A therapeutic tale about mother's work for children aged 2 to 4 years

A fairy tale about mother Elena the storyteller

In a far, far away city there lived a family: father Vasily, mother Elena and three sons Ivan, Arkady and Kiryushenka. They lived amicably and happily. Every evening, mother came to her sons, put them in warm beds, and she sat down in a comfortable chair and told different fairy tales. Yes, so interesting that even the moon and her star friends quietly sat down on the window and listened attentively. And the breeze and its friend the rain stopped making noise, they really wanted to listen to these fairy tales.

But then one night, the evil sorcerer Eremey came out into the street. He simply could not sleep and decided to take a walk under the moon and starry sky. And what was his disappointment when he realized that there was no one in heaven. He sent his servant the black raven to find out what made the heavenly bodies leave their posts. The raven circled above the earth for a long time and finally he found his inseparable girlfriends, the stars and the moon, and just flew up when they hissed at him:

“Hush, hush, let me listen to the end of the story!!”

The raven also listened, He heard the tale of Lena’s mother, and he became so interested that he forgot about his master’s task and only in the very morning he flew in, apologized and told him everything.

The sorcerer wanted to be told bedtime stories, too, so he stole Mother Elena from the boys. But the beautiful Elena did not want to tell a fairy tale. Eremey got angry and imprisoned her so that she would be more accommodating.

The whole family was alarmed: they were looking for Elena’s mother on the street, at work, in stores, nowhere. And only when night fell again, the little star went down to the boys’ room and told the terrible news that an evil sorcerer had stolen their mother, and that only her sons could save her. To defeat Eremey, you need to get a platinum quiver, place a golden arrow in it, and then release it from a silver bow. Only she can get into the very heart of the sorcerer and kill him. And in order to somehow help the boys, the moon gave them a magic light that would show them the way.

The boys ran after the light one day, got tired, saw a big, big house by the road, and decided to ask for an overnight stay. They knocked and the giant opened the door for them:

-Why did you come?

-Let us spend the night, good man. Our mother was stolen by an evil sorcerer, we are going to save her, but we are tired, we need to rest a little - said Ivan

The giant let them into the house and then they heard the loud cry of a girl.

-Who is this crying? - asked Arkady

-My daughter. It’s been a year now... she’s been crying and crying, we can’t do anything.

“Let’s teach her how to play PSP, maybe it will help,” Kirill suggested.

We went into the room of the giant’s daughter, and there all the basins were filled with the girl’s tears. They showed her the PSP and taught her how to play. And lo and behold, she stopped crying.

In the morning, seeing off the guys for calming his daughter down, the giant also promised to help at the right time. With this we said goodbye.

The brothers moved on. The light led them to a forest clearing. They look, and in the clearing the cubs are fighting, they cannot divide the honey

-Why are you quarreling? Divide the honey equally - said Arkady

-How is it? - asked the cubs

And so the problem is, honey is in a barrel with a volume of 400 ml, and Ivan has a mug V = 200 ml in his backpack. The question is, how to divide honey into two equal parts?

Ivan studied well at school and quickly found the answer. From the barrel, they filled a mug with honey to the brim and gave it to one bear cub, the remaining 200 ml in the barrel was given to the second bear cub. And then a bear came out into the clearing:

-Thank you boys for reconciling my mischief makers. Call me when you need help, and I will definitely help!

They began to continue on their way. They see a beautiful, beautiful butterfly that is entangled in a web and the spider is already approaching it, wanting to destroy it. Arkady was very clever. He took out scissors and quickly cut the web, and meanwhile Kirill took a large stick and hit the spider so hard that he didn’t even have time to gasp. The butterfly rejoiced at freedom:

-Thank you boys. Someday I will help you, I will not remain in debt.

The light led the brothers further. And so he led them to a high, high tower, on the roof of which hung a platinum quiver. What to do, the tower is too high, it’s impossible to reach it. And they called the giant, and the giant was right there, happy to help. He extended his hand and took off the quiver and gave it to the guys.

Let's run further. We saw a cave, and in that cave there was a chest with a big, big lock, but the key was nowhere to be found. The inscription next to it: The golden arrow and silver bow are kept here, but no one can open the lock, and even if someone opens it, they still won’t be able to take either the arrow or the bow. The brothers became thoughtful and decided to call the bear. And the bear was right there, swung her huge paw and tore off both the lock and the lid of the chest. The boys thanked the bear and were about to put the arrow in the quiver, but that was not the case, a fire broke out around them and there was no way to put it out. And, of course, then the butterfly flew in with all its relatives, they waved their wings, put out the fire. Ivan took the quiver, Arkady put an arrow in it so that it would be charged with magical power, and then they gave it to Kirill, he inserted it into the bow and... shot: “Fly, fly the arrow into the very heart of the evil sorcerer Eremey, so that his evil spell will be dispelled, his prison spells will be destroyed shackles and our mother will be freed.!!!”

The arrow flew away. Ogonyok brought Elena’s sons home, and their mother was waiting on the threshold... beloved and dear. And they began to live peacefully and happily. We bought a big, big sofa for the stars and a huge chair for Luna. And having gathered in the evening, they listened to Elena’s fairy tales.

Why does mother only have two hands?

– Children whose mother works the most? - asked the teacher.

The students began to talk about what their mothers were doing. Everyone wanted to prove that their mother worked the hardest.

Finally the teacher said:

– You see, children, your mothers do so many things, as if they had a hundred hands.

One student raised his hand and asked:

– Teacher, you told us about evolution, but if it exists, why does mother only have two hands?

– Because these hands are driven by the power of maternal love. “And there is nothing more powerful on Earth than it,” the teacher answered.

A parable about a mother with meaning

Once upon a time there lived a family. There were many children, little money. Mom worked a lot. After work, she cooked, washed, and cleaned. Of course, she was very tired and therefore often shouted at the children, handed out slaps on the head, and loudly complained about life.

One day she thought that it was not good to live like this. That the children are not to blame for her difficult life. And she went to the sage for advice: how to become a good mother?

Since then, it’s as if she’s been replaced. Mom began to look happy. Although there was no increase in money in the family. And the children did not become more obedient. But now mother did not scold them, but often smiled. Once a week, my mother went to the market for various purchases.

Now mother always returned with gifts for the children. And after returning and giving gifts to the children, the mother locked herself in her room for a while. And she asked no one to disturb her at this time.

The children were tormented by curiosity about what their mother was doing in her room. One day they broke the ban and looked at their mother. She was sitting at the table and... drinking tea... with sweet candies!

- Mom, what are you doing? What about us? – the children shouted indignantly.

- Quiet, children, quiet! – she answered importantly. - Do not bother me! I make you a happy mother!

“My dear mother” - essays by first-graders

At Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 215” on March 6, 2008, at the “My Dear Mother” holiday for first-graders, in addition to the poems and songs performed, mothers received unique gifts - written declarations of love, written and read by the children themselves.

The children were pleased to see the happy faces of their mothers, illuminated by beautiful smiles with tears of joy in their eyes. Among the everyday affairs, anxieties and worries that mother’s life is full of, mothers simply need such holidays of the soul, where they will fully feel the boundless love of their little sons and daughters. Readers are offered excerpts from first-graders' essays.

Primary school teacher

Tatyana Vladimirovna Nemolochnova

Mom is my best friend! She always wonders what my mood is. And I always worry about her. If my mother goes somewhere, I ask her to take me with her. After all, mom is a woman, and not strong, but I fight well and can protect her.

I also make sure that my mother is beautiful and elegant. I tell her: “You are dressed so well!” She always looks great to me.

My mother is smiling, kind, hardworking, cheerful. I like to play chess with her, the game "Robots", write in copybooks, sew, wash dishes, bake pancakes.

Mom loves me, and I love her.

Mom, thank you that I have my own things in my apartment: toys, books, a computer. I wish I had even more toys. And so that it will be easier for you with my little brother Filya.

Dear mom, I want you to live long. I love you and cherish you. I need you. You can give birth to someone. And the more children, the merrier, otherwise dad is away from work for a long time.

Mom, when I become an adult, I will always protect you, because you are my mother. I will never kick you out of the house and I will never abandon you.

Daniil Satovsky

Mom is the most important person in our family. My brother and I know that mother must be loved and respected. Our mother is smart, attentive, good. Of all the mothers, she is the most beautiful. Mom has a beautiful face because she always smiles. She is more affectionate and kinder than all mothers. Our mother is happiness for us. Mom's voice is like a stream. She's like rain. Mom kisses me a lot and loves me very much. I love her too - my dear, most beautiful mother.

I look like my mother. And she looks like me with her hair.

Mom is my friend because she talks to me like she talks to her friends. Mom respects me. Braids my hair. He studies with me. I like to read, write, dance, and ski with my mother.

I have a good mother. She goes with me everywhere: to the swings, to the carousel, to the rides, to the roller coaster. She likes to watch me beautifully skate, slide, ride mummies, ride crocodiles. Together with her we love to play hide and seek, catch up and telephone. Living with a mother is good, but living without a mother is bad.

I love my mother. I always feel sorry for her. I want dad to get a lot of money for us.

Mom, I wish you love and may you live long. I want you to always be with me.

Anna Romanova

My dad chose my mom because she is smart, beautiful and hardworking. She can do everything a mother needs to know. She is a great hostess. He loves to work very much. She always helps dad with everything because they love each other.

Mom gave birth to a sister, brother and me so that we could help her when we grew up.

When I was born, my mother immediately liked me. And my brother and sister wanted to call me Syoma.

I am like my mother in that I am just as kind and smart. It’s a pity that I’m not always handsome, but sometimes I am. Also because, although not very much, I still love to work. Even though I’m still small, I already know how to cut, saw, and burn something. I do everything right. I'm never late for anything. I always strive for more.

My mother is different from other mothers in that she is very kind and good. Never offends anyone. She always allows me everything. He knows everything I can and cannot do.

And I love my mother because she is sweet, attentive and buys me everything I ask for. She allows me to watch TV whenever I want. She always cooks something delicious for me because she loves me.

I need my mother so that she loves me and helps me in everything.

My mother is my friend because she can play with me and take a walk. I love doing homework and cooking with her.

Mom is talented. He knows how to do everything not only beautifully, but also neatly and quickly. At school, my mother studied very well.

Mom is my happiness. She says good things to me. I always worry about my mother, that she will do something wrong, bump or fall somewhere, or break something. I'm always worried that she won't freeze.

When I grow up, I will clean up everything after my mother. I will help her with the housework. And if she gets sick, I will bring her medicine.

Semyon Sagalovich

I treat my mother well. I always hug her, kiss her and affectionately call her “Mommy.” Sometimes I even buy her things. I'm proud of my mom. She knows how to cook, wash, work. Mom does everything for me. She buys me toys, clothes and food. I see a lot of good from her. She loves Me. My mother is different from other mothers in her intelligence, kindness and care. I look like my mother.

My dad chose my mom because she is beautiful and very, very smart. When dad was alive, he treated her well. He not only loved her, but also respected her. Mom dreamed of having a boy. When she saw me for the first time, she immediately liked me. My dad came up with my name.

Mom, thank you for giving birth to me!

Mom likes that I help her with something. Sometimes I wash the floors, dishes and water the flowers for her. I need my mother to raise me. It’s good to have a mother and learn everything from her.

Mom is my happiness because I can play board games and read books with her. She can be my friend because she plays with me and supports me in difficult times. Mom knows how to make friends. She is interested in my personal life and my friends. And I have a lot of friends. Mom knows their names. Actually, she wants to know what I dream about.

Dear mommy, I love you! I want to tell you that you are good and very hardworking. I want you to live forever on this planet. I feel bad, sad, bored without you. You are good and affectionate. It's very good when you're cheerful. I want you to always remain beautiful and cheerful.

I wish you happiness and health. And so that everything goes well in your life and at work too. To always have a lot of money and have a car again. When I grow up, I'll buy you a new car. I will go grocery shopping for you and buy you clothes. I will take good care of you.

Saveliy Petrov

My mother is kind and peaceful. She is also honest, polite, friendly, sweet. He never scolds me. Interested in my studies. Buys me beautiful pens and pencils.

I love my mother and she loves me. And I love her because she dresses me beautifully. Recently she bought me a beautiful jacket. Soon I will be wearing it to school.

I treat my mother kindly. I call her “Mommy”. For her birthday I gave her a cute kitten. Now he loves our whole family.

My mother knows how to do laundry and cook delicious food. Loves to clean the house. She is a good mother and a good housewife. I am very proud of my mother because she is well-mannered and affectionate. I always worry about my mother and take care of her.

Mom is my happiness, because she is cheerful and does not offend anyone. My dad loves my mom. And I want mom and dad to always love each other.

Mom, I know why dad chose you, such a beautiful mom. He wanted you to love each other and live happily ever after.

My mother is my friend because she plays with me and helps me with my studies. I love playing on the computer with her. Ice skating in winter. Play with toys in the living room at home. Walk in the park in summer. We help the woman and grandfather remove weeds from the garden beds.

My mother dreamed that when I grew up, we would do everything together.

Mommy, thank you for having a kind heart and a pure soul. You treat my friends kindly. When they come to visit me, you can treat them to something tasty. You will bake a delicious cake for tea. You allow us to play on the computer or take a walk outside.

Dear mommy, when you are old, I will take care of you, especially when you get sick. I want you to never die, but always live and love me, dad and cat Boris. And so that we all live in peace. I want you not to get sick and always remain as cheerful.

Dear mom, I love you so much!

Polina Osipova

My mom is my best friend because she can give advice and help every minute. Together with my mother, we like to walk outside, play with cars, read, do exercises, swim in the sea, ride a car, ride a Buran, ski, sled, walk through the forest. I want my mother to always take me to the park, to the circus and buy me clothes, CDs, and movie games. It's good to buy everything with mom. It’s bad without your mother, because you can’t go to the cinema and swim in the pool alone. Without my mother, who will take me to hospitals and buy medicine?

Mom loves me and I love her. I give her gifts and help her wash the dishes. My mother treats me well and takes care of me. She caresses me and dresses me well. She does everything for me and loves me very much. It’s good to live with my mother, and I don’t need anyone else.

My mother, when she was waiting for me, dreamed that I would play cars with her. She really wanted to give birth to a boy, so that she would have someone to help with homework and with whom to wash the dishes. Dad immediately liked my face and seemed handsome and smart to him. My mother came up with my name.

My mother and I are similar in voice, intelligence, beautiful eyes and whole face. Mom's hair is the same as mine. I love my mother for everything: for her intelligence, and for her beauty, and for her love and advice. I respect her for her good love for me and for her diploma. She knows how to cook delicious cabbage soup.

My mother is smart and beautiful. She works as an engineer with a good job. Mom respects and listens to everyone. She loves everyone and helps everyone.

Mommy, I want you to be friends with everyone. And I want you to be loved at work.

Dad and I love our mom very much, and she loves dad and me.

I protect my mother, respect her and support her. I do some things for her. I love my mother very much and always worry about her. I'm afraid that she will die, or have an accident, or get stuck in the elevator, or someone will kill her. I always worry that my mother will oversleep and be late for work. Or he won’t have time to have breakfast, and in the evening he won’t go to bed at 9 o’clock.

Mom, when I grow up and buy a Honda, I will take you home and protect you from everyone.

I seriously love you!

Georgy Tebenkov

My mother is my joy and happiness. She does homework with me and helps me with everything. I have the best mom! I feel a lot of love and grace from her. My mother loves me well: boldly, bravely. She stands up for me.

My mother is my friend because she only does good and brings joy and love. There is a lot of warmth in my heart for my mother.

Dad chose my mother as his wife because she is good and beautiful. He treats his mother kindly and with joy. She is his favorite. Dad loves to go to the store with mom, ride in mom’s car, and take walks with her. He loves her because she is kind, affectionate, knows how to work and cook.

Mom, I want to tell you that we all love you. Thank you for being kind and kind to us. Thank you for choosing such a dad for my brother and me, the best.

My mother wanted to give birth to me so that she would have fun with me and less housework. If my mother had not given birth to my brother and me, she would have been sad without us. My mother gave birth to a brother for me, so that the two of us would have more fun. Mom, thank you for giving birth to us. You are our beauty!

I affectionately call my mother “darling, helper.” I love her because she is caring and smart. I like to write, read, do math, work, and go to the store with my mother.

I'm proud of my mom. She is good. He buys a lot of gifts for my brother and me.

My mother is different from other mothers in her figure, kindness and love for me. She is cheerful. Everyone loves my mother because she is smart and helps everyone. Everyone also respects her, because she also respects everyone and treats everyone well. I look like my mother in eyes and figure.

We need a mother to feed us all. If my mother had not existed, then my brother and I would not have existed. There would be no one to put away toys, learn lessons and play with.

My mother is the best of all mothers because she is kind. I feel bad without her. I take care of my mother so that she will always be beautiful and loved. I worry about her all the time, so that she won’t be killed, stolen, and so that she will never be sad and poor. Mom is the joy in my life.

Dear mom, I want you to live on this planet forever. I love you more than anyone! You are the best mom! For me, you are the kindest, most affectionate, most intelligent and most beloved! I like to talk to you and tell you things. You know how to keep secrets and you tell me your different secrets. You are the sunshine for me!

When I grow up, I won’t let you go anywhere. I will take care of you. I will take care of you, love you, give you money. I will treat you kindly. I will do good to you, give you something and love you very, very much.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you joy, love, laughter and a long life.

Danil Dembinsky

When my mother decided that she should have a daughter, the Lord gave her me. My mother dreamed that I would grow up strong, big, smart and beautiful. She came up with my name - Alice, because she liked it. I want my mother and I to give birth to another girl.

I love and adore my mother very much, because she is dear to me. She is my most beloved mother. I always recognize her by her clothes. And I love her more than anything in the world!

She is affectionate, attentive, sweet, sensitive, smart, good, happy, joyful, calm, quiet, peaceful, talented, funny, economical, fast, strong, entertaining, friendly, patient, conscientious, self-satisfied, brave, fearless. In a word - smart!

I look like my mother with my hair, nose, lips, eyes, hands and character.

If my mother asks me for something, then I do everything for her and help her with everything. We wash the dishes together. If she asks me to tidy up the toys, then I will tidy up. She helps me take care of my pet hamster. But he keeps turning over his food and water bowls. He's so funny!

I love my mother because she always helps me with everything. Teaches me to ski and downhill. I've already gotten good at it. Mom tells me that I am great! When I fall, she helps me up. Mom herself knows how to skate ski quickly. But I can’t do that yet. I can’t do this because I’m still little, and my mother is an adult.

Dad chose mom because she is very beautiful and tender, like a rose. She has a ringing laugh like a bell and a voice like a nightingale. She also has such a smile! Sometimes her clothes are beautiful. For example: jeans suit her very well. They match her eyes.

My mother is different from other mothers in that she will never offend anyone. She is very kind and a little strict, sometimes she can even be cheerful.

If my mother is in a bad mood, then I don't play with her. And when she is in a good mood, she plays with me. We talk, chat or just chat. When mom is feeling bad, I can sing a song for her.

Dear, I worry very much when you are upset. I'm glad when you're in a good mood. I want to thank you for having me. You are the best mother in the whole world, because you live for me. Thank you for looking after me so tenderly.

Mommy darling, I like living with you. You never give me away if I tell you my secret. You have the kindest heart in the world. In your eyes I see understanding and kind character. Your voice is the most dear to me. You are my only mother in the world, my sunshine. Sometimes you make me laugh and that makes me happy.

Mom, you are my happiness. I worry about you when you are sick. Sometimes you freeze outside and your temperature rises, you have a cough, runny nose and a hoarse voice. And my teeth hurt too.

Dear mom, I want you to live on this planet for a very, very long time and never die. I wish that everyone gives you beautiful flowers: bells, roses, daisies, cornflowers, tulips. I hope that your soul will find it pleasant and fun.

Mommy, I love you with all my heart!

Alisa Volchkova

Mom is the most important thing in the life of any person.

There are many mothers in this world, but for our family there is only one - this is our mother. Mom is the best part of our family. Our love is in it. Mom loves us very much, and we love her.

Mom and Dad met at the institute. In their second year, they fell in love with each other at first sight. Dad looked after mom for two years and only then decided to propose to her. Mom agreed to become his wife, and they got married.

Dad loves mom because she is affectionate and gentle. Mom and dad work together and always relax together. They love each other and us deeply. Mom and Dad gave us life, and for this we must love them with all our soul and with all our heart. My brother and I are proud of our parents and love them very much.

Since childhood, my mother wanted to have a daughter and a son. She dreamed that her son would be strong, and that her daughter would be beautiful and smart. Mom wanted her son second, but he was born first. My mother gave birth to me for the whole family. My brother and I love our mother very much.

Our family consists of 4 people and a cat. We are a friendly family. We always help each other and take care of each other. I would like my mother to give us another sister or brother.

You can live in the world without a mother, but only very poorly. After all, the mother takes care of the children most of all. I always need my mother. Together with her we rejoice in each coming summer, autumn, winter, spring.

For me, our mother is the best in the world and in the whole wide world. She is the most beautiful, the most gorgeous, the most charming of all the mothers I know. Mom loves us, protects and takes care of us. I appreciate my mom. She never hits me, doesn’t yell at me, doesn’t hurt me. From my mother I see love and protection. She is my best friend. Always supports me and helps me in everything. So that I don't have to be alone, she can talk to me and play. I need my mother for happiness and help in difficult times.

Everyone respects our mother because she is good, smart, hardworking, successful and helps everyone. Mom loves her job, but no more than her family. She knows the most important thing in life: to love her children well and take care of them. I look like my mother with my eyes, eyes, smile, voice, hair and love for animals, nature, family.

I love my mother very much and worry about her. Sometimes she comes home very late, but at night there are killers with knives and pistols. But she and our dad are not afraid. Also, now the road has become slippery, and mom could fall at any moment because she walks in heels. This worries me too.

When my parents come home from work with bags full of food, I unpack the bags and put everything in the refrigerator. I let them watch TV in peace, and I sit down at the computer and play. I take care of my mother so that she has time to rest, eat calmly, sleep and successfully spend the whole next day. I help my mother around the house with cleaning, washing and cooking with her. Mom likes it when we help her and especially when we communicate with her.

Dear mom, I respect and love you with all my heart. When I grow up, I will love you then too! I will choose you the best apartment in the city. If I have a lot of money, I will hire security for you. I will protect you from all troubles, failures, misfortunes, death, so that you will always be healthy. I will help you with money, food and medicine. I will provide you with everything necessary, necessary and useful. I will come to you and help you around the house. I will celebrate all the holidays and my victories with you. I will try to take good care of you. I am ready to do anything for you, as long as you live and be happy. You are the sun for me, and I am the sun for you.

Mom, thank you for life, love, affection, warmth, care and understanding. Because you spend all your time on me and constantly worry about me. This is why I love you. You are the most wonderful mother!

Daria Chistyakova

Mom is not only a mother for me, but also a guardian angel. She will always find something to calm and console me. Her native voice warms me with warmth. She can please me with just her joyful look. That's why my mother is happiness for me. I see so much goodness from her. She only wishes good things for me. He makes me happy with his presence. Puts me in a good mood. Mom loves me very much. She always tells me this.

My mother is kind, sweet, affectionate, caring, smart, hardworking and never mischievous. Takes care of our entire family.

My mother is different from other mothers in her eye color, and most importantly, in her kindness. While my grandmother was in intensive care, my mother took care of her: she brought her food, washed her hair. And when my grandfather started having problems, my mother helped him cope with them. She will continue to help them.

Everyone loves and respects my mother because her dad is a general. And also because she has a kind heart and a gentle soul.

When my friends come to visit me, my mother asks if we are hungry and what we want to eat. Mom is keeping an eye on my friends. He watches how we play, what we play and what we play with. Always interested in how my friends and I are doing.

My mother is like a friend to me, because she goes with me to Crazy Park, helps me in difficult times and supports me. Mom is the best lifeguard in the world for me. She has the best methods of raising children. I like to talk to her about everything. Mom perfectly replaces all my friends. He can give valuable advice and always help with everything. She is a true friend to me. Better than anyone else. That's why I need my beloved, most beautiful mother. I always say thank you to my mother for everything. I never offend her and take care of her. I call her often. We always sleep together. And if she didn’t exist, then I wouldn’t exist either.

Mom dreamed of having a boy, but it so happened that I was born. She wanted the child to have the same character as I have now. Mom thought that she would have many funny stories and interesting events with her child. When I was born, my mother liked it. She told me: “Daughter, Zhenechka!”, and her soul felt light from the fact that her child was born. Mom wants to give birth to another son. Because I am the only daughter in the family. And then we’ll give birth to a son, and it will be fun.

Mom, thank you for giving birth to me. I love you so much that you can’t even imagine how. I especially feel this when you are sick and in the hospital. Even in bed I cry for you out of fear. I love you very much. You and I have the same love for each other.

Mom, I feel bad when you are upset and it doesn’t make you feel good. You better always be happy! Your happiness always makes me feel good and comfortable. But when you get angry, I start to feel strongly. I am always nervous when you are not with me and happy when you are near. I really like living with you. It's nice when your gentle hands touch my skin.

When you're at work, I worry about you a lot. What if some bad guys, bandits, take you away and want to kill you. Children cannot live without a mother. Ah, you are my life for me. I can't live without you. I'm still worried that you'll get sick. I’m worried that you won’t have time to eat, because you urgently need to go somewhere on business. Or you won’t have time to sleep or iron your things. I'm worried that I won't have time to wash my car and will be late for work.

Mom, you are like a little sun to me. Like a seed that was released into the light by the kindest cornflower. Like a ray of sunshine, so fluffy and affectionate. In general, you yourself are super! I love you already because I have you so sweet and good.

Mom, you are the best in the world, in the whole world, in the whole earth, and in the whole cosmos. You are like a drop of dew on a blade of grass and like a beautiful tulip bud. I'm proud of you. I really care about you. For me, you are the best person. Better than anything I love. You were my favorite even when I was just born. You are the best mother in the world. Your smile is like a rainbow upside down.

I often call you “pretty girl.” There is a reason for this - you always dress fashionably and in fact, are very beautiful, like a top model. You love all sorts of surprises and gifts. You always have a lot of plans for one day. You love making money and so do I, but not at work, but in my own way: knowledge at school.

Our dad chose you as his wife because you knew how to cook, wash, iron, speak and write English. Also for being a teacher and teaching children. And then dad thought that when his child went to school, you would be able to help him with his homework. Dad treats you with respect and loves you very much. For him, you are what makes his soul happy.

In our family, I have my own things that I can dispose of or use at my discretion. But, still, I want to change something in our family life.

I want the apartment to have a lot of festive decorations. I think my family will like this. Of course, so that we have a lot of money that we can safely spend. So that mom and dad never quarrel. So that everyone in our family can have fun, calmly and so that we can all live together. May we have a lot of new happiness and success.

I want my mother to always be with me, otherwise she is constantly on business trips and sees me very rarely. I dream that we will see my beloved mother more often. I want no one in our family to ever get sick.

Mom, I wish you happiness and health. So that you can wait for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And in life you would have nothing but success and all your dreams would come true.

Thank you for raising me, feeding me deliciously and dressing me beautifully. You have a heart of gold. You are the kindest in the world. Thank you for understanding me.

When I grow up, I will be a good mother and will not hire any nannies for my children. I will take care of them myself. I will love them and will never hurt them. I will teach my children how to respect my mother and help her.

Dear mom, I love you with all my soul and would give my life for you. I will always help you with everything and bring joy to your soul. I hope these kind words will remain your support forever.

Evgenia Krotenko

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