Summary of continuous educational activities with children 4-5 years old “Artistic creativity” (application) “Riddles” outline of lessons on application, modeling (middle group)

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Olga Belokopytova Summary of a lesson on application on the topic: “Riddles.”

Application - “Riddles”.

Goal: to develop ingenuity in children, to practice independent application of acquired skills and knowledge.

Methodology of conducting the lesson:

For each child’s lesson, an envelope is prepared with cut-out parts of various objects enclosed in it. Objects are given of a simple and more complex structure, for example a house, a cart, a carriage, a bus, a trolleybus, a duckling, a fish, etc. (Each name can be repeated 2-3 times)

The child's name should be signed on the envelope, taking into account the mental development of each; give one a more difficult task (for example, a trolleybus or a duckling), the other a simpler one (a house or a fish)
. The children must be seated in such a way that envelopes with identical objects do not end up on the same table.

On the day of the lesson, you can enter the group with a large envelope (which contains all individual ones)

and say: “They sent us a letter, there is something very interesting there. Look how big the envelope is and there is something in there. Let’s eat quickly and find out what’s there.” This will arouse the children's interest, which will increase even more when the teacher says that there are riddles in the envelope and begins to hand out small envelopes.

After distribution, invite everyone to carefully take out the contents, put them on paper, look, think and guess what kind of item they have. After checking by the teacher and making corrections, suggest sticking on the main, main parts first, then the smaller ones.

Each work is brought to the stand by a child and placed in order of priority. Thus, when viewing, you can immediately note those who are the most quick-witted and fastest at work. Praise all children.

Note: the sheets of paper for gluing should be small and of different shapes and colors: for a chicken - a green square, for an airplane - a blue rectangle, etc.

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Riddles on the topic “Metal objects” Today I want to bring to your attention riddles of my own composition that can be used in working with older preschool children.


When working with a child, it is important to take into account his interests; for example, a boy will be much more interested in assembling a craft in the form of a car. The application will be appreciated by children aged 3-5 years, and for the work you will need colored paper, glue, a simple pencil, scissors and a model of the machine.

Stages of work:

  • Shapes are cut out - rectangles for the body, circles for the wheels. You can complement the picture with smoke from ovals, and a route from a black elongated rectangle. Details are added or removed based on the child’s characteristics; if the baby is diligent and easily involved in the task, then you can freely supplement the composition. Don’t forget about the brightness of color, it is what makes the creative process even more interesting.
  • Each element is smeared with glue in turn and glued to the background. The road and body come first, and then the wheels and smoke.

For greater expressiveness, you can draw trees, the sun and clouds with colored pencils. Blue color is ideal for a base. In a more complex version, the child himself cuts out the parts along the marked lines.

School age children

Junior grades are able to independently separate details according to a model, and can assemble a complete picture, focusing on their imagination. Initially, you should show the children what the finished craft will look like.

To work you will need brushes, colored paper, glue, scissors, cardboard, a ruler and a simple pencil.

A base is prepared, geometric shapes in a specific theme are sketched on it. All details are copied from the base, cut out and glued according to the template.

For children from 3 years old

At the age of three, children can already assemble a picture of 6 parts in the correct sequence. You can choose animals for applique that are familiar to the child - for example, a hen with chicks.

For production you will need:

  • Green cardboard.
  • Yellow circles - 3 pcs.
  • White circles of different diameters - 2 pcs.
  • Triangles – 1 white, 2 yellow, 3 red, 6 brown.
  • Colored markers.
  • Glue.

The first step is to prepare a sample, and the children follow the picture and lay out their applique. It is advisable to focus on the baby’s characteristics; for some it is easier to create from a sample, while others prefer to repeat the actions step by step.

Eyes are added to the pasted chickens. The picture can also be supplemented with green grass made from stripes, a bright round sun, and daisies made from white triangles.

For the little ones there is a large selection of colorful applications for creativity, with self-adhesive figures. The kits are sold in bookstores or delivered via courier.

Ready-made sets help develop fine motor skills.

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