Summary of a lesson on social and communicative development in the second junior group of a preschool educational institution

Summary of a lesson on social and communicative development in the second junior group of a preschool educational institution

Summary of a lesson on social and communicative development in the junior group “Visiting the Hedgehog”
Goal: mastering the norms and values ​​​​accepted in society, nurturing the moral and moral qualities of the child. Objectives: Educational: • to develop readiness for joint activities with peers; • learn to fulfill an adult’s request; • train children in the ability to call peers by name; • continue to teach how to group objects according to 2 characteristics: color, size. Developmental: • improve the ability to communicate with peers and adults, engage in joint gaming activities; • develop the basics of safe behavior in everyday life and society. Educational: • develop basic skills of polite address: say hello, say goodbye, use the words “thank you”, “please”; • cultivate children's emotional responsiveness (empathy, compassion, joy); • cultivate curiosity, independence, activity. Equipment: house; hedgehog toy; bell; constructor; flat images of apples of different colors and sizes. Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, reading fiction (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, games, game situations “How we helped the doll Tanya”, “Help a friend”, Methods and techniques: visual (halves of apples); verbal (artistic word, questions, explanation ); game (problem situation, didactic game, physical education, finger gymnastics, surprise moment). Progress of the lesson: The teacher takes a bell and rings them, the children pay attention, come up and stand in a circle. Educator: Naughty bell, you put the guys in a circle. The guys gathered in a circle. On the left - a friend and on the right - a friend. Let's hold hands together And smile at each other. Educator: guys, do you like to smile? Let's smile at each other? Look, from smiles it has become brighter and more joyful around. Educator: and when friends meet , what do they say to each other? Yes, they say hello. Game exercise “Good morning!”
Good morning eyes! (stroke the eyes with the index finger) Are you awake? Good morning ears!
(stroke your ears with your palms) Are you awake? Good morning hands! (stroking hands) Are you awake? Good morning feet! (stroking legs) Are you awake? Good morning sun! (raise your hands up and look up with your eyes) We woke up! Educator: guys, do you like visiting? Do you want to go visit a hedgehog? What can you use to visit? (Children's answers). Educator: I suggest going by train. We will also take with us a gift for the hedgehog. What does a hedgehog like? (Children's answers). Educator: We will take a basket of apples with us. Well, shall we go? (Children's answers). The children stand one after another and ride the train. On the way to the hedgehog, children see an obstacle in the form of modules. Educator: Guys, look, our path is closed and we cannot pass. What do we do? (Children's answers). Educator: ok, we will all build a gate together. Game "Build a gate".
Children use modules to build gates and ride trains through them.
Children drive up to a house, inside of which there is a toy – a hedgehog. Educator: here we are. But the door to the house is closed. What do we do? (Children's answers). Educator: That's right, we need to open the lock. Finger gymnastics “Castle”.
There is a lock on the door - who could open it?
(Fingers are connected in a lock.) We tapped the lock (Fingers are linked in a lock, children knock with their palms.) We twisted the lock (Fingers are linked, circular movements) We pulled the lock (Pull our hands to the sides) And opened it! (Fingers unclasped) Educator: the lock opened. Look who's greeting us. Who is this? (Children's answers) Educator: yes, it's a hedgehog. Let's say hello to him. Children say hello to the hedgehog. Educator : The hedgehog tells me that he wants to meet you. Do you want to meet a hedgehog? (Children's answers) Educator: his name is Pykh. Game "Say Your Name".
Children take turns taking the hedgehog by the paw and saying their name.
Educator: Puff, look, we brought you a basket of apples. Oh, but on the way there was a misfortune, the apples scattered and got mixed up. Guys, do you want to help the hedgehog collect all the apples? (Children’s answers) Didactic game “Halves”.
Children collect large and small apples from two halves of red, yellow and green.
Educator: these are the apples we collected for the Hedgehog. What types of apples are there? They are delicious and sweet! The hedgehog is happy and says thank you to all of you. He also invites you to play with him. Physical education
There lived a prickly hedgehog in the forest, He was a ball and without legs, (They hug themselves by the shoulders) He didn’t know how to clap - Clap-clap-clap, (Clap their hands) He didn’t know how to stomp - Stomp-stomp-stomp. (Stomp on the spot) He didn’t know how to jump - Jump-jump-jump (They jump on two legs) Just move their nose - Sniff-sniff-sniff And the kids came to the forest, Found a Hedgehog in the forest, Taught them to clap - Clap-clap-clap, (Clap their hands) They taught to stomp - Top-top-top. (They stomp on the spot) They taught to jump - Jump-jump-jump. (They jump on two legs)
Educator: did you like playing with the hedgehog? (Children's answers) Educator: well, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. What do we tell the hedgehog? (Children's answers) Educator : we get on our train and set off on the return journey. The children stand one after another and ride the train. Educator: here we are in kindergarten. Educator: guys, did you like our trip? Do you still want to go on a trip? (Children's answers) Educator: okay, next time we will go on another trip with you.

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

“The sled rolled down...” Goal: introduction to verbal art, development of free communication between children and adults. Objectives: 1. Formation of the ability to clearly pronounce words and short phrases, speak calmly with natural intonations. 2. Involve children in conversation while looking at objects and illustrations, develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher. 3. Practice your ability to solve riddles. 4. Development of the ability to read nursery rhymes and short poems by heart. Demonstration material: doll, sled, chest, riddles on colored sheets, plot picture. Preliminary work: * Examination of subject pictures on the theme “Winter”. * Solving riddles. * Reading poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, stories on the topic. * Conversation “How to use a sled correctly.” Progress of the lesson. Part 1: - Hello guys! Look how many guests came to us today, let's say hello to them. - Quiet, quiet, very quiet, I hear something strange. Is someone knocking on our door? - Yes, this is our guest - the girl Alyonushka. Let's see what she's wearing? (children's answers). Why is she dressed so warmly? She brought a chest with her, let’s open it... - Guys, Alyonushka invites us to play and solve riddles. Shall we guess them? These are not simple riddles, these are winter riddles. 1. The white tablecloth covered the whole world (snow). 2. Who draws patterns on the window (frost). 3. In summer – gray, in winter – white (bunny). 4. In winter and summer, one color (Christmas tree). - Well done boys. All the riddles were solved. - Guys, look what Alyonushka arrived in? (sledging). - What time of year do they go sledding, name it? (in winter). —Where can you go sledding? (children's answers). — How should you sled? (carefully, carefully, attentively...). The teacher praises the children for correct statements. Part 2: -First, let's play a finger game and remember what animals live in the forest. Finger game: “One, two, three, four, five, let’s count fingers: Here’s the big one, and this is the middle one, the ring one and the last one - Our little finger is a baby, Forgot the index finger. So that all fingers are friends, we will connect them and repeat the movements. We will show you the horns of a goat, And even the antlers of a deer, And we won’t forget about the bunny - we will wiggle our ears. To speak clearly, you need to be friends with your fingers.” And let's show Alyonushka what friendly guys we are, we prepared our fists: “Chicky - chicky - chicky - chok, Once upon a time there lived a fist, And then, and then something happened to the fist: The horns stretched out, the legs stretched out. The little fist stood up and tickled you.” - Guys, today we will visit a winter fairy forest, where there are many different forest inhabitants and there is a large mountain where you can ride. After all, what time of year is it now, remind me - what about me? And we’ll take Alyonushka with us. Tell us who is doing what here? (children's statements). Look, the picture shows a slide. We have already said that they ride it in winter, observing safety rules. If they are not followed, what can happen? (Children's answers), well done guys, you say everything correctly. And I prepared a little parting word for Alyonushka, so that she, too, can ride down the hill in winter, listen: “The sled is rolling down, Hold on tight, little doll!” Look, don't fall, there's a ditch ahead. You need to drive carefully, otherwise you might crash!” Part 3: - Let's repeat this poem all together and try to remember it. (Repeat several times in a quiet, ringing voice). - Well done guys, did you like our lesson? -What did we talk about today, what did we play? What was the name of the doll who came to visit us? Why did we tell her such a beautiful poem? -Let's say goodbye to Alyonushka and our guests (the children say goodbye).
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"Let's help Eve the frog." GCD on communication in the second junior group

Program content:

  • Form the pronunciation of the sound combination y'e in isolation, in words, syllables and phrases.
  • Strengthen the pronunciation of the sound combination y'o, develop auditory perception.
  • Practice modulating your voice by pitch.

Integration: communication, reading fiction, socialization, cognition, work, physical education, health, music.

Materials and equipment: Magnetic board, fir trees, magic box with images: apple, hedgehog, spruce, train, frog, squirrel, hoops, mask - heron, vitamins - fruits; illustrations for the poem: squirrel, nuts, fox, sparrow, titmouse, bear, bunny; drawings for the game “Listen carefully”: dress, horse, hedgehogs.


Educator: Everyone sat down nicely. We smiled. We said hello to everyone.

(Quiet music plays and a crying frog appears)

Hello frog. What happened to you? Who offended you?

Frog: Oh-oh-oh! Kwa-kwa-kwa! My name is frog Eve! My little frogs caught a cold in the swamp! The good doctor Aibolit prescribed vitamins. I bought vitamins at the pharmacy. And the box where these vitamins are located turned out to be magical. In order to open it you need to complete tasks. Will you guys help me?

Pupils: Yes.

Educator: Dear frog Eva, give us this box. Take a seat yourself. (Magical music sounds, they look at the box). Wow, what an interesting box. With drawings! There's something written here. I'll read it now. Guys, to help the frog Eve, we will have to work hard. You will need to work on your drawings. Please look, what do you see in this picture?

Pupils: Apple.

Educator: Let's sing a song. First I will show you how to sing, and then everything together. Ya - ya - ya - ya - apple!


What is an apple?

Pupils: Fruit.

Educator: Well done! Let's ask our magic box to turn around and show us the following drawing. To do this, let’s say the magic words: “Spin, spin, lie on your side!” (The teacher turns the box). What is drawn here?

Pupils: Hedgehog.

Educator: Let's sing. Yo - yo - yo - yo - hedgehog! (First the teacher, then everyone sings together). Who is the hedgehog?

Pupils: Animal. Let's all stand up together and show how a hedgehog moves. (Imitation of movement to music)

Educator: Well done! Let’s say the magic words: “Spin, spin, lie on your side!” (The teacher turns the box). What is drawn here?

Pupils: El.

Educator: Listen to me carefully, I will show you how to sing it. When I sing, I will smile and my teeth will be visible. And I will hide my tongue behind the lower row of teeth. E-e-e-e-fir! Now you show the fences and sing. What is spruce?

Pupils: Tree.

Educator: Well done! Let’s say the magic words: “Spin, spin, lie on your side!” (The teacher turns the box). And what's that?

Pupils: Train.

Educator: Good guys! Now everyone is seated comfortably, we’ll show you the train. First, let’s all say the word “train.” We bend our arms and perform circular movements, show how the train is moving, and at the same time we say chuh - chuh - chuh - chuh - chuh... Beep: tu - tu, tu - tu! (Imitation) What is a train?

Pupils: Transport.

Educator: Well done! Let’s say the magic words: “Spin, spin, lie on your side!” (The teacher turns the box). And who is this?

Pupils: Frog.

Educator: Yes, it's a frog. And her name, guys, is exactly the same as our frog. Please tell me what is the name of our guest?

Pupils: Eva.

Educator: Correct. Well done! Let's sing. First me, then together. E-e-e-e-Eve! Now let's play the game "Frogs and Heron." I will be a heron (put on a mask), and you will be a frog (masks). (The teacher explains the game, music plays, the little frogs jump, play, have fun. A heron appears. The little frogs, after the heron’s words: “I’m wandering through the swamp, I’ll swallow the frogs!”, must hide in their homes - the swamps.)

Well done! Now everyone is sitting down nicely. Let's say the magic words. “Spin, spin, lie on your side!” (The teacher turns the box). Who is in the picture?

Pupils: Belka.

Educator: Let's do a finger exercise (Alternately bending the fingers):

A squirrel sits on a cart

She distributes nuts

Little fox-sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

Let's play the game: “Listen carefully.” There are pictures in front of you, select the appropriate image:

1. The piglets run to the ……… pig.

2. They bought a new ……… dress for the girl Elena.

3.……..hedgehogs lived under the spruce tree.

Well done!

Frog Eva, we have completed all the tasks. Now try to open the box. (The frog opens the box and jumps merrily).

Frog: Oh, thank you very much. Kwa-kwa-kwa. Well, my little frogs will be happy! For your good deed, I will leave you some vitamins. Get treatment, don't get sick! Goodbye! (Music sounds)

Educator: What good deed have you and I done? Who did we help?

How many of you remember the name of the frog?

Pupils: Helped the frog Eve open a magic box of vitamins to cure the frogs.

Educator: Well done! You did your best today. Thank you very much.

Author: Sultanakhmetova Iraida Grigorievna, senior teacher of MADOU DS No. 7 “Bell”, Yanaul, Republic of Bashkortostan.

The article is published in the author's edition.

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