Summary of an open lesson on healthy lifestyle "In search of health" in the senior group

Abstract of OOD "Healthy Lifestyle" senior group

Lesson summary for the senior group “Healthy lifestyle”


learn to independently monitor your health, be able to provide yourself with basic care; instill a love of physical exercise and massage.



to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, to introduce the concept of a healthy lifestyle;


develop children's cognitive activity, teach them to reason and draw conclusions.


Develop will and character.


: practical, playful, visual, auditory, verbal.


Immersion in a game situation, group work, conversation.

Materials and equipment:

posters depicting microbes, food products containing vitamins A, B, C. Posters depicting people brushing their teeth, playing sports, taking a bath, sunbathing on the shore of a pond.

Progress of the lesson:

Health is happiness! This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. What should you do to be healthy? You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you don't take care of your health, you can lose it.

– Guys, how do you understand this expression “Take care of your health?” (children's answers)

- Right! This is, firstly, adherence to the daily routine. Secondly, you need to keep your body clean. Thirdly, these are gymnastics, physical exercises, hardening and outdoor games. Fourthly, you need to eat right. So, let's talk about the daily routine.

Daily regime

The teacher discusses with the children the main points of the daily routine at home and in kindergarten. Explains why it is so important to follow the same regime as established in kindergarten.


Wash yourself with soap! Do not be lazy! Don't slip out, don't get angry! Why did you fall again? I'll wash you first! – What hygiene rules do you guys follow at home and in kindergarten? (We wash our faces in the mornings and evenings, brush our teeth, etc.) - Why should we do this? (To be clean, to look good, to feel pleasant and have healthy skin, to be hardened, to wash away germs.) - Germs are in the air, in the water, on the earth, on our body. The word “microbe” comes from two Greek words “micros”, which means “small”, and “bios” - “life”. Not all germs are harmful. Many are useful. For example, with the help of lactic acid bacteria you can prepare kefir and fermented baked milk. And harmful pathogenic microbes, entering the human body, multiply, releasing poisons. They cause various diseases (showing photos of microbes). – How do microbes enter the body? (when sneezing, coughing without covering your mouth; if you do not wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet; do not wash vegetables and fruits.) - What should you do to protect yourself from them? (children's answers) Together with the children, the teacher draws a conclusion that the children must learn well: do not eat or drink on the street;

always wash your hands with soap after returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet,

eat only washed vegetables and fruits;

when you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue;

eat only from clean dishes. Then the teacher asks the children to count how many times a day they have to wash their hands.

About microbes

A microbe is a terribly harmful animal, insidious and, most importantly, ticklish. Such an animal will crawl into your stomach and live there peacefully. The rogue will climb in and wherever he wants, walk around the patient and tickle him. He is proud that he causes so much trouble: runny nose, sneezing, and sweat. Did you children wash your hands before dinner? Oh, brother fox, you look like you have a cold. Wait a minute, your forehead is hot, there must be a germ in you!

Gymnastics, physical exercises, hardening and outdoor games

If a person plays sports, he will live longer. Be sure to do gymnastics after daytime sleep and breathing exercises. It is useful to gargle, dry yourself with a towel, do gymnastics, and play outdoor games more often. – Children, there is a proverb: “Take care of your health from a young age.” Why do they say this? (children's answers)

Do exercises in the morning, You will be strong, You will be brave. I’ll push the remnants of sleep away, put the blanket aside, I need gymnastics, it helps a lot. So that we don’t get sick, and don’t catch a cold, we will do exercises with you. – You guys and I have been sitting too long. Let's play!

Outdoor game “Statues”

This game is best played with a large ball. The players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. Whoever does not catch the ball receives a punishment: he will have to continue the game standing on one leg. If in this position he manages to catch the ball, the punishment is removed. If he misses the ball again, he will have to get down on one knee and try to catch the ball in this position. On the third mistake, the unlucky player sits on the floor.

Food culture

DON'T - try everything - eat and drink on the street - eat unwashed - eat with dirty hands - give bites - pet animals while eating - eat a lot of sweets. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. The teacher tells the children that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D. Explains what other products they contain and what they are needed for. Vitamin A – carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision. Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for the heart). Vitamin C – citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for colds). Vitamin D – sun, fish oil (for bones).

For better memorization, the teacher uses artistic words. I never lose heart, And there is a smile on my face, Because I take Vitamins A, B, C. It is very important to eat oatmeal at breakfast early in the morning. Black bread is good for us, and not only in the morning. Remember the simple truth, Only those who chew raw carrots or drink carrot juice see better. Oranges help with colds and sore throats. Well, it’s better to eat lemon, even though it is very sour.

Bottom line

- Guys, what did you learn about today? (about vitamins, microbes, etc.) – What rules must be followed to stay healthy? (children's answers) - Did you like our lesson today? (yes) - Now let's play the game "Fast Rockets."

"Fast Rockets"

Children arrange chairs in a circle. Then they run freely around the group and say words together with the teacher. Fast rockets are waiting for us, For walks on the planets. Whichever one we want – We’ll fly to that one! But there is one secret in the game: There is no room for latecomers. The teacher removes several chairs. The children sit down for the last words. The one who sits on the chair wins.

Healthy lifestyle lesson “The ABCs of Health”

  • January 28, 2011

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative” – Stage 2
Goal: Updating and expanding the knowledge of junior schoolchildren about ways to maintain their health.


  • to attract the attention of schoolchildren to the problem of health;
  • point out the negative impact of the disease on a person’s life;
  • introduce the effect of viruses on the body;
  • introduce ways to strengthen the immune system.

Progress of the lesson


Early in the morning, someone strange looked through my window, A bright red spot appeared on my palm.

Who do you guys think it could be? (slide No. 2)

This sun looked in, It was as if a ray of light was reaching out, A thin golden ray. And like with your first best friend, he greeted me.

The sun greets each of us with warmth and a smile. Gives a good mood. And I want to wish you that every day brings you only joy (give your children sunshine).

"Good afternoon! Good morning! Good health!”

When we say these words, we sincerely wish those we meet goodness and joy. And our heart opens to sincere and kind people.

Teacher: Aibolit’s assistants, Masha and Dasha, came to visit us today. They know how to be healthy and will share their knowledge with us. (Slide 3)

3. Guys, what does a person need to always be in a good mood and in good shape? (health)

What kind of person can be called healthy? (Slide No. 4)

A healthy person rarely thinks about what health is. Meanwhile, health is one of the main values ​​of human life, a source of joy. Everyone from a young age should take care of their health, have knowledge about hygiene, first aid, and how not to harm their body.

4. And if a person is unwell, what consequences await him? Poor health and illness cause stunting, poor academic performance, and bad mood. What can cause the disease? (Children's answers) (Slide No. 5)

5. How do microbes enter the body? (Children's answers: if a person does not cover his mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing (germs fly 10 meters); does not wash his hands before eating, uses other people's things; does not wash vegetables and fruits; does not temper himself, etc.)

6. Masha: The nose is not breathing, the body is aching, the cough is suffocating every now and then, the head hurts and the ears hurt, and toys and meringue cake are not pleasing.


We were overcome by a cold called acute respiratory infection. And the weeks fly and fly, Well, we lie in bed, Because, unfortunately, a complication has appeared.


There is noise in the heart, pain in the joints, Here you will cry involuntarily.

Teacher: Disease is a violation of the integrity of the body, the loss of the ability to resist its external and internal enemies. The disease is usually accompanied by fever. Pain in various organs, weakness, loss of appetite. A sick person is in a bad mood and doesn’t want to do anything.

7. Dasha: What is acute respiratory infection? (Slide No. 6) Apparently, not everyone knows.

Masha: In our world there is a kingdom,

Its inhabitants are countless: On earth, here and there, they are called Viruses. And dangerous, and insidious, And they are invisible.

Dasha: Who is at war with the virus, Who guards health Day after day and does not sleep at night?

Masha: Just imagine, our body is a whole country. It consists of cells. Cells are cities. Every city is guarded by a blood cell - a lymphocyte.

Dasha: Our body is very complex, we need to be careful with it. If you have been lazy since childhood, eat a lot, are sleepy all day, rarely do exercises, your body is not in order. Your lymphocyte is barely alive: Half asleep and sick.

Masha: A terrible virus enters the cell and bypasses all possessions. He sees that everyone here is sleeping peacefully, You can build viruses - Hundreds of thousands, a million. Here he is again strong! Gathers his army, begins to fight.


To protect yourself from viruses, it is necessary to strengthen the body’s defenses – its immunity.

8. Game "Immunity".

In order for immunity to be good, lymphocytes must guard the body's cells and keep viruses out. Participants are divided into two equal teams: viruses and lymphocytes. Each team stands opposite the other, and all participants firmly hold hands. One person from the virus team must run wildly and break the hands of any two people from the lymphocyte team. If he succeeds, then he enters the cell, taking a player from the enemy team, if not, then he remains in the lymphocyte team. The team with the most people at the end of the game wins.

10. Teacher: What should you do to strengthen your immune system?

Dasha: Maintain hygiene, don’t forget about the regime. Temper yourself, get wet, you need to eat right.

11. Arrange routine moments on the board in order: lunch, exercise, getting up, dinner, get dressed, wash, free time, breakfast, dinner, school, sleep, walk, make the bed, getting ready for bed. (Slide No. 7)

1 rise 9
2 10
3 11
4 12
5 13
6 14
7 15
8 16

11. Masha: In order to maintain health, to strengthen your body, my whole family knows there must be a daily routine.

Dasha: Guys, you should know. Everyone needs to sleep longer. Well, don’t be lazy in the morning - get ready to exercise!

Masha: Brush your teeth, wash your face, and smile more often, toughen up, and then you won’t be afraid of the blues.

12. Teacher: To strengthen your immune system, you need to eat healthy foods and drink clean water. Name healthy foods that you should eat daily. (dairy products, vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, nuts, bread, vegetable oil, fish, lean meat) (Slide No. 8)

Name foods that are unhealthy (fatty meat, cake, chocolates, smoked fish, Pepsi-Cola, chips,...) (Slide No. 9)

Name the rules of nutrition.

13. Game “The most attentive”.

Guys, I will name vegetables. If we eat the underground parts of these products, we need to sit down, if we eat the above-ground parts, we need to stand up to our full height and raise our arms up.

Potatoes, beans, carrots, tomatoes, beets, turnips, cucumbers, garlic...

14. Dasha: So that not a single microbe accidentally gets into your mouth, wash your hands before eating with soap and water.

Masha: Eat vegetables and fruits, fish, dairy products - This is healthy food, full of vitamins! Dasha: Go for a walk, breathe some fresh air. Just remember when leaving: Dress for the weather!

15. Teacher. It is necessary to follow the “Rules of Personal Hygiene” and then you will be healthy. Personal – that is, each person follows these rules. Hygiene is those actions that help keep your body, clothes and home clean.

Guys, it is important to keep your hands clean. You take various objects with your hands: pencils, pens, books, notebooks, etc., grab door handles, touch various objects in the toilet rooms.

All of these items have dirt on them, often invisible to the eye. With unwashed hands, this dirt first enters the mouth and then into the body. Dirt transmits various diseases from a sick person to a healthy one. (Slide No. 10)

16. Game “Helpful and Harmful”

There are cards with words on the table (vegetables and fruits, good sleep, watch TV close, exercise, chew hard things, don’t wash your hands, lie on your desk, always dress neatly,..) (Slide No. 11)

Drawing up rules for each card (eat right, go to bed on time, take care of your eyes, play sports, brush your teeth morning and evening, be friendly with water, watch your posture, take care of your appearance).

17. Masha: Well, if it already happened: You got sick, Know that it’s time for you to see a doctor. He will always help us! Dasha: These are the good tips, The secrets are hidden in them, How to maintain health. Learn to appreciate it!

Teacher: So, today in class we learned what a disease is, what helps our body protect itself from it and how to strengthen the immune system, how to take care of our own health. After all, no one will do it better than you yourself. (Slide 12)

Author: Lisenkova Tatyana Georgievna, additional education teacher of the 1st qualification category of the Municipal Educational Institution of DDT in the village of Kyshtovka, Novosibirsk region, work experience - 8 years. Hobbies: healthy lifestyle, reading books, computer. Photo by Lisenkova2009

Presentation “The ABC of Health”

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