Card index of didactic games on labor education for preschoolers

Didactic games “Professions” in the younger group

Preschoolers of the younger group learn through games how important all professions are and what different workers do.


Pupils do the dolls' hairstyles and take care of their hair using various devices and products. The teacher observes the work of the pupils, coordinates them, and suggests rules for caring for their appearance. It is important to draw children’s attention to how ugly dolls look while they are unkempt and unkempt, which means that the profession of a hairdresser is necessary. You should also tell children about the tools used in the hairdressing salon and their purpose.

Guess the profession based on the subject

The teacher pulls an item out of the bag, and the children say who might need it. For example, a cook needs a ladle, a nurse needs a bandage, a painter needs a brush, and a hair dryer needs a hair dryer.

Guess who am I?

Children stand in a circle. Each player, in turn, goes to the center and begins to depict a certain action, without saying a word, using only facial expressions, body movements, and inarticulate sounds. The rest must guess who the comrade is portraying. For example, a child makes twisting movements with his hands, imitating a steering wheel, and says “w-w-w.” This is the driver.

Correct mistakes

The presenter names paired phrases, and the children say what the mistake is and how to say it correctly:

  • the teacher mows the lawn and the gardener writes on the blackboard;
  • a barber puts out a fire, and a fireman does a haircut;
  • a musician paints the walls and a painter plays the piano;
  • the nurse prepares a pie, and the cook gives an injection to the patient;
  • the builder offers books to readers, and the librarian builds brick walls.

The purpose of the didactic game “Professions”

The goal of the game is to expand and consolidate ideas about all kinds of professions, their characteristics and importance for society, the working tools used, and the products produced.

Game objectives:

  • remembering the names of professions;
  • expanding knowledge about the tools and devices needed to perform professional duties;
  • clarification of the purpose and characteristics of professions;
  • clarifying the idea of ​​where people work, what clothes they wear, what actions they perform, and what their workplace looks like;
  • developing an idea of ​​what employees should know and be able to do;
  • fostering a respectful and grateful attitude towards the work of others;
  • developing an understanding that every profession is important, and the results of work are of great importance;
  • instilling the desire to work hard and become a good worker;
  • development of speech skills, the ability to think logically and perceive information by ear.

Didactic games “Professions” in the preparatory group

Older preschoolers are preparing for school, so games are important for them to develop speech and improve their skills in correctly forming sentences.

Divide the word

The presenter names a profession formed from two words. Children try to break it into pieces to find out the meaning. For example, “chimney sweep - pipes and clean”, “fisherman - fish and catch.”

Choose a word for your profession

The player’s task is to choose a suitable epithet for the profession. For example, “the teacher is kind,” “the ballerina is slender,” “the nurse is caring.”

Continue the sentence

The teacher begins a sentence concerning the professional responsibilities of various workers, and the students complete it by listing the objects of action. Eg:

  • the gardener waters... the lawn, flower bed, bushes, trees, beds;
  • the cook cuts with a knife... meat, vegetables, fish, fruits, bread;
  • the driver carries passengers by... taxi, bus, tram, trolleybus.

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