Project “Physical Education Week in Preschool Educational Institution - “Our Health”

Calendar planning “Sports summer”

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN FRIDAY __________________ 2021. Topic of the week: “Sports summer” ______. Theme of the day: ___________________________

Games for speech development: “Call.” Goal: to develop prerequisites for business communication in children.
Outdoor games with running and jumping: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without bumping into each other
friend, quickly run away, find your place.
Fun games: “Penguins”. Goal: to evoke in children the need for emotional communication.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 1
Formation of the KGN: fostering modesty
Individual-subgroup work: learn to identify sports in pictures.
Conversations on the topic of the day: “Sports”. Goal: summarize children's knowledge; instill a love for sports.
Observations: phenomena of living nature using the artistic word: Sun.
Purpose: to learn to determine the weather condition; why do we need the sun? choose kind words.
Games with didactic toys: “Place the objects around the houses.” Goal: to form an idea about
variety of buildings.
Games with physical education equipment: “Who is faster to the flag”, “Pass the ball”
Games - travel: "Learn the game." Goal: make a game out of details - tasks.
Outdoor games (plot-based, plotless): “Run to me.” Goal: learn to navigate by sound,
move towards the sound.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: develop the ability to express verbal forms
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: sounds of nature
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 1
Examination of pictures, albums, illustrations: examination of albums with photographs of famous
Conversation with children on the topic of the week: “Sports summer.” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about sports; meaning and
the importance of sport in human life.
Leisure evening: Sports entertainment “Visiting Kolobok”. Goal: uniting children in games.
Physical exercises to develop basic types of movements: Transferring an object from one hand to
another in front of you, behind you, above your head.
Didactic games: “Find where it’s hidden.” Goal: develop attention and perseverance.
Independent activities of children: according to the desires and interests of children.
Working with parents: Consultation “I won’t eat!”

Health Week: “Sports and Children”


In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, his intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

Notations and teachings do not bring success in developing the need to be healthy in preschoolers. The best way to introduce a child to a healthy lifestyle is to show by example how to approach physical education and sports. If a child sees that their parents enjoy healthy, active leisure, they will definitely imitate them.

But only with the close support of parents can a preschool educational institution achieve positive results in raising a healthy child. We believe that the main thing is to help children develop their own life guidelines in choosing a healthy lifestyle, teach them to evaluate their physical capabilities, see the prospects for their development, and realize responsibility for their health.


Involving parents in joint active activities in matters of physical education. Creation of a comprehensive system of child upbringing and development aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children. Formation of responsibility among parents and pupils in the form of maintaining their own health.


• Increasing the physical education and health literacy of parents;

• Training in health-saving technologies: developing in children knowledge, skills and abilities to maintain health and responsibility for it;

• Study the interests, opinions of parents, their hobbies and involve children in the organization of physical education;

• Enrich parent-child relationships when conducting joint events, while paying special attention to promoting a healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, preserving and strengthening the physical health of children;

• To involve parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work;

• Study the family and establish contacts with its members to coordinate educational influences on the child;

• Use the educational potential of parents to educate and raise children.


The physical qualities of children will effectively develop, and their health will be maintained and strengthened, provided that a system of work with children on physical education and health improvement is developed by preschool teachers together with the parents of the pupils.


A set of methods, techniques and other means for the development of physical qualities and the health of preschool children.

Sports in kindergarten

Sport is an essential component of every person’s life. Sports are no less important for children, including the youngest. It is necessary to instill in a child a love of sports from childhood, and the most important example for him, of course, is his parents.

Sports in kindergarten

Kindergarten is an active part of a child’s life. Coming every day to kindergarten, to a group of children, the child will learn discipline and a certain daily routine. Sports activities are necessarily included in the main kindergarten schedule. Morning exercises, sports competitions, sports festivals are the key moments necessary to accustom a child to sports from childhood.

Note: a useful section on the topic of sports in kindergarten in the educational toy store “Kindergarten”. Children's sports equipment for preschoolers.

Sports and game

Of course, you shouldn’t force a love of sports on children, especially young ones, in kindergarten. A love of physical activity should be instilled gradually and always in a playful way. Elements of competition, relay races and simply active games that can be played in the gym or in the fresh air help well in this matter.

It is also necessary for the teacher to actively participate in sports games, along with the children, thereby setting an example. Children love to follow the example of adults who are in their immediate environment. Teachers and parents become the main role models. Sports in kindergarten is the work of both adults and children.

Sports competitions

The element of competition between children is very important in kindergarten sports. You can arrange fun relay races with bright elements, for example, colorful balls, skittles, rings, jump ropes. Bright colors not only relieve the atmosphere, but also make the sport bright and interesting.

However, educators must explain to children that winning is not as important as participation in the game and team spirit.

The teacher can also tell the children about the emergence of sports competitions, for example, about the Olympic Games, which became an alternative to the war that lasted for many years. A plus will be a story about the benefits of sport, its impact on physical development and human health. The child must understand that sport is not only a compulsory activity, but also a system for healing the body.

Sports and health holidays

Organizing sports holidays in kindergarten and health holidays will also help to instill in children a love of sports, because a holiday is a holiday and it doesn’t matter at all what the reason for it will be.

There are many scenarios for holding this kind of holiday, and in addition to the usual relay races and competitions, you can organize a sports quiz or an exhibition of children's drawings on the topic of sports and health. Little artists will definitely be inspired by the theme and will try to translate their thoughts onto paper. You will find some scenarios dedicated to sports in kindergarten on our website.

Note to parents

It’s not just teachers who instill in children a love of sports. Parents should also actively participate in the child’s life and explain to him the need for physical activity. Sports should be present not only in kindergarten, but also at home!

For example: you can explain to a child that if he plays sports, runs, jumps and does exercises, he will become healthier and will be able to avoid illnesses, bitter medicines and injections.

Together with your child, you can come up with a story about the insidious Flu and Sports, who was able to defeat the disease thanks to his strength.

You need to instill a love of sports in a fun and relaxed way. In winter, it is useful to go skiing with your child, and you can do gymnastics at home. Of course, sports should be a must in kindergarten!

Little children love it when adults ask them to teach them how to do exercises that they learned in kindergarten. At such moments, children feel more authoritative and willingly teach their parents simple exercises. However, it is important not to interrupt the child and repeat all his movements exactly, then the baby will be happy, and the sport will become a pleasant pastime for him.

Author Natalya Shumaeva.

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