GCD with children of the second junior group “Travel with the Big Traffic Light”

Notes for the younger group "Traffic Light"

"Our friend is the traffic light."


“Our friend is the traffic light”
to introduce children to the traffic light;
to form ideas about the safety of pedestrians on the road; consolidate knowledge about the primary colors: red, yellow, green. Objectives:
• Educational: Activate children's speech, introduce children to traffic lights and their importance in organizing safe traffic on the roads.
Fix the names of the colors (yellow, green, red). Reinforce knowledge of traffic lights for children. Learn to listen carefully to adults and each other, to answer questions. • Developmental: Develop coherent speech skills, attention, memory, intelligence. • Educational: To cultivate goodwill, responsiveness, a desire to provide assistance, and the need to follow traffic rules. Vocabulary work: traffic light, green, red, yellow, pedestrian, sidewalk. Equipment: cat toy, traffic light picture, traffic light templates, paper circles of 3 colors: red, yellow, green. Educational areas:
“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”. Types of activities: gaming, motor, communicative, construction, perception of fiction, cognitive and research.




Who explains to pedestrians how to cross the road, who lights the signals and helps them on their way? (traffic light)

Educator: Well done! Hush hush!

What do I hear! The snow creaks outside the window! Someone is in a hurry to visit us!


. A cat came to visit us today. But for some reason he is sad. What’s wrong with you, cat?


My ball burst. I was playing on the road and my ball got hit



Guys, is it possible to play on the road and run out onto it?


No! Cars drive along the road and can run over a person.


Before you go out on the road you need to look at the traffic light.

Do you know why it is needed? - Here, cat, listen with the guys to what a traffic light is and what it is needed for. The teacher reads a poem about a traffic light: The traffic light has three windows: When crossing, look at them. If the red light is on in the window: “Stop! Do not rush! - he tells you. Red light - walking is dangerous. Don’t risk yourself in vain. If suddenly a yellow window flashes, wait, wait a little. If the green light is on in the window, it is clear that the path is open for pedestrians. The green light suddenly turned on, and now we can go. You, traffic light, are a good friend to drivers and passers-by.

Remember, cat, and you guys: play on the road

life threatening! You, cat, are still small and don’t know how to do it at all.

behave on the road. Shall we help him?




Please look at the illustrations. What do you see on them?


Cars are driving along the road.


Right. That's what big, smart kids you are! Do you know what types of cars there are?


Big and small!


Right! Let's look at these cars. What is it?

for cars?


This is a truck, and this is a passenger car.


Well done! Let's repeat once again: this is a truck,

she carries loads (sand, firewood, bricks); this is a car, dad is driving it

brings the child to kindergarten; this is a bus, it carries people, it can

to fit a lot of people - all of us!


What does the car have? What parts does the machine consist of?


Wheels, steering wheel, cabin, body.

Game “Light up the traffic light” To play the game you will need a “extinguished” traffic light model and circles

red, yellow and green colors, children are given circles. Them

you need to “light” the traffic light. The rest of the children check the correctness

completing the task, correcting it if necessary.


Well done. Our traffic lights were lit correctly. Now let's review the rules for crossing the street.

Physical education minute

"Traffic light".

And we will play with you. Everyone leave the tables and stand on the mat. I have three mugs in my hands, these are the eyes of the traffic light. If I show you a red circle, you will have to sit down, if it is yellow, you will have to stand, if it is green, you will have to walk.


I understand! You need to look for a zebra crossing and then walk along it. "Zebra" -

path for pedestrians, striped passage sign.

The cat says thank you to us for teaching him a lot. He is in a hurry to see his friends, but now he will be careful on the road. Let's say again how to cross the road: 1. Only when the light is green. 2. Look first to the left, then to the right. 3. Walk quickly, but don't run.


The teacher asks the children questions to consolidate their acquired knowledge:

So, can children play on the road? (No). That's right, well done, we can't play on the road because it's dangerous for our lives. Now tell me where to cross the road? (On the pedestrian crossing). Absolutely right, we cross the road only in specially designated areas for pedestrians. Is it possible to cross the road in the wrong place? (No).

- Well done, this is dangerous for our lives and is a violation of traffic rules. Now the guys and I are sure that the cat will no longer break traffic rules and will be a competent pedestrian, like the guys and I.

Integrated lesson on traffic rules in the 2nd junior group. Topic: “Friends of the traffic light”


1 Integrated lesson on traffic rules in the 2nd junior group. Topic: “Friends of the traffic light” Objectives: Educational: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the traffic light, its importance in organizing safe traffic on the roads. Reinforce the names of colors (red, yellow, green), give children knowledge about where and how to cross the street, introduce them to special signs - pedestrian crossing indicators, and introduce the word “crossing” into the children’s active vocabulary. Learn to create an image of a traffic light by attaching the finished form one below the other at an equal distance; develop the eye, coordination in the “eye-hand” system; Developmental: develop attention, skills of safe behavior at a pedestrian crossing, teach perseverance and accuracy; activate the vocabulary (traffic light, the color is red, you can’t go, pedestrian, traffic rules, write a short story about the traffic light. Educational: cultivate a culture of behavior on the road, cultivate the desire to be polite, kind and attentive towards each other. Vocabulary work: red, yellow, green, traffic light, pedestrian crossing. Preliminary work: conversations about traffic rules, the rules of safe behavior on the street; looking at illustrations, posters on traffic rules; reading poems and stories about traffic lights. Visual aid: model of a traffic light; sign "Pedestrian transition", subject pictures: "City Streets". Educational areas: Social and communicative development, cognition, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development. Sections: speech development, familiarization with the environment. Equipment: magnetic board, three circles of different sizes, glue, road layout, doll, toy car, TV, audio recording.

2 Course of the lesson: 1. Game “Who is good with us, who is handsome with us?” The teacher seats the children on chairs. Using the text of a Russian folk song, he says: Who is good with us? Who is our handsomest? The teacher takes him out and hugs him. Vanechka is good (Olechka is good), Vanechka is handsome (Olechka is beautiful). Having praised 4-6 children, the teacher offers them a hug, and then invites all the children to his place and offers them a hug. The teacher takes turns hugging the children who were unable (did not want) to find a partner. “My children are wonderful,” the teacher concludes his conversation with the kids, “beautiful, smart, kind, cheerful. I love you all". Surprise moment: The teacher draws the children’s attention to a beautiful bag. Educator: Guys, look what I found in our group! What it is? Children: bag. Educator: I haven’t seen him here before, I wonder how he ended up here? Somebody knows? Children: no. Educator: It looks like Santa Claus's bag. What do you think lies in it? Children: candy, toys. Teacher: takes the bag in his hands and invites 2-4 children to find out by touch what is in the bag. (Game “Wonderful Bag”) First, 2 cars were pulled out of the bag. There's something else in the bag.

3 Day and night I burn, I give signals to everyone, I have three colors, What is my friends name? (Traffic light.) That's who came to visit us. - This is a traffic light. Tom, repeat what it is. Venya, Ira. Now let’s say it together - traffic light (2 times) Educator: - Where did you see him? Right! A traffic light helps cars drive without colliding, and pedestrians cross the road safely! Let's look at it. Touch it. - What shape are its lights? (Round.) -Where is the red signal located? (At the top of the traffic light). Yellow? (In the middle.) Green? (Below.) - What do the traffic lights mean? (Red stop, yellow wait, and green go!) You must obey the traffic light instructions without arguing. Red, light is a dangerous color. If you have to wait for yellow, you can’t run. The green light says “That’s it, go, the way is open.” — Did you like this poem? Educator: our friend the traffic light will always tell you what to do. Educator. Guys, look at the picture, what is on the road? Slide Children Cars, traffic lights, pedestrian crossing, roadway. Voss. Do you think the pedestrians in the picture follow traffic rules? What about cars? Voss: Let's bring the picture to life. Once upon a time there was a machine. She had wheels sh-sh-sh (children show a circle with their hands) The doors opened and closed s-s-s. The windows were clanking, ding, ding.

4 The headlights blinked (children click-clack tongue) Done, what a beautiful car we have. Showing toys. Physical exercise. Guys, let's show how we drive a car. The teacher shows and says “Red Yellow Green turns on the machine (it beeps) and perform the movements. To the music of Zheleznova “Bus”. There is a knock: the teacher reaches out from behind the screen Masha: Hello, guys! Help me please! Tell me where and how you can walk on the streets, otherwise I don’t know the rules of the road. Educator: Our children do not walk the streets alone, but only with their mothers and fathers. And they play strictly on the playground, and know the rules of behavior on the street and on the road. Masha: What if I need to cross to the other side of the street, what should I do? Ved: You need to look for the Zebra. (Or immediately: show the zebra. Children, show Masha where the zebra is on our road) Masha: Zebra? She lives in hot countries. Ved: Zebra lives in Africa. He drinks water, chews grass, and wants to frolic. And on our street, here at the intersection, it’s like a zebra crossing, just right, a striped transition. Masha: Well, why do I need it? Show a road or slide layout. Ved: - Look, Masha, a zebra is a section of the road along which we pedestrians are allowed to cross the street, it is indicated by wide white lines: a white stripe, a black stripe and again white, black. This is a pedestrian crossing. It is also indicated by a sign. Let's, children, install a pedestrian crossing sign so that everyone can see it. Masha: - Now I understand where the zebra is. You need to cross the road at the zebra crossing.

5 Pedestrian, pedestrian, remember the crossing! Educator Tell Masha who establishes order on the roads, controls the movement of cars? - traffic light (children's story about the traffic light) 1. The traffic light is located by the road, next to the roadway. It has 3 colors: red, yellow and green. 2. The red light is at the top. Red is a dangerous color. When it burns you have to stand. 3. If you have to wait for yellow, you can’t run. 4. The green light says “That’s it - go, the way is open” Masha. Thank you guys, your stories were interesting and understandable. Let's make a traffic light for Masha so that she can tell her friends the rule for crossing the road. Educator. Sit quietly in your chairs and listen carefully. First we will light the red light, it is at the very top. — What light is on at the traffic light in the middle? - What color is the bottom light? Educator. - What great fellows you are! Our traffic light has started working and has turned on its flame! - At what traffic light can we cross the street? Children. When green. Educator. Well done! I think you will never break traffic rules. Summary of the lesson. What great guys you are, kids. What beautiful traffic lights you have made. (say who tried) Masha: Thank you, guys. I really liked your traffic light. I'll show it to all my girlfriends. Goodbye children. Expected result: 1. Know: the importance of traffic lights in organizing safe traffic on the roads

6 2. Be able to: find pedestrian crossing signs on the roads, use them 3. Have: the desire to remember traffic lights and road signs.

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