Lesson "Drawing "Rainbow-arc" study of the properties of various visual materials with older preschoolers"

Project "Rainbow"

It was reflected from her,

Transformed into a Rainbow!

At the last words there was a rumble outside the window. The boy looked out the window and saw that the cloud had broken in two, lightning was falling from it, and rain was pouring down. The cloud was melting before our eyes. When it all melted and the rain stopped, a bright seven-color rainbow stretched across the entire sky.

- Hooray! - the boy shouted. – We defeated the evil witch! We melted the cloud! Hooray!

The rainbow also shouted up there: “Hurray!” Only on the ground it was not heard. But everyone saw the rainbow and were very happy that it had finally returned.

No one knew that she was captured by an evil sorceress. Only Rainbow and the boy knew about this. But they didn’t tell anyone, they just smiled knowingly at each other.

Author: M. Shkurina

“The Tale of How Paints were Painted”

Once we got together to paint blue and yellow paint. They took their brushes, buckets of paint, paper, and went to the meadow.

“I’ll paint the sky,” said Blue Paint and painted a blue sky.

“And I’ll paint the sun,” said Yellow Paint and painted a bright yellow sun.

“I’ll paint a lake,” said Blue Paint and painted a beautiful lake.

“And I’ll draw a little duckling that will pluck the grass near the lake,” said Yellow Paint and drew a duckling.

Then Yellow Paint looked at the duckling, then turned her eyes to Blue Paint and asked:

- And the grass? How will he pluck the grass if we don’t have green paint? Without it, we won't be able to draw grass.

Yes,” agreed Blue paint, “a bad drawing is obtained without Green paint.” It’s a pity that we didn’t invite her to draw with us. What to do?

We thought and thought and did not notice that a cloud had appeared in the sky and a light rain began to fall. They grabbed the paints for their drawing and ran to the gazebo to hide from the rain. In the gazebo they looked at the drawing and saw that the rain had wet it and the colors had flowed. They flowed and mixed with each other. The blue and yellow colors were shifted between each other, and the color green was obtained. Blue and Yellow paints were delighted and began to draw a new picture. Blue paint painted the sky and lake. Yellow drew the sun and a little duckling near the pond. Then they mixed paints from their buckets, and the color they got was green. They drew green grass on which a green grasshopper was sitting. It turned out to be a beautiful drawing.

Then Green Paint walked past them, she saw the drawing and was surprised: “How did you draw it without me?!” Did you understand how?

Author: T. Kulikova

A Tale of a Rainbow.

Once upon a time there lived a little girl Katyusha. She was very inquisitive, everything was interesting to her. Because of this, she always found herself in amazing stories. This time this is what happened to her. One summer day, Katyusha was walking on the street and suddenly saw that it suddenly got dark, a breeze rose, a lot of clouds rolled in, the sun disappeared, and it began to rain. “How interesting,” Katyusha thought, “why is it raining!” Probably because gray clouds covered the sun! As soon as she thought about it, a small drop addressed her. - Hello! My name is Droplet. Let's be friends! I came from that gray cloud over there! - Let's! – Katyusha answered, “tell me why it’s raining?” — It’s raining because the clouds that we see in the sky are made of water, and this water falls to the ground in the form of small droplets! But I want to show you something else, even more interesting! Look! At that moment, the rain stopped, the sun came out, and a multi-colored arc appeared in the sky. She was very beautiful and shone in different colors. - What a miracle! – Katyusha exclaimed. - What is this? - This is a RAINBOW! - said Droplet. — Is it possible to get on it somehow and take a closer look? – Katyusha asked. - Of course, I'll take you there! – Droplet answered and picked up Katyusha. In an instant, Katyusha and Droplet were at the top of the rainbow. She was extraordinary. She had seven colors, one brighter than the other! Katyusha, at all costs, wanted to know the names of these bright colors in which the stripes of the rainbow are painted. And the girlfriends ended up on the very top strip. “This is Red,” said the Droplet; “many objects are painted this color.” The most delicious of them are strawberries, raspberries, cherries, tomatoes, apples. There are also different flowers, butterflies, even red bows in your hair! - This is the color Orange - the Droplet continued, stepping over - this is the color of apricots, carrots, oranges, pumpkins, even freckles on the noses and cheeks of children! — This color is Yellow. It is painted with the sun, stars, some butterflies and flowers, lemons, bananas, melons, and also small chickens, sand and sunflowers! - Take another step, and you will find yourself on a strip of Green - the color of forests, fields, spring foliage, grass, more cucumbers, cabbage and zucchini, gooseberries and watermelon rind. — The next color is Blue. This is the color of the sky, cornflowers and forget-me-nots - This is Blue. The color of seas and oceans, rivers and lakes - And this is the last color - Purple. The color of violets, blackberries, plums, currants and eggplants. - What a pity, Rainbow has run out of all the colored stripes! – Katyusha was upset. - Dont worry! - Droplet hastened to console - after all, everything around you is so colorful, and you will be able to see a piece of the rainbow in everything, and sometimes the Rainbow itself! And now it’s time for me to go to the cloud! - Thank you, Droplet! Come again, I will be waiting for you and will definitely remember all the colors of such a bright and interesting Rainbow! – Katyusha shouted after the flying Droplet. Since then, when a Rainbow appears in the sky, Katyusha’s face glows with happiness, because she has studied all its colors!

Summary of GCD for children of the preparatory group with a presentation on the topic: Rainbow

Summary of direct educational cognitive and research activities of children of the preparatory group on the topic “Rainbow”
Program content: • To acquaint children with the atmospheric phenomenon of the rainbow, to reveal the reason for its appearance (reflection, refraction and decomposition of sunlight). • Learn to understand and explain the meaning of the figurative expression “rainbow mood”. • Fix the colors of the spectrum and their sequence. • Develop curiosity, memory. • Create a desire to participate in experimental activities. Preliminary work: • experimental activity on the topic “refraction and reflection of light”, “Colors of the spectrum, their sequence” • Vocabulary work: refraction, reflection, spectrum.
Progress of organized educational cognitive and research activities of children:

A cell phone rings in the group.
— Guys, we received an audio message. Let's listen. Hello guys! My name is Katya, I'm only 4 years old. I was told that in the Khrustalik kindergarten there are smart and sympathetic children, kind and resourceful teachers. Can I contact you with a request? Please tell us what “Rainbow” is, where it comes from and why. Ask the teachers to make a video letter for me and send it to…. - Who saw the rainbow? When it was? In dry, hot weather, during or after rain? Usually we see a rainbow when the rain has not stopped yet, but the sun is shining in the sky. To see a rainbow, you need to stand with your back to the sun. - Shall we help Katya? Where shall we begin? First, let's answer the question: “What is a rainbow?” children's answers. “Once upon a time, a person began to wonder why rainbows appear in the sky. People in those days could not explain this phenomenon, so they came up with myths and legends. Some superstitious people thought that this was a bridge to the other world, but scientists have found an answer to this phenomenon. So, a rainbow is a natural phenomenon that occurs when it rains and the sun shines. The teacher invites the children to look at several pictures of a rainbow: - The artist painted several rainbows. Guess which picture shows the rainbow that he saw after the rain (not a fairy-tale rainbow, but a natural phenomenon). View the presentation (1,2,). How is it different from your pictures? (sequence of colors). How many colors does the rainbow have? The rainbow consists of seven colors, and they all follow strictly one after another, each “knows its place.” True, in nature there are no clear boundaries between colors; they smoothly transform into each other. There is an expression that helps to remember the arrangement of colors in the rainbow: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits (the first letter of each word indicates a specific color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). - Now go to the table and lay out all the colors of the rainbow in order, from top to bottom (complete the task). — What color is green? Blue? 1st what color? 6th? — View the presentation (3). -Why does a rainbow appear? Do you want to know? -Name the properties of water. (+refracts light, reflects rays of light) -Let's remember what color is sunlight? (Consists of 7 colors of the spectrum) - Why do we see the sun's rays as white or yellow? (experience with a spinning top and a spectral circle) - What happens to a sunbeam if it hits water? (refracted). Who can demonstrate an experiment with the refraction of light? Do you have any idea how a rainbow appears? - I suggest you conduct an experiment. Fill the bath with water and place it on the table. Dip the mirror halfway into the water. Its upper part will rest on the edge of the bath, and the lower part will be in the water at an angle. Let's direct the flashlight light to the part of the mirror immersed in water. In this case, the mirror will reflect the light. Take a piece of paper and place it in front of the mirror. With your other hand, move the mirror itself slightly. Change the position of the mirror and paper until a multi-colored rainbow appears on it. Rock the bath gently to make ripples in the water and shake the mirror. What do we see now? -sparkling multi-colored lights appear on white paper. This means that an ordinary ray of sunlight, like a magician, can turn into a multi-colored one if it passes through drops of water. - Now I suggest you experiment and get a rainbow yourself (children's experimentation). Physical exercise: Look: a rainbow above us, Above the trees Draw a semicircle with your hand above your head
(swing movement).
Raise your hands up, fingers open.
Hands folded over the head with a roof.
And over the sea, over the wave
Draw a wave with your hand.
And a little bit above me.
Touch your head. They go to the chairs.
- Why do you think the rainbow appeared? — The sun's rays, falling on raindrops in the sky, are refracted, reflected and disintegrate into multi-colored rays. This is how a rainbow is formed. View the presentation (4). — At what time of year does a rainbow occur? (children's answer). Presentation (5,6,7,) -Rainbows most often appear in summer, can be seen in spring and autumn. And the most amazing thing, in my opinion, is a rainbow in winter! This is very strange, unusual. The frost is crackling, the cold winter sun is shining in the pale blue sky, and tiny ice crystals are floating in the air. A ray of sun passes through these crystals, is refracted and reflected in the sky as a beautiful rainbow. Some Muscovites were lucky enough to see such a rare picture several years ago, in the depths of winter. Presentation (8,9) - Usually a ray of sunshine and raindrops build one rainbow at a time, and not often. But it happens that, to everyone’s joy and surprise, two rainbows immediately appear in the sky. One of them is brighter, the other is paler! Even more rarely, as many as four or five rainbows shine in the sky at once - this only happens over large rivers and lakes. But that’s not all the miracles. Sometimes a rainbow can be seen at night, when the moon peeks out from behind the clouds after rain. In its dim rays a lunar rainbow is also born, of course, not as bright as the solar one. Presentation (10) - Do you think it is possible to see a rainbow from an airplane? Scientists managed to photograph a rainbow from an airplane. This is what it looks like from above. -What does the word “rainbow” mean? What word does it look like? The word "rainbow" is similar to the word "joy". It’s joyful when suddenly a surprisingly beautiful arc appears in the sky. In the old days they called it “Paradise Arc” and believed that it brings happiness. Since then that’s what they call it – rainbow. Seeing a rainbow is a very good omen, foretelling happiness. It is generally accepted that if you find the place where a rainbow originates, you can find a treasure there. — There is such an expression as “rainbow mood.” What do you think it means? -Yes, a rosy mood—cheerful, full of hope. Reflection: -When does a rainbow appear? - So, why does a rainbow appear? - Why is the rainbow multi-colored? - How many colors are there in it? -For whom today’s lesson was not in vain? — Who learned something new in this lesson? - If you were interested in the lesson, you were satisfied with yourself, give me a smile. - Thank you for your work, and we will send Katya a disk about the rainbow at the address...

Presentation on the topic: Rainbow

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Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

Now I’ll tell you an interesting story about the gnome Boom. (A video is played or picture material based on the text is shown).

“Once upon a time there was a cheerful gnome named Boom. He loved to plant flowers. One day he planted a rose in his garden and it grew on him. “What a beautiful rose,” the gnome always admired. One evening, Boom took his watering can and went to water the flower; when he finished and took the watering can back to its place, he discovered insects in the grass that were as green as she was - they were a caterpillar and a grasshopper. He asked them to stand with their beautiful rose so that he could paint a picture, because he not only loved to plant flowers, but the gnome also loved to draw.”

(The teacher takes out a toy).

Educator: guys, look, here is the gnome Boom himself. He asks you to draw this picture with him.

(Images of insects are hung on the board)

Main part:

Educator: before you start, you need to stretch your fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

One, two, three, four, five, (we bend the fingers of both hands alternately)

Fingers, it's time to get up (we clench and unclench our fists on both hands)

We will do exercises (clap our hands)

We will jump in a squat (we make movements with our fingers, as if we were splashing water)

We will jump and dance (we make rotational movements with our hands at the wrists)

One, two, three, four, five, (we bend the fingers of both hands alternately)

Educator: Well done guys.

Look at the figures of a grasshopper and a caterpillar in my hands, they are the same size in life. (Shows the children the figures close up, each one)

Now, look at the rose. Is she bigger than insects?


So, we also draw. The rose must be larger than the insects.

Educator: let's get to work.

Drawing sequence:

(The teacher demonstrates on the board, helps the children)

First, draw grass at the bottom of the sheet with a green pencil. Now we take a simple pencil and begin to draw a caterpillar and a stem with a leaf, on our own. We'll color it later. Now look carefully at the board and repeat after me.

(The teacher shows how to draw a grasshopper)

Educator: let's rest a little and then continue.

Physical education minute:

The wind blows in our faces, the tree sways. The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. The tree is getting higher and higher.

(Children imitate the wind blowing, swinging their torso, now in one direction, now in the other direction. When they hear the words “quieter, quieter,” the children squat, and when they say “higher, higher,” they straighten up).

Educator: Now we’ve had a rest, now all that’s left is to add clouds and sun. Let's start painting. Guys, remember, to get a beautiful picture, you need to paint it in one direction.

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