Thematic “Health Day” in the second junior group

Entertainment in the 2nd junior group on the topic: “We are growing healthy” dedicated to Health Day.


1 Municipal state preschool educational institution Anninsky kindergarten 3 general developmental types. Entertainment in the 2nd junior group on the topic: “We are growing healthy” dedicated to Health Day. Prepared by teacher: Maksimenkova Svetlana Alekseevna Primakova Marina Ivanovna Anna 2013

2 Goals: “We are growing healthy.” — Teach children to independently monitor their health, know simple health techniques, and be able to provide themselves with basic help. -Develop children's spoken language, memory, fine motor skills. -To instill and cultivate a love of games and physical exercise. Progress of the lesson. We are all used to order. We do exercises in the morning, To grow strong, If we need to save you. Educator: - Guys, today we will talk about health. When meeting, they usually say this kind, magical word, wishing each other health. -Which of you wants to be healthy? Hands up. -Why do you want to be healthy? So as not to get sick! But in order to be healthy, you need to strengthen your health every day. And we will begin to strengthen our health from our hands. Let's play with our fingers. Finger gymnastics: “My family.” Friendly fingers stroke with one hand the brush of the other hand. All so necessary! This finger is grandfather This finger is grandmother from the index finger of the left hand to the thumb of the right hand. touch your index finger.

3 This finger is daddy This finger is mommy And this finger is me, And this is my whole family! touch your middle finger. touch your ring finger. touch your little finger. Perform the "flashlight" movement. Educator: Let's continue to improve our health. I invite you to walk along magical paths, let's strengthen our legs. -Let's say the magic words: I take care of my health, I will help myself. Cheerful music sounds. (Children walk along health paths). -And children, in order to always be healthy, you need to keep things clean. The Fairy of Purity comes. Fairy of Cleanliness: Cleanliness is the key to health, Cleanliness is needed everywhere: At home, in kindergarten, at school, at work, Both on land and in water. - Guys, do you know what personal hygiene items every person should have in order to be clean and tidy. Children first list personal hygiene items and then recite poems. There is soap. Different and different. Blue, Green, Mom has two sons, Mom doesn’t have a daughter! I need my mom to help me wash the handkerchiefs.

4 Orange, Soap foaming in the trough, Red I wash, look! But I don’t understand, why is the water always so black? Scene: “Water and Soap” - You are dirty! There's ink on your forehead! Water exclaimed when she saw the soap. “Yes,” Soap says, “I know that, But I save others from the dirt!” I have a toothbrush, it cleans my teeth clearly. More fun over and over again, My teeth are getting whiter. Masha brushes her teeth with toothpaste. She says it’s great for all of us. Mashenka’s teeth are white and they don’t hurt at all. My brothers and I are not too lazy to brush our teeth every day. To prevent teeth pain

5 And the enamel did not deteriorate, We don’t feel sorry for spending two minutes before going to bed. Almost every little child knows from films that a brush with toothpaste helps with all toothaches. You need to brush your teeth in the morning, you need to brush them before going to bed, so that evil microbes do not build a house in them! We choose different pictures ourselves. We put them on beautiful hooks ourselves. Styopa won’t take Yulino’s towel: He won’t confuse the Blue Plane with a bird. Egorka the newcomer knows his boat, Dana the strawberry, Mashenka the top.

6 Varyusha has an apple, Artemka has a pear, and Tanyusha chose the picture with cherries. Sonya has a butterfly, Sasha has a hare. We don’t confuse our towels at all! Mom did the styling, combed the curls smoothly, Well, I’ll take the comb. I'll do my hair too. I'll take my comb and do my doll's hair! She has my habits, Two bows and two braids Fairy of purity: - Well done! I really liked your poems. Educator: Fairy of purity, the guys still know well that in order to be healthy you need to harden yourself and at any time of the year you need to engage in physical education and sports. I invite you to watch how we do exercises. Children do exercises to cheerful music. Fairy of Cleanliness: And if you don’t keep clean and don’t exercise, then this is what can happen to a person. They are friends with the dirty ones. They are only dirty, who themselves drowned in the mud. They are dirty, afraid of water and colds. Those who don’t brush their teeth and don’t wash with soap can grow up sickly and frail. And sometimes they don’t grow at all.

7 Doctor: - Hello, guys, hello, guests, did you call the doctor? Are you all healthy and no one is sick? And now I’m learning from you, when you don’t wash your hands, what will appear? That's right, microbes. - Guys, what are microbes? A microbe is a terrible harmful animal, and most importantly a ticklish one. He is glad that he is causing a lot of trouble, with a runny nose, sneezing, and a stomach ache. He will crawl into his tummy and live there quietly. But what is needed to destroy microbes? That's right, wash your hands well with soap and wash. When should you wash your hands? That's right, every time before eating, after using the toilet, after a walk, whenever you get dirty. With simple water and soap, the strength of microbes melts away. To prevent germs from giving life, you don’t need to put your hands in your mouth. - Guys, you have the power not only to maintain your health, but also to strengthen it. You need to follow a daily routine, exercise, observe personal hygiene rules, eat right, take vitamins and, no less important, always be in a good mood. Carry out the outdoor game “The gray bunny is sitting.” (The doctor gives vitamins to the children.) Doctor: Good health to you all!


Summary of the family holiday “Health Day” in the second junior group


Goal: be able to take care of your health. Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the need for cultural and hygienic skills and the benefits of healthy nutrition and vitamins; cultivate interest in a healthy lifestyle and sports. Vocabulary work: hygiene, vitamins. Equipment: tape recorder, costumes, toothbrush, comb, toothpaste, “magic box”, balls. Preliminary work: conducting a lesson on the topic: “Good and bad habits”, introducing children to different sports during physical education classes, talking about the importance of health for a person. Progress: To the music, children enter the decorated hall. Host: Hello guys and dear guests. Today we have gathered to celebrate Health Day. Health is the most precious thing a person has. What should you do to be healthy? (children's answers) Yes, you're right, play sports and toughen up. And don’t sit still, move more often. I invite you to dance. Dance of “Little Ducklings” Presenter: Today we will go with you to the Kingdom of Health to learn about hygiene, vitamins and even meet the famous Doctor! Riddle: There is a kind doctor in the world, if he hears a child’s cry in the early hours and at midnight, he will rush to help. And neither frost nor shaking will frighten him. He will fly into space to do a bandage. He doesn’t sit still, he’s a doctor…. (Aibolit) (Music sounds, Doctor Aibolit enters) Aibolit: Hello, children and adults! I am the same Aibolit who will heal everyone, heal everyone. But I didn’t come to you to set thermometers for everyone, Tanya, Anya, Dima, Egor - I hope everyone here is healthy? (Children are healthy) Are your teeth always clean? (Children - yes) Do washcloths and water often make friends with you? (Children - yes) I also want to know the answer: are there any slobs here? (Children - no) Health guys is exercise, rosy cheeks, this is when we are strong, dexterous, brave and cheerful. This is when we make friends with vitamins and eat: onions, garlic, carrots, beets and everything that is beneficial for the body. Guys, I suggest you play the game “Who will collect the most vitamins” (Children collect balls and baskets) Aibolit: What great guys! All the vitamins have been collected. And you guys know, I have a wonderful “Health Workshop”, I will prepare a gift for you. (Hygiene enters the hall to the music) Hygiene: Good afternoon, I am clean! I always want to be with you, but first I’ll get to know you so that we can become friends. Presenter: Here are Milena, Dima, Anya, here are Rinat, Arthur and Tanya. Kirill and Nastya are here, but what’s your name? Hygiene : Hygiene! I came to teach you how to maintain your health. (Microbes run in to the melody of “Chunga-Changa”) Microbe (1): Who here loves cleanliness? Microbe (2): Who here likes to brush their teeth? Microbe (3): Who here likes to wash their hands? Host: Oh! Who are you? (Microbes sing a song) We microbes live happily. We, the microbes, will sing a song. We microbes love dirt very much. We microbes hate you.

We don’t like anyone who likes to wash their face, knows how to do their own hair, wash their hands and brush their teeth. And we love slobs, dirty people, lazy people, unwashed slobs. We love them very much, we love them very much, we love them very much. Presenter: What should I do? What should we do? Who can protect us? Hygiene: Don’t worry so much, guys, guess the riddles, and they will immediately rid you of germs. 1) I washed my hands thoroughly - I wore out the whole piece... (soap) 2) She doesn’t feel sorry for my back - she rubs me with soap.... (washcloth) 3) To be toothy for a long time, you need to brush your teeth…. (with paste) 4) And the paste has a friend, she’s trying to brush her teeth, tell me what it’s called.... (brush) (Hygiene gives all the items to the host, the germs run away) Hygiene: So there are no more germs. But they will come again, If you forget to wash your hands with soap more often, Do not let germs live happily in the dirt. Brush your teeth regularly in the evening and in the morning. Don’t forget to comb your hair and always be neat. Presenter: Thank you, Hygiene. You helped us a lot. Hygiene: I will help Aibolit prepare a gift for you. (Glutton comes in to slow music) Glutton: I am a glutton Robin - Bobbin, I can’t move, I don’t know how to work, it’s hard for me to stand, I always want to sleep. I just eat all day, I’m not too lazy to eat a lot. Presenter: Eating a lot is very harmful - chocolate and marmalade. Each of us knows: this is poison for the body! Glutton: I can’t not eat. Presenter: Don't worry, we will help. Stop your hunger strike, take your vitamins. Glutton: The pills won't make you full. Presenter: Vitamins are not found in tablets, but in food products that are good for health. Glutton: Yes? I have a lot of tasty things in my backpack. You guys, help me, name some useful products. (Game “Edible - not edible”) Presenter: You see, Robin - Bobbin, products that contain vitamins are called healthy food. Glutton: Thank you, guys. You helped me, and I will give you a gift. (Laziness enters the hall to the sound of sad music) Laziness: I don’t want to work, I don’t want to have fun. I would like to sleep, yawn and yawn all day. Presenter: Our guys are not lazy, they love to play, run, and dance. Laziness: I'm lazy, lazy, lazy. Presenter: It’s no good for you to be lazy. Remember guys, even animals, even birds, do exercises. (Children perform movements to the music “Four Steps”) Laziness: Thank you, I really liked the fun exercise. Who is this in your workshop? Presenter: Our guests are there. Aibolit: Our gifts are ready, they will be useful for your exercise. Presenter: We invite you, dear guests, to the cheerful dance of “Little Ducklings” (Children dance with the characters) Presenter: The moment of farewell has come, thank you all for your attention. For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter. There is no better recipe in the world: be inseparable from sports. You will live to be a hundred years old! That's the whole secret! It’s time to end the holiday - let’s say to the holiday: “HURRAY!”

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