children’s knowledge Oh Det. kindergarten, about kindergarten workers.. What duties do they perform. Where is the group, dining room, etc. located? Strengthen the ability to navigate according to a plan in space. Material: photographs and illustrations of the kindergarten, kindergarten workers. Plans for kindergarten, 1st, 2nd floors, groups. Progress of the game: Using photographs and illustrations, children learn and talk about the kindergarten workers. According to the plan, children navigate the space “Searching for kind words.” Goal: to reveal with examples the meaning of the words “sorry, excuse me,” to cultivate friendly relations, to explain the need for an apology, an admission of guilt or proof of rightness and justice, the connection between words and deeds, words and attitudes. Progress of the game The teacher begins a story about how to apologize, where and when, how these polite words are used.

3 “Journey along the route of good feelings, actions, deeds and relationships” Purpose: to draw children’s attention to the fact that good feelings, actions and deeds evoke a feeling of respect, friendship and love. Form friendly relationships, establish rules of etiquette, rules of behavior. Material: pictures with different scenes of good deeds, good and bad behavior. Progress of the game The teacher begins a story about how one should behave in one place or another, what actions are good. “Our Country” Goal: To identify children’s knowledge about our Motherland, its capital. Material: illustrations, photographs Progress of the game: the teacher shows illustrations and pictures, asks questions. Children answer “Small Motherland” Goal: To reveal children’s knowledge about their Small Motherland, about the history of our city, monuments and sights of Kaliningrad. Material: illustrations, photographs of the city of Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad region. Progress of the game: the teacher shows illustrations and pictures, asks questions. The children answer.

4 “Flag of Russia” (the cities of Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad region) Purpose: to help consolidate knowledge of the flag of your country (city, region, regional center) to consolidate the main colors of the flags, what do they mean? Material: red, blue and white stripes. Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children the Russian flag, removes it and offers to lay out multi-colored stripes in the order in which they are on the Russian flag. “Tell about your family” Goal: To form an idea of ​​yourself as a family member. Show the importance of family in a person’s life. Develop a desire to talk about your family members, be proud of them, love them. Material: Photo album compiled together with parents with family photographs with a family tree. “Find the flag of Russia, the city of Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad region Goal: to help consolidate knowledge of the flag of your country (city, region, regional center) to consolidate the main colors of the flags, what do they mean? Material: pictures depicting different flags. Progress of the game: among the 4-6 proposed flags, find the one you need

5 “Travel around the city of Kaliningrad” Purpose: to introduce you to your hometown, the sights of the city, and cultural monuments. Material: album of photographs of your hometown, illustrations and postcards depicting the city’s attractions. Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children photographs of the city’s attractions and asks them to name them. “Where is the monument?” Goal: to introduce children to monuments and teach them how to navigate their hometown. Material: images of monuments. Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children images of monuments and asks them to tell where this monument is installed. “Our microdistrict” Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about their microdistrict, about the administrative buildings built in the immediate environment of the kindergarten. Material: photographs and illustrations, layout of the microdistrict. Progress of work: From photographs and illustrations, children learn and talk about their neighborhood, about the administrative buildings built in the immediate surroundings of the kindergarten. “My parents’ names” Purpose: We consolidate knowledge of the first and patronymic names of parents, grandparents. Material: family photo albums Game progress: children, passing the ball to each other, quickly name the last name, first name, and patronymic of mom and dad.

6 “Countries and Peoples” Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the countries of the Earth and their peoples. To instill an interest in the lives of people with different lifestyles, cultures and traditions. Instill respect for the culture and traditions of different peoples of the world. Material: globe, map of the World, dolls in national costumes, recordings of melodies of songs of different peoples, pictures and illustrations depicting different countries and peoples of the world. Progress of the game: The teacher shows a picture depicting different countries and peoples of the world. Talks about them.

Legal education of preschool children

Children is our future. And our common tomorrow directly depends on what standards of moral behavior we lay down in them today. A child’s awareness of his rights contributes to the formation of a full-fledged, culturally self-sufficient personality.

Civic education of preschoolers

Civil law is described in detail in the following documents:

  • Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959).
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).
  • World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990).

It is very important to present information about these laws in a way that preschool children can understand. It is recommended to introduce legal education for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years). The form of learning should be in the form of casual conversation, play, or through interaction between the teacher and the child. It is necessary to help the child realize his niche in society, understand his abilities and acceptable limitations. Teaching moral behavior and communication ethics. Explain who a citizen is, what a state is, get acquainted with the history and traditions of your home country, other states and nationalities.

Moral and legal education of preschool children

Moral and legal education is to inform children about their rights, explaining which actions are good and useful for society, and which, on the contrary, harm others. It is important to explain to the child that he is part of society and that many of his actions affect the development of the entire country.

Talk to your child about his rights:

  1. The right to love and care in the family.
  2. Right to education.
  3. Right to treatment.
  4. The right to rest.
  5. Right to information.
  6. The right to individuality.
  7. The right to express your thoughts and interests.
  8. The right to protection from all types of violence.
  9. The right to nutritious food.
  10. The right to comfortable living conditions.

Explain the meaning of each right.

Legal education of younger preschoolers

At a young age, emphasis should be placed on moral education. Lay the foundations of a behavioral line in the child’s mind, explaining what can and cannot be done and why. What actions of a child harm him and the people around him.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

The use of didactic and folk games in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children
  • Zolotareva Lyudmila Nikolaevna senior teacher
  • Tachenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna Teacher
  • Romanenko Anna Viktorovna Educator

MBDOU No. 23 “Berezka” Republic of Adygea, Maykop

Appeal to spiritual and moral education has now become especially relevant when cataclysms occur in the history of the state and guidelines change. But society and the state need educated spiritually and moral youth. The problem of spiritual and moral education must be solved in preschool age, when “hearts are open to virtue ,” because This is the most fertile period of childhood for the formation of spiritual and moral foundations. I believe that this “golden time” , because childhood leaves an imprint on a person’s entire life.

An important means of spiritual and moral education is introducing children to the traditions of the people. Play is a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions. Therefore, in my work I always turn to games, both didactic and folk. Folk games are an integral part of the spiritual and moral education of a preschooler. They reflect the way of life of people, their work, way of life, national foundations, the idea of ​​honor, courage, courage.

Before the game, I tell the children about the culture and life of a particular people.

For example, before the game “Raise your hat” I talk about the headdress of the Adyghe people. Before showing the Armenian fairy tale “Pots,” I talk about pottery art; in Russian folk games “The Mother Hen and the Kite” , “By the Bear in the Forest” , “Wolf in the Ditch” I explain the meaning of the words that our ancestors used before.

Feelings of respect and pride are instilled by didactic games with national flavor : “Decorate clothes with a national pattern” , “Put the parts together into a whole” (clothes, dishes), “Mashenka and Amir’s House” , “Correct the mistake” (national dolls are dressed incorrectly).

A series of didactic games for studying one’s hometown helps to develop a feeling of love for one’s homeland based on the study of national cultural traditions.

Games such as “Trip around the city” , “Where is the monument?” , “Birds of our city” , “Riddles about the city” , “Does this happen or not?” help in instilling love for the native land, pride of belonging to this people. I use verbal games in the education of spiritual and moral feelings. For example, the games “Polite Words” - a child with his eyes closed determines who said a polite word, “Flower of Beautiful Words” (children put out petals, saying magic words), “Share a smile” , “Praise your neighbor” , “I love my loved ones” - They help to develop a respectful attitude towards people around them, towards older people, and a caring attitude towards children.

In addition to games, in the formation of the spiritual and moral personality of preschoolers, the participation of parents in the educational process is important. “Cooperation with the family in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children” was developed in our kindergarten .

Personal experience of family education of the Khachemizov family “Every house has its own traditions” . Parent meetings were held on the topic “Our children are growing up ,” where the Beretar family shared their experience of raising children through work. Consultations were also held on the topics: “Education of morality in the family” , “Family values” .

A positive experience was the cooperation of teachers and parents in holding “Family Week ,” where parents together with their children took part in making a wreath of memory and laying it together with their children at the monument to fallen wars.

Having carried out work in this direction, I came to the conclusion that spiritual and moral education is the basis for the development of a harmoniously developed person: honest, truthful, kind, able to find a compromise in any life situations.

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