Physical education in the second junior group "Koloboki"

Physical education leisure in the 2nd junior group.

Physical education leisure in the 2nd junior group.


Formation of a positive mood from physical education.


1. Instill in children a love of a healthy lifestyle through physical activity, and develop a positive attitude towards sports games and exercises.

2. To develop motor skills and abilities in children to improve health.


Envelope with a letter, bun, trees. Models: mushrooms, flowers, berries, stumps. Ropes, inclined boards 2., arcs, emblems. Toys: bunny, bear, wolf, fox. Recording

The teacher shows the children an envelope with a letter in it.

Guys, do you want to know who the letter came from? I'll read it now.

Hello, dear guys! We had trouble, a fox crept up to our house and stole our kolobok. Grandfather's birthday is coming soon and we would really like the bun to be with us. We know that you are strong, dexterous, brave, very kind, and we ask you to help us save the bun from the fox. Sincerely, Grandma Grandpa.


Oh, oh, oh, guys, what a disaster happened to my grandfather and grandmother. How can we help them? (Answer options). Children, can we help them? Well then, let's go. We guys need to cross the bridge.

1 exercise

(2 inclined boards together) balance exercise. Children complete the task.

Children, so we came to a forest clearing, look how beautiful it is around, there are many flowers, mushrooms, berries, trees.

Guys, I really love listening to music in the forest,

And a grasshopper, and a woodpecker, and a bee, and a dragonfly.

The trill of birds, the rustling of leaves.

Do you want to listen to the forest? recording (birds singing in the forest).


Let's take a walk, guys, in the clearing, just be very careful, let's not crush the flowers, carefully step over them, over stumps, over mushrooms, berries.

2 exercise

Stepping over objects, raising your knees high. Children do the exercise.


Oh, guys, look, a stream is flowing. Let's listen to how it murmurs. Listening to a recording. We need to jump over the stream, guys, so as not to get our feet wet.

3 exercise

Jumping over 2 parallel lines. Children complete the task.


Oh, guys, look who’s sitting under the bush, looking from behind the bush? Soft ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots? Yes, this is a bunny, don’t be afraid, little bunny, we won’t touch you, we won’t hurt you. Tell us, please, did a fox with a kolobok run through here?


Play with me, then I'll tell you.

Game “The gray bunny is sitting”


Bunny, where did the fox run? The hare shows the direction.

Children, look how deep the ravine is, in order not to fall into it, you need to carefully crawl under the arc.

4 exercise

Climbing under the arc. Children complete the task.


Guys, who do you think lives here?

Day and night he scours the forest, day and night he searches for prey.

The wolf walks and wanders silently, his gray ears erect. Children, which of you is not afraid to ask the wolf about the fox and the bun?


Wolf, please tell me where the fox and the bun ran to?


Play with me, then I’ll tell you and let you continue on your way.

Game "Wolf in the Moat".


Thank you guys for playing with me, but you have to go there like a bear. Children complete the task.

There is a bear behind the tree.

The beast walks through the rubble and ravines with a master's step.

He loves fragrant honey and picks raspberries from the branches.


Hello, bear, please show us the way to the fox's house.


Who is this in my forest picking my raspberries? Let's play a game

"At the bear's place in the forest."

Kids are playing.

Oh, how clever and fast you are, I haven’t caught anyone, I’ll have to show you the way. Shows.


Guys, you know, the fox is very cunning, and we are even more cunning, let's walk quietly on our toes, like a fox, so that she doesn't hear us. Guys, here is the house where the fox lives. Let's call her affectionately (chanterelle, fox, fox Patrikeevna, etc.) Chanterelle, please give us the bun, because today is grandpa's birthday, a holiday, and they want the bun to be with them. The fox comes out.


Well, okay, so be it, I’ll give you the kolobok, but I want you to dance with me.


The children will be happy to dance with you. Dance with the fox.

Thank you little fox, we will definitely pass it on to grandma, and they will have a very happy holiday.

There is a knock on the door, a grandmother comes in to get a kolobok, and thanks the children for their help. Gives children emblems with the image of a kolobok. The lesson is over.

Summary of physical education “My funny ringing ball”

Physical education “My funny ringing ball”

for children of the 1st junior group.

Goal: to consolidate skills in handling the ball; develop children's physical activity.


Continue to develop rental skills

kick the ball, throw

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, practice jumping on two legs.

Learn to make circular movements with a massage ball and breathe correctly.

Cultivate goodwill and a desire to participate

in joint activities

, to help

to others.

Material: balls of different sizes and formats, baskets, massage balls, musical accompaniment.

Course: (carried out in the gym)

1. Surprise moment: I bring a bag with a ball inside, I invite the children to determine by touch what is hidden. (children touch the bag, call it a ball) I take out the ball and show it to the children. The ball has a sad smile on it. “The ball is sad because the guys stopped playing with balls”

- Guys, do you know how to play with balls? Do you want to play?

First, let's cheer the ball up a little and read a poem for it.

2. Poem by S.Ya. Marshak “My cheerful ringing ball.” My cheerful, ringing ball, where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue, Can't keep up with you!

-That’s how many multi-colored balls are in the basket. (showing a basket with small plastic balls)

3. I invite the children to play the game “Collect the balls”. I pour out the balls in the center of the hall, and the children run to collect them. (turn on happy music)

Well done! This is how you can quickly collect balls.

— Shall we do some exercises with the ball? Choose any ball and stand in a circle.

4. “Fun exercise with a ball”

“My ball” - standing, holding the ball to your chest. Stretch your hands with the ball forward, say “My ball”, return to the starting position. (3-4 times)

“Show it to a friend” - standing, holding the ball to your chest. Turn your torso to the side, extend your arms, say “Here”


2-3 times in each direction)

"Put the ball down" -

sitting, legs apart, ball in hands. Lean forward, extend your arms, put the ball between your legs, straighten up. (3-4 times)

“Let's jump like balls” - a ball on the floor, jumping on two legs to the poem.

“The ball jumps and jumps,

The ball bounces on the threshold

Jumps ten times in a row

From the palm and back."

- That's how strong and dexterous you have become! But it's time to get some rest.

5. Self-massage “Spiky balls” (we sit on the mat and massage our palms to calm music.)

— Guys, have you rested? Balls call us to play.

6. Game “Catch the Ball” Children with balls go to one side of the hall, at the signal “1,2,3-roll!” They roll the ball in the other direction, catch up with theirs and roll again.

- Guys, do you think we made our ball happy? Have we played with balls a lot today?

I show the ball with a cheerful smile.

- Say goodbye, balls! We will come here again!

We return to the group.

Synopsis of physical education: “Aibolit gives health” in the second junior group

Summary of physical education

“Aibolit gives health” (second junior group)


Strengthen the ability to walk, complete tasks and run in a column one at a time.
Strengthen the ability to crawl on all fours, leaning on your palms and knees; stay steady while walking the plank; strengthen the ability to land softly on bent legs when jumping from hoop to hoop. To develop children's activity in motor activities. To develop in children the ability to follow rules in accordance with a signal, coordinate movements, and navigate in space. Teach children to take care of their health. Aids:
guidelines (stripes) for each child, 2 dumbbells for each child, 2 gymnastic benches, 2 boards, 4 hoops, 2 collars, dog (toy), cords.

Progress of the lesson:

Children line up along the hall
We live in a big country, Generous and rich, And She doesn’t feel sorry for anything for you guys.
She gives you new stadiums, - So that you grow up healthy, friends! So that everyone becomes stronger, So that everyone becomes bolder. And with good deeds, Helped his country! 1) We go out onto the site, 2) One, two - step wider, Charging begins: Do this with us. One step in place - two forwards One, two - don't yawn, And then vice versa. Repeat with us! 1) Introductory part: (2-3 min.) Walking as usual, on toes, with high knees. (one at a time in a column). Run in a column one at a time with changes in pace. Walking is normal in a column one at a time. 2) Main part: (12-15 min) General developmental exercises with dumbbells. (3-5 min) Children line up near landmarks. Exercise is useful for everyone, Everyone needs exercise, It saves us from laziness and illness! Educator:
Strength needs to be developed, exercises need to be done.
1) I.p. - feet at the width of the feet, dumbbells in both hands below. Raise the dumbbells up through the sides, lower them down, return to the starting position (4-5 times). 2) I.p. - legs slightly apart, dumbbells at the shoulders. Slowly squat down and touch the dumbbells to the floor. Return to starting position (5-6 times). 3) I.p. - sitting, legs bent, dumbbells in front of your feet, hands resting behind you. Alternately lifting the legs without touching the dumbbells (
5-6 times).
4) I.p. - standing in front of dumbbells. Hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs. Alternate with walking in place (2 times). (Children put away the dumbbells and sit on gymnastic benches). Educator:
Sit down, guys, make it more comfortable.
Doctor Aibolit promised to come to us for the holiday. But he is already here. Aibolit:
Hello, guys!
(children say hello). Educator
: Look, look, Aibolit didn’t come to us alone!
Yes, my friend, the dog Ava, is with me.
Hello, kids, girls and boys!
Hello, Ava!
Oh, children.
We barely made it in time for your holiday. We ran through the fields, through the forests, through the meadows And only two words whispered: - Kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten! And now we are here! Aibolit:
Do you have a sore throat?
(no) Scarlet fever? (no) Appendicitis? (no) Malaria? (no) Or maybe bronchitis? (No). Oh, how healthy you all are! Ava, just look! (examines the children). Everyone is cheerful, tanned, there are no diseases. Educator:
Aibolit, we are all healthy!
Are you ready for training?
Yes, of course we are ready!
Everyone, breathe!
Don't breathe! Everything is fine. I'm happy. Healthy, really healthy! Ava! Ava! Where are you? (Woof woof woof). Educator:
Oh, where did you run away?
Guys, we need to get to it, and for this we need to overcome an obstacle course: Main types of movements: (
5-7 minutes) (3 times) 1. Crawling on all fours with support on the palms and knees.
2. Jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs with a soft landing on your toes, freely balancing with your arms. H. Walking on a plank, arms to the sides. Aibolit:
Let’s start preparing, go out for training (children perform the exercise, lined up in 2 lines) After completing the exercises, the children line up.
Well, guys, you conducted the training very cleverly.
Everyone crawled through the gate.
And how easily they jumped and landed on their toes. And everyone walked across the bridge, no one fell, and everyone got to your dog Ava! Aibolit:
Praises the children.
The guys all overcame the obstacle course.
Bow-wow! Aibolit:
Ava is very happy and wants to play with you!
Let's play the game “Shaggy Dog” with her (2-3 times) (3 min.) Here is a shaggy dog ​​sitting, He buried his nose in his paws, Quietly, quietly, either dozing or sleeping.
Let's go up to him, wake him up and see what happens? Aibolit:
We had a great time playing with the dog Ava.
Will you play with me? I also have a game for you. "Gymnastics". A low mobility game “Gymnastics” is played (2 times) (1-2 min) (Children stand in a circle). We stomp our feet, we clap our hands, we nod our heads. We raise our hands, We lower our hands, We give our hands, We walk quietly. (After a while the command “Stop” is given) Aibolit:
Guys! What great guys you all are. Everyone is healthy, strong, dexterous and brave. And now it’s time for us to say goodbye. Wash your face in the mornings and evenings, dry yourself with a towel, get up vigorous in the morning, and do physical exercise. And don’t forget me, Doctor Aibolit. Goodbye, kids! (takes Ava and leaves) (Children say goodbye to Aibolit and Ava) Result: Well done guys! How well everyone did the exercises. And they crawled through the gate, jumped deftly, and everyone walked across the bridge. And how amicably and cheerfully we played with the dog Ava and Doctor Aibolit. Now it’s time for us to join the group. (We say goodbye to the guests and leave).

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