Lesson summary: application “Rainbow is a phenomenon of inanimate nature” using non-traditional forms and application techniques.

Rainbow using CD

The experiment with the disk is quite unusual and amazing in its results. It is recommended to conduct the experiment in a dark room or in the evening.

  • First, grab a CD. In order not to accidentally spoil the thing, it is better to take an old unnecessary disk;
  • Secondly, take a sheet or cardboard;
  • Thirdly, you will need a bright flashlight.

Take the disk and place it so that the mirror side is facing up. Direct the light from the flashlight onto the disk, move it at different angles until a rainbow appears.

How does this happen? This is because the disc is made from plastic, which creates grooves on the surface. They, in turn, perform the function of prisms; accordingly, the light is refracted and a rainbow appears.

This is a fascinating experiment you can conduct on a cloudy evening with your children.

Rainbow with water drops

This method is very interesting to carry out in the countryside, in the courtyard. When it's a sunny day, take the kids by the hands and try this experiment.

  1. It's actually very simple, you just need a regular hose with water.
  2. For everything to work out, first stand with your back to the sun.
  3. Start moving the hose in different directions, up and down, and eventually until you see a rainbow.
  4. We advise you to conduct this experiment in the summer, because children are very curious and will want to touch this amazing natural phenomenon.

Rainbow using a glass of water and light

This experiment is very simple; it can be performed both in summer and winter. The main thing without which the experience may not be completed is without the sun. Necessary tools: glass, water and sun.

This kind of experiment is carried out either early in the morning, when the sun has just set, or in the evening, when it has not set below the horizon.

  • The rainbow will be best seen on white wallpaper, or a bright room will suffice.
  • You need a glass filled with water.
  • Stand with your back to the sun so that the rays fall on a glass of water.
  • Take the glass in your hands and begin to move it down and up in space.
  • Do this until you see a rainbow.

Rainbow of fruits

It will be easier to assemble such a dish in summer than in winter, since a large number of fruits during this season will add special colors. However, you can make a rainbow of fruits in winter if you know where you can buy brightly colored fruits.

To create a rainbow take:

  • 300 g raspberries,
  • Strawberries,
  • Mango,
  • Pineapple,
  • Kiwi,
  • Blueberries,
  • Blueberries,
  • Mulberries.

Quite large fruits should be cut into cubes. A white plate is ideal, but if you don’t have one, then take light-colored dishes (preferably plain). You can arrange the cutting in any way you like; a very beautiful option would be to arrange it starting from the middle, twisting the rainbow into a spiral.

You can experiment as you like. Whipped cream in the middle of the fruit will add a zest to this dish.

Rainbow from curtains

Curtains are an excellent addition to the decor. And rainbow blinders are truly fantastic, they look very original and unusual. If you want to make curtains yourself, then run to the store and buy multi-colored material.

Draping curtains and hanging them will not be difficult. If you doubt that the work will not work out or you don’t have enough ideas on how to design everything attractively, then we recommend contacting a professional designer. He will tell you exactly how to arrange your room.

Making a rainbow at home

For the experiment to be successful, you must have the following:

  • A4 sheet or plain cardboard;
  • Small mirror;
  • Water container;
  • Plasticine;
  • Water and sun rays.

Now we will demonstrate a master class on how to make a rainbow.

Follow these steps:

  1. Fill the container with a small amount of water;
  2. Using plasticine, attach a small mirror to this container.
  3. In order for everything to work out, you must place the mirror so that one part of it is under water and the other is above it.
  4. Place this structure in a place where the sun's rays will fall on it;
  5. Next, take a sheet or cardboard, hold it over a container of water and try to catch a rainbow. You can change the mirror as you like, change the position of the sheet.
  6. A double rainbow evokes emotions of delight in a child - it is slightly paler than the first and is located at its top.

Rainbow in the dark

As you understand from the name, this experiment is carried out only in the dark; it wouldn’t work any other way.

To make a rainbow, do the following:

  1. Fill the container with water;
  2. As in the previous experiment, attach a mirror to the container;
  3. Place the container with water in any place, the main thing is that it is level;
  4. Start shining a flashlight on the mirror, and let the child try to catch a rainbow using a white piece of paper or cardboard.

Such a rainbow can be called a lunar rainbow, because the brighter the light from the flashlight, the brighter the rainbow will be. Here is such an interesting and amazing experiment that came out at home, with all the colors of the rainbow.

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