PROJECT on cognitive and research development of children: "Profession Builder"

"Construction. Professions"

Summary of the integrated lesson

in the preparatory school group

compensating orientation

on the topic “Construction. Professions"

Teacher-defectologist Lobacheva E.Yu.

Purpose of the lesson

: To clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about construction professions, to introduce them to the general word builder.
Teach children to group and unite people’s professions based on common characteristics. Systematization and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Professions in construction” ( labor, profession, work, benefit, builder, bricklayer, painter, hammer, trowel, brush, screwdriver



Review time concepts: parts of the day, days of the week, months, seasons.

Clarify children's understanding that houses are different.

Strengthen the skill of forming relative adjectives (brick, wood).

Expand ideas about the construction profession, about construction specialties, the tools they need, about the necessity and importance of the work of builders.

Improve the grammatical structure of speech (education, use of complex words (multi-story, mason, etc.).

Train in plane orientation.

Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes.

Clarify and consolidate the sequence of numbers of the first ten.


Cultivate responsiveness through a game situation.

Develop respect for other children through the ability to listen.

Foster mutual assistance when correcting incorrect answers.

Foster activity, initiative, respect for people, and a desire to work.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop attention when performing graphic dictation.

Develop memory through repeated repetition of the material covered.

Develop thinking.

Develop perception.

Develop speech when answering questions.

Develop imagination during a game situation.

Develop general speech skills, coherent speech, coordination of speech with movement, articulation and fine motor skills.

Techniques for managing the activities of children in educational institutions:

1. Techniques for enhancing children’s activities in the process of educational activities: conversation, creating a developmental environment, creating a problem situation, examination, analysis and conclusions.

2. Techniques for organizing children’s practical activities: showing slides, commenting, defining, productive activities.

3. Techniques for maintaining children’s interest: physical education break, musical accompaniment, alternating types of children’s activities.

4. Methods of assessment and self-assessment: encouragement, joint determination with the teacher and children of the quality of productive children's activities, mutual assistance of children.

5. Use of teaching aids, visual material, multimedia support.

Lesson "Profession - builder"

Lesson notes

on career guidance

"Introduction to the construction profession"


Program content:

§ to form children’s ideas about the work of adults;

§ introduce children to the profession of “builder”, with some professional activities, with tools - builder’s assistants;

§ develop children’s labor skills during play activities;

§ to cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults.

Materials and equipment:

pictures depicting construction, attributes of the builder, machines: crane, concrete mixer, etc.

Preliminary work:

excursion to a construction site, conversations about the work of a builder, reading fiction.

Progress of the lesson:

Conversation with children about what attractions there are in the city,

what houses do they live in?


Guys, please tell me what city do you live in? What kind of houses are there in the city? (wooden, brick, panel).


Do you know that people did not always live in houses like you and me.
At first, ancient man looked for shelter wherever he could, he found a good, protected place and considered it “home”; the very first houses were caves and structures in trees. Our ancestors bent the branches into a kind of frame, wove or tied them, and then made a roof from tufts of grass stacked on top of each other. In such a house a person was protected from the sun, rain and wild animals. But such a house was not a suitable dwelling for a cold climate, so the next step in the construction of houses was caves dug into the hillside ( demonstration material).
Then he began to improve his home in various ways.
Gradually, people began to build tiny wooden houses, half-grown into the ground. They built them next to each other and surrounded them with high walls from enemies. Such wooden houses were called huts. They were built from trees that were cut down in the forest, and special recesses were made in them so that one log could be inserted into another (just like you are now assembling a plastic construction set )
The cracks between the logs were plugged with moss to prevent the wind from blowing. But wooden houses often burned, and so builders began to build houses from stone (demonstration material).

Guys, who builds houses and buildings?
(Children's answers).

A builder is a very necessary and interesting profession. Today a real builder came to visit us, now we will get to know him, and he will talk about his profession.

A builder comes in. The students welcome the guest. He introduces himself and begins his story.


Children, I work as a builder, I build beautiful houses and buildings. When I was a boy, I really loved playing with building materials and loved to fantasize. Come up with interesting buildings. When I graduated from school, I entered the construction institute. There they taught me how to build houses correctly.

At the construction site, we are helped by modern machines: cranes, concrete mixers, dump trucks, etc. Therefore, construction is a team effort. We all need to work together together. We need masons, installers, carpenters, crane operators, welders, painters - they are all builders.


Guys, in order to remember what a builder uses, let’s play the
game “Who needs what?”
(you need to select assistant items necessary for a builder, a doctor, a seller).


We have chosen what we need for construction, and now we will play the
game “Builders”:
we build several buildings from the wooden parts of the constructor.


Well done guys, I was very pleased to communicate with you and tell you about such an important and necessary profession as a builder.


E. Knushevitskaya

Pushkin did it!

Pleshakov A.A. The world. Workbook. 2nd grade. Answers to assignments.


The construction profession is very important for people. After all, a builder builds houses in which people will live. This is a very responsible profession. A builder must know and be able to do a lot - know how to perform one or another construction operation correctly, know the properties of materials and be able to use them, know the order of operations.

A builder must be responsible, disciplined, and persistent. He must do his job efficiently.

Police officer.

The profession of a police officer is very important for people. A policeman maintains order, protects ordinary citizens and catches criminals. He makes sure that no one dares to break the law and does not interfere with other people’s normal lives.

A policeman must be strong and brave, he must be kind, but firm and fair. He must be honest.


The medical profession is very necessary for the whole society. After all, people get sick from time to time and then a doctor rushes to their aid. A doctor helps people overcome illnesses, he cures them.

A doctor must know his profession well. He must study for a long time and know how to use certain drugs and medicines. He must be able to perform operations.

The doctor must be kind, sympathetic, and benevolent. He must be sincere and honest, he must give all of himself for other people.


The teaching profession is very important in society. After all, the teacher gives knowledge to children, and this knowledge will definitely be useful to children when they become adults.

A teacher must love children, never offend them and always help in any situation. The teacher himself must know his subject perfectly and be able to clearly explain it to children.

The teacher should be kind, sympathetic, friendly, sincere and cheerful. He should never lose his temper. Must be patient and persistent. And the teacher must be smart.


The profession of a programmer is now one of the most important in society. He compiles programs, maintains networks, and monitors the operation of modern equipment.

Modern life is impossible without the work of a programmer. And therefore, a programmer must know all computer languages, know how the Internet works, how to create and develop websites.

A programmer must have such qualities as perseverance, patience, and accuracy. He must have a well-developed imagination and fantasy. He must be able to apply non-standard solutions.


The profession of a firefighter is very important for society, because a firefighter fights fires, helps people save their lives and their property.

This is a very dangerous, but also a very responsible profession. A firefighter must be able to use fire equipment and must be physically strong and resilient. He must be a very brave man, not afraid of fire and heights.

A firefighter must be willing to sacrifice his life to save the lives of others. He must be a kind, caring, honest person.


The sales profession is very important and necessary for people. People in this profession sell goods in shops and supermarkets. They help people find the product they need.

The seller must be able to count well, know all the useful information about the goods being sold, and be able to talk about his product.

The seller must be honest, open to communication, sincere and friendly. He must always rush to help people.


The driver's profession is in great demand in the modern world. The driver transports goods and passengers, helps people overcome long distances, and delivers them to work and school.

The driver must know and follow the rules of the road, know the structure of his car and be able to repair it.

The driver must be attentive, quick to react, and able to navigate the city. He must be kind and sympathetic, must love other people and especially passengers.


Forester is a very important and relevant profession. The forester monitors the safety of forests, birds and animals that live in them. It preserves the beauty of our world for future generations.

A forester must know everything about animals and plants, be able to provide first aid to them, and be able to protect forests and their inhabitants from poachers and natural disasters.

A forester must love nature, must be kind and sympathetic, and must not be afraid of wild animals and people. Should not be afraid of loneliness.


The profession of a sailor remains relevant at all times. Most of the Earth is occupied by water, and transporting goods and passengers by water is the main responsibility of sailors. They also fish.

A sailor must know the structure of any vessel, be able to swim, and be able to provide first aid. He must know how to navigate the open sea by the sun and stars, how to plot a course, and the characteristics of currents and winds.

A sailor must love the sea, love its inhabitants. He must be brave and decisive, strong and resourceful. He shouldn't be afraid of pitching. A sailor must be smart and kind.


The miner's profession has always been considered one of the most dangerous, but also the most useful professions. Miners extract coal and ore in underground mines. These minerals are used to produce useful and necessary things, for heating and heating cities.

The miner must know the characteristics of the extracted mineral and the conditions of its occurrence. He must be able to use modern equipment.

A miner must be strong and courageous, he must not be afraid of enclosed spaces. A miner must be responsible and hardworking, patient and decisive.


The profession of an electrician is very important for modern society. Everything in our houses and apartments, factories and factories is connected to electricity. And the uninterrupted operation of electrical appliances depends on the electrician.

An electrician must have a good knowledge of physics and electromechanics. He must understand how electricity works, what is its benefit and what is its danger to humans. Must be able to provide first aid in case of electric shock.

An electrician must be attentive, patient, and careful. Must be responsive and caring. Must follow safety rules.


The metallurgist profession is very important for all people. Metallurgists melt metal and produce from it many necessary and useful things, tools and mechanisms. Everything around us is made of metal.

A metallurgist must know physics, must understand how metals are structured, what properties they have, and be able to use this knowledge in practice.

A metallurgist must be strong, courageous, and have good health. He must be careful and always follow safety rules when working.


The profession of a cook is one of the most important in society, because a cook feeds people, gives them the strength to work, and gives them a good mood.

The cook must know the technology of preparing various dishes, tasty and healthy food. Must know everything about the properties and quality of the products used.

The cook must be patient, attentive, and persistent. Must love to cook and be able to show your imagination and creativity. A chef must love people and love to eat.


The profession of pilot or pilot is very important in the modern world. People now travel a lot and often over long distances, and this is impossible to do without air transport. In addition, pilots take part in cargo transportation, rescue operations, and help in agriculture.

A pilot must know everything about his aircraft, know the peculiarities of aircraft movement, and have an excellent knowledge of aerodynamics.

The pilot must be brave and decisive, be able to act quickly in unforeseen situations, because the lives of hundreds of people may depend on his reaction. The pilot must be executive and responsible.

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