Summary of an open lesson on the topic: “Psychological preparation of children for school. Traveling with a seven-flowered flower"

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic “Such different emotions”

Lesson objectives:

  • Form a concept about the emotions of joy and anger, show their schematic representation.
  • To update experience and knowledge in the field of the emotional sphere, to promote understanding of one’s states and understanding that negative emotions take away health, and positive ones contribute to its preservation.
  • Teach ways to express negative emotions in a socially acceptable way.
  • Develop the ability to control various muscles (face, arms, legs), develop volitional regulation of behavior.
  • Develop kinesthetic sensations, perception of the shape of objects.
  • Develop spatial orientation, attention and thinking.
  • Contribute to the unity of the children's team and establish a positive emotional mood in the group.

Glossary of terms

Emotion is our moods and experiences that accompany the events of our life. Joy is when we feel good from something we have done, from communicating with our mother, friend, from the fact that we are given gifts, we have fun. Light wrinkles around the eyes, the eyes are slightly squinted, the upper lip is slightly raised, the corners of the lips are raised and usually pulled back, the lower jaw is relaxed, the mouth may be slightly open. Anger - when we are angry with someone, for example, with someone who undeservedly offended us, who beat us, called us names... Tightly compressed eyebrows, horizontal folds on the bridge of the nose, a swollen nose, clenched teeth, a convulsively tense neck, while the hands may be clenched into fists.

Equipment: envelope with letter; a magic bag with various items, a scarf; tape recorder and audio recording of the songs “If you are kind”, “Smile”; a box with medals for each child; 3 colored cardboard hands; a toy hedgehog that laughs.


Surprise moment - Hello guys! I was walking to kindergarten in the morning and met a postman on the way. He gave me an unusual letter. Let's see what kind of letter it is? So, kindergarten “Kolobok” for children. This letter is for you. Who is it from? From Smesharik Hedgehog. Do you know this one? Shall we read the letter? Listen carefully.


Hello guys! The Hedgehog is writing to you from the country of Smeshariki. If anyone doesn’t know me, I’ll send you my photo. My favorite pastime is making different collections: candy wrappers, mushrooms, cacti. I look for items for my collections everywhere: in the mountains, the sea, even in a dark forest. Just recently I wandered into one of these forests in search of something new for my collection. And suddenly I came out into a clearing on which stood a beautiful palace. I became interested and went into this palace. Different emotions lived there: joy, anger, fear, surprise and other emotions. It turned out that on this day the evil wizard Sadness-crying made his way into their kingdom. He quarreled all the emotions among themselves, and I really like to reconcile everyone, even those who do not want to reconcile at all. And I succeeded. The evil wizard got angry with me and locked me in a dungeon. He also took away my laughter from me, and I love to laugh so much. Help me get my laughter back and get out of the dungeon of his palace, and to do this, complete the tasks of the evil wizard Sadnesscry. Thank you guys, I believe that you will easily cope with all his tasks.

- Well, guys, can we help the Hedgehog? – With each correctly completed task, we will come closer to the castle of the evil wizard Sadness, the closer we come, the better we will see it, but for now we do not see it. - Let's start the first task.

Exercise “Depict an emotion”

Sad Cry gives the following task: to portray two inhabitants of the palace of emotions.

1 pictogram – joy .

– What does a person look like when he is happy? (Eyes sparkle, smile on lips). - Look at the beautiful faces of those who rejoice. - Guys, when do you feel happy? (When mom comes, they read books, buy toys, sweets...) - You see how many reasons we have for joy. – Remember something joyful and when I count to 3, let’s all pretend to be happy together. Fine. Now the palace of the evil sorcerer Sadness-crying has already become a little visible.

2nd pictogram – anger.

– What does a person look like when he’s angry? (An angry face, compressed lips, frowned eyebrows, angry eyes) - How ugly we are when we are angry. And when are you angry? (When they offend, something doesn’t work out). - Let's try on the count of 3 to show how angry we are. (Another piece of the palace.

Exercise “Ways to master a negative emotional state”

– Sad Crying believes that if a person is angry, this can last for a very long time. What do you think can be done to make anger quickly leave you? (Merry yourself, draw something beautiful, beat a pillow, tear paper, play a fun game, watch an interesting cartoon, read a funny book, eat candy, sculpt from plasticine, run outside, blow bubbles). – Being angry is bad for your health. Which people are more pleasant to communicate with: good or evil? - Well done, he didn’t know that you could find the answer to this question.

Game "Chant-clap-silent"

- Oh, there are some palms here. So, what is this task? Sad cry does not believe that we will be able to complete this task, because here we need to be very careful and remember the order of actions (slide 17). And the order is this: If I show a blue palm, then everyone needs to loudly shout the sound “A” together, if it’s green, then everyone needs to clap loudly together, if it’s red, then you need to sit quietly. Let's remember and practice. Well, now we very carefully carry out this task of the evil wizard (slide 18).

Game "Magic bag"

“The Sad Cryer put various small objects in this bag and pinned the bag so that with your eyes closed you couldn’t guess by touch what was in there. Who will be the first to risk completing this task? - Well done! Another part of the castle has appeared.

Exercise "Find the differences"

– We have the next task. Sad Crying drew two inhabitants of the palace of emotions as best he could. What emotions are these? They seem a little similar, but in fact they have 5 differences. We need to find all the differences. - Well done, the last part of the castle has appeared.

Exercise “Tower of Joy”

- And here is the Hedgehog, but laughter has not returned to him yet. Sad Cryer is always sad, angry and cries very often, so that the effect of his magic ends and laughter returns to the Hedgehog, you need to build a tower of joy. To do this, everyone in turn needs to tell what they like or what makes them happy. I will name what I like and extend my hand, palm up, and you will come up in turn, name what you like or what makes you happy and put your hand on my palm. What a nice tower of joy we have, and the Hedgehog is laughing again. Sit down quietly, and the Hedgehog, as a token of gratitude and in memory of our fabulous activity, gives you magic medals with his photo, and on the back is written the magic word “Smile.” Let this medal help you become more cheerful and kinder when you are sad or angry. (To the song “Smile, everyone is given a medal with the image of a Hedgehog”).

Lesson summary

– Our fabulous lesson has come to an end. – What did you remember and like? – Which emotion did you like best?

- When a person is angry, he has an ugly face, angry, and evil eyes. You must always treat people kindly and welcomingly, then they will treat you the same way. It’s good when a person is in a joyful mood, then any task works out.

Open lesson of a teacher-psychologist using ICT “Wonderful World”

Open lesson of a teacher-psychologist using ICT “Wonderful World”

Open lesson of a teacher-psychologist using ICT “Wonderful World”


1. Prevention of emotional excitability, anxiety, fear and other deep psycho-emotional experiences.

2. Harmonization of personality development through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge.


1. Develop curiosity through discovery

new worlds in travel with the help of ICT, colorful pictures, videos, friendly voices and pleasant music.

2. Develop creative, creative and logical thinking and imagination.

3. Develop the cognitive sphere of older children.

4. Use ICT

(information and communication technologies
used in education
.) for the prevention of anxiety and stress.

5. Develop self-control.

6. Focus on sensations and feelings.

7. Develop creativity and increase self-esteem.

Materials: Blank for a mask, gouache or watercolor paints, scissors, water in a glass, tambourine. Magic wand.

Progress of the lesson

Hello guys (music 4)

Today we have an unusual
, we will see the unusual and mysterious.
Now I will touch each of you with a magic wand and we will go with you to a world of knowledge and adventure. (magic music 1)
. Here we are on the island,
(slide 1 music 2)
mysterious and enigmatic tribes live here.
Look, what is this? (slide 2)
Local residents left us a hint map indicating the route you will follow next.
Look here is the road, (3rd slide)
it leads to a city called Mudrolandia.
Your path lies through the dense forest of Quarrels and the deep and dark caves of Villainy. (4 slide)
The Forest of Quarrels is dangerous because people who find themselves in it immediately begin to quarrel and instead of uniting and sticking together, helping each other, they disperse one by one and look for a way out of the forest themselves.
Many people got lost in that forest and never returned home. But be careful, not far from the Forest of Quarrels there is another dangerous place - the Sloth Swamp. (slide 6)
Look, not far from the swamp of laziness, a magical light is visible
(slide 7)
it will protect us and give us strength and destroy evil spells, and for the light to help us, we need to circle each other’s palms with our fingers.
Well done! We went further along the narrow path (The children held hands tightly and walked along the narrow path, make a sun on the tablet from the children’s palms, the children themselves circle each other’s palms music 3). Look, we have come to the edge of murmuring streams (music 6),
this city is called Mudrolandia.
Here you and I must answer questions. (presentation about animals of hot countries.)

Summary of a lesson in kindergarten together with a teacher-psychologist in the preparatory group

Summary of an open joint lesson with a teacher-psychologist “Film Tests” (preparatory group)
Goal: to arouse children’s interest in each other, to provide children with the opportunity to analyze their feelings and desires, to realize them and share them with others, to help create a comfortable environment for each participant, to help realize your value and the value of other people Tasks: - improve the skills of using etiquette expressions, - exercise the ability to independently request information - formulate questions, maintain logical connections and consistency - develop the ability to use speech cliches of sympathy and joy for the interlocutor, cultivate respect for the interlocutor - develop language of gestures and facial expressions
Progress of the lesson
1. Psychological attitude. Educator: Hello, guys, today is such a wonderful day. I'm glad to see you! Let's warmly welcome our guests. Children: Good morning! Educator: And now, guys, I suggest we greet each other in a friendly manner with a hug. Game “Greetings with Hugs” Purpose:
to promote awareness of the dependence of the emotional state and the quality of communication with other people.
2. Introductory and organizational. Educator: Guys, do you like to learn new, interesting, mysterious things? (Children's answers) 3. Motivational - incentive. Educator: Then guess the riddle: The film is on, it’s dark around, So you came to... (cinema) Then come on in, kids, girls and boys! Everyone, without exception, is in for a movie today! 4. Update. Educator: Children, do you know what cinema is? Do you know where movies are made? (children's answers) So, welcome to the magical world of cinema! 5. Perception and assimilation of new things. Educator: Look around: we are at a film studio. Today we can no longer imagine our life without cinema! Together with the characters of cartoons and feature films, we experience the events that happen to them on the screen. How do you think an animated film differs from a feature film? (children’s answers: movies star people, and cartoons feature hand-drawn, puppet, plasticine characters). —Who is a film actor? (a person who acts in films) - Do you think film actors have an interesting job? — Would you like to become film actors? — To become actors, you need to know and be able to do a lot. Today you and I will learn acting, and Svetlana Georgievna (psychologist) can help us with this. First screen test (psychologist) 1. GAME “INTERVIEW” Educator: Well done, guys. You have all completed the first task and we can proceed to the second screen test. Actors are very emotional people. What does it mean? (meaning they can show different feelings, emotions, moods). Now we will check whether we can convey the recognition of various emotions by gestures and facial expressions. Second screen test (educator) 2. GAME “ACTIONS” Goal:
to develop the ability to express in words the attitude towards the actions of others, to find optimal ways out of difficult situations.
Learn to ask and answer open and closed questions. Equipment:
magnetic board, magnets, chalk;
pairs of story pictures depicting acceptable and unacceptable relationships. Content.
One of the children is the driver, the rest are “observers” and “advisers.”
The teacher divides the board in half with a vertical line. On the left side of the board he writes the sign “-”, on the right side “+”. The driver is asked to find a picture depicting a bad deed, attach it under the “-” sign and justify his choice, then the driver needs to select a paired picture that depicts a good deed and attach it under the “+” sign and explain his decision. “Observers” and “advisers” monitor the progress of work and express their opinions. Educator: You guys are doing great. And now I invite you all to go to the autumn forest with Svetlana Georgievna. 3. PHYSICAL MINUTE “AUTUMN FOREST” (psychologist) Educator: Well done, guys, you coped with the task. Actors can not only show their emotions through gestures and facial expressions, but also verbally express their attitude towards different characters and their actions. Screen test No. 3 4. GAME “MESSAGE” Goal:
to develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express your thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.
Children are asked to role-play a number of situations: 1. Two boys quarreled - make up between them.
2. If you really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your group, ask him. 3. You found a weak, tortured kitten on the street - take pity on it. 4. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him. 5. You came to a new group - meet the children and tell us about yourself. 6. You have lost your car - go up to the children and ask if they have seen it. 7. You come to the library - ask the librarian for a book you are interested in. 8. The guys are playing an interesting game - ask the guys to accept you. What will you do if they don't want to accept you? 9. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share with him. 10. The child is crying - calm him down. 11. If you can’t tie your shoelace, ask a friend to help you. 12. Guests have come to you - introduce them to your parents, show them your room and your toys. 13. You came back from a walk hungry - what do you say to your mother or grandmother Educator: Well done, guys, you completed the task, you can support your loved ones in a difficult situation. Now we will begin filming the next screen test. This time we will not choose actors, but will participate all at once. Screen test No. 4 (psychologist) 5. GAME “SCULPTOR AND CLAY” Goal:
learn to understand the content, the meaning of “sculpture”, highlight its characteristic features.
The teacher invites the children to divide into two teams - sculptors, the other - clay.
Sculptors must “sculpt” a figure from a picture. Then the children change places. The teacher reminds that clay cannot talk. Educator: Today the film studio where we are is deserted. Usually there are a lot of people here and they all work, creating films. Some select costumes, others work on sound. I invite you today to be cartoonists - these people create cartoons. Now we will divide into two teams and create our own scene from the cartoon. 6. Collective collage “FRAME FROM YOUR FAVORITE CARTOON” Goal:
development of creative abilities, imagination, artistic taste;
develop a sense of a single whole team, the ability to work together and agree on a result. 7. Reflection Educator: I really enjoyed making a movie with you guys, you guys are great! Maybe in the future, one of you will become a great actor in our Russian cinema or will make a film. Educator: I would like to ask you, where have you been today? Tell me, did you like it at the film studio? What new did you learn? What do you remember for yourself? Would you like to act in films? I would like you to watch more Russian cartoons. Be grateful future readers and viewers.

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