Short-term project in kindergarten in the middle group. Unconventional drawing techniques

I. Statement of the problem : ineffective subject environment in the art corner.

II. Justification of the problem :

1. Lack of equipment in the creativity corner.

2. Children’s inability to draw using non-traditional techniques.

3. Incompetence of parents in the matter of drawing using non-traditional techniques.

III. The goal of the project: to create conditions for the visual development of children using non-traditional techniques.

IV. Tasks: 1. Replenish the corner with equipment. 2. Teach children unconventional drawing techniques. 3. Give parents knowledge on drawing using non-traditional techniques.

V. Actions: 1. Joint activities of the teacher and children 2. Consultations, memo, master class for parents.

Manufacturing: -non-traditional equipment according to art.

VI. Schedule/terms of project implementation: 2014-2015.

1. August-September.

  • Study and analysis of scientific research and methodological literature on this issue; selection of visual demonstration and handout material.
  • Drawing up a project plan.

2. October.

  • Consultation for parents “Drawing in non-traditional ways”
  • Joint activity of teacher and children “Printing with leaves”
  • Making stencils.

3. November.

  • Master class for parents on the topic: Using non-traditional drawing techniques with preschool children.”
  • Joint activity of teacher and children “Signet from an apple”
  • Making the album “Non-traditional drawing techniques”

4. December.

  • Open event for parents “Skillful Hands” (circle)
  • Joint activity of teacher and children “Drawing with fingers and palms”

5. January.

  • Consultation for parents “Cultivating interest in drawing in children”
  • Joint activity of teacher and children “Drawing with cotton swabs”

6. February.

  • Consultation for parents “How to organize a home drawing lesson”
  • Joint activity of teacher and children “Drawing with a candle + watercolor”

7. March.

  • Memo for parents: “How to properly prepare a workplace”
  • Joint activity of teacher and children “Imprint with crumpled paper”
  • Manufacturing of equipment according to ISO

8. April.

  • Consultation for parents “We love to draw”
  • Open event for parents “Skillful Hands” (circle)

9. May.

  • Album “Unconventional drawing technique”
  • Open event for teachers “Skillful Hands” (circle)
  • Exhibition of material on non-traditional drawing techniques “Drawing without a brush”

VII. Resources:


  • Sakulina, a manual for educators. – 2nd ed. and additional – M.: Education, 1982. – 208 p.
  • Davydova, G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten [Text] / G.N. Davydova, Scriptorium, 2003.
  • Wenger, L.A. Raising a child’s sensory culture [Text] /L. A. Wenger, E. G. Pilyugina, N. B. Wenger. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 2005.
  • Subbotina L. Development of imagination in children [Text] L. Subbotina. – Yaroslavl, 1998.
  • Nikitina, A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten [Text] A.V. Nikitina. – Karo, 2007.

VIII. Personnel: teachers, parents, children.

IX. Equipment: paper, paint, waste material, candles, fruit, cotton swabs.

X. Project staff:

Full name, functions, product of activity:

  • Educator, organizer and presenter, consultations;
  • Parents, listeners and participants, drawing;
  • Children, participants, drawing skills.

XI. Project product:

  • equipment for the creativity corner.

XII. Performance criteria:

The goal is achieved if:

  • children independently use non-traditional drawing techniques,
  • more than 50% of parents of pupils have increased their competence in drawing using non-traditional techniques

XIII. List of working documentation:

  • Development of plans.

Author: Lyudmila Vasilievna Karandasheva, teacher of the structural unit “General developmental kindergarten No. 34 “Yolochka” of the municipal educational institution “Udimskaya secondary school No. 2”, Udimsky village, Russia.

The article is published in the author's edition


Educator: To find out what we will talk about today, guess the riddle: If it weren’t for her, it would be difficult to eat. There is nowhere to pour the soup or put the cutlet. ( Plate .)

The teacher shows the children a tray on which there are many different plates .

Guys! I invite you to come up with a story about any plate of your choice . To make it easier to describe the subject, I will give you a hint diagram.

What material is it made of?

Which one is it intended for?

(Descriptive story for children>

One, two, three, four, five (walk in place)

Let's help mom (clap hands)

We quickly washed the cups (Circular movements with palms)

We didn’t forget about (Circular movements with palms)

We have removed all the dishes

We are very tired (They spread their arms to the sides)

Educator: Guys! Look! Matryoshka dolls came to visit us. They want to have lunch with us today, but they don’t have beautiful plates . Let's help our nesting dolls and give them beautiful plates , decorated with our own hands (Children's answers)

But we will do this not in the usual way, but with the help of vegetables ( Shows
potatoes ) .

The teacher shows pre-prepared potato prints and paper plates . Shows children how to decorate their own plates .

Independent activity of children. At the end of the work, we give the nesting dolls our plates and invite them to have lunch with us.

Children's master class on painting with paints "Butterflies" in the non-traditional technique of imprinting leaves Children's master class on painting with paints "Butterflies" in the non-traditional technique of "imprint" - leaf prints Material for master. Summary of GCD in the senior group “Making a plate using the decoupage technique” Summary of GCD in the senior group for additional education of children Making a plate using the decoupage technique “Gift for March 8” Compiled by:.

Drawing prints with potato stamps.

Natalia Krainova

Drawing prints with potato stamps.

« Dishes". Drawing prints with potato stamps. First junior group


Program content. Introduce children to the technique of printing with potato signets. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Material. Two toy squirrels, potato seals in the shape of crosses, diamonds, circles, flowers; bowls with embedded thin foam rubber soaked in gouache; circles cut out of cardboard.

Progress of the lesson:

Play out the situation: two little squirrels came running from the forest to visit the guys.

Distribute to children in a circle made of cardboard.

Educator: Look, guys, do these circles look like plates? That's right, they are similar. The only thing missing is a beautiful pattern on our plates. Let's decorate our plates!

Children take potato stamps, dip them in foam rubber with paint and make impressions around the circumference of the plate. One print can be placed in the center of the plate.

Praise the children, thank them on behalf of the squirrels.

Potato Day 2016 (photo report) Potatoes grow in the fields And in our vegetable gardens. People sow a lot of it. This wonderful gift of nature. It is healthy, tasty and nutritious in all respects.

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