A fairy tale about healthy food for children of the second junior group “Vitaminka’s Journey”

About Katyushina Kaprizka (Olga Bykova)

In one city there lived a girl. Such a small Girl, with a snub nose, radiant eyes and thin pigtails. The girl's name was Katyusha. The girl's mother and father went to work, and she stayed at home with her grandmother.

Everything would be fine, but Katyusha didn’t like porridge. She didn’t really like to eat at all, but she simply couldn’t stand porridge. Grandmother persuaded her this way and that. She explained how useful porridge is for small children, sang songs to her, told her fairy tales, even danced and showed her magic tricks. Nothing helped. Our Katyusha first asked to add butter, then sugar, then salt, and then flatly refused to eat “this disgusting thing.”

And at this time, a small, harmful Capriciousness escaped from one absent-minded wizard and set off around the world in search of shelter, until the wizard had enough and returned her back to the dark chest.

Capriciousness was sneaking around the city when she suddenly heard a loud cry from a girl: “I don’t want to!” I won’t eat this porridge of yours!” Capriciousness looked through the open window and saw Katyusha eating.

"Wonderful!" - thought Kaprizka and jumped straight into Katyusha’s wide open mouth.

No one, of course, noticed anything, but from that day on Katyusha became completely unbearable. She refused to eat even the delicious cutlets prepared by her grandmother, even the fluffy golden brown pancakes with strawberry jam! And Kaprizka grew and grew every day. Katyusha, on the contrary, became thinner and more transparent. Moreover, Kaprizka gradually began to stick her nose out and offend Katyusha’s relatives.

And one day my grandmother suddenly said: “I won’t clean the house anymore, and I won’t cook anymore either, no one wants to eat it anyway!” And she sat down on the balcony and began to knit a long, very long striped sock.

And my mother said: “I don’t want to go to the store anymore to buy food, clothes and toys!” She lay down on the sofa and began to read a thick book.

And dad said: “I don’t want to go to work anymore!” He placed chess on the board and began an endless game with himself.

And among all this disgrace sat a satisfied Capriciousness, admiring what she had done. And Katyusha went to the mirror and looked at herself. She did not see her radiant eyes - they went out and acquired gray circles. The nose drooped, and the pigtails puffed up in different directions, like the branches of a Christmas tree. Katyusha felt sorry for herself and began to cry. And she was also so ashamed that she had offended her grandmother.

It’s not even clear where such a little girl came from so many tears! The tears flowed and flowed. They turned into a river! And these tears were such sincere tears of repentance that they simply washed the unwary Capriciousness out into the street, straight into the hands of the wizard looking for her.

And Katyusha suddenly realized how hungry she was. She went to the kitchen, took a saucepan with the rest of the porridge from the refrigerator and ate it all, even without butter, sugar and salt. Having cried and eaten, she fell asleep right there at the table. And I didn’t hear how dad carried her to the crib and, kissing her on the cheek, ran to work. Mom kissed her daughter on the other cheek, salty from tears, and also left. And grandma, having thrown her striped sock somewhere, was rattling pots and pans in the kitchen, intending to prepare a delicious dinner for the whole family!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

project for an environmental lesson in the middle group of a kindergarten.

Objectives:• Introduce children to the concept of vitamins, why they are important;• Consolidate knowledge of where vegetables and fruits grow;• Learn to describe vegetables and fruits by their characteristic features: color, shape;• Education.

Introduce 3-year-old children to vegetables and know their names. Develop sensory sensations.

Introduce 3-year-old children to vegetables and know their names. Develop sensory sensations.

Methodological development. Abstract of the educational activity “Vegetables and fruits are healthy products” for the group “Children with complex defects” We continue to stimulate children’s interest in objects around them.



A Tale of Healthy Vegetables (Maria Shkurina)

One summer Seryozha was visiting his grandmother in the village. It’s good in the village - sun, river, clean air. You can play outside with the kids from morning until dark! Only Seryozha and his grandmother often quarreled. And why? The grandmother prepared delicious lunches of fruits and vegetables for her grandson, but the boy did not want to eat them. “I don’t like this. I won't do that. I don’t eat this red stuff! Take away that little green thing!” - this is what the grandmother heard every time she persuaded the boy to sit at the table. Grandmother was upset, and Seryozha himself felt unpleasant about offending her, but he couldn’t help himself.

One morning, before breakfast, a boy went out into the yard to say hello to the sun. Suddenly Seryozha heard someone’s voices from the direction of his grandmother’s vegetable beds. He looked around, there was no one. I came closer to the beds and my mouth gaped in surprise. It was the vegetables in the beds talking to each other. They didn’t just talk, they argued.

- I'm the most important! - declared the potato. – I fill you up better than any vegetable, giving you strength for the whole day! - No, I’m the most important! – the orange carrot did not agree. – Do you know how much vitamin beta-carotene is in me? It is very good for the eyes. Whoever eats a lot of it will see well until old age. Seryozha listens to the carrot, and nods his head. This is why grandma sees so well and doesn’t wear glasses even when she sews or knits. She probably loves carrots. “You’re not the only one, my friend, rich in beta-carotene,” answered the pumpkin. “And I have a lot of it.” As well as other useful vitamins! I help a person fight autumn diseases when it is damp and windy outside. I also have vitamin C! - Oh, if we are talking about vitamin C, then you should contact me! – the fleshy sweet red pepper laughed. - I have so much of it! More than lemons and oranges! It helps with colds and strengthens the body. - And I’m actually one of the healthiest vegetables! – the curly broccoli cabbage smiled, straightening its green leaves. - And what is there in me! Whether you cook me or eat me raw, they’re full of vitamins! And the taste! Do you know what kind of soup I make? “Well, well, friends, don’t get excited,” said the bow in a bass voice. – Haven’t you heard the saying “The bow cures seven diseases”? It's about me. This means that I can cure a person of many diseases. And in general they add me to all dishes. They don't taste as good without me. Then the vegetables suddenly noticed that they were being watched and immediately fell silent, as if they had not just been arguing with each other.

- These are miracles! – Seryozha whispered, and then his grandmother called him to breakfast.

The boy realized that he was terribly hungry and ran to wash his hands. Along the way, he remembered what his grandmother had prepared for breakfast today. And when I remembered that she was talking about pumpkin porridge, I was happy. Now he will always eat grandma’s soups, porridge and salads and will become strong, agile and healthy.

A fairy tale about vitamins that live in vegetables

Olga Grigorieva

A fairy tale about vitamins that live in vegetables

Vitamins are useful components that are vital for every person. And one day the vitamins disappeared...

In a certain kingdom , in a certain state, there lived cheerful and good people. And the Clever King ruled over them. The king vigilantly ensured that all people were healthy: they breathed fresh air, did morning exercises, followed a daily routine, and ate healthy food.

Well, one day something terrible happened in this kingdom. Acid rain descended on the kingdom, and all the vegetables died . The inhabitants of the kingdom did not have enough vegetables . And they began to get sick because there was not enough nutrients and vitamins that were in vegetables .

These are useful substances that are needed for a person to be healthy. They are found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits , cereals and other foods. Vitamins , just like people, have their own names . For example, these are: Vitamin A1 , Vitamin B2 , Vitamin C , Vitamin E , Vitamin D5 . Beautiful names, right?

The residents suffered greatly. But the Clever Tsar did not allow this to continue for long. And he called Rain into a serious conversation, after talking with him, explaining the situation, they came to the decision that the rain would wash the earth with pure rain and invite the Sun. The earth will be restored and the inhabitants will sow vegetable and everything will go as before.

And so it happened, all the residents became healthy because they continued to eat healthy food.

Having composed this fairy tale with the children , we decided to prepare a delicious vitamin salad , which we even treated our parents to.

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Notes on the program: “Talk about proper nutrition” in the preparatory group. "Where the vitamins live." Notes on the program: “Talk about proper nutrition” in the preparatory group. "Where the vitamins live." Objectives: To introduce the meaning.

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Ecological leisure about vegetables and fruits MCOU SMAGLEEVSKAYA SECONDARY STRUCTURAL DIVISION KINDERGARTEN Ecological leisure in the senior mixed-age (5-7) group “Vegetables.

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The Tale of the Sad Plate (Maria Shkurina)

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Katya. Katya was a good girl: kind, polite, caring. Only Katya didn’t like to eat. And what her mother didn’t cook for her: soups, porridge, cutlets with pasta - but Katya had one answer to everything: “I don’t want to, I won’t.”

Once the grandmother gave the girl a new plate. Beautiful, pink. He says: “Here, Katenka, a new plate for you, it’s not an ordinary one. Loves it when kids eat well.” Katya thanked her grandmother for the gift, but she didn’t eat any better.

Once Katya’s mother put mashed potatoes with a chicken cutlet on a new plate, and she left the kitchen to run errands. Katya sits in front of a plate, does not eat, but only spreads mashed potatoes on it with a fork. Suddenly the girl hears someone crying. Katya looked around, but couldn’t understand anything. She was even a little scared, and then she grew bolder and asked:

-Who is this crying? - This is me, a plate. I'm crying. - Why are you crying? - asks the girl. “I’m upset that you don’t eat well and never see my smile,” the plate answers. - Do you know how to smile? – Katya was surprised. - Of course I can. “You’ll eat all the food until the day and you’ll see for yourself,” answered the plate.

The girl immediately took up her fork and ate the entire cutlet and mashed potatoes. And as soon as the bottom of the plate became empty, Katya saw that she was really smiling and was no longer crying.

Since then, Katya always ate what her mother cooked, and the plate always smiled gratefully at her for it.

Country Vitaminka

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Seryozha. And he had a younger brother, Dima. One day Seryozha is sitting at the table in front of a plate of soup, sad and tired. The spoon won't fit into my mouth. And next to him, Dimka is pouring out his soup with such an appetite that his ears are cracking. Seryozha thinks: “Yeah, they probably served Dimka delicious soup, but they didn’t serve me.” He’s small, they always give him the most delicious things.” And Seryozha decided to exchange with Dima. Rearranged the plates. Again he sits over the soup, the spoon won’t fit. And Dimka makes Serezha’s soup so loud that it makes his ears crackle. Seryozha asks:

- Dimka, why does it taste so good to you, but I don’t feel like eating at all?

But my brother smiles and doesn’t answer. He is still small and cannot speak. Then Dima takes his orange spoon, scoops up the soup and hands it to Seryozha for him to try. Seryozha thought that it was all about the orange spoon and decided to take a sip of the soup.

And suddenly everything around changed dramatically, it became bright and colorful. It was as if Seryozha had found himself in a magical land. Seryozha looks around: the flowers on the windowsill are waving their green leaves, and the blue sky is shining, and the sun is greeting with a yellow ray. And the little brother sits and smiles. Serezha asks:

- Dimka, do you have a magic spoon? And Dimka unexpectedly answers:

- Yes, my orange spoon always opens the door for me to the country of Vitaminka. This magical country is located right in our room. Everything about her is beautiful, bright, and alive. Little round people with vitamins live in it. Take a closer look, the sun is extending a ray to you - these are yellow vitamins on a ray.

Seryozha took a closer look - and sure enough: tiny round people, like soap bubbles, were sitting on the ray, waving to Seryozha with their tiny hands. Seryozha looks at his mother’s flowers - and there on the leaves there are tiny green vitamins greeting Seryozha. Dimka says to his brother:

- Look at your soup, there’s a whole group of people there taking vitamins, and everyone wants to get to know you. I play with them every day. We are friends with them. They make me laugh and help me grow.

Seryozha looks at the soup and can’t believe his eyes: there are orange vitamins sitting on the carrots, yellow vitamins on the potatoes, green vitamins on the cabbage and peas, and red vitamins on the sweet peppers. Everyone is cheerful and happy. They jump and laugh. The yellow lemon vitamin jumps forward and says to Seryozha:

- Hello. My name is Vitamin C. And these are my friends - vitamins A, B, D and others. We differ in colors. We are so glad that you can see us now. We want to be friends with you. Let `s play!

Seryozha replies: “I’m also very glad to meet you.” But how can I be friends with you if you are all so beautiful, colorful, cheerful, and I am so gray and dull? I can’t even finish the soup... “So that’s not a problem,” says Ts. “Let’s help you eat the soup and salad, and then we’ll run together for a walk in the sun.” When you get to know all of us and play, you will become just as cheerful and full of energy.

Seryozha happily agreed. He really wanted to make friends with the vitamin kids and go for a walk with them.

Seryozha took a spoon, began to eat his soup and salad - and noticed how more and more children came up to meet him, and everyone wanted to play. Seryozha finished everything down to the last spoon and immediately forgot about his fatigue. He returned the orange spoon to his brother, said thank you and ran for a walk in the sun.

Since then, Seryozha has been friends with vitamins. They help him eat soup every day, and then they all run off to play together.

This is how little brother Dima helped Seryozha see the country of Vitaminka. And when Seryozha becomes sad and lazy, he takes Dima’s orange spoon and again finds himself in the colorful world of vitamins.


A fairy tale about a boy Sasha who ate poorly (Ekaterina Kubasova)

Sasha did not eat well. He only loved candy and other sweets. But his mother also forced him to eat porridge, borscht, soup, pasta, salads and much more. “I don’t want to, I won’t eat!” Sasha repeated. Mom said that she would give everything to the dog and cat, but that didn’t help. Then mom promised not to let Sasha go outside, not to let him watch cartoons, not to play, not to read books to him and not to give him candy if he didn’t eat.

Sasha was offended. “When I leave my mother for good, then no one will force me to eat.” And left. He got dressed, put a bun, an apple, and candy in his pocket and went wherever his eyes were looking. He walked for a long time and met a dog. The dog sat on the road and whined. Sasha asked:

-Why are you crying? “I’m hungry,” said the dog. “I haven’t eaten anything for a long time and have become completely weak.” To be strong, you need to eat well. Sasha was a kind boy. He took pity on the dog and gave her his bun.

He went further. He sees a bunny lying under a bush and crying. “Why are you crying?” asked Sasha. - I want to eat. If I don't eat, my legs will become completely weak, and I won't be able to outrun either the fox or the wolf. Sasha also took pity on the bunny and gave him his apple.

Then he looked around. His house was not visible, because Sasha had gone very far away. He thought: “I’m tired, my legs hurt, I want to eat. I also became weak, like a dog and a bunny, from hunger. He took a candy out of his pocket and ate it, but it didn’t give him any more strength. “What is the use of candy?” thought Sasha, “now I should eat porridge, or borscht, or noodles with a cutlet.” At least drink a glass of milk!” And Sasha decided to return home. Who will feed him except his mother?!

He quickly ran back. Although Sasha was tired, he gathered all his strength and ran to his house. His mother opened the door for him. “Mom, quickly give me something to eat,” Sasha asked right from the doorway. -I'm hungry like a dog, I'm hungry like a bunny, I'm so weak. “What will you eat?” Mom asked. -I’ll eat everything now. I want to be strong, healthy, strong, I want to grow big. Now Sasha began to eat well both at home and in kindergarten. I even asked for more. He didn't want to be weak and remain small!

Valeological tale. "The Tale of Vitaminka"

Vera Lavrova

Valeological tale. "The Tale of Vitaminka"

In one house, in the kitchen, in a beautiful jar on a shelf, there lived Vitaminka . She was still small, only recently she was brought into this house. Her sisters and brothers lived in the bank, but she was the most curious. One day she wanted to see: “What is there, behind the walls of her native bank?” And when the can was opened, it quietly jumped out and rolled.

She rolled across the table and ended up in the domain of the sweet King Sugar. Everything around was sticky and sweet, airy and white as snow, and Vitaminka immediately fell into this cotton candy.

King Sugar had no children and Vitaminka : so small, round, and shiny, like a little white button. King Sugar ordered his subjects: Baron Candy and Count Toffee to grab Vitaminka and bring her to the royal chambers. And so they did. Poor Vitaminka was neither alive nor dead from fear. She was sprinkled with sweet powder, wrapped in a marshmallow blanket and placed in a crib made of candy. Vitaminka was scared , she couldn’t breathe. And when they fell asleep in the palace, she quietly rolled out of her crib and rolled unnoticed past the guards.

Vitaminka was rolling , and suddenly a forest grew in front of her, but it was not a forest with trees, instead of trees there were different cigarettes, the grass was made of tobacco, and the clouds were made of tobacco smoke. She wanted to turn to the side when she fell into a swamp of beer, the beer gurgled and foamed, poor Vitaminka almost drowned . But the big, fat frog Sausage came to her aid; she invited her to stay with her, but Vitaminka asked to show her the way. The frog Sausage had a kind heart and she helped Vitaminka .

Vitaminka rolls , and here in front of her is a wonderful valley! Beautiful birds and butterflies fly. It was a valley of vegetables and fruits, the country of Fruitovia. The residents here were cheerful and friendly. Their houses were made of vegetables and fruits, juice clouds floated across the sky, they melted and spilled fruit or vegetable juice over the country. There were no kings, everyone was equal. In the morning, residents worked in factories where they made healthy fruit and vegetable preparations, and in the evening the country glowed with thousands of lights! Fairies flew in and illuminated the country with their magic lights. Vitaminka really enjoyed visiting Aunt Strawberry and Uncle Tomato, they didn’t have children, and they invited Vitaminka to stay with them , she happily agreed. She grew up and turned into a large and useful Vitamin , they began to call her Multi-Vitamin-large .

One day a telegram came to Fruktovia: the girl Alice was sick, and no medicine was helping her. Vitaminka to help the girl . Alice and Vitaminka became friends . The friendship between Vitaminka and Alice helped other children, the children stopped getting sick and their friendship is still strong!

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The tale of how Kiryusha saved his mother (Katya Sim)

One morning Kiryusha woke up, stretched, threw back the blanket and ran to look for his mother. Not in the kitchen, not in the living room either... Where did she go? Maybe I went to see my neighbor for a minute? Kiryusha waited and waited, but still no mother. The boy became worried and began to cry. And then he suddenly sees his favorite teddy bear crawling out from under the pillow.

- Why are you crying, Kiryusha? - asked Mishutka. - I lost my mother! I looked for her everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found! – the boy said bitterly. - Please do not cry. I will help your trouble. I know who stole your mom! It was the evil sorceress Zlyuka-Byaka who took her to her kingdom. She didn’t like that your mother takes care of you, plays with you, puts you to bed, walks, cooks for you, kisses, hugs you. Evil-Byaka got angry and stole your mother. - So what should we do now? – asked Kiryusha. - Little bear, do you know where the kingdom of the evil witch is? “I know and I’ll show you the way there, just stop crying!” - answered the plush friend.

And suddenly, everything around began to spin, and the Little Bear and the boy found themselves on the edge of the forest. “Let’s go,” said Mishutka. Do you see the path there? If we follow it, then it will lead us right to the kingdom of Zlyuki-Byaki,” and they, holding hands, ran together along the forest path. They run and run and see that a forest mountain stands in their way, which is impossible to get around. “We’ll have to climb this mountain,” the teddy bear said to Kiryusha. “Oh,” the boy groaned. “For some reason my legs aren’t moving at all,” and tears rolled out of my eyes again! “And this is all because you didn’t want to eat porridge,” answered Mishutka. - Look how quickly I can climb this mountain now. I eat porridge every day! And before the boy even had time to blink his eyes, the Little Bear was already at the top of the mountain.

- What should I do? – thought the boy. “He looked around and suddenly saw a table standing nearby, and on it a plate with aromatic porridge. “Help yourself,” the squirrels giggled, hanging from the tree branches! - We heard that you are going to save your mother! That's why our mother cooked delicious porridge especially for you. Do not be shy! Kiryusha ate porridge and immediately felt strength appear in his legs and throughout his body. He thanked the cheerful squirrels and quickly ran to catch up with the Little Bear. - Well, finally you overcame the mountain! - Mishutka said affectionately. “Now we need to move on.” The sun is already setting, and we have only walked half the way.

They descended from the other side of the mountain and again found themselves on the path. “Do you see the towers in the distance?” Little Bear asked Kiryusha. That's where the evil witch lives. “No, I don’t see anything,” the boy answered in surprise and spread his arms. - Aaaah, I got it! You don’t see it because you refused to eat carrots. “And it contains a lot of vitamin A, which is very good for the eyes,” said the smart Mishutka. “Wait, now I’ll call the Rabbit, he lives right here.” He definitely has a carrot for you! The rabbit came running to the call, listened to Kiryusha and treated him to a carrot. “Thank you,” the boy thanked the Rabbit and ate the carrot with pleasure, because he really wanted to save his mother.

And they, together with the Little Bear, ran even faster along the path. When they approached the Zlyuki-Byaki castle, it was completely, completely dark. “It’s good that night has already come,” said the Teddy Bear. - The witch is already asleep. And you will sneak into her domain, find your mother and save her. - How will I get there? Look how tall the door is! And I don't have the key! – the boy answered bitterly. “No problem,” came a voice from above. “I’ll now fly to the witch’s bedroom and quietly remove the key from her neck.” And I saw your mother. The evil one hid her in a high tower. I will show. Kiryusha looked up, and it turned out that the Titmouse bird was talking to him.

Kiryusha was delighted with such help, waved his hand to Titmouse and began to wait for the key. Soon the Titmouse bird flew in, gave the boy the key and began to wait for him to open the door to the kingdom. Kirill took the key, but couldn’t reach the keyhole. - This is all because you didn’t eat potatoes at all! It contains a lot of protein, which helps you grow big and strong. “Now I’ll treat you to it,” the Titmouse sang. – Try it, it’s very tasty! The boy ate a potato and suddenly began to grow. He grew up and reached the keyhole. He opened the door and quickly ran after Titmouse.

So they reached the high tower. Kirill ran up the stairs, opened the heavy door and saw his mother. And his mother was so happy about her son! She hugged, kissed and suddenly, everything started spinning again, spinning and we found ourselves? Teddy bear, Kiryusha and his mother in their apartment. And then dad came!

From then on, Kiryusha ate everything his mother cooked. Let Zlyuka-Byaka know that Kirill will now be big and strong, and he will always have enough strength to come to his mother’s aid. After all, it is unknown what trials may await him again!

Fairy tale “How vitamins fought with microbes”

Olga Ivannikova
Fairy tale “How vitamins fought with microbes”

My daughter and I composed a fairy tale . Maybe it will be useful to someone


In one city there lived one little girl. She loved to draw, sing, dance, but she had one bad habit: she loved chips. And then one day, when her mother was not at home, she got a severe stomach ache. She didn’t know what she should do and suddenly a voice called her. It came from under the bed and the girl looked there and suddenly she found herself in some terrible place, with terrible monsters. She asked who are you?

And the terrible creatures answered:

We microbes are powerful creatures. As soon as we get into the human body, we immediately begin to rob and multiply inside. A person becomes ill, he gets sick.

You are germs , I can't see you. Yes, yes, we are small, we can only be seen under a microscope . Why then do I see you? And you are so small, smaller than us. When a person gets sick, he becomes small, he wants to hide, and that’s where we come to help. No, you won’t help me and the girl started screaming.

There was a mouse near this ominous place, and when it heard a squeak, it ran to the rescue. She came running, and there was a little girl there, she could barely see her. The girl climbed onto the mouse’s back, and they walked quietly away from this place. But the germs and they had to hide. They ended up in the castle, but they didn’t know who lived there. And suddenly a creature similar to garlic approached them. By the cross on his hat they determined that he was a doctor, what happened to you. Her stomach hurts. Why does it hurt? And the girl told everything to the garlic . He said , don’t you know that you can’t eat them. I know, but I wanted them so bad. microbes began to attack the castle gates , they demanded that the girl be given to them. But here all the vegetables and fruits came to the defense. They fought and fought and won. Every fruit and vegetable is healthy, so the victory was theirs. And the girl realized that she needed to eat more vegetables and fruits so that germs would not come to her . Children, so that all our organs work well, bones and muscles grow and develop normally. We need vitamins .

These vitamins are found in healthy foods,

And there are a lot of vitamins in vegetables , fruits, and berries. You cannot eat Kirieshki, chips, or drink carbonated water, as these are all products containing various chemical compounds that destroy our body. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. vitamins there . They help you grow and be strong.

This is where the fairy tale ends , and whoever understood everything, well done!

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How Ilyusha fed his tummy (Tatyana Kholkina)

Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Ilyusha. And he was the same age as you.

Ilyusha ate candy before dinner, and then his mother called him to the table. She poured him some soup, and Ilyusha became capricious: “I’m not hungry, I already had candy for lunch!” “But you’ve been walking around, running around, you need to eat well,” his mother convinces him. - Don't want! — Ilyusha is capricious.

And suddenly he hears: someone is crying. I looked around - there was no one. Who is this? Ilyusha listened to himself. And it turns out that his tummy is crying! - What happened to you? - Ilyusha was scared. - Who hurt you? “I’m sitting here, waiting for lunch, but my neck doesn’t give me anything!” And I want to eat! Ilya the neck asks sternly: “Why don’t you let your tummy eat?” He's dying of hunger there! And the little neck answers: “I myself haven’t had a drop of poppy dew since this morning!” I'm hungry too! My mouth didn't feed me! Ilyusha began to scold his mouth: “Why don’t you feed the neck?” It makes my tummy cry! And the mouth answers: “You, Ilyusha, didn’t eat the soup.” And I, my mouth, didn’t eat the soup. And the neck got nothing. That's why my tummy is hungry. “I gave you some candy,” Ilyusha says indignantly. - I had to share! - This candy is not enough for me alone. Is this food?! It melted in your mouth and is gone. Nothing reached the tummy. What to do? Ilya feels sorry for his own tummy.

He grabbed a spoon and began putting soup into his mouth. The mouth immediately became happy, chews and treats the neck. And the neck sends soup into your tummy. Ilyusha ate the whole bowl of soup and asked: “Well, tummy, are you full?” Not yet, screams the tummy. - I want the second one! Ilyusha ate the potatoes too. - Well, are you full now? -And the compote? - asks the tummy. Ilyusha asked his mother for compote. - Well, are you full? And my tummy doesn’t even have the strength to answer - it’s so full. It can only gurgle. - Glug-glug. Thank you, Ilyusha,” the tummy gurgled. - Now I'm full. And thanks to mom for the delicious soup!

Ilyusha says to his mother: “Mom, my tummy said thank you!” - Please, my dears! - Mom smiled contentedly.

Another great poem by Irma Fink:

Vegetables and fruits

All sizes and colors Vegetables and fruits. There are enough for ten mouths, stock up on food.

A wonderful fruit - pineapple, and a big one, too. If you eat it at once, then you don't need dinner.

Is this an optical illusion? Blue, blue - A thick eggplant is ripening, It is long in shape.

The local fruit and vegetable basket mainly offers apples and pears, as well as cabbage, leeks, carrots, celery, beets, limes and endive. Cabbage contains flavorings that protect against infection. Kale and broccoli are especially healthy. Even the sauerkraut has more than expected. Because white cabbage supplies ascorbinogen, a precursor to vitamin C, which turns into long-lasting cooking. Some varieties of apple trees also contain many vitamin Cs. The front runners are Jonagold, Berlepsh and Braburn.

Even potatoes have an anti-cold vitamin. So, you don't need to eat citrus fruits to boost your immune system. Of course, if your child doesn't like local fruits and vegetables, you can also offer kiwi, grapefruit or oranges. Because even in winter you should eat about five servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. If necessary - if you want to go quickly - you can also use frozen vegetables.

The garden is proud of its grapes, its branches are bent. When the grapes ripen, come, children!

And jam and compote From ripe cherries, Red juice smeared my mouth - All questions are unnecessary.

The yellow pear is fragrant and sweet. She ate three, now Little Ksyusha is full.

An acorn is ripening on the oak trees - This is food for the pig. It crunches juicy on Dinky the pig's teeth.

Vitamin supplements are taboo for children

Because frost perfectly preserves vitamins. Time and time again, vitamin supplements are recommended for children if the child is not turning green. Moreover, vitamins and minerals are hidden in many food products. In winter, we often spend too much time in overheated, dry rooms. Since this affects both adults and children, it is important that they also drink plenty. Because dry air removes moisture from the lungs. Fine hair in the respiratory tract, which forms a barrier to bacteria and viruses, cannot work properly.

The nose is tickled by the aroma of strawberries. The sun's glare warms the spring garden.

Yellow, sunny lemon, It is useful with tea, But without tea it is sour - We know about it.

Carrots sleep underground. What is she dreaming about there? We threaten, frowning - Show yourself, girl!

The raspberries filled with ripe juice, and a nice girl made her way to her with a basket.

Warm drinks, such as warm currants or elderberry juice with spices, are especially beneficial. “There is no nutritional reason for us to prefer warm drinks in winter,” says Ute Alexy. But it's not just nutrition that plays a role in your health: you should go for long walks with your kids and let them play outside despite the cold. This vitamin is important for bone growth.

Light also stimulates the production of serotonin and external rage, strengthening the body's defenses. Fruits and vegetables are how children eat it. Fruits and vegetables are crunchy, colorful and contain many important vitamins, by-products and minerals that promote health and defense. Unfortunately, these arguments do not motivate all children to grab fresh enough apples and carrots. But with a few tricks, fruits and vegetables soon find great favor.

Cucumber, cucumber, He lies in the garden The daredevil winked at me - Everything will be all right.

Not a ruddy bun, pink cheeks, this is a peach barrel - my daughter’s favorite fruit.

What kind of tree is in bloom? Fruit, not fruit, but a miracle! I’ll give you a hint, kids: The plum is ripening.

The foreign persimmon will land on our saucer, It’s so good, But it’s a little knitting.

Encourage children to eat more fruits and vegetables

Children can learn to eat fruits and vegetables. There are very few children who don't like fruits and vegetables. One child likes cucumbers, but not carrots, the second child only wants potatoes on his plate. Fruits are often more popular than vegetables because they are juicy and sweet. But there are also apple lovers and banana eaters here. Children's senses of taste change over time, which can be influenced by parents.

The sooner children are offered fruits and vegetables, the sooner children will get used to it. Parents should consider this a good role model. If health and nutrition are discussed too often, food quickly loses its pleasant and informal character and conflicts arise.

We will bake a large pie with apple filling, Apple juice in a glass. Irinka and I are full.

Poems about vitamins

Why you need to eat (Irina Gurina)

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Nastenka. She really didn't like to eat. “Look how delicious the porridge is,” her grandmother told her. - Eat at least a spoonful. Just try it - you will definitely like it. But Nastenka only pressed her lips tightly and shook her head.

“Eat the cottage cheese,” grandfather persuaded Nastenka. - It is very tasty and healthy. But she didn’t want to eat the cottage cheese either.

“Look how delicious this soup is,” said my mother. - Look how handsome he is! There are red carrots, green peas, white potatoes! - I won’t! - Nastenka screamed and ran away from the kitchen.

Day after day passed. One day Nastenka went for a walk with her friends. They decided to go down the hill. And a high ladder led up the hill. The friends tramp, tramp, and climbed to the very top, and Nastenka stood below and was upset: “Look, you are all so big and strong!” Why am I so small? I can’t climb the steps, I can’t hold on to the railing, I can’t go down the slide! - It’s true! — the girlfriends were surprised. - Why are you so small? “I don’t know,” Nastenka was upset and went home. She comes into the house, undresses, and tears just keep falling: drip and drip, drip and drip. Suddenly she hears a whisper.

Nastenka went into her room. There is no one, it's quiet. I went to see my grandparents. It's also empty. She looked into her parents’ room and there was no one there. “I don’t understand anything,” the girl shrugged. -Who is whispering? She tiptoed towards the kitchen. She opened the door slightly - the whispering became louder. The chair is empty, the corners are empty. There is only a bowl of soup on the table. “Oh,” Nastenka was surprised, “it’s the vegetables talking!” “I’m the most important one here,” the carrot was angry. - I have vitamin A - this is the most important vitamin. It helps children grow. And the one who eats vitamin A sees well, almost like an eagle. You can't live without me! - No, us! No, we are in charge! — the peas were jumping. — Green peas also contain vitamin A. And there are more of us, which means we are more important! And in general, we also have vitamin B! “I also have vitamin B. I’m not bragging,” the meat grumbled. “I generally have a lot of all sorts of vitamins that are needed for my heart to function well and for my teeth and gums to be healthy.” “And I have vitamin C,” the potato jumped. - He is more important than everyone else. Whoever eats vitamin C does not catch a cold! Then they all shouted in unison and almost came to blows. A large tablespoon, quietly dozing next to the plate, rose, slapped the broth and said: “Stop arguing!” When Nastya hears that the soup is magical and that those who eat well, grow quickly and don’t get sick, will be happy and eat you all along with their vitamins!

- And I heard, I heard! - Nastenka shouted, running into the kitchen. “I really want to grow up and ride down the hill with everyone else!” She took a spoon and ate the soup. Since then, Nastenka ate well every day. Soon she grew up and even became taller than her friends!

A fairy tale about healthy food for children of the second junior group “Vitaminka’s Journey”

Olga Dzhaninyan
A fairy tale about healthy food for children of the second junior group “Vitaminka’s Journey”

«Travel Vitamins»

(a fairy tale about healthy food for children of the second younger group).

Once upon a time there lived Vitaminka . One day she got tired of eating healthy food: buckwheat porridge, drinking milk. Vitaminka wanted . And what delicious food this is! She didn't even know herself.

Vitaminka recovered in search of delicious food.

She walked for a very long time. I'm tired. I wanted to eat. I was just thinking about food when suddenly, out of nowhere, something yellow, crispy, of an incomprehensible shape appeared.

- Who are you? - asked Vitaminka .

- I! – answered a creature of incomprehensible shape. - Vitaminka , you don’t know who I am! I am Chipsik - the most delicious food in the world! Try my chips.

Without hesitation, Vitaminka tried the chips . She really liked it.

But she did not notice how her right hand turned black. Vitaminka said goodbye to Chipsik and moved on.

Vitaminka walked for several days in search of tasty food. She felt very thirsty.

Suddenly a bottle appeared in front of her, a liquid in which bubbled and hissed strongly.

- Oh, who are you? - asked Vitaminka .

- I am the most delicious and sweet water in the world! I am Coca-Cola! Drink my drink!

Vitaminka took a few sips of Cola. It seemed to her that she had never tasted anything tastier. But Vitaminka did not notice that her other hand had turned black.

Vitaminka continued her journey . Suddenly she felt that there was a smell of something minty and sweet in the air. A rectangular, snow-white creature appeared in front of her.

Vitaminka asked:

- Is it you who smell so good? Who are you?

- I, Vitaminka , am the most delicious thing in the world! I am Orbit chewing gum! I always want to chew!

Vitaminka took the Orbit record and chewed it.

But Vitaminka didn’t even notice that her tummy had turned black...

Our Vitaminka went further . She walked for a very long time. Her strength began to leave her. But neither chips, nor cola, nor gum helped. And she got worse and worse. The vitamin turned all black . I fell on the path and had no strength to get up.

But our Vitamin . She was pitied by Mr. Health , who always kept an eye on the vitamins . He fed Vitaminka oatmeal and gave him milk. Vitaminka thought that she had never tasted anything tastier in her life. turned pink and realized that food that looks beautiful and smells delicious is not always healthy!

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