In autumn people harvest. Abstract of the educational activity on the social and communicative development of children in the preparatory group “Agricultural work of people in autumn”

What do people do in the fall? What do people do in the fall?

Hello, dear visitors of our blog!

The month of August is coming to an end, and with it summer. And we are gradually moving to the theme “Autumn”. Let's start with a new post about what people do in the fall and how to tell your child about it. A presentation on this topic will be released a little later.

In autumn, people have a lot of worries and a lot of work. After all, autumn is harvest time.

It is in the fall that many fruits and berries ripen in the gardens - plums, apples, pears, rowan berries, wedges and others.

The harvest is underway in the fields. Bread is harvested with special machines - combines.

And vegetables ripen in the garden - beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, peppers and so on. You need to have time to collect the entire harvest from

vegetable gardens, orchards and fields, and prepare it for long-term storage in winter.

In autumn, many people flock to the forest for autumn gifts - mushrooms and berries. The following mushrooms ripen in the forest: honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus, porcini, and russula. And berries - cloudberries, lingonberries, cranberries.

In the fall, it’s time for housewives to prepare fruits, berries, vegetables and mushrooms for the winter. They ferment, salt, dry, preserve,

they freeze - in a word, they make supplies for the long winter and spring.

And in the fall you need to prepare the soil in the fields and gardens for winter. Before spring, the soil must rest - it is dug up and useful substances - fertilizers - are added. And they do this just before winter, in order to prepare the land for spring planting and reap a good harvest next fall.

Also, the plowed soil will freeze well during the winter and in it

More harmful insects and weeds will die.

Did you know that in the fall they not only harvest crops from fields and gardens, but also plant new plants - garlic, parsley, winter rye and wheat, etc.

It is better to replant seedlings of trees and shrubs in the fall.

Also, in the fall, people clean their yards and streets - after all, so many leaves fall from the trees in the autumn. And the tree trunks below are whitened with lime so that in winter the hares will not strip the bark from them.

There are so many interesting things you can tell your kids about what people do in the fall.

You can download an illustrated presentation with this text here.

Sincerely. Elena Medvedeva.

Progress of educational activities:

We stretched our hands to the sun,

We took the ray and pressed it to our hearts,

We smiled, gave the guests a ray of light,

Hello, guests, we have been waiting for you all!

There are carrots, there is cabbage, there is a delicious smell of strawberries.

And, friends, we can’t let the goat in there. (children's answers)

-That's right, this is a vegetable garden . Who guys have a garden ? How many of you like to work in the garden ? What kind of work do you do in your garden plot to grow a good harvest? (children's answers)

1. Whoever does not lie down in the spring will be fed for a whole year.

2. A spring day feeds the year.

-We live in an area where there are quite long and cold winters and warm summers. But summer is not long enough for all the vegetables to ripen. What do they build in vegetable gardens for faster growth and ripening of vegetables?

— There is a house at my grandmother’s dacha, covered with a transparent film on top.

But my grandparents don’t live in it; tomatoes grow in that house.

No matter what happens to the weather in spring, the house will cover both cold and heat.

(Greenhouse, greenhouse)

Demonstration of illustration.

- And also, what kind of faithful assistant friends a person has in his garden , besides greenhouses and greenhouses, you will find out by guessing the riddles.

“Guess the riddles”
(with illustrations)

A long, black snake crawled into the yard,

Watered our garden , didn’t yawn at work (hose)

They made it out of boards and put on a belt,

And these dishes store the summer collected (barrel)

Two brothers went to the river to swim.

One is swimming, the other is waiting on the shore.

They go to the river and dance, and when they leave the river they cry (buckets)

They stand in a single row, sharp scratches.

It is convenient to use them to scoop up armfuls of garbage (rakes)

The cloud is made of iron, and the cloud has a handle.

(watering can) in order.

I dug the earth, leveled the beds,

I broke through streams and was not at all tired (shovel)

- And now I suggest you lay out the tools you most often need to work with in the garden .

“Put out instruments from sticks”

Lay out the outlines of a shovel and rake from sticks.

— Guys, today our group received a letter from Grandma Zabavushka. She asks us to help her. She writes that she has become old, weak, cannot work in the garden , and there is no one to help her. Shall we help? Then get up, let's go to the garden .

Physical education We’ll go to the garden...

to the garden and start a round dance. (Walk in a circle holding hands)

In a round dance, let’s take a radish and sit down with it low and low. (Squat)

Let's take a carrot into a round dance, and dance cleverly with the carrot. (Dance moves)

Let's stretch up with a bow (Reach up, rising on tiptoes)

Let's run after the zucchini (They run in a circle one after another)

And let's jump along the path like green peas. (They jump in circles one after another)

Game "Find the tool"

- Look carefully at this picture and name what kind of tools are hidden here. (Children's answers)

Task “Trace the dots and shade”

-Now complete the task on your pieces of paper. Connect the dots with lines and shade. What kind of tools did you get? (Children's answers)

— There are a lot of tools. Guys, look, are there any extra tools here?

Grandma also left some pictures to make it clearer how to plant. Now I want to test you to see if you know how to plant plants. Look at these pictures and put them in order: what happened first and what came next. Arrange the pictures in order. Do you know how to sow and plant? Well, what does it take to grow vegetables? Prepare a bed, make furrows, plant seeds in the ground, water. So, what do plants need to grow well? Soil, water, warmth, What great fellows you are! What a great job they did .

Summary of directly organized activities on cognitive development in the middle group “People’s work in spring” Purpose: To acquaint children with the work of adults in the spring. Objectives: • update children’s knowledge about the season - spring • repeat.

Summary of continuous educational activities in the preparatory group for cognitive development “The ABC of Safety” Summary of continuous educational activities in the preparatory group for cognitive development “ABC of Safety” Purpose: to consolidate. Abstract of educational activities on cognitive development “In the garden or in the vegetable garden” in the senior group Synopsis of direct educational activities cognitive development “In the garden or in the vegetable garden” in the senior group Program content.

Summary of educational activities on cognitive development in the middle group “Visiting Moidodyr” Goal: In the process of experience, to form in preschoolers knowledge about the properties and meaning of soap. OBJECTIVES: 1. To introduce children to methods of education.

Summary of educational activities on cognitive development in the second junior group “Masha put on a mitten” MDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 13 “Cheburashka” Summary of educational activities on cognitive development in the second junior group.

Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group “Professions of People” Goal: to expand and clarify ideas about people’s professions. Tasks: to consolidate in speech a noun with the general meaning of “profession”;. Summary of an open lesson on cognitive development “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden” in the senior group Purpose: To consolidate children’s ideas about vegetables, fruits, the place and stages of their cultivation. Expand your vocabulary and coherent speech. Develop.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development “People's work in winter” in the senior group of children with mental retardation Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, combined kindergarten No. 3, Dankov Summary of a lesson on cognitive development.

The outline is regulated by educational activities on cognitive development “Find a Pair” in the first junior group. Integration of educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic.


The work of people in the field. Educational project “People’s work in nature in spring”

Maria Yatsenko Educational project “People’s work in nature in spring”

Topic of the week: “People’s work in nature in spring”

Goal: To form initial ideas about the spring work of people in nature.

Getting to know the profession of a gardener, observing the work of a janitor.

Observing the planting of seeds of flowering plants and vegetables in the beds.

Create a desire to help adults.

Foster respect for the work of adults.

Conditioning: Kitten toy

Album about professions

Interaction with parents and society: organizing a cleanup day together with parents.

Final event: “Subbotnik”

Direct educational activities Joint organized educational activities

• Cognition

Topic: "People's work"

(Green milk p. 106)

• Design/application

Topic: “Birdhouse” (Komarov page 76)

Teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué. Improve your knowledge of colors. Develop color perception.

• Communication:

Topic: “Examining the painting “People in the Garden”. Sound culture of speech: sound s, z” (Gerbov p. 75)

Practice clear pronunciation of sounds with Exercise children in the ability to conduct a dialogue.


Topic: “Left, Right” (L. G. Peterson, E. E. Kochemasova Playing game p. 80)

To consolidate the ability to understand and use the words “left”, “right”, “in the middle” in speech, to form an idea of ​​​​the position of an object to the right and left of oneself.

Artistic creativity:

- Drawing

Topic: “Shovel and rake”

(Koldina p. 43)

Teach children to draw objects consisting of a combination of lines; draw objects large, placing images over the entire surface of the sheet.

— Modeling

Topic: "Trolley"

(lesson notes)

Physical development

Topic: Lesson 15

Goal: to teach different ways of walking.

Train in alternating running, walking, and formation at the instructor’s command.

Develop motor activity and observation skills.

Notes on familiarization with the environment for a group of different ages on the topic “People’s work in autumn”

Natalya Zavorina
Notes on familiarization with the environment for a group of different ages on the topic “People’s work in autumn”

Notes on getting to know your surroundings

for different age groups on the topic

«People's work in autumn»

Integration of educational areas: speech, social - communicative, cognitive , physical, artistic - aesthetic (drawing)


Goal: To consolidate and enrich children’s knowledge about people’s work in the fall .

- activate children’s vocabulary on the topic , consolidate the ability to form diminutive forms of nouns, select words-attributes and actions to words;

— Develop memory, attention, thinking;

- cultivate cognitive interest .

Technologies used: problem-based gaming, ICT technology, health-saving, personality-oriented.

Organizational moment: I offer the children pictures depicting winter and autumn nature and ask them to remove those that, in their opinion, are superfluous here with justification for their choice.

- name the objects that you see on the screen (watering can, rake, shovel, cart, bucket)

— where and what are they used for? (for work in the garden and vegetable garden)

- what unites these objects and the image of autumn (They are used for harvesting."

Topic message: Today we will find out what kind of work people do fall and why they do it.

Work on the topic :

1. Agreement of adjectives with nouns. ( Autumn invites us to take a walk in the autumn garden ). Which garden will we go to ( autumn )

What clothes will we wear?
autumn clothes ) .
What boots? ( autumn boots , what hat should we wear? (
autumn hat .) Let's go! Which path will we take?
the autumn path .) 2. Breathing exercises.

Let's breathe in the fresh autumn wind (alternately inhaling air through the left and right nostrils, exhaling through the mouth.)

3. Look at the pictures and say what adults and children are doing (children’s answers.)

— what kind of work do people choose in the garden? (children's answers.)

— Why do people work in the garden ? (children's answers.)

In the garden, a scarecrow pulled his hat down (imitation of the movements of putting on a hat)

Waves his arms as if he is dancing (hand movements)

This is a scarecrow - it has been set up to guard it (they show how the scarecrow stands)

So that birds do not fly and peas do not peck (imitation of bird flight.)

4. Work in the garden.

Gardeners and gardeners have harvested the harvest and thrown it all into a heap; they need to put it in boxes.

Outdoor game “Sorting the harvest”


5. Massage is a game with bumps. Let's warm our hands with the help of cones.

One two three four five

Let's play with cones

Let's play with cones

Warm our hands.

6. Development of fine motor skills. Let's now trace the stencils of vegetables and fruits and paint them over. (younger children only paint over the finished samples)


Let's remember once again what kind of work people do fall and what tools they need for this.

FCCM “Helper items that make people’s work easier” for senior and preparatory groups Topic: “Helper items that make people’s work easier.” Goal: To create conditions for children to learn about objects that facilitate human labor in production;

Calendar and thematic planning in the senior group “People’s work in autumn” Day of the week mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas.

Summary of the conversation on familiarization with the environment in the senior group “Walk in the autumn forest. Animals in autumn" Summary of a conversation on getting to know the environment in the senior group" A walk in the autumn forest. Animals in autumn" Author: O. Bogdanova Objectives: o Continue.

Summary of the conversation “People's work in autumn” in the preparatory group CONVERSATION SUMMARY “People's work in autumn” Age group: preparatory group for school Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about people’s work in autumn.

Abstract of GCD for children of the preparatory group on the topic “People’s work in the spring. Agricultural transport" Objectives: Expand and enrich children's knowledge about people's work in the spring, about agricultural professions. Continue to build knowledge about the species.

Summary of the labor lesson “People’s work in the garden” Educational area: Social and communicative development Type of activity: Labor Topic of the lesson: Garden. People's work in the garden. Age: 5-6 years.

Summary of a walk to familiarize adults with work “The work of a janitor in the fall” in the preparatory group Tasks: Progress of the walk Educator: Guys, do you like to work? Children's answers. Listen to the riddle and guess it. He will get up early in the morning.

Lesson summary in the preparatory group “People’s work in autumn” LESSON SUMMARY “People’s work in autumn” Age group: preparatory group for school Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about people’s work in autumn.

Lesson summary “People’s work in autumn” Topic: “People’s work in autumn” Purpose: To become familiar with the seasonal characteristics of people’s agricultural work. Tasks. Introduce people to work.


What kind of crop is harvested in the fall? Autumn work in the garden at the dacha: harvesting and tillage

The weather in September is still quite warm and allows you to collect the remaining harvest at the dacha. At the beginning of the month, potatoes are dug up, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and eggplants are collected. Then comes the turn of carrots and beets. At the end of the month they begin collecting zucchini, pumpkin and cabbage.

Dig it up in dry weather, otherwise wet tubers will not be stored well. Seed specimens are placed in the sun for several days so that they turn slightly green. Solanine formed in tubers is a toxic substance; it repels rodents, destroys fungal infections and allows you to preserve potatoes until spring. The rest of the harvest is removed immediately to storage rooms, since tubers that have turned green in the sun cannot be eaten.

Tomatoes must be removed from the bushes before the air temperature begins to drop below +5°C. If the fruits have not yet ripened, they are placed in a box, layered with paper towels, and covered with paper. The optimal air temperature for storage is 15 - 18°C.

A sign of ripening carrots is the yellowing of the tops and the appearance of hairs on the root crop. Only whole specimens are suitable for storage, so vegetables should be removed from the ground with caution. The tops are cut off immediately. Root vegetables are not washed, but only ventilated. For storage they are placed in boxes with sand or sawdust.

The best time to harvest beets is the second half of September. By this time, the root crops reach the desired size and accumulate a sufficient amount of useful substances, and the tops begin to fade. Vegetables without damage are selected for storage. The tops are not cut off completely, leaving about 1 cm. It is best to store beets together with potatoes.

To determine whether cabbage is ready for harvesting, you need to squeeze the head of cabbage. If it is elastic and does not press through, you can cut it off. The upper leaves are removed, leaving a stalk of approximately 2-3 cm. Small, dense heads of cabbage of light color are stored well.

After harvesting, the area is cleared of tops. It should be borne in mind that the tops of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and eggplants are destroyed immediately. It cannot be used to further fertilize the soil in the form of compost. Closer to autumn, many leaves are affected by a disease such as late blight, and the ground may become contaminated.

What do children do in the fall? Freeze street treasures

If you have a suitable muffin tin that you don't mind using, you can play with icy street treasures.

You will need:

  • muffin tin/large ice tray
  • various objects found in a forest or park: pebbles, leaves, flowers, cones, etc.
  • water

While walking, ask your child to find interesting objects: pine cones, acorns, some grass, pine needles, pebbles, shells, twigs, flowers or a handful of sand - everything that children usually happily put in their or their mother’s pockets and try to take with them . And at home, you can invite him to freeze all his “treasures” in a muffin tin or in a large ice tray.

Let the child himself put his finds into different cells, fill them with water (boiled so that the ice turns out transparent) and set them to freeze. And then, when everything is frozen, place the “ice cupcakes” on a tray or in a basin so that the child can see what he has done.

Did the color of the cones that were inside the ice change? How did the needles freeze? What happened to the stones? Take some small toys and create adventures with them. You can play, for example, how insects, in search of their favorite flowers or cones, ended up in an icy world - how their paws froze while they tried to get to the plants, and how they helped each other not to freeze. Or, on the contrary, you can try to melt everything as quickly as possible using a syringe, spray bottle or kettle with warm water.

What kind of work do people do in the field in the fall? Autumn fertilizer.

Autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden necessarily includes the application of fertilizers and various nutritional supplements. At different times, plants in the garden need different ratios of nutrients. In autumn, increased levels of phosphorus and potassium are required. These macroelements contribute to good ripening of wood, the accumulation of substances necessary for overwintering and a good spring start, have a positive effect on root growth and the formation of a future harvest, and increase plant resistance to certain diseases. They are also useful for improving the taste of fruits and their intense coloring.

But nitrogen fertilizing in the fall must be excluded. This element provokes untimely growth of shoots and makes it difficult for wood to ripen. As a result, without having time to prepare for the cold, trees and shrubs are easily damaged even by slight frosts.

Fertilizers can be applied in both liquid and dry form. The fertilizer solution is prepared according to the instructions (the recommended concentration should not be exceeded) and the plants are watered at the roots. Foliar feeding is not carried out in the fall: the leaves at this time are coarse, protected by a dense covering tissue that is practically unable to allow various substances to pass through.

Dry fertilizers are evenly distributed throughout the tree trunk circle, after which the soil is shallowly dug up or loosened. Good results are obtained by applying fertilizers to the holes. To do this, make 3 - 4 holes 20 - 25 cm deep around a tree or bush, the required dose of fertilizer is evenly distributed over the holes, and the holes are buried. Do not make holes too close to the trunk: fertilizers are absorbed only by absorbent roots. They are located approximately along the perimeter of the crown. After applying dry fertilizers, the plants must be watered.

Fertilizers should not be left on the soil surface: potassium and phosphorus slowly move deeper into the soil, and phosphorus is easily absorbed by soil particles, becoming inaccessible to plants.

If the soil in the garden is acidic, deoxidizers (dolomite flour, lime, chalk) are added. It is useful to add ash. It is not only a good deoxidizer, but also a source of ash elements. But first, to determine the norm, determine the acidity of the soil in your garden.

The appropriate doses of the drug are indicated on the packaging. It is advisable to check the acidity of the soil annually, because most mineral fertilizers contribute to acidification of the soil.

Work in the garden in October in Kuban. Garden work in October

October is the time in the garden. when we finish harvesting in our gardens, beds and vegetable gardens. We're excited about the fall colors. At this time, the true beauty of autumn chrysanthemums appears. This is a good time to plant new trees and shrubs, it is worth considering what needs to be changed in the garden. In October, cheap seedlings of trees and bushes with the so-called open root system are available, not only for fruit, but also for hedges. It is worth noting that rose seedlings are now sold much cheaper than in spring. Therefore, we plan, we plant, we clean the beds, fertilize the soil and prepare the garden for the coming of winter. Plan your most important gardening jobs in October!

What is October like?

October can be a clear month, with many sunny days. The October sun is no longer very warm and sets early. The duration of daylight is still more than 11 hours, but during this month, the day will be shortened by approximately two hours. It can be quite cold in the evenings and nights. Morning frosts often appear. At the end of the month, as a rule, it starts to rain, sometimes along with snow. The arrival of autumn is reminded by leaves painted in yellow, red and brown colors - autumn colors, to which, especially on a sunny day, the expression “Golden Autumn” is suitable. Unfortunately, soon deciduous trees will be completely without leaves, and we will be able to find some greenery only among coniferous plantings.

October in the garden

  • We are finishing the harvest in the garden - the last apples and pears, late varieties of plums and quinces. We collect large and healthy fruits first, while we can leave small ones on the trees a little longer, but not forgetting to collect them before the first frost (small frosts, down to -3C, are not dangerous for apples and pears).
  • You can still collect Hungarian plums until mid-October. If it is not possible to eat everything fresh, you should dry them. We can do this in two days - for one day we dry them in the oven at 60C, and then, the next day, dry them at room temperature.
  • Quince in its raw form is not very tasty, let’s say – it’s not for everyone. But you can make a wonderful liqueur from it - quince, or quince jam. It should be remembered that before using quinces, the fruits should be cleared of the velvety peel, which, if left, will give an unpleasant aftertaste, reminiscent of turpentine.
  • We review and sort the collected fruits. For storage, we select only healthy fruits that are not worm-free and without visible damage. We store fruits in a cold and not very dry room (if it is very dry, the peel may wrinkle).
  • We look through the trees, remove disease-affected areas and dried fruits, which should be burned or buried deeply so that they do not become a source of infection next year. We also remove fallen branches from trees that are beginning to rot.
  • The fungus that causes fruit tree canker causes growths to appear on affected branches. After harvesting, we must cut off the diseased parts. We cut in healthy places, retreating about 15 cm from the sore spot. The cut site is then treated with a healing accelerating agent.
  • The ideal time has come to apply fertilizers in the garden. We spread manure or compost between trees and bushes. As for mineral fertilizers, you can use Azofoska (as well as organic fertilizers - we scatter it between the plants).
  • October is a great time to plant trees and shrubs, especially those with bare roots. Seedlings in containers are easier to grow. Plants can be planted until the ground freezes. Fruit trees should be planted at such a depth that the pinching area is 5-10 cm above the ground, but gooseberry and currant bushes are planted 5-7 cm deeper, and blueberries and raspberries 2-3 cm deeper than they grew in the nursery. After planting, add plenty of water and sprinkle with fine mulch, which will protect the roots from temperature changes. Planted trees should not be pruned - we will do this in the spring.
  • Weeds should be removed around trees and bushes. Thanks to this, we will delay their appearance in the spring. We will also limit the existence of rodents, which can create winter shelters in weed thickets.
  • If apple or pear scab appears in your garden, you should spray it with a 5% urea solution. This procedure will speed up the process of decomposition of the leaves along with the fungus, the causative agent of the disease.

What do they do in the fall? 30 things to do in the fall

Many of us find it difficult to cope with the passing summer heat. However, we often forget how pleasant and romantic autumn can be if we take advantage of its gifts.

1. For the last time this year, organize a barbecue with friends or family outdoors.

2. Make a wreath of fall maple leaves.

3. Organize a photo shoot against the backdrop of colorful nature.

4. Spend the evening in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate.

5. Buy yourself new gloves, a scarf or a comfortable sweater. Buy yourself at least something new and beautiful.

6. Prepare charlotte according to a new recipe. Or an old favorite recipe.

7. Sit on the windowsill watching the rain.

8. Plan a day off to watch your favorite movies and do nothing on that day.

9. Find your favorite warm pajamas.

10. Prepare the pumpkin. Even if you don't like it, you should definitely cook pumpkin at least once in the fall.

11. Bicycles in the autumn park.

12. Choose mushrooms.

13. Lie down on the rustling leaves, looking up at the sky.

14. Cuddle your cat every night.

15. Blow bubbles from the balcony and admire them in the sun.

16. Breathe cold air in the morning.

17. Buy clothes for next summer at a discount. And then put it away and take warm and comfortable clothes.

18. Find a new type of tea and take it with you in a thermos to work, treat your colleagues.

19. Re-read your favorite book.

21. Visit your parents with a cake or cookies you made.

22. Have time to visit an amusement park and sit by the fountain.

23. Organize a general cleaning in your home, in your thoughts, in your soul.

25. Light candles in the evening.

26. Post wishes of happiness and a warm autumn printed on leaflets to your neighbors at their doors.

27. Install new wallpapers on your computers and gadgets.

28. Decorate your windows with wreaths of fall leaves, acorns, chestnuts and pine cones.

29. Make a pumpkin monster for Halloween.

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