Social project for moral and labor education of preschoolers “Patience and work will grind everything!”

Project “Labor in kindergarten”

Relevance. Main idea . Interest in work and the necessary work skills are established in early childhood. It is important for us, teachers and parents, not to miss this moment, because preschool childhood is a unique time when the child is interested in everything - he discovers the world around him, gets to know it. And he does it with joy. Work should enter a child’s life joyfully and help in all-round development.

Adults want to do everything themselves - faster, better, more accurately. They do not think about the fact that if a child is constantly denied the desire to help, to do something himself, then soon such desires will not appear in the child.

The main task of the educator is to help the child independently acquire his own experience, develop his desires and needs in obtaining labor skills.

Positive results can be achieved provided that the actions of teachers and families are coordinated. The involvement of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, their interested participation in the educational process is necessary for the successful development of the child.

Project participants : children, parents, teachers.

Project type: group, practical, long-term

The goal of the project: to develop a sustainable positive attitude towards work.

Objectives: - develop children's interest and love for work;

- maintain respect and interest in the work activities of parents and adults;

- cultivate a desire to work, persistently achieve results in work,

willingness to participate in joint work activities;

- involve parents in joint work activities.

Hypothesis : achieving the greatest effectiveness in organizing interaction between kindergarten and family on issues of labor education is possible during the implementation of complex activities. By implementing this project, it is possible to ensure that children accumulate a lot of diverse knowledge and skills about the work of adults, about the importance of work in human life, about work culture.

Various forms of work with children : conversations, observations, excursions, stories from adults about different professions, reading fiction, looking at paintings and illustrations, didactic games, creating the necessary conditions and preparing attributes for creative games, organizing feasible work.

Labor training for preschoolers must be carried out in compliance with the basic principles:

— the principle of consistency: work must be carried out not from case to case, but systematically throughout the academic year;

— the principle of taking into account age characteristics: it is important to conduct activities, games, excursions and observations taking into account age and environmental conditions;

— the principle of gradualism: the knowledge imparted to children is gradually refined, complicated and supplemented;

— principle of integration: the topics of work on labor education are included in the topics of other classes, for example, in visual arts, or physical education, as well as in other types of daily activities of children.

- the principle of practical application of knowledge: it is necessary to ensure that children do not automatically memorize rules and knowledge about work, but transfer theoretical knowledge into practical skills.

— the principle of continuity between the work of the kindergarten and the family: parents are the child’s first educators and full participants in the pedagogical process.

Predicted results:

interest in work will increase;

- children will receive the necessary knowledge about different professions;

- will know about the importance of work;

- will diligently and carefully carry out instructions from adults;

- learn to take care of tools, objects, labor materials and put them away after work;

- children will develop skills in joint activities;

— friendly contacts, mutual understanding, mutual assistance will be established;

— for children, work will become a necessity.

Stages of work on the project.

1. Selection and study of literature.

2. Setting goals, objectives, grouping material, drawing up long-term plans for each age group.

3. Project implementation.


“Conversations with preschoolers about professions”, T.V. Potakova, M.: “Creative Center”, 2003.

“For preschoolers about technology”, I.I. Kobitina, M.: “Enlightenment”, 1991.

“Preschool education” No. 1, 2006.

“To love work in one’s native land”, N.N. Kokareva, A.K. Bondarenko, M.: “Enlightenment”, 1987.

"Small Kindergarten" ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, M.: “Enlightenment”, 1988.

“Moral and labor education in kindergarten”, ed. R. Bure, M.: “Enlightenment”, 1987.

“Moral and labor education in kindergarten”, L.V. Kutsakova, M.: “Mosaic-Synthesis”, 2007.

“Familiarization of preschoolers with the surrounding and social reality”, V. Aleshina, M., 2005.

“Native Land”, R.I. Zhukovskaya, M.: “Enlightenment”, 1987.

“Teach children to work”, R.S. Bure, G.N. Todina, M.: “Enlightenment”, 1983.

First junior group.


1. To form in children the prerequisites for a positive attitude towards the work process.

2. Develop the ability to care for yourself independently.

3. Teach children to put toys away after playing.

4. Together with adults, care for animals and plants: feed birds, water plants, wipe large leaves with a damp cloth, etc.

5. Involve in performing simple labor actions.

6. Cultivate respect for people of any profession.

- the work of a junior teacherJanuary February
- the work of a nurseMarch
- at work of the cookMay
Didactic games
— “Let’s teach a doll to wash dishes”January
- “How the cat rode in a car”February
— “Treating the doll Katya”March
- "Bus"March
- “Let’s feed the doll”April
- “Let’s treat our friends”May
— “Doll’s Birthday”May
- “Let’s wash the doll’s dress”June
- “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”July
Role-playing games
- “Let’s arrange a room for the doll”January
— “Builders”February
- “Let’s put the doll to sleep”March
- “The doll got sick”March
- "Family"April
- "Bus"May
- "Treating Friends"June
- “Greasy girl”July
- “Water, water...”January
— “Turnip” (fairy tale)February
- “Okay, okay…”March
— “Masha doesn’t cry” S. KaputikyanApril
— “Teremok” (fairy tale) arr. Bulatova May
— “Sick Doll” by V. BerestovJune
— “The Driver’s Song” by A. VvedenskyJuly
Looking at paintings
- “Before the walk”January
— “Children on a walk in winter”February
- “You should definitely eat porridge”March
— “Playing with a doll”April
— “Feeding the chickens”May
- "Big Wash"June
- “Grow, grow, flower”July

Second junior group.


1. Maintain and develop interest in the work of peers and adults, the desire for communication and joint activities.

2. Cultivate the desire to take part in feasible work, the ability to overcome minor difficulties.

3. Foster a caring attitude towards the results of the work of adults.

4. Encourage them to independently carry out basic tasks (prepare brushes, pencils, modeling boards, etc.) for classes.

5. Develop the ability to finish what you start.

at work as a driverSeptember
- the work of a doctornovember
- at work of the cookJanuary
- the work of a music directorMarch
- at work as a janitorMay
Role-playing games
- "Hospital"October
— "Doctor ophthalmologist"november
- "Kindergarten"December
— “Let’s build a playground for dolls”January
- "A toy shop"February
— “Zoological Garden”March
— “Lessons of Aibolit”April
- “We’ll build the house ourselves”May
— B. Zakhoder “Chauffeur”September
— N. Pavlova “By car”October
— A. Kardashova “Our Doctor”november
— A. Kuznetsova “Who can?”December
— E. Blaginina “I’ll teach my brother how to dress”January
— D. Tabe “Work”February
— A. and P. Barto “The Dirty Girl”March
— D. Tabe “My Mother”March
— E. Bloshkina “That’s what a mother is like”April
— Y. Tuvim “Letter”May
— K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”June
Productive activity: application
- “Arrange the plates”September
— Fruit plate"October
“Let’s load the car with vegetables.”november
— “Spatula and Broom”January
— “Cups big and small”March
- “We are making a rug”April
- “Let’s build a house”May
-“Plates large and small”September
- “Let’s help the nanny set the table”October
- "Car repairs"December
— “What does a janitor need for work?”February
- “Let's plant trees on our street”April
— “Candy for guests”October
- "Fruits and vegetables"December
— “Buns, bagels, pies”February
- "Dishes"April
— “Houses for gnomes”May
Looking at paintings
- “Playing with sand”September
— “On a walk in winter”December
- “We’re going on the bus”February
- “Helping a friend”March
- “We are builders”April
— “How we cleaned the site”September
- “Where does mom (dad) work?”October
- based on the fairy tales “Turnip”, “Fox, Hare and Rooster”november
- based on the fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”December
- “Why are you helping mom?”February
— “Grandma’s Helpers”March
- a story about the work of a junior teacherApril
— a story about the work of buildersMay
Didactic games
- “What grows where?”October
- “Whose thing?”november
- "A toy shop"December
- “Who needs what”February
- “Find something to tell me about”March
- “You ask, and I will answer”April
- “Who eats what?”May

Middle group


1. To educate and encourage children’s desire to help each other, to develop the ability to accept the help of their comrades.

2. Develop the ability to achieve a goal without switching to a more interesting activity, a game.

3. Accustom children to observe work culture skills: know and find what is needed for work, carefully use objects of work, take them to their place upon completion of work and at the request of the teacher.

4. Deepen children’s knowledge about the work of adults.

5. To develop in children a sense of joy from work done together, from joint efforts aimed at achieving a common result.

6. Strengthen children’s desire to get involved in work on their own initiative, following the example of their peers: perform the duties of an attendant in the canteen, in a corner of nature.

7. Promote the emergence of friendly, friendly relations.

- behind the driver's workSeptember
- the work of a conductorOctober
- at work as a bakernovember
- the work of the sellerDecember
- the work of a doctorFebruary
— the work of people to improve the cityApril
- at work as a laundressMay
— about the work of people in transport professions (driver, pilot, etc.)September
— about the work of grain growersOctober
— about the work of a baker, a cooknovember
- “What will you do when you grow up?”December
— about the work of a nurseJanuary
- “What does it mean to take care of people’s work?”February
— “Where and what do your parents work for?”March
— about the work of livestock farmersApril
- about the work of buildersMay
Role-playing games
- "Big Wash"September
- "Bus driver"October
— “Builders”november
- "Pilots"December
- "Steamboat"January
— “Apartment renovation”February
— “Firefighters in training”March
- "Post office"April
— “Hospital” (inpatient)May
— V. Berestov “Who can learn what?”September
— K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”September
— “Spikelet” (fairy tale)October
— A. Sedugin “Conversation of machines”October
— O. Driz “The Many-Colored Boy”november
— Y. Tuvim “A mason builds houses”november
- arr. Sokolov-Mikitov “Wintermovie” December
— A. Chlenov “How Alyoshka lived in the North”December
— N. Naydenova “Olga Pavlovna”January
— K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”January
— S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”February
— S. Baruzdin “Mom’s work”March
— S. Marshak “Fire”March
— N. Nosov “Patch”April
— “Zhikharka” arr. Karnaukhova April
— “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” (fairy tale)May
— Ya. Dyagutyte “Human Hands”May
Targeted walks
- on a nearby streetSeptember
- to the roadwayOctober
- to the kindergarten kitchennovember
- to the grocery storeDecember
- to the medical officeFebruary
- to the laundryMarch
- to the construction siteMay
Didactic games
- “Who needs what for work?”September
- “What is the item for?”October
- “Guess and name”november
- “Find something to talk about”December
- “Does this happen or not?”January
— “Sell what I describe” (tools)February
- "Who's doing what"March
- “What is porridge made from?”April
- “Tops-Roots”May
Productive activity: drawing
— “How trees were planted on our porch”September
- “My dad is a driver”October
- “How we made a snowman”December
- "Cat house"January
“Let’s feed the birds.”February
- “Planes are flying”March
- “The house where you live”May
- “Gathering the Harvest”October
— “Cups for dolls”november
- “Let’s feed the birds”December
- "Snowmen"January
- “How we worked at the site”February
— “Let’s help Aibolit cure the bear cub”March
- based on the fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief”April
— “Books for kids”September
— “We are builders” (collective)november
— “Dog House”December
- “We’ll make a birdhouse”March
— “Buses on our street” (collective)April
- “Trucks are carrying cargo”May
— “City of Masters” (furniture)September
— “Teremok”October
— “Garage for cars”november
— “Car Exhibition” (collective)December
— “Dog kennel”February
- "Bridge over river"March
— “Two-story house” (collective)April
Looking at paintings
— “Passenger transport”September
- “Where did the bread come from?”October
- "Harvest"november
- “Children feed the fish”December
- “How we made a snowman”January
- "On the farm"February
- "Mom's Helpers"March
- "My dad is a builder"April
— “At a house construction site”May

Senior group


  1. Continue to expand children's understanding of adult work.
  2. Systematize children's knowledge about the work of adults at different times of the year.

3. Treat with care what is made by human hands.

4. Show the results of labor and its social significance.

5. Develop a desire together with adults and with their help to carry out feasible work assignments, bring the work started to completion, develop creativity and initiative.

6. Foster a culture of work activity, careful attitude to materials and tools.

7. Stimulate the desire to take part in work activities:

- help adults, maintain order in the group, in the kindergarten area;

- make your own bed;

- perform duties as attendants in the canteen, during classes, and in a corner of nature.

- the work of a carpenterSeptember
-the work of a librarianOctober
-the labor of buildersnovember
-the work of the cookDecember
-the work of people to improve the cityJanuary
-at the work of a janitorFebruary
-the work of a nurseMarch
-the work of firefightersMay
-about the work of grain growersSeptember
-about the library and librariansOctober
-about the work of a foresternovember
-about the work of oil workersDecember
- “Who is improving our city?”January
-about the work of firefightersFebruary
-about the work of a doctorMarch
- about the military, astronautsApril
-about the work of people in transport professions (pilot, captain, etc.)May
Targeted walks, excursions
-to the carpenter's workshopSeptember
- to the children's libraryOctober
-on a nearby streetnovember
-to the construction siteJanuary
- to the fire departmentFebruary
-to the medical officeMarch
-to the roadwayMay
Role-playing games
- “Kindergarten: music director”September
- "Oil workers"December
-"Beauty saloon"January
- “Pilots.” "Border Guards" February
- “We need all kinds of mothers...”March
-“In public transport”April
Didactic games
-"Guess what I'm doing"September
- “What first, what then?”October
- “Name your profession”november
- “You ask, and I will answer”December
-“Choosing a job”January
- “Who needs what?”February
- “Sell what I describe”March
- “Guess and name”April
- “Why (why) do you need to do this?”May
Productive activity: drawing
- “How we went to the library”October
- “Who is in charge in the forest?”november
- “I would go to the oil workers...”December
- "Snowblower"January
- “Good Doctor Aibolit”March
-"Flight to the moon"April
- “Across the seas, along the waves...”May
- “What grew in the garden”September
- “Teremok”October
- “Who is in charge in the forest?” (teamwork) november
- “Monument to the Discoverers of Oil”December
- “We are on a walk” (team work)January
-"Fire engine"February
- “Aibolit treats animals” (team work)March
- “Rocket” (bas-relief modeling)April
- “Boat on the waves” (bas-relief modeling)May
- “What grows in the garden?”September
- “Street of our city” (collective)October
- “How we planted trees”november
- “Why should we build a house?”December
- “Birds at the feeder”January
- “Cars are going to the fire” (collective)February
- “Mom at work”March
-“Planes are flying”April
- “Alley of Heroes” (collective)May
manual labor
- "Harvest trolley"September
- "Magazine stand"October
-"Fairytale house"november
-"Christmas decorations"December
-"High building"February
-"Military equipment"May
-"Specialist. Transport" October
- “Garage with two entrances”november
Looking at paintings
-“Child in kindergarten”September
- “Family”, “Our Garden”October
- “The doctor has arrived”november
-"In the shop"December
- “Our corner of nature”, “We are on duty”January
- "Mom's Helpers"March
-"Poultry farm"April
- “On the construction of a residential building”May
A. Barto “Lesson in the Garden”September
A. Brodsky “My Brother”September
Z. Aleksandrova “My bear”October
V. Zaitsev “I can dress myself”October
B. Zakhoder “Binder”, “Boots”, “Tailor”november
J.Dagutite “Loaf”november
E. Moshkovskaya “Ears”December
N. Syngaevsky “Assistant”December
V. Sukhomlinsky “My mother smells like bread”January
A. Kardashova “Our Doctor”January
Ya. Tayts “Obedient rain”February
G. Ladonshchikov “Our Friends”, “Helpers of Spring”February
G. Lyushkin “Craftswoman”March
P. Obraztsov “Treating a doll”March
N. Nosov “Cucumbers”April
N. Nosov “Mishkina porridge”April
“The Mouse and the Sparrow” (Udmurt fairy tale)May
"Two Frosts"May

Preparatory group for school


1. Cultivate interest in various professions, in the professions and place of work of their parents.

2. Continue to introduce children to professions related to the specific local conditions.

3. Expand ideas about the work of adults.

4. Cultivate respect for the work of adults, love for work.

5. Create the need to work.

6. Accustom to diligently and accurately carry out instructions; take care of materials and objects, put them back in place after work.

7. Foster a desire to participate in joint work activities on an equal basis with everyone.

8. Cultivate the desire to be useful to others and achieve results.

- the work of a housekeeper, a caretakerSeptember
— at work as a kindergarten plumberOctober
- at work as a guard policemannovember
- behind the work of adults at the post officeDecember
- the work of a salesperson, cashierJanuary
- the work of a controller in a cinemaFebruary
- the work of a hairdresserMarch
— the work of a kindergarten electricianApril
- behind the work of buildersMay
- the manager's story about his workSeptember
— with a plumber about his workOctober
— about the work of a traffic controllernovember
— about the work of a postmanDecember
— about the work of a sales consultant, cashierJanuary
— conversation with the projectionistFebruary
— about the work of a stylist and makeup artistMarch
— about the work of oil workersApril
— about the defenders of the MotherlandMay
Excursions, targeted walks
— to the warehouse of products and equipmentSeptember
- to the libraryOctober
- to the roadway (to the police post)november
- by mailDecember
- to a hardware storeJanuary
- in the movie theatersFebruary
- to the salon (hairdresser)March
- to the oil museumApril
- to the Eternal FlameMay
Role-playing games
- KindergartenSeptember
— At the crossroadsOctober
- Post officenovember
- Trading houseDecember
— Theatrical performanceJanuary
— Ladies' salonFebruary
- Musical TheatreMarch
— Service center (automotive)April
- Victory DayMay
Didactic games
- Guess what I'm doing?September
- What first, what then?October
- Name your professionnovember
— Guess the professionDecember
-Who can’t do without them?January
-Who works in the field?February
- Find the itemMarch
- Guess and nameApril
- You ask, and I will answerMay
Productive activity: drawing
— HarvestingSeptember
- Who will I be?October
— Visiting the masters of Dymkovonovember
- Postman PechkinDecember
— How we went to the cinemaJanuary
— My dad is at workFebruary
- What does mom do?March
—Where did the bread on the table come from?April
— Fireworks over the cityMay
— Gifts of AutumnSeptember
— Toy FactoryOctober
— Our street (collective)november
- Tea-setDecember
-What did we make out of snow?January
- We are on a walk (collective)February
How we helped the janitorMarch
— Oil rigApril
— Military parade on Red Square (collective)May
— Machines for harvestingSeptember
- ShipOctober
— Types of special vehiclesnovember
— Factory of New Year's toysDecember
— Houses on our street (collective)January
- Military equipmentFebruary
- TrainMarch
- We are buildersApril
- Eternal flameMay
Manual labor
— Wheelbarrow for cargo (made of cardboard)September
— Bus (from matchboxes)October
— Furniture factory (from boxes)november
— Boats (made of natural material)December
— Helicopter, plane (from plastic bottles)January
— Aerodrome (collective)February
– Sewing workshop (fabric)March
— Spacecraft (from waste material)April
— Kremlin (collective)May
- BuildingSeptember
- CarsOctober
— City microdistrict (collective)november
- Water transportDecember
— BridgesJanuary
— Train staff (collective)February
— Terem-teremokMarch
— ZooApril
— Red Square (collective)May
Looking at paintings
— I. Shishkin “Rye”September
— A. Plastov “Haymaking”October
— V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”november
— Winter feeding of wild animalsDecember
— How are woolen items made?January
- We are in class; Children preparing homework February
— On the construction of a schoolMarch
— We work in the gardenApril
- On the farm; Out to pasture May
— V. Kuprin “Father’s Field”September
— According to E. Permyak “How Masha became big”September
— I. Muraveyka “I plowed myself”September
— Y. Kupala “Field”September
— V. Berestov “Nurse Fox”October
— A. Usanova “Builders”October
-S. Mogilevskaya “Our first conversation”October
— According to V. Suteev “Skillful Hands”October
— E. Uspensky “If I were a girl”november
— M. Main “Button”november
— R. Gamzatov “My Grandfather”november
— M. Ilyin “Cars from our street”november
— I. Drach “Doctor”December
— I. Molyarova “Song of a Needle”December
— D. Rodari “What crafts smell like”December
— E. Moshkovskaya “In the port”December
— S. Baruzdin “Mason”, “Painter”, “Carpenter”January
— S. Baruzdin “Who built this house?”January
— L. Kvitko “Grandma’s Hands”, “Daughter”January
— I. Tokmakova “Who to be?”January
— V. Glushchenko “Gridka”February
— O. Vysotskaya “Bird House”February
— E. Permyak “Mom’s work”February
— S. Sakharov “Two Radio Operators”February
— G. Lyushchin “Builders”March
— S. Marshak “Mail”March
— E. Blaginina “Don’t stop me from working”March
— O. Donchenko “Blue Cog”March
— A. Prokofiev “My deeds are good”April
— K. Ushinsky “Know how to wait”April
— M. Rodina “Mom’s Hands”April
— Fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”April
— Fairy tale “Kolobok”May
— Ch. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”May
— M. Pozharov “Painters”, “We are the military”May

IV Final

1. Photo album “I am myself”
2. Report at the teachers’ council
“Education of independence in self-care in young children
3. Entertainment “Mom’s Helpers”
4. Consultation for parents “Involve your child in work”
5. Entertainment “We made a birdhouse”
6. Volunteer day for cleaning the territory of the kindergarten with parents
7. Exhibition of drawings on the theme “My City”
8. Labor landing (for cleaning the play area)
9. “Household service” (joint work on cleaning the premises - open occupation)
10. Planting flower seedlings in flower beds
11. Presentation “Work in kindergarten”
12. Exhibition of drawings and photos “How I work at home”
13. Campaign “Plant a tree” (together with parents)
14. Presentation of the best family “Kindergarten Helpers”
15. Making crosswords
16. Labor Day

Author: Kiseleva Natalya Konstantinovna

Date modified: 09.24.2018 Date published: 09.24.2018

Labor education of children of senior preschool age.

The use of illustrations of people of different professions, role-playing games “Polyclinic”, “Barbershop”, “Shop”, “Circus”, “Library”, “Family”, “Drivers”, didactic games “Who to be?”, “Playing in a profession” ", looking at the albums "The work of people is brave", "Who to be", stories about professions, conversations, reading fiction "Who to be?" V. Mayakovsky, “What do you have?” S. Mikhalkova, etc., showing slides on the topic: “People’s work”, memorizing proverbs, sayings about work, drawing and applications on the topics “Builders”, “My dad at work”, “My mother’s profession” and others – all this helps to familiarize children with the work of adults, foster interest and respect for their work.

The work of preschool children in kindergarten is organized in the form of duty.

Duty roster

- a form of organizing children’s work, which requires the child to perform work aimed at serving the team.

In the senior group, duty is organized in the dining room, nature corner and classes. The duty officers change daily, each of the children systematically participates in all types of duty. As a rule, children are on duty together. When selecting duty officers, the growing friendships between children are taken into account and their desire to work with one of their peers is satisfied. Duties have great educational value. They place the child under conditions of obligatory performance of certain tasks. This allows children to develop responsibility towards the team, caring, and an understanding of the necessity of their work for everyone.

When evaluating the work of those on duty, we emphasize their diligence, thoroughness in performing duties, care for their comrades, and assistance provided to adults.

To successfully solve problems in labor education, working with parents helped: parent meetings, surveys, conversations. Analyzing the questionnaires, we came to the conclusion that in every family work is considered one of the most important tasks in raising a child. Almost every child has their own work responsibilities, and they willingly perform them.

Unfortunately, not all parents introduce their children to their profession in more depth, but give only superficial knowledge.

We have expanded the parent's corner with recommendations, reminders and consultations on labor education.

Parents help us improve the site and territory of the kindergarten; they actively take part in joint competitions with their children: “Gifts of Autumn”, “New Year’s Toy”, “Do-It-Yourself Book”, “Do-It-Yourself”, etc., and the “Bird Cafe” promotions ", "New Year's Book", become winners and diploma winners. For an open event on the topic: “Children's research. Living Barometers of Nature" made the Chuvash folk hygroscope, supplemented the spatial environment with theatrical activities: they sewed costumes and made a stand-hanger for them.

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