Forms of work on patriotic education with older preschoolers

Forms of work on patriotic education with older preschoolers

Bibliographic description:

Gromilina, L.V. Forms of work on patriotic education with older preschoolers / L.V. Gromilina, L.V. Kamyzina. — Text: direct // Innovative pedagogical technologies: materials of the VI International. scientific conf. (Kazan, May 2021). — Kazan: Buk, 2021. — pp. 21-23. — URL: (access date: 12/19/2021).

In preschool age, a sense of patriotism begins to form:

- love and affection for the Motherland;

- devotion to her;

- responsibility for it;

- the desire to work is not her good;

- protect and increase wealth.

Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s Motherland - the place where a person was born.

In this regard, it is of great importance to familiarize preschoolers with the historical, cultural, national, geographical, natural and ecological uniqueness of their native land.

The basic stage in the formation of love for the Motherland in children should be considered their accumulation of social experience of life in their city, assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships accepted in it, and familiarization with the world of its culture.

Patriotic education of preschoolers is most successfully carried out through play, object-based activities, communication, work, learning, and various types of activities characteristic of preschool age.

General forms of work with children on patriotic education can be:

- targeted walks;

- excursions;

- child labor;

- visual activity.

How are the tasks of patriotic education solved in educational activities, in games, in work activities? Children gain knowledge about their native country mainly in classes, which can be roughly divided as follows:

‒ activities aimed at giving children specific ideas about their native country based on direct perception (observations, excursions, targeted walks) or indirectly (stories from the teacher, reading works of fiction);

‒ activities that help deepen and systematize children’s knowledge (conversations, didactic games, etc.);

‒ activities during which children use the acquired knowledge and express their attitude to the phenomena of social life (visual activities, creative storytelling),

Their active, varied activities are of great importance for the patriotic education of children, since being a patriot means not only knowing and loving your country, but also actively acting for its benefit. Therefore, when planning work on patriotic education, the teacher certainly outlines what games (role-playing, construction) he can play with children, what he can invite them to do themselves, what themes to give for drawing, appliqué, and design.

Patriotic education includes solving problems not only of moral, but also of labor, mental, aesthetic, and physical education.

Future citizens of the country must grow up strong, agile, and healthy.

Qualities such as strength, courage, and dexterity, necessary for a warrior-defender of the Motherland, are best developed in sports games, as well as in games with military-patriotic content. Interest in them may be aroused by stories about soldiers who showed heroism.

Love for the Motherland becomes a real deep feeling when it is expressed not only in words, knowledge, but also in the desire to work for the good of the Fatherland and take care of its riches.

The child’s work is small and not complicated, but it is necessary for the formation of his personality. It is necessary to encourage the independent work of children, which is based on the desire to do something for the team, for the city, for the kindergarten. Work on landscaping a kindergarten plot, your own street, making toys for kids, repairing books, working in the garden - all these are activities accessible to preschoolers that help to develop civic feelings in children.

The emotional atmosphere in classes and games plays a big role in nurturing children’s feelings. Bright, living words, music, and visual arts help children emotionally perceive their surroundings.

Older children already know about their hometown. They remember the main streets, they are told about the heroes or famous people after whom they are named.

Children's ideas about administrative buildings are being clarified and expanded. The teacher briefly explains why a library, a department store, and a consumer services plant are needed. Excursions to monuments and the obelisk of fallen soldiers are accompanied by a more detailed commentary. During walks, children observe the construction of new houses, the improvement of the city, and can take part in community cleanups as much as they can (help plant seedlings, water flowers, rake leaves).

The teacher should not limit the range of interests and ideas of children of the sixth year of life only to their close geographical surroundings. In accordance with the program, children in the senior group are given fairly broad knowledge about their native country. For this purpose, new topics are proposed that deepen and expand knowledge about our native country - “Russia is my homeland”, “Cities of Russia”, “Moscow is the capital of our Motherland”.

In senior preschool age, the study of the topic “City - Village” continues. Along with these concepts (village, city), children must learn the new concepts of “capital”, “region”, “country”; they must know what is bigger - a village or a city, a country or a region.

At an older age, knowledge about Russian cities expands. Children’s ideas about the cities of our country make it possible to organize interesting games, “Travels around the native country.” These games include children's construction and independent artistic activities, and are therefore interesting and exciting for children. Stories and conversations about the climatic and natural zones of our country will help deepen interest in your native country. Interest in classes on the geography of their native country increases if the teacher tells them about their peers - boys and girls living in the north and south - in the tundra, taiga or desert. These stories about children instill in children goodwill and sympathy for peers living far away from them.

An interesting form of work is the correspondence of children with peers from other cities.

Older children are interested in events that occur not only in their hometown, but throughout the country, discuss some of them with their peers, and ask adults numerous questions. Such events that interest children are space flights.

The children, under the guidance of adults, collect photographs of astronauts, badges, newspaper clippings and magazines that talk about space flights. The teacher must support and deepen children's interest in astronauts and their work.

The group library should have several books about space heroes, as well as albums made by the children’s hands, and children’s drawings on this topic.

Children’s sense of involvement in the events taking place in their native country is also formed during the teacher’s stories about the high moral qualities of Russian people. The material for such stories can be essays from newspapers and magazines.

In older preschool age, children's knowledge of great Russian writers, artists, and composers deepens. Children should know certain works written by A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, P. I. Tchaikovsky, recognize them in portraits; know some facts of their biography.

Children also continue to get acquainted with the works of great masters of the brush. Children of this age can perceive rather complex works of art and understand the mood conveyed by the artist.

The classes are very interesting, where reproductions of Vasnetsov’s paintings “Alyonushka”, “Bogatyrs”, “The Frog Princess”, “The Snow Maiden” are examined. The children are familiar with fairy tales based on which these works were written, and they immediately recognize their heroes.

All this enriches the thoughts and souls of the children and teaches them to be proud of the culture of their great country.

In the patriotic education of preschoolers, it is recommended to use the following forms of work:

- extracurricular activities (conversations, games);

- all types of artistic creative activities;

‒ holding joint holidays (Maslenitsa, Christmas, Easter);

‒ watching films, using audio recordings and technical teaching aids;

- excursions, targeted walks around the city;

- children's charity;

- theme evenings;

‒ organization of exhibitions (joint activities of children and parents);

Thus, the program traces several areas of work:

  1. Spiritual and educational (classes, conversations, reading);
  2. Educational and recreational (holidays, outdoor activities, role-playing, construction games, walks, excursions, hikes);
  3. Cultural and educational (meetings, concerts, watching filmstrips);
  4. Moral and labor (self-service work, cleaning the group and territory, work based on interests, productive activity, making gifts for the holidays).

The following forms of work with parents are offered:

  1. Parent meetings.
  2. Consultations.
  3. Open classes.
  4. Carrying out joint events (exhibitions, competitions, holidays).
  5. Visual types of work (information stands for parents, moving folders, exhibitions of children's works, educational games, literature).


  1. Magazine “Preschool Education” No. 6 2003, No. 5 2004
  2. Zhukovskaya R.I. Native Land - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Education, 1990. - 176 p.
  4. Yaseva N. Yu. Education of the fundamentals of patriotic feelings in preschool children. — Mogilev: Moscow State University named after. A. A. Kuleshova, 2000. - 132 p.

Key terms
(automatically generated)
: home country, child, game, patriotic education, city, activity, kindergarten, visual activity, hometown, older age.

Open lesson on patriotic education in the preparatory group “Travel across Russia”

No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia. (The teacher circles the territory of our country with a pointer).

When people go to bed at one end of our country, morning begins at the other. To get from one end of our country to the other by train, you need to travel 7 days, and fly by plane for 24 hours.

Guys, who will answer me one difficult question: “What continent is Russia located on?” ( The country of Russia is located on the continent of Eurasia , which includes two parts of the world : Europe and Asia).

Physical exercise “Our Motherland – Russia”

In our country the mountains are high,

stretch on our tiptoes
The rivers are deep,
squat down
The steppes are wide,
we spread our arms
The forests are large,
arms up
And we are the guys like that!
show thumb

Educator: Oh, guys, I think I see a Chamomile petal ! (The teacher picks up a hidden petal from the floor).

Hooray! We found it and will give it to our Romashka! (The child attaches a petal to the board.) Well, let's move on! Go!

Stop No. 2: “Symbols of Russia”

Each country has its own state symbols: coat of arms, flag and anthem. Guys, look at the coat of arms.

Coat of arms

is the emblem of the state. “The state emblem of the Russian Federation is an image of a golden double-headed eagle placed on a red heraldic shield; above the eagle are three historical crowns of Peter the Great (above the heads are two small ones and above them is one larger); in the eagle’s paws are a scepter and an orb; on the eagle’s chest on a red shield is a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear.”

Ksyusha D.:

Russia has a majestic double-headed eagle on its coat of arms, so that He could look to the west and east at once. He is strong, wise and proud. He is Russia's free spirit.

Flag of the Russian Federation

has three colors: white, blue and red.

White color means peace, purity; blue color is a symbol of faith and fidelity; red color symbolizes energy, strength, blood shed for the Fatherland.


Multi-colored flag of Russia - White, blue, red. The most beautiful for me, There is no more beautiful flag in the world. There is honor and truth in this flag, Blood shed in battle, Courage, valor and bravery, Faith in my Motherland!


The national anthem of the Russian Federation is performed during ceremonies and other events held by government bodies.
When the anthem is performed in public, those present listen to it standing, men without hats. Our anthem was written by composer Alexander Alexandrov and poet Sergei Mikhalkov. Let's listen to the Russian anthem. (Children stand up. The teacher plays the anthem of the Russian Federation).

The Russian Anthem sounded majestically and calmly. Everyone listened, quietly, standing, and the audience held its breath.

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