Summary of the integrated lesson “Clouds - white-winged horses” in the first junior group

Alphabetical physical exercises material on the topic



A is the beginning of the alphabet, That’s why she’s famous. And she’s easy to recognize: She puts her legs wide,

(Children should stand with their legs wide apart. For each count, hands alternately: on the waist, on the shoulders, up, two claps; on the shoulders, on the waist, down - two claps. The pace is constantly accelerating.)

- Now guys, stand up! They quickly raised their hands up, to the sides, forward, back, turned to the right, left, sat down quietly, and got back to work.

(Stand up; arms up, to the sides, forward, back, turns right, left; sat down.)

Children recite a poem, repeating all the movements after the “stork”:

- Stork, stork, long-legged, Show me the way home. The stork answers: “Stamp with your right foot, stomp with your left foot.” Again - with the right foot, Again - with the left foot, After - with the right foot, After - with the left foot, Then you will come home.


Let's spread our legs with the letter L, As if in a dance - hands on hips. They leaned left, right, left, right... It turns out great. Well done! Left - right, left - right...

(Stand up; arms up, to the sides, forward, back, turns right, left; sat down.)

Pinocchio stretched, Once, he bent down, Two, he bent down, Three, he bent down. He spread his arms to the side, Apparently he couldn’t find the key. To get the key, we need to stand on our tiptoes.

(Children imitate the poem by performing movements). (Hands up, inhale - stretch; bend - one, two, three, spread your arms to the sides; stand on your toes.)

They run, run from the yard (we walk in place) Walk, walk in the meadows: (jumping on the spot) Chicken-garaburka-whatever, (clap our hands) Duck-floater-clank-quack, (stomp our feet) Goose-water- eider-wagi, (crouch) Turkey-khripindyuk-shulty-buldy, (clap our hands) Pig-fat-backed-chahi-ryakhi, (stomp our feet) Goat-deribosa-fur-beke, (crouch) Ram-krutorogan-chiki-bryki , (clap our hands) Cow-knoll-pluck-torment, (stomp our feet) Horse-kick-igi-vigi. (we walk in place)


Matryona came to visit Fedosya, (we walk in place) She came for tea, (hands to the sides on her belt) She brought lemon. (Clap in front of the chest) - Drink, Matryona, (jumping in place) With a lemon, (crouched) Drink, Lemon, (jumping in place) With a matryona!.. (crouched) And Fedosya was confused (hands on the belt - tilts left - right ) And she hurried, (hands on her belt - turns her body left - right) And Fedosya was confused (crouched down) And started talking. (Jump in place - clap overhead)

The ducks came out into the meadow, Quack - quack - quack! (we walk) A funny beetle flew by, J-J-J! (we wave our arms like wings) The geese arch their necks, Ha-ha-ha! (circular rotation of the neck) The feathers are straightened with the beak. (turns the body left - right) The wind swayed the branches (we swing our arms raised up) The ball also growled, R-R-R (hands on the belt, leaned forward, looking in front of us) The reeds whispered in the water, Sh-sh-sh! (they raised their hands up and stretched) And again there was silence, Shhhh. (sit down)

Here are my assistants, turn them the way you want: (we look at the open palms) And this way, and this way, they won’t be offended in any way. (Rub hands together) One, two, three, four, five. (Clap our hands) They can’t sit still again. (Shake the brushes) They knocked, (knock on the table) turned (circular rotations with the brush) and wanted to work. (Rub our hands together) They will work a little, (clap our hands) we will let them rest. (Put your palms together) We knocked, (knock on the table) twirled (circular rotations with the brush) and again went back on the road. (Clap our hands)

In the evening, the girl Mila (walking in place) In the kindergarten she broke a flowerbed, (jumping in place) Her brother, the boy Ivan (squats) Also broke... a glass! (Clap our hands)

Let's stand up, children, (stand up) and say quietly: one, two, three, four, five. (We walk) We stood up, (rose on our tiptoes) sat down a little (we crouched) and didn’t hit our neighbor, (we sat down) And now we have to get up, (got up, stretched) sit quietly, (sit down straight) start writing. (Getting ready to write)

Byaka and Buka met. (We walk in place) No one made a sound. (Hands to the sides) No one gave a sign (hands on the belt) Byaka and Buka were silent (torso turns left - right). (Tilts the torso to the left - to the right) And Buka Thought with boredom: (tilts the torso forward) Why is he looking like that - like a beech? (Hands to the sides) And Byaka thought: (hands on the belt) However (torso tilted forward) How terrible he is (hands up) Byaka..." (hands dropped)

A mouse came out one day (walking in place or moving forward in a column) to see what time it was (turns left, right, fingers “tube” in front of the eyes). One, two, three, four (clap your hands above your head). The mice pulled the weights (arms up and squatting with hands down “pulled the weights”). Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound (clapping in front of you). The mice ran away (running in place or to their place). Repeat the game exercise 2-3 times.

Here under the green Christmas tree (stand up) The crows are jumping merrily: (we jump) Kar-kar-kar! (loud). (Clapping hands over their heads) All day long they screamed, (torso turns left - right) The guys were not allowed to sleep: (torso tilts left - right) Kar-kar-kar! (loud). (Clapping their hands over their heads) Only towards night they fall silent (flapping their arms like wings) And everyone falls asleep together: (Squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep.) Kar-kar-kar! (quiet). (Clap your hands above your head)

That's an apple! (Stand up), It (arms to the sides) The juice is full of sweets. (Hands on your belt) Stretch your hand, (stretch your arms forward) Pick an apple. Hands up) The wind began to swing the twig, (we swing our hands up) It’s difficult to get the apple. (They pulled themselves up) I’ll jump up, stretch out my hand (they jumped up) And quickly pick an apple! (Clap your hands above your head) That's an apple! (Stand up) It (arms to the sides) The juice is full of sweets. (Hands on belt)

Here are my assistants, turn them any way you want. If you want it this way, you want it that way, they won’t be offended in any way. (Hands forward, straighten and unclench your fingers. Turn your palms down. Clench and unclench your fingers to the beat of the verse).

It’s dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time. All the birds are sleeping, Only the owl is awake, Flying and screaming. Big head, sits on a branch, turns his head, looks in all directions, and suddenly - how he flies! Sovushka is an owl. (Children walk around the class, stopping, pretending to be sleeping birds. The owl shows how big its head is. It turns its head, looks around.)

Here the lark from the willow tree took off and flew. Do you hear how cheerfully He sang the song? Two boats are floating on Lake Shirokoye, the rowers are sitting on benches and rowing merrily. Three hares from the hunter are jumping into the forest, Hurry, quickly, the bunnies, They won’t find you in the forest! Four horses are galloping, flying at full speed, and you can hear their horseshoes knocking on the pebbles. One, two, three! (The teacher suggests answering the questions: how many larks were on the willow tree, how many boats were sailing on the lake, how many hares hid from the hunter, how many horses were galloping? After listening to the children’s answers, he suggests playing: “I’ll read you a poem, and you will portray either a lark, then hares, etc. When you hear words about larks, you will fly (arms to the sides), and when I say about hares, you will jump on two legs, etc. “The teacher reads the text repeatedly. Children perform the appropriate movements).

The wind quietly shakes the maple, tilts to the right, to the left: Once - tilt and twice - tilt, The maple leaves rustled. (Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Torso tilts to the right and left).

You see, the butterfly is flying, (we wave our winged hands) In the meadow, we count the flowers, (we count with our fingers) - One, two, three, four, five. (Clapping hands) Oh, I can’t count! (jumping in place) In a day, in two and in a month... (we walk in place) Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (clap your hands) Even a wise bee (we wave our winged hands) Couldn’t count! (count with finger)

On Monday I swam (pretend swimming) And on Tuesday I painted. (Pretend to draw) On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face (“we’re washing”) And on Thursday I played football. (running in place) On Friday I jumped, ran, (jump) danced for a very long time. (We spin around in place) And on Saturday, Sunday (claps hands) I rested the whole day. (children squat down with their hands under their cheeks and fall asleep)

A young sandpiper climbed onto the deck - splashed into the water! He surfaced. Soaked. Got out. Dried out. Climbed onto the deck - And again into the water! The sandpiper completely drooped his head... Yes, the young sandpiper remembered that he had wings behind his back. And he flew! (Children stand, pronouncing the text, then squat down. They stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up and sit down again, clasping their knees with their hands and hanging their heads low. Then they stand up, stretch their arms to the sides and shake them. Then they jump on place, shaking their hands (flying) to the teacher’s clapping.)


Grisha walked - walked - walked, (we walk in place) He found a porcini mushroom. (Clap your hands) One - mushroom, (bends forward) Two - mushroom, (bends forward) Three - mushroom, (bends forward) Put them in the box. (walking in place) (Reciting the poem, children imitate the movements of a mushroom picker: they walk, bend over and put mushrooms in the box. Movements should be leisurely, rhythmic.)

Where, where are our hands, Where are our hands? (they hid their hands behind their backs) Where, where are our hands? Our hands are gone. (Turns the torso left - right) Here, here are our hands, (showing hands) Here are our hands. Our hands dance, our hands dance, our hands dance. (Children extend their hands, showing them, perform various movements with their hands.)


Rain! Rain! We need to go home! (We walk in place) Thunder! Thunder like cannons. Today is a holiday for frogs. (Jumping in place) Hail! Hail! Hail is pouring down. Everyone is sitting under their roofs. (Clap your hands) Only my little brother is in a puddle, catching fish for our dinner. (We walk in place)

Ding-ding, ding-ding, Let's start a new day. (We walk in place) Dili, dili, dili, dili, The bells woke up (hands on the belt, turns left - right) Everyone will be jacked, everyone will be huddled, (hands on the belt, tilts left - right) And the little sparrow woke up, (jumping in place) And the little bunny perked up. (Squats) For exercise, some hopping, (jumping from one foot to the other) Some squatting, (squats) Straight across the field (running in place) jump-jump-jump-jump. (jumping in place)

For a long, long time we sculpted, - (hands clasped; circular rotations with hands) Our fingers were tired. (Shaking hands) Let them rest a little (stroking each finger in turn) And they will start sculpting again. Let’s spread our hands together (we spread our arms to the sides) And we’ll start sculpting again (clap our hands)

Two sisters, two hands, (shaking hands) They chop, build, dig, (we depict the words of the text in motion) They pull weeds in the garden bed and wash each other. Two hands knead the dough - left and right, rake in the water of the sea and rivers while swimming.

They stood up together. Once! Two! Three! We are now heroes! (Hands to the sides.) We will put our palms to our eyes, we will spread our strong legs. Turning to the right, (Turn to the right.) We will look around majestically, And we should also look to the left (Turn to the left.) Look from under our palms. And to the right, and again (Turn to the right .) Over the left shoulder. (Turn left.)

It’s a long walk to the swamp, (we walk in place) It’s not easy to walk to the swamp. (Tilting the torso to the left - to the right) “Here is a stone lying by the road, (tilting the torso forward) Let’s sit down and stretch our legs.” (Sit down) And the frogs put a bundle on the stone. (Turns the body left - right) “It would be nice to lie down on a stone for an hour!” (arms up, bent over) Suddenly a stone jumped to his feet (jump in place) and grabbed them by the legs. (Hands to the sides) And they screamed in fear: (hands on the belt) This is CHE (We clap our hands) This is RE This is PA

This is HA! This is a TURTLE!”


We go, we go, we go for a long time, This path is very long. We'll get to Moscow soon, there we can rest. Here is our train, the wheels are knocking, and the guys are sitting on our train. Chu-chu-chu-chu-chu! The locomotive is running. He took the boys far, far away. (Walking on bent legs)

If you like it, then do it (2 clicks of your fingers above your head). If you like it, then do it (2 claps). If you like it, then do it this way (2 claps behind your knees). If you like it, then do it (2 stamps with your feet). If you like it, then say: “Okay!” - (clap our hands) If you like it, then show it to others. (We stomp our feet) If you like it, then do everything. (Jumping in place)

Barely, barely, barely, barely The carousel spun - (hands on the belt, body tilts left - right) And then around, around, Everyone runs, runs, runs, (running in place) Quiet, quiet, don't rush! (Jumping in place) Stop the carousel, (walking in place) One, two, one, two! Let's clap our hands) So the game is over!

There are three shelves in the forest: (clap our hands) Fir trees - fir trees - fir trees. (Hands up - to the sides - down) Heaven lies on the fir trees, (hands up) On the fir trees - bird voices, (hands to the sides) Below on the fir trees - dew. (Hands down, crouched)


Once upon a time there lived a mouse named Mausi (we walk in place) and suddenly he saw Kotausi. (Sat down) Kotausi has evil eyes (covered his eyes with the palms of his hands) And evil, despicable Zubausi. (They covered their mouth with their hands) “Oh, Mausi, Mausi, Mausi, (stood up, hands on the belt) Come to me, dear Mausi! (We wave our right - left hand) I’ll sing you a song, Mausi, (belt, body tilts left - right) A wonderful song, Mausi! (belt, turns the body left - right) But the smart Mausi answered: (clap our hands) You will not deceive me, Kotausi! (stand up, hands on the belt) I see your evil eyes (cover your eyes with the palms of your hands) And the evil, despicable Zubausi! (They covered their mouth with their hands) This is what the smart Mausi answered - (they stood up, hands on their belts) And quickly run away from Kotausi. (Running in place)


The gray bunnies are sitting, (crouched down), their long ears stick out. (We show our ears with our hands) Here are our ears, Here are our ears; Ears on top of head. Here is a little fox running, (running in place) Cunning little sister. Hide, hide, (crouched down) Bunnies are jumping around. Bunnies scattered across the forest clearing. (Jumping in place) These are the bunnies, Bunnies are jumping jacks. The locomotive began to whistle and the carriages rolled away. Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu I'll rock them far. (Students stand up and read the first line. After the words “The locomotive hummed,” they say: “Too-too,” and put their hands on the shoulders of the student in front. This is how locomotives were formed that can “ride” along the aisles between the desks and return to their seats. Teacher shows trains brought by students from home.)


(Children are divided into groups in rows. Each group imitates the sounds of familiar birds or animals. For example: 1 - geese (ga-ha-ga) 2 - pigeons (gulya-gulya-gulya) 3 - donkeys (yoke-go) 4 - dogs (woof-woof) (The teacher, passing by each row, knocks on the desk and asks: “Who lives in this house?” (Children answer). Then he says: “Geese, stand up! Stretch out your necks and twist them three times." (The geese stand up.)


Every day in the morning we do exercises (walking in place). We really like to do it in order: Walk happily (walking), Raise your arms (arms up), Squat and stand up (squat 4-6 times), Jump and gallop (10 jumps).

The cat Antipka lived with us. (Stand up, hands on waist) He got up from the couch at one o'clock. (Stretched, hands up - inhale) At two in the kitchen he was stealing sausages. (Tilts left - right) At three I ate sour cream from a bowl. (Bends forward, hands on waist) He washed his face at four. (Tilts the head to the shoulders left and right) At five I was rolling on the mat. (Turns left - right) At six I was dragging herring from the tub. (Jerks with arms in front of the chest) At seven he played hide and seek with the mice (claps from front to back) At eight he cunningly narrowed his eyes. (Squats) At nine I ate and listened to fairy tales. (Clapping hands) At ten I went to the bed to sleep, (jumping on the spot) Because I have to get up at one o’clock. (We walk in place)

Throw, throw, throw Let's run together Through water and fire - Even a horse won't catch us. One, two - catch up, Well, try to catch it! Three two, one and four - We studied all five. Now we’ll rest and start counting again. (Hands forward, up, 5 clapping hands, 5 circular movements with your hands, clench and unclench your fingers 5 times).

Drip-drip, I am droplets, (clap our hands) In April, in the spring warmth, the droplets have ripened. Drip-drip on the bench, (jumping in place) For children on toys. Drip-drip sparrow Right on top of the head.

We went down to the fast river, (we walked in place) We bent down and washed ourselves. (Bend forward, hands on the belt) One, two, three, four, (clap your hands) That's how nicely refreshed you are. (Shake your hands) You need to do this with your hands: Together - one, this is breaststroke. (Circles with both hands forward) One, the other - this is the crawl. (Circles with arms forward one by one) All, as one, we swim like a dolphin. (Jumping in place) We went ashore on a steep bank (we walk in place) But we won’t go home.

Someone in the morning, slowly, (walking in place.) Inflates a yellow balloon, (children blow and spread their hands.) And when you let go of it - (raise your hands up, clap) It will suddenly become light all around. (Turn.) What kind of ball is this? (Children in chorus: “Sun”)


Clean water is flowing. We know how to wash ourselves. We take the tooth powder and brush our teeth firmly. Wash your neck, wash your ears, and then dry yourself off. Turn your head to the right, Turn your head to the left. Lower your head down and sit quietly. (We accompany the words of the text with actions)

A spoon is a spoon, (we walk in place) They eat soup with a spoon. (We clap our hands) A cat is a cat, (we walk in place) The cat has seven kittens. (We clap our hands) A rag is a rag, (we walk in place) I’ll wipe the table with a rag. (Jumping in place) A hat is a hat, (we walk in place) I got dressed and went. (Jumping in place) And I came up with a word, (arms to the sides - on the belt) A funny word - plim. (squatted down) I repeat again: (torso tilts left - right) Plim, plim, plim! (crouched down) Here he jumps and jumps (Jumping in place) Plim, plim, plim! (we walk in place) And it doesn’t mean anything (Jumping in place) Plim, plim, plim! (we walk in place)

The best swing is Flexible vines. Monkeys know this from the cradle. Who has been rocking all his life, Yes, yes, yes! He never gets upset. As the text begins, all students slightly spring in their knees and swing their arms back and forth (swing). To the words “Yes, yes, yes!” They perform claps and perform free jumps on the last two lines.


We stomp our feet. Top, top, top (walking in place). We clap our hands. Clap, clap, clap (clap your hands). Shake your head (tilt your head to the right, left). We raise our hands (hands up). We put our hands down (hands down). We will spread our arms (arms to the sides). And let's run around (running).

We put on a record And we go out to warm up (we walk in place) Get ready to exercise, get ready to exercise, Get ready to exercise! We start running on the spot, (running on the spot) Finish – in two hundred meters! Once! One - two, one - two, One - two, one - two, One - two, one - two, Below, children, don’t be lazy, - (tilt the torso forward, hands on the belt) Bow, smile, Exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale. We will put our palms to our eyes, - (torso turns left - right) We will spread our strong legs, Turning to the right, We will look around majestically. One - two! Enough is enough, they came running, stretched and breathed! -(Stretched, arms up - inhale, down - exhale) So we spread our arms, (spread our arms to the sides) As if we were surprised. And they bowed to each other to the ground! (Hands dropped) They bent over and straightened up. (Tilting the torso) And you also need to look to the left, from under your palms. And - to the right. (Turns of the body) And also Over the left shoulder! Enough. Exhale, inhale. (We walk in place)

We tried to draw. It was hard not to get tired. We'll rest a little and start drawing again. (The hands were stroked, shaken, kneaded.)

We read and wrote and got a little tired. (We walk in place) We will spend a physical education minute and all relax together. Take your arms to the sides and lower them to your waist. (Arms to the sides) Step in place - one, two, three! Open your shoulders wider. Let's play one game: let's all sit down and say "y"; (sit down) quickly get up, say “ah!” It's time for us to get down to business. (Stand up).

We wrote, we wrote, Our fingers were tired. You jump, little fingers, like sunbeams. Jump-jump, jump-jump, They galloped onto the meadow. The wind shakes the grass, tilts it left and right. Don't be afraid of the wind, bunny, have fun on the lawn. (Children's recitation of the poem is accompanied by finger movements)

We painted today, Our fingers are tired. Let them rest a little and start drawing again. Let's move our elbows away together and start drawing again. (The hands were stroked, shaken, kneaded.)

We planed, we planed. The boards became smooth. We sawed, we sawed, so that everyone would be even. We stacked them in a row, nailed them down with a hammer, and it turned out to be a bird house. We're going outside and we'll beat him high. So that the birds fly in, but the kittens don't get it. (Children's recitation of a poem is accompanied by finger movements)

We painted today, Our fingers are tired. Let's shake our fingers and start drawing again. Feet together, feet apart, Hammer the nail. (Children smoothly raise their arms in front of them, shake their hands, and stamp their feet)

We plant flowers in the garden and water them from a watering can. Let asters, lilies, tulips grow for our mother! (Reciting the poem, the children perform the movements, repeating them after the student at the blackboard).

We are autumn leaves, - (smooth swaying of hands above the head) we sit on the branches. The wind blew and they flew. (Hands to the sides) We flew, we flew And sat quietly on the ground. (Sat down) The wind came again and picked up all the leaves. - (smooth swinging of hands above the head) They spun, flew and sat down on the ground again. (Children sit down.)

We came out to the forest meadow, raising our legs higher, through bushes and hummocks, through branches and stumps. Whoever walked so high did not stumble, did not fall.

We are walking along the street, - (we walk in place) We read the signs ourselves. - (Head tilts left - right) This is “es”, and this is “ka”, - (torso turns left - right) “F” looks like a beetle. - (clap hands in front - behind)

We walked through the meadow and rested a little. (We walk in place) Let's stand up and take a deep breath. Hands to the sides, forward, (arms spread to the sides, forward) We have miracles in the world: Children became dwarfs (crouched down) And then everyone stood up together, We became giants. (Stand up) Let's clap together, (Clap our hands) Stomp our feet! (We stomp our feet) We had a good walk and weren’t tired at all! (We walk in place)


Swifts fly over the water, (arms to the sides) Ruffs swim under the water, (crouched) A beautiful boat floats - Painted sails. (Hands clasped in front of the chest, smooth movements of the body)

The sun is charging - (we walk in place) Raises us, We raise our hands - (hands up and down) At the command “One!” And above us the leaves rustle merrily. - (torso tilts left - right) We lower our hands on the command “Two!” - (we walk in place)

Our scarlet flowers open their petals. (smoothly raise our hands up) The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway. - (swinging hands left - right) Our scarlet flowers Close their petals, - (crouched, hid) Shake their heads, - (moves head left - right) Quietly fall asleep.

Not along the path, but rolling around and groaning. O okhalo, O okalo, Not on the path, But nearby. (All students get up and leave their desks. The one standing first in the first row begins to roll the hoop (this is the letter “o”) to the second student, to the neighbor behind, etc. (one roll for each line). The one on whom the roll ended must quickly name the word with the sound (o). If the student hesitates, she is out of the game for a while, but at the end of the game. He must come up with three words with the letter "o" ": at the beginning of the word, in the middle and at the end).

Come on, bunny, jump, with your paw, knock with your paw, knock. You fall on the grass, fall, lie down and rest. You've rested, now get up and start jumping again! Run quickly to the Christmas tree and quickly jump back. (Children jump on two legs, clasping their hands to their chest, imitating the movements of bunnies. Then they squat down and rest. They get up and jump again. At the teacher’s command, they run quickly to the “Christmas tree” (the place is chosen by the teacher ), and then run to their places and sit at their desks).

In the swamp, two girlfriends, two green frogs. In the morning, they washed themselves early and rubbed themselves with a towel. They stomped their feet, clapped their hands, leaned to the right, to the left and came back. That's the secret of health. Hello to all physical education friends! (Children accompany the reading of the poem with movements).

On the lawn, on a daisy, a Beetle flew in a colored shirt. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I found myself a beetle on a large daisy. I don’t want to hold it in my hands - Let it lie in my pocket (children show). Oh, my beetle fell, it fell (they bend over), but it got dirty with dust. The green beetle flew away, flew away, flew away on its wings (children waving their hands).

On the lawn in the morning We started a game. You are a daisy, I am a bindweed. Stand in our wreath. (Hold hands, line up in a circle) One, two, three, four, Move the circle wider. (Walking in a circle) And now we are streams, Let's run in a race, (Running in a circle) We're rushing straight to the lake, The lake will become big. (Walking in a circle) One, two, three, four, spread the circle wider. Stand in a circle to play. We are the cheerful rays. We are frisky and hot. (Jumping in place) One, two, three, four, Move the circle wider. One, two - bend forward! (Bends forward) Three, four - a little faster! Rise up, pull yourself up, (bend over, arms up) Then take a deep breath. One, two - bend back, do not bend your knees at all. One, two, three, four, swing your arms, spread your legs! (Waving hands) One, two, three, four, five! (Jumping in place) They started running and jumping!

We were riding a horse - (we walk in place) We reached the corner. We got into the car, - (running in place) We poured gasoline. We drove by car and reached the river. - (squats) Trr! Stop! reversal - (turn around) There is a steamer on the river. - (clap our hands) We were traveling by steamboat and reached the mountain. - (we walk in place) The ship is not lucky, we need to board the plane. The plane is flying, the engine is humming: - (arms to the sides, “fly”) -U-u-F

Threading a thread is backbreaking work for a finger, But at least two fingers will sew a dress. Three in our notebook They write anywhere. Ten fields are plowed, cities are built. (Movements for fingers: shaking, stroking, tapping, massaging, kneading)

Come on, brothers, let's get to work Show your desire: to chop wood for Bolshak, to heat all the stoves for you, to carry water for you, to cook dinner for you, to sing songs for the baby, to sing and dance songs, to amuse your siblings. (Movements for fingers according to text)


It’s very difficult to stand like that, Don’t put your foot on the floor, And don’t fall, don’t swing, Don’t hold on to your neighbor. (The poem is recited by the children twice: the first time the children stand on one leg, the second time on the other).

Our rest is a physical education minute. - (we walk in place) Take your places: Step in place left, right, one and two, one and two! Keep your back straight, One and two, one and two! And don’t look at your feet, - (movements with your hands: to the sides, up, to the sides, down) One and two, one and two!


The spider fell under the bench. Accidentally broke my leg. I went to the city store and bought another paw. On lines 1-3, everyone randomly jumps on two legs. With the word “broken,” they switch to jumping on one leg. On the last two lines, a jump is performed with alternate placing of the foot on the heel.

The birds are sitting in the nest and looking outside. They want to take a walk and they all fly quietly. (Children “fly away”, flapping their arms like wings).

The locomotive shouts: “Doo-doo, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming.” And the wheels are knocking, And the wheels are saying: “Well, well, well!” (Walking in place, moving forward with bent arms making movements back and forth).

Raise your shoulders, Jump grasshoppers, Jump-jump, jump-jump. We sit down, eat some grass, and listen to the silence. Hush, hush, high, Jump on your toes easily. (You need to push off with one foot and land softly on the other)

Let's hit the knees - (sit down, slap the knees) Hush, hush, hush. Handles, hands raised— (hands raised up) Higher, higher, higher. Our arms began to spin, (circles with our arms above our heads) and dropped again. We spun around on the spot - (spinning) And stopped.

They walked and walked along the path (Children walk in place.) They found a lot of pebbles. They sat down (sit down), collected (stand up) Then they went. (Children walk in place)

Along the path, along the path We gallop on the right leg (Jump on the right leg.) And along the same path We gallop on the left leg. (Jump on your left foot.) Let's run along the path and reach the lawn. (Running in place.) On the lawn, on the lawn We will jump like bunnies. (Jump in place on both legs.) Stop. Let's rest a little. And we'll walk home. (Walk in place.)

Rain clouds have arrived (we walk in place) Lei, rain, lei. (We clap our hands) The raindrops are dancing as if alive (we walk in place) Drink, rye, drink! (Jumping in place) And the rye, bending towards the green earth (we walk in place) Drinks, drinks, drinks. (We clap our hands) And the rain is warm, the rain is restless (we walk in place) It pours, pours, pours. (Jumping in place)


Handles up, Handles down. Let's stomp our feet. Let's clap our hands. The birds flew in and sat down quietly.

One, two - head higher, Three, four - arms wider, Five, six - sit quietly, Seven, eight - let's throw away laziness.

Place your hands on your belt first. Rock your shoulders left and right. You will reach your little toe to your heel. If you succeed, everything is in perfect order.

Once - get up, stretch. Two – bend over, straighten up. Three - three claps of hands, three nods of the head. By four – your arms are wider. Five - wave your arms. Six - sit quietly at your desk. (We perform movements according to the text)

One, two - we stood up together, (we walk in place) We will put our hands straight. (hands on the belt) Three, four - let's spread, (arms to the sides) We'll start practicing. (bends forward with hands touching the toes of the legs (left hand, right leg; right hand-left leg) stand on the toes from the heel, (rose on toes, hands on the belt) Looked to the right, left, (turns the head left and right) We sat down on our toes (squats) And flew like birds. (ran around the classroom) One, two - head up, (walk in place) Three, four - arms wider! (arms to the sides) Five, six - sit down quietly! (squats) ) The red sun will rise, (stand up, hands up) The red morning will come. (jumping in place)

One, two, three, four (clap our hands) Who lives in our apartment? (we walk in place) One, two, three, four, five (jumping in place) I can count them all: (we walk in place) Dad, mom, brother, sister, (clap our hands) Murka the cat, two kittens, (body bends left-right) My cricket, goldfinch and me (torso turns left-right) That’s my whole family. (clap our hands)

We put our hands out: (arms to the sides) An airplane appeared. (“fly” like airplanes) Swing the wing back and forth, (tilt left and right) Do “one” and do “two.” (turns left and right) One and two, one and two! (clap your hands) Hold your arms to your sides, (arms to your sides) Look at each other. (turns left and right) One and two, one and two! (jumping in place) Put your hands down, (put your hands down) And everyone sit down! (sat down)


The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up (torso to the right, to the left) He didn’t want to sleep anymore. (Torso forward, backward) He moved, stretched, (Hands up, stretch) Soared up and flew. (Hands up, left, right) The sun is just waking up in the morning, The butterfly is circling and curling. (Spin around)

Skok-skok, skok-skok, (jumping in place on two legs) The bunny jumped on a stump (jumping in place on two legs) He beats the drum loudly, (we walk in place) He invites us to play leapfrog. (clap our hands) It’s cold for the third one to sit, (sit down) We need to warm our little paws. (clap your hands) Paws up, paws down, (arms up and down) Pull yourself up onto your toes. (stretched, raised their arms up) We put our paws on the side, (hands on the belt) On our toes, hop-hop-hop (jumping in place on two legs) And then squat, (squat) So that your paws don’t freeze. (stomp our feet)

Look quickly what time it is, Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. (look at the watch on my hand) Turn left once! Right again! We can do this too. To become like an eagle And to intimidate the dogs, the rooster spread its two wings... We can do this too. (Children stretch out their arms, smoothly raise and lower them). A shepherd in the forest blows a horn - the hare gets scared. Now he will make a jump... We can do this too. (Children squat down, raise their hands to their heads, extend their index fingers, imitating bunny ears, jump on the spot). A bear is walking, making noise in the bushes, Descending into a ravine... On two legs, on two arms. We can do this too. (Children get on all fours, move first in one direction, then in the other direction).

A nimble tit is jumping, (jumping in place on two legs) She can’t sit still, (jumping in place on her fawn leg) Jump-jump, jump-jump, (jumping in place on her right leg) Spinning around like a top. (spinning in place) So she sat down for a minute, (sat down) Scratched her chest with her beak, (stood up, tilted her head left and right) And from the path to the fence, (jumping in place on the left leg) Tiri-tiri, (jumping in place on right leg) shadow-shadow-shadow! (jumping in place on two legs)

The little frog jumps, (clap our hands) Kva-kva-kva! (jumping in place) A duckling is swimming, (clap our hands) Quack-quack-quack! (hands to the chest - to the sides) The little goat jumps, (clap our hands) Me-me-me! (hands on the belt, leaning forward, turning the head left and right) And behind him is the lamb, (clap our hands) Be-be-be! (squat) Here we are doing exercises, (clap our hands) One-two-three! (jumping in place) In the morning on the playground, (clap our hands) One-two-three! (walking in place) Everyone around is trying, (clap our hands) Playing sports! (jumping in place)

Sunny bunnies. Sunny bunnies are playing on the wall, I’ll beckon them with my finger, Let them run to me Well, catch it, catch it quickly! Here, here, here - to the left, to the left! He ran to the ceiling. (Children catch a bunny on the wall. The teacher points the mirror lower, the children try to catch the bunny.)


Sharpening, Sharpening, Sharpening the knife! He will be very good. He will cut Supplies: Butter, Lard, Bread, Sausages, Tomatoes, Cucumbers... Help yourself, Well done! Children imitate the movements of a grinder. On lines 1-7, run the palm of the right hand back and forth along the palm of the left with a flip. From the 8th line, the same movements are made, but the palm of the left hand is carried out along the right, also with a revolution. For the last two lines - four claps.


In the morning, the dragonfly woke up (“we rub our eyes”), stretched and smiled. (from a crouching position, gradual straightening of the torso, arms forward, upward). One – she washed herself with dew, (“we wash ourselves”) Two – she spun gracefully, (we spin in place) Three – she bent down and sat down, (we bent over and sat down) Four – she flew. (“we flew” - we wave our arms like wings) She stopped at the river, (sat down) She spun over the water. (run around the classroom)

A rowan tree grew near the river (from a crouching position, gradual straightening of the torso, arms forward upward). And the river flowed, rippled (turns to the right, left with smooth movements of the hands). Depth in the middle (bends forward, arms straight). There was a fish-na (squats) walking there. This fish is the king of fish (jumping). It's called gudgeon (walking in place).


Hamster-hamster, hamster, Striped flank. The hamster gets up early, washes his cheeks, rubs his neck. The hamster sweeps the house and goes out to exercise. One two three four five! Khomka wants to become strong. (Children imitate all the movements of the hamster).

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