Sports and physical education entertainment. Scenarios in the younger group

Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old

Physical education scenario “Games with a snowman” with young children

Target . Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through increased physical activity. Tasks . Enrich children's ideas about winter. Develop agility , speed, coordination of movements, and the ability to act on a signal. Cultivate interest in winter fun games...

Leisure scenario “Fun Starts” with young children Progress of the event B- Guys, you know, in order to be strong, strong and healthy, you need to play sports . “Ushastik” came to visit us from the forest

, say hello to him. Look how soft and fluffy the bunny is, his ears are long. Z- Hello guys! I was hiding...

Physical education leisure in the 2nd junior group.

Physical education leisure in the 2nd junior group.


Formation of a positive mood from physical education.


1. Instill in children a love of a healthy lifestyle through physical activity, and develop a positive attitude towards sports games and exercises.

2. To develop motor skills and abilities in children to improve health.


Envelope with a letter, bun, trees. Models: mushrooms, flowers, berries, stumps. Ropes, inclined boards 2., arcs, emblems. Toys: bunny, bear, wolf, fox. Recording

The teacher shows the children an envelope with a letter in it.

Guys, do you want to know who the letter came from? I'll read it now.

Hello, dear guys! We had trouble, a fox crept up to our house and stole our kolobok. Grandfather's birthday is coming soon and we would really like the bun to be with us. We know that you are strong, dexterous, brave, very kind, and we ask you to help us save the bun from the fox. Sincerely, Grandma Grandpa.


Oh, oh, oh, guys, what a disaster happened to my grandfather and grandmother. How can we help them? (Answer options). Children, can we help them? Well then, let's go. We guys need to cross the bridge.

1 exercise

(2 inclined boards together) balance exercise. Children complete the task.

Children, so we came to a forest clearing, look how beautiful it is around, there are many flowers, mushrooms, berries, trees.

Guys, I really love listening to music in the forest,

And a grasshopper, and a woodpecker, and a bee, and a dragonfly.

The trill of birds, the rustling of leaves.

Do you want to listen to the forest? recording (birds singing in the forest).


Let's take a walk, guys, in the clearing, just be very careful, let's not crush the flowers, carefully step over them, over stumps, over mushrooms, berries.

2 exercise

Stepping over objects, raising your knees high. Children do the exercise.


Oh, guys, look, a stream is flowing. Let's listen to how it murmurs. Listening to a recording. We need to jump over the stream, guys, so as not to get our feet wet.

3 exercise

Jumping over 2 parallel lines. Children complete the task.


Oh, guys, look who’s sitting under the bush, looking from behind the bush? Soft ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots? Yes, this is a bunny, don’t be afraid, little bunny, we won’t touch you, we won’t hurt you. Tell us, please, did a fox with a kolobok run through here?


Play with me, then I'll tell you.

Game “The gray bunny is sitting”


Bunny, where did the fox run? The hare shows the direction.

Children, look how deep the ravine is, in order not to fall into it, you need to carefully crawl under the arc.

4 exercise

Climbing under the arc. Children complete the task.


Guys, who do you think lives here?

Day and night he scours the forest, day and night he searches for prey.

The wolf walks and wanders silently, his gray ears erect. Children, which of you is not afraid to ask the wolf about the fox and the bun?


Wolf, please tell me where the fox and the bun ran to?


Play with me, then I’ll tell you and let you continue on your way.

Game "Wolf in the Moat".


Thank you guys for playing with me, but you have to go there like a bear. Children complete the task.

There is a bear behind the tree.

The beast walks through the rubble and ravines with a master's step.

He loves fragrant honey and picks raspberries from the branches.


Hello, bear, please show us the way to the fox's house.


Who is this in my forest picking my raspberries? Let's play a game

"At the bear's place in the forest."

Kids are playing.

Oh, how clever and fast you are, I haven’t caught anyone, I’ll have to show you the way. Shows.


Guys, you know, the fox is very cunning, and we are even more cunning, let's walk quietly on our toes, like a fox, so that she doesn't hear us. Guys, here is the house where the fox lives. Let's call her affectionately (chanterelle, fox, fox Patrikeevna, etc.) Chanterelle, please give us the bun, because today is grandpa's birthday, a holiday, and they want the bun to be with them. The fox comes out.


Well, okay, so be it, I’ll give you the kolobok, but I want you to dance with me.


The children will be happy to dance with you. Dance with the fox.

Thank you little fox, we will definitely pass it on to grandma, and they will have a very happy holiday.

There is a knock on the door, a grandmother comes in to get a kolobok, and thanks the children for their help. Gives children emblems with the image of a kolobok. The lesson is over.

Physical education leisure in the younger group of kindergarten

Scenario of physical education leisure for preschoolers 3-5 years old “Visiting the Gnome”
Author: Elena Ivanovna Kameneva Description of the material: I offer physical education instructors and preschool teachers the sports entertainment “Visiting the Gnome”. This material can be used for children of primary and secondary preschool age. Goal: Formation of a positive mood from physical education. Objectives: To instill in children a love of a healthy lifestyle through physical activity, to form a positive attitude towards sports games and exercises. Improve children's motor skills and abilities, develop physical qualities through outdoor games (dexterity, speed, endurance), develop spatial orientation, and cultivate strong-willed qualities.

Leisure activities
Educator: Today I accidentally read a poem in a book about little people. I really liked it, and I decided to read it to you too. Where the fairy-tale magical forest rustles, Their house stands in a sunny clearing. Forest wizards live in that house. Both adults and children call them gnomes. You know guys, I have a magic cap that can turn me into a Gnome. Look, do I look like a Dwarf now? Do you want to turn into gnomes? Then let's do a fun warm-up (performing movements according to the text). "Transformation into gnomes." Step by step, one after another We walk in a magic circle We all turned at once - 1,2,3 We reached for the sun 1,2,3 We leaned to the left - tick, We leaned to the right - like that, With our hands we reached for our heels And our knees were fine We sat down and stood up , they circled around and everyone turned into gnomes. Educator: I suggest you go to the “Country of Gnome”, where our Dwarves live. Getting into the magical land of gnomes is not so easy. In addition, they do not like guests and therefore hide. And they live in a small country, which is hidden in a big mountain. But you and I are friendly, strong and will cope with all difficulties. We will be helped by a good mood, friendship, willpower and your cheerful smiles. And right now we are hitting the road! And on the way, we must walk in a column one at a time, not lag behind, not overtake each other, since various dangers may await us. Therefore, you need to listen to me very carefully. “We’re going to the magical land of Gnome.” Walking in a column one at a time. — we walk like gnomes, on half-bent legs, hands on our knees; — we walk like giants, on our toes, hands up; - there are obstacles ahead, step over them - walking, raising your knee high; - be careful, there is a swamp ahead, jump from hummock to hummock - jump left and right while moving forward; - there is a river ahead, we are swimming - walking with wide steps, with alternating circular movements of the arms; – we walk along the bridge - walking at a side step; - then we ride on horses - straight gallop, arms together, extended forward; - change to the car, turn on the first speed - slow running, the second speed - running with acceleration, the third speed - fast running; - a little more left - normal walking. Educator: So we have reached the magical land! In the forest on the edge of a small house, the dwarf brothers live. In the morning they get up in order and begin to do exercises! Do you know how to do exercises? Children: Yes. Educator: Then quickly get up behind me. And repeat after me together. Dance exercise based on the show “Radiant Sun”. Educator: Dwarves' fingers love to play. And your fingers invite you to play. Finger game “Gnome” They blinked their eyes, stretched their mouths in a smile, raised their eyebrows, pressed their finger on the nose and quietly said: “Little gnomes live under the hill in silence.” Like in a huge mountain (show the mountain with your hands)
A gnome is dozing at dawn:
(fold your palms, close your eyes)
“Snurk-psh-sh, snurk-psh-sh!”
The sun rises over the mountain (draw a ball)
, like a golden ball.
The birds sing: “Chick-chirp!, (put your fingers in your beak)
Sloth, wake up, don’t sleep!”
(take turns connecting and opening the thumb and other fingers)
The gnome does not hear that song, He sleeps and sleeps all day long:
(wave his hand)
“Snurk-psh-sh, snurk-psh-sh!”
(clasp your palms, lower your head on them)
But then a little mustachioed bug
(move your index and middle fingers like a mustache)
climbed under the gnome’s side.
Then the mustachioed rogue crawled under his arm. (move your fingers)
Ran along your neck to your cheeks,
(run your fingers along your neck)
Tickled your nose with your mustache
(tickle your nose)
And disappeared instantly under the cap.
(run fingers over head)
“A-pchhi, a-pchhi!”
(cover your nose with your palms)
The gnome woke up.
(spread your arms to the sides, stretch) Educator: And gnomes really love to play with cubes and build with them. Let's build a fortress. Don't disturb us now, construction is urgent. Relay race “Build a fortress”. Children are divided into two teams. One team builds a fortress using blue cubes, the other - green. Educator: Dwarfs also love to play sports, especially with dumbbells. ORU with dumbbells. Educator: Dwarfs love to play football. So I suggest you score a goal into the goal. I invite all children to test their agility quickly! "Hit the gate." Educator: And now the gnomes invite you to guess sports riddles. Puzzles. I have no time to be sick, friends, I play football and hockey. And I am very proud of myself, What gives me health... (sports) So that my health is in order, Don’t forget about... (exercise) If you hit anyone, he gets angry and cries. And if you hit this one, he jumps for joy! (ball) I decided to become a strongman, I hurried to the strongman: - Tell me about this, How did you become a strongman? He smiled back: “Very simple.” For many years, every day, getting out of bed, I lift ... (dumbbells) On a clear morning along the road, dew glistens on the grass, legs ride along the road, and two wheels run. The riddle has an answer - This is my... (bicycle) As soon as I wake up in the morning, I will sit down, stand up and bend over - All the exercises in order! It will help to grow... (charging) Educator: It was seven forty, they spilled the peas, you guys, help, collect all the peas for them. Game "Pick the Peas". It is necessary to sort the plastic plugs by color. Educator: And now we will check which of you is sharp-eyed and accurate. You will need to throw the rings onto a ring thrower from a distance. Relay: “Throwing rings.” Children approach the line and try to throw the ring onto the ring thrower. Educator: All the children have gathered in a circle! I am your friend and you are my friend! We have fun playing and gaining health! Dance "Dwarfs".

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