DIY laptop for preschoolers: templates, master class and interesting ideas

Educational book with an individual character

A laptop is an educational folder dedicated to a specific topic. This manual is prepared at home and always with the help of a child. The secret of a lapbook is in its design: it is appropriate to use a variety of pockets, additional spreads, “windows” and other interesting design options. A laptop for preschoolers can contain not only a summary of basic knowledge on a chosen topic, but also additional logical and creative tasks. This “game” is perfect for viewing alone or studying with children. And what’s most important is that making a lapbook is not at all difficult, and this process is sure to captivate the whole family and give only positive emotions.

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

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Materials and tools

The most convenient way to make laptops is from cardboard document folders. But if you don’t have one on hand, you can choose a regular sheet of cardboard as a base. As for the interior design, there are two options: either you draw and glue everything by hand, or you cut out printouts made on a printer. Each of these options is good in its own way, in the first case the scope for imagination is unlimited, in the second you can complete all the work much faster. How to make a laptop for preschoolers using a computer and a printer? Templates can be prepared in any graphics program. We present to your attention a ready-made sample that you can also use in your work. And yet, if the child is large enough and independent, it is much more interesting to make lapbooks with your own hands, using only colored paper, cardboard and various decorative elements. And don’t be afraid to do something crookedly or not carefully enough; children, as a rule, do not pay attention to such little things and value handwork much more than adults, regardless of its quality.

Lepbook and its importance in working with preschool children"consultation

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 109"

Experience on the topic

“Leapbook and its importance in working with preschool children”


1. Dear colleagues, I would like to share with you my experience of working with Lapbooks and talk about its importance in working with preschool children.”

2. In our practice, we increasingly encounter children who are not interested in what is happening in the joint educational activities of the teacher and children. Therefore, an important condition for increasing the effectiveness of work with preschool children is not the expansion of educational tasks, but the use of modern pedagogical technologies, related, first of all, to the specifics of the child’s communication with adults and peers with the effective organization of the child’s life in kindergarten, aimed at developing the child’s independent activity and for personal development.

One such tool is the Lapbook.

3. A lapbook is a universal guide that can be the result of children’s project-based and independent activities, a thematic week provided for by the main educational program of a preschool educational institution. Can be used in the implementation of any of the educational areas, ensuring their integration. By combining teaching and upbringing into a holistic educational process, a lapbook allows the teacher to build activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, to create conditions under which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education.

The use of a lapbook ensures equality of opportunity and the full development of every child, regardless of place of residence, gender, nationality, language, social status, including for children with special educational needs.

4. Lapbooks were first created in America. Lapbook - literally translated from English means

“knee book” (lap – knees, book – book).

5. The author of the adapted laptop technology in our country is Tatyana Pirozhenko, who gives the following definition of this term

6. “This is a homemade paper book with pockets, doors, windows, and movable parts that a child can take out, rearrange, and fold at his own discretion. It collects material on a specific topic. At the same time, a lapbook is not just a craft. This is the final stage of independent research work that the child has done while studying this topic.

What is considered the highest stage of development of children’s cognitive activity?

7.Today, the state has set the task of preparing a completely new generation: active, inquisitive.

A modern child needs not so much to know a lot, but to think consistently and convincingly, and to show mental effort.

A lapbook is a great way to both study and reinforce a certain topic with children, comprehend the contents of the book, and conduct research work, during which the child participates in searching, analyzing and sorting information.

8. When organizing the educational process in a group, we were faced with the problem of interaction between a child and a peer: the children did not know how to engage in joint activities: accept a common task, distribute actions among themselves, and show interest in the actions of their partner. All this led to conflicts, disunity, and inability to complete things.

9. A laptop is not just a method that helps consolidate and practice acquired knowledge, it is a flight of fantasy that can give unpredictable results, it is research that, once started, will continue throughout life, because if you sow the “seed” of discovery and research in a child, it will grow and increase. The teacher’s task is only to give students confidence in their abilities and properly motivate them to open new horizons.

10. The laptop meets all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and is well suited for organizing direct educational activities for preschoolers in groups where children of different ages are studying at the same time.

Working with a laptop contributes to the main areas of partnership between an adult and children:

- involvement of the teacher on an equal basis with the children,

- voluntary participation of children in activities,

- free communication and movement of children during activities,

- open time end of activity (everyone works at their own pace).

Making a manual such as a lapbook

ensures the implementation of partnerships between adults and children;

promotes creative self-realization of the teacher.

unites not only children and parents, but also teachers.

This is evidenced by the following slides, which present the work of our colleagues Ilina Olesya Leonidovna and Grishchenko Ekaterina Sergeevna

11. Each lapbook is unique, as is its creator, there is no right or wrong method for creating it, because everything depends on how the child perceives a given topic, what means he uses to achieve his goals.

12. During the day, children can take any information from the lapbook pockets. The colorful design of didactic tasks, mini-books, and various games attracts children, and they immerse themselves in creativity and learning something new. Thus, the information presented in the lapbook performs a cognitive and developmental function.

13. The results of observing the pedagogical process showed that children began to actively interact with peers and adults and show interest in participating in joint activities.

14Cognitive interest, curiosity, independence and initiative in solving assigned problems have increased significantly. The material being studied is successfully used by children in everyday life.

15. Thus, we see that the Lapbook method is relevant and very effective. Using this method, the child’s subjective position is formed, his individuality is revealed, interests and needs are realized, which in turn contributes to the child’s personal development. This corresponds to the social order at the present stage.

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Choosing a topic for a visual aid

Are your creative materials ready and waiting in the wings? Great, it's time to decide what topic your first development folder will be devoted to. The advantage of this type of manual is that it can be devoted to absolutely any topic. You can collect in one folder a short summary about the flora and fauna of a forest or meadow, or dedicate such a visual summary to a specific profession. You can also make a lapbook based on fairy tales for preschoolers, about a specific animal or object. The possibilities of educational folders are almost limitless; make such a guide about the types of geometric shapes, the structure of the Universe, and the history of the state.

Lapbook as a form of work

Literally translated (“lap” - knee, “buk” - book), lapbook means “knee book”.
This is a homemade folding book or folder, which consists of many pasted-on pictures, pockets, tabs, voluminous applications, opening doors and windows. The main condition is that all information collected in the laptop must correspond to a specific topic. All the material that the child must learn is presented in the form of drawings, small texts, diagrams, graphs, rhymes, and games.

The main value of such a didactic tool is that the child himself takes a large part in creating a lapbook. He is given complete freedom in the design of his book - any of his ideas are welcome. Therefore, the lapbook turns out to be bright, colorful, and most importantly, very interesting. This book can be reviewed many times and it will always be fascinating.

Author: Oksana Lyubavina. See more photos of this laptop.

A laptop is not created at once, but is collected over the course of studying an entire topic. This is an excellent tool for consolidating the material covered. It can be used for any educational activities.

A laptop is a teaching aid, so its content must meet certain requirements. Work on creating a lapbook is similar to work on a project and takes place in a certain sequence:

  • choosing a topic;
  • determining what is already known on the topic, drawing up a plan for searching for new information;
  • development of the book layout;
  • studying the topic, selecting material and designing a laptop.

Lapbook for preschoolers: master class with step-by-step instructions

Take a cardboard folder and cover its inner parts with colored paper or cardboard. Now is the time to start preparing the content for our laptop. It would be very good if there were general data inside in the form of a brief summary on the topic being studied, and assignments for independent work. For example, if you are making a lapbook on traffic rules for preschoolers, make cards with the most important rules and place them in a separate pocket. Prepare separate assignments - riddles on the chosen topic, some not too difficult tasks. The most convenient way is to place the cards in pockets glued to the base. You can also use other design options - fold a rectangular sheet like an accordion, make paper houses with opening windows, envelopes, use bulky double-sided tape to highlight individual elements. Don’t forget to decorate the cover too - you can glue a beautiful printout on it on the chosen topic, draw a picture or make an applique, and for kids who already know how to read, an “adult” book cover with a title is also suitable.

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Examples of filling

When you open a standard cardboard folder, you get two or three A4 sheets to fill. What kind of educational material should be placed on them? A laptop allows you to collect in one manual a wide variety of educational activities for preschoolers. For inspiration, you can look at board games and workbooks that your child already has. Depending on his age, these may be tasks such as “make a pair of two cards,” puzzles, elements for coloring, counting material, “find the differences.” Don’t forget about logic problems and riddles - offer your child short stories or rhymes, after listening to which you will need to give the correct answer. A laptop for preschoolers is also a colorful outline. Organize basic information on the chosen topic using diagrams and pictures, lists and signs.

Design secrets

Many mothers doubt whether it is worth involving their child in working on a laptop or is it better to give him a ready-made folder as a surprise gift? It's up to you to decide, but as practice shows, absolutely all children love to make crafts using various techniques. And yes, even if the finished manual may not look ideal, its goal is to teach the child something new and captivate him for a long time. Therefore, if possible, be sure to make a lapbook not only for the child, but also with him. An interesting idea for those who decide to use printouts from a printer: choose black and white outline drawings that your daughter or son will color on their own. Try using various techniques to decorate your useful craft - let the lapbook be decorated with both applique and drawings. You can also glue not too voluminous decor inside, for example, fabric figures, flat buttons or sparkles.

How to work with a laptop?

It is recommended to dry the fully completed educational folder for 24 hours, after which you can start practicing with it. A laptop for preschoolers is not only incredibly useful and interesting, but also universal. With such a folder, a child can study alone or with friends/siblings. You can simply examine the contents of the folder, revealing all the pockets and hidden pages, or you can complete all the tasks and repeat the given facts. And the best part is that a lapbook for preschoolers, made with your own hands, is truly individual; on its pages you can take into account and reflect all the interests of your own child. Considering the low cost of the craft and the speed of its production, try creating a home collection of educational folders about everything in the world, and in the future your child will definitely amaze you with his versatility and flexibility of thinking.

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