Applique steam locomotive for children made of paper for kindergarten, chadlons for applique, free download, print

How to make a paper train step by step with your own hands: practical application

A paper train is a fragile thing, unstable to deformation, and it is almost impossible to adapt it to active games.
But such a thing also has practical applications in the nursery. For example, a photo train, in the form of a train carrying photographs of a baby. This could be a composition with photographs from the first month of life to a year, or simply favorite and touching family photos. Such a paper craft will not only be appropriate, but also useful in the nursery - bright colors and voluminous details are very useful for the development of the baby. To make such a train yourself, you will not need any special skills or tools. All you need for work is: a stationery knife, a glue stick and scissors. In order to hang the train on the wall, you will additionally need a suitable braid or thick thread, two paper clips and two buttons that can be driven into the wall.

Templates are printed on a color printer, the inner windows are cut out with a stationery knife. A little advice - it’s better to print not on office paper, but on drawing paper. It works well with the printer, but is denser and is not so deformed by the glue.

On the reverse side, photographs are glued into a frame. If you wish, you can further decorate the train - for example, stick buttons on top of the wheels, or add printed cute details to the photographs themselves - animals, stars, flowers - depending on the gender of the child and your imagination.

To hang the composition on the wall, you must first assemble it on a thread. On the back side of each car, glue a thread along the entire train, secure paper clips at the ends, and hang the entire structure on buttons driven into the wall. Educational craft.

There is a reason why artistic work is included in the primary school curriculum. There they teach and show the main and most common areas of manual labor. Working with plasticine, clay, appliqués, and the like. However, the school curriculum is very limited both in hours and directly in topics. And the number of people in classes is not conducive to an individual approach to each student. Another thing is to start at home, without rushing or rushing anywhere, to independently create a train from scrap materials, and often even waste materials.

For such a train you will need:

  • white or colored cardboard - 2-3 sheets
  • chenille wire (fluffy wire is sold in office supply departments)
  • glue, scissors, ruler, pencil
  • caps from plastic bottles and 2 caps from five-liter bottles.

Progress. Cut each piece of cardboard into two equal parts - these are the future carriages. Roll each piece into a pipe and glue the joints. Glue wheels - plastic bottle caps - to each carriage. The lids must be glued in such a way that half is glued to the cardboard, and the other half is free.

Make holes at each end of the trailers, cut the wire into small pieces, roll up double-sided loops - one edge clings to the hole in the trailer, the second interlocks with the same loop of the other trailer. Thus, the cars are connected into a train.

The train must have a lead locomotive. It will differ from other trailers in that it will have not only small wheels, but also large ones, as well as a pipe. Cardboard, by the way, is replaced with toilet paper rolls, but then they need to be decorated with colored paper or stickers.


Paper modeling has existed as an applied art for a very long time. More than one generation of boys has been enthusiastically gluing together models of airplanes, ships, tanks and trains. The result of such efforts directly depends on the skills of the master and his diligence. The scheme according to which the model is assembled also plays an important role in this. There are actually a great variety of such schemes, and their complexity is designed for a wide range of ages - a child can handle some of them - this is, in fact, the layout of a box that just needs to be cut and glued correctly.

Some are more complicated - there are an order of magnitude more parts, they are numbered and labeled, and assembly requires a certain amount of care and effort.

However, the first two options cannot be compared with those patterns, or even patterns, that real professionals do. These diagrams present real models of real trains, from the first steam locomotives and locomotives to ultra-modern and high-tech models.

It would seem that an art long gone into oblivion has received a new impetus with the new capabilities of modeling programs.

Videos about which models are made of paper on a scale of 1: 87, etc., are not uncommon, and are very popular among fans of this type of creativity.

Lesson notes, application “Steam Locomotive”


Directly educational activities on the application

On the topic: “Steam locomotive” for older children

Goal: To create conditions for children to consolidate their knowledge and skills in working with paper. Strengthen children's knowledge about ground transport.



• consolidate children's ideas about land transport;

• develop the ability to examine objects.

• enrich the sensory world and the ability to record received impressions in speech.


• Develop interest in traditional appliqué techniques;

• Develop an aesthetic perception of the environment.

Activate children's speech.

Preliminary work:

A conversation with illustrations about all types of transport - sea, land, air. Examination of toys and paintings - transport, learning outdoor games “Train”, “Planes”. Learning the song “The locomotive is coming, the locomotive is coming”

Materials: Colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brushes, oilcloth lining, rags, paper napkins (white), locomotive template, simple pencil, blue-tinted A4 sheets of paper with a drawn railroad.

Train toy.

Motives for children's activities:

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment: Children sit on the carpet.

Conversation. What is transport? What kind of transport is there? What is transport needed for? Pay attention to the steam locomotive on the stand and examine it. (What is it like? What carriages? The carriages are carried by a steam locomotive. The locomotive is driven by a driver).

And now you and I will go to class, and for this we will turn into a steam locomotive with carriages. They walk pretending to be a steam locomotive with carriages and sing a song: “The steam locomotive goes, goes, two pipes and a hundred wheels...”

They approach the tables and take their places. Materials for the lesson have already been prepared on the tables.

Guys, we found out what kind of transport there is. Today I invite you to make your own trains. Look, you have steam locomotive templates on your tables, carefully trace them and cut them out. Do you already have the trailers ready, what shape are they? We lay out our train on a sheet of paper.

What is our train missing? (Wheels.) To make it, we need a strip of black paper, divide the strip into squares, and from the squares we make “wheel” circles, smoothly cutting and rounding the corners. (I provide help to children who are experiencing difficulties.)


Finger game "Transport"

Goes for takeoff, goes for takeoff, circular movements with the right hand

propellers rotating the helicopter. above your head

go there, go here showing with straight arms to the right and left

along the ringing train rails. circular movements of the arms along the body

And steamships, ships, arms folded in front of the chest in a triangle

They go to sea from the land. We wave goodbye with our right hand

What else is our train missing? (windows). We take a strip of white paper, fold it in half and in half again, cut along the fold lines, we get white squares. We will use them for windows.

Now we can glue our train.

We glue it carefully onto the railway.

But look, our train cannot go on a journey; its engine does not work, and in order for it to work, it is necessary to glue smoke. We will make smoke from a napkin. We tear off a small piece of napkin, make a lump and glue it opposite the pipe.

All works are exhibited on a stand and examined by children.


-What did we do today?

-What did you guys like today?

This is interesting

Horses have been constant companions of humans since the 4th millennium BC. e. Among many peoples, they are considered sacred and serve as messengers of the gods. Admiring these slender, majestic animals, it is difficult to imagine that their ancient ancestor, Hyracotherium, was no larger in size than a fox and externally resembled a South American capybara. The future conqueror of the steppes and prairies had neither a mane nor a bushy tail, and his limbs were four-fingered. The transformation of the species took place over 50 million years.

Today's horses:

  1. Completely domesticated. There are no wild ancestors left in nature - tarpans. Horses first began to be used on farms in Kazakhstan, during the era of Botai culture.
  2. They live up to 30 years. The longest-living horse among horses was the English horse Old Billy, whose age was 62 years.
  3. They are considered intelligent animals. Horses are distinguished by excellent memory, they understand human emotions well and, in response, can express their own. They recognize themselves in the mirror and in photographs. These are social animals that easily get along with other species and have a developed “language” of communication.
  4. They have character. Here horses are comparable to humans: they can be melancholic, sanguine, choleric or phlegmatic. Character does not depend on the breed; it is passed on to each individual genetically.
  5. They use their hooves as a pump. By hitting the ground with force, animals accelerate blood flow in their legs.
  6. Excellent jumpers. In 1949, a record was recorded when a horse and rider overcame an obstacle 2.5 m high.
  7. They easily run wild in nature. Domestic horses, having lived a free life for some time, adapt to changed conditions and do not experience discomfort. For example, wild mustangs are descendants of domestic horses brought to the American continent by Europeans.

Master class on the application “Locomotive” for children 5–6 years old

Vera Aleksatkina

Master class on the application “Locomotive” for children 5–6 years old

Goal: development of creative abilities in children of senior preschool age.



consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules;

* educational:

evoke positive emotions in children;


develop imagination, accuracy, logical thinking and spatial imagination.

Materials: white cardboard, colored paper, glue, scissors, compass.


1. Glue a green colored sheet onto white cardboard so that there are white margins on each side.

2. Cut out two long strips 1 cm wide, 21 cm long and 8 short strips 5-6 cm long from black colored paper.

3. Glue them onto the prepared background in the form of rails and sleepers.

4. Cut out a steam locomotive from red paper according to the template.

5. Cut and glue a blue window in the shape of a rectangle.

6. Cut out wheels with a diameter of 5 and 3 cm and black circles with a diameter of 4 and 2 cm from yellow paper. (Another diameter is also possible)

7. Glue the locomotive onto the road.

8. Then we glue the wheels.

9. Cut out a trapezoid from blue paper (base 7 cm, height 1 cm) - the roof of the train and glue it on. Our locomotive is ready! Draw birds with a black pencil!

"Locomotive from Romashkovo." Plasticineography in a senior speech therapy group (master class) Dear colleagues, hello. Today I want to present to your attention another little masterpiece of ours. Recently, while studying a lexical topic. Children's master class of collective work “A cheerful train with wheels of cupcake cores” in the senior group Goal: making a craft of a cheerful train with photographs of children. Objectives: Ensuring individual comfort and emotional. Children's master class on application for Children's Day “Gray the sun, so that the friendship of all children is stronger” Every year, June 1 is celebrated as International Children's Day. Officially, this holiday was first celebrated on June 1, 1950. Organizers. Master class “Locomotive made of plasticine” Fine art activities in kindergarten, of course, cannot be imagined without modeling. While working with plasticine or clay, children display. “Our friendly little engine!” Applique master class Our friendly little train. In order to make such a train you will need: Colored cardboard, PVA glue, a simple pencil, photographs of everyone. New Year's train for gifts. Master class This is the little train that brought gifts for the kids this year. To make this train I used: Boxes in which they are delivered. Outline of a lesson on application with drawing elements “A curious little engine passed by a meadow” in the senior group Dear colleagues, hello. The material I offer may be useful when familiarizing yourself with the lexical topic “TRANSPORT”. Today I will show you. Drawing with elements of the application “A little train is running...” It is not only possible, but also necessary to study the rules of the road in kindergarten. The basics of behavior that we will give to a preschool child.


DIY application “Locomotive” made of paper for children step by step with photo. Templates

Master class on making a three-dimensional application from cardboard “Locomotive” with step-by-step photos. Tarazanova Elena Borisovna, teacher of additional education, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Preschool Children's and Youth Children's and Youth "Our Harbor", Tomsk Volumetric applique made of cardboard "Locomotive". Step-by-step master class with photos. Goal: to teach how to compose a composition of geometric shapes based on a model. Description: making crafts from paper and cardboard using the applique technique is a very exciting activity. In this type of creativity there is room for your imagination to run wild! Three-dimensional applique expands the creative possibilities of children's works, helps teach a child to think spatially, three-dimensionally; children perceive three-dimensional images better than flat ones. The word applique comes from the Latin “applic”, which means attaching or joining. The appliqué technique is very simple and accessible even to the smallest children, because gluing the parts onto the base is not difficult at all. Purpose: this master class is easy to perform, intended for teachers, educators and parents, as well as for children of preschool and primary school age in classes in kindergarten, school and summer camp. Creative work can be used to decorate a school office, a group in a kindergarten, a home room, for participation in exhibitions and competitions, and also as a gift. Objectives: educational: teach basic geometric concepts: circle, triangle, rectangle, square; learn how to glue ready-made forms; create compositions made using various techniques of working with paper; improve skills in working with the necessary tools and materials when working with paper; learn to complement the image with details that make the craft more expressive; developing: develop interest in appliqué techniques; develop spatial imagination, thinking, ingenuity; develop children's ideas about land transport; develop children's imagination and creativity; develop eye and fine motor skills; educational: cultivate curiosity, accuracy; cultivate diligence when doing work; cultivate interest in creativity. Necessary materials for making an applique: colored and white cardboard, colored paper, felt-tip pens, a simple pencil, a glue stick, scissors, a figured hole punch, a ruler, templates, a sample of the finished product, riddles, poems. Riddles: Iron huts are attached to each other. One of them with a pipe, carries everyone along with her. (Train) This ladder lies, and a locomotive runs along it. (Railroad) Two Snakes turn silver. Shimmering and trembling. The Train rushes through the Snakes, without worrying about anything. (Rails) (V. Struchkov) Poem: A steam locomotive rides, rides, Past the fir trees and birches, Past the morning fields, Past the red bullfinches. Past oak and pine, Past summer and spring. Chug, chug, chug, chug, puffs, And knocks the wheels. Whistling loudly tu-tu-tu, scattering the children. He carries passengers here and there to cities. (Yu. Sklyarova) Necessary templates for making an applique. Using templates, cut out 5 rectangles (locomotive and carriages), a pipe and a roof from colored cardboard. Using shaped hole punches or the necessary templates, make wheels from black paper and windows from yellow paper.

Take half of A-4 size white cardboard. Fold the cardboard in half. This will be the basis for our train; we will glue rectangles of colored cardboard to it.

Glue 1 rectangle horizontally, placing half of the piece on the base. The glue must be applied to the base (white cardboard). Glue 2 rectangles, placing the part vertically (this is the cabin of the locomotive).

Glue all the “carriage” rectangles, trying to align them along the line, leaving the same distance between the carriages. Glue the wheels to the cars. Glue the roof part and the nose to the locomotive. Stick the window on the cabin, and the windows on the cars. Glue the pipe and the eye detail onto the window of the locomotive. Draw a smile, an eye, and use a ruler to draw the rails. Draw grass. If desired, on the reverse side, on white cardboard, you can offer the child to draw passengers (mom, dad, girls, boys, or animals). Steam locomotive for animals Steam locomotive: tuk-tuk, Steam locomotive: each other, Animals in the morning, Takes them to kindergarten: To kindergarten - Tiger Cub. To kindergarten - Little Goat. To kindergarten - a fluffy Yellow chicken. The driver in a cap honks at the Turtle: Today is your fifth carriage, A mustachioed cat is traveling with you. And the seventh carriage is occupied by an Elephant. From wall to wall, that's how wide it is! Steam locomotive: knock-knock, Steam locomotive: each other, Children are going to kindergarten in the morning. (Vladimir Stepanov) Our application is ready! You can play with this train by moving it around the table (it is very stable)! The cheerful little train looks good on a shelf, decorating both your home room and your school office! Creative success!

We recommend watching:

Volumetric applique for children 5-6 years old in kindergarten “Big wash”. Master class with step-by-step photos Volumetric applique with drawing elements for children. Birds on a tree. Master class with step-by-step pho Volumetric application with drawing elements for children 5-7 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos “Crab Application “Rainbow-Arc” made of colored paper for children 5-7 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos

Summary of a lesson on application in the senior group, topic “Train”

Software tasks:

Strengthen the ability to work with paper and glue, create a holistic composition from elements. Develop curiosity, thinking, phonetic hearing, fine motor skills.

Strengthen the ability to cut out the main part of a rectangular object with characteristic features (rounded corners), cut out and paste parts of different shapes.

Practice cutting out objects of the same shape from paper folded like an accordion.

Continue to develop the ability to evaluate created images. Foster respect for the driving profession.


Pictures depicting a variety of vehicles, a road, a sea pier, a railway, an airfield or a sky with clouds. Equipment for application.

Preliminary work:

Transport surveillance. Examination of subject and plot pictures on the topic “Transport”. Conversation, didactic game or lesson about traffic rules.

Progress of the lesson:

Man has come up with many different and interesting professions. Each of you, when you grow up a little, will choose what to do and what profession to choose. In our huge and beautiful village, there is a lot of varied transport, which is staffed by wonderful, helpful people who do not leave you in trouble.

Listen to the riddle:

Riddle about the driver

All the roads are familiar to me, I feel like I’m at home in the cabin. The traffic light is flashing for me, He knows that I am... (Chauffeur)

V. (Yes, these are drivers, chauffeur or, as I also call him),

Children: driver.

Q. What qualities do you think a good chauffeur or driver should have? What should he know and be able to do?

Children's answers: hardworking, kind...

The teacher corrects the children (responsibility, attentiveness, conscientiousness, discipline, hard work, politeness).

But the most important thing is that the driver must know the traffic rules very well, because the safety of both passengers and pedestrians on the roads depends on this. Not only drivers, but also pedestrians must know the rules of the road, and not only know, but always comply with the requirements of these rules. It is very important!

The teacher shows the children all the previously viewed pictures. — How can you describe in one word everything that is depicted in these pictures?

(Children's answers: transport).

B. That's right, transport. There are different types of transport - some fly in the sky, others drive on roads, others sail across the seas and oceans. There is even underground transport - the metro. What types of transport do you know?

Children's answers: (Ground, underground, air, water).

Dynamic pause “Train with cargo”

Children stand in a circle. At a signal, they throw balls to each other (load the wagons). After the command “loading is completed,” children perform movements with their hands (imitating a train ride) with movement in a circle one after another and pronouncing “chuh-chukh-chukh” while exhaling (up to 1 minute). After which the train stops, exhaling “sh-sh-sh” as long as possible. A deep breath is taken through the nose. V. gained strength and began to unload the cars. The balls are passed to the other side.

Q. Guys, I have a cherished dream, to go on a train journey throughout the vast and beautiful Motherland. But I don’t want to go on a trip alone, it’s boring. And I know that I have my little friends - you. And I invite you. Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

V. Guys, we need to go, but we don’t have a train. I want you and I to go on a train like the one I saw, I’ll show you now. But, alas, he is the only one. But, I'll think of something. That's what I came up with.

We will make magic trains with you!

Do you agree?

D. Yes!

Q. Come to our workshop and take a look. Each of you has geometric shapes on the table. Can any of you remind me what they are called? Nikita come and look at them and name them.

Children's answers. (rectangle, square)

B Correct. All these figures will help us in creating our magic trains.

Guys, before we start, let's remember the rules of working with scissors.

Children's answers: (pass the scissors holding them by the blade, do not poke them in the eyes, be careful)

V. Well, let's get started. To begin with, we will cut off the corners of the rectangle and we will get a driver’s cabin, then we will cut off the corners of the remaining 2 rectangles, and we will get cars. Well, from the squares (what do you think we need it for?) we are correct Let's cut out the wheels, also cutting off all the corners.. Rebata, do the cars have windows?

D. Yes!

Then we will fold the square in half, then in half again and cut into equal four parts along the fold line, we will get windows.

B. Now you will place the finished parts on a sheet of paper, and only after everything, we will begin gluing.

V. Guys, what a great fellow you are! Your trains turned out to be very beautiful and durable. Nastya, tell me what shapes you used?

Who will you take with you on your trip?

V.Nikita, tell me, from what shape did you make the wheel?

V. Thank you guys, our workshop today is truly the most magical. And my guys have golden hands!


From two bills you can make a sampan boat, a type of flat-bottomed boat that is widespread in China. These small boats amaze with their versatility, depending on the needs of the owners, turning into housing, a mobile shop, a fishing “trawler” or a workshop. A sampan made from banknotes will remind you of travels to exotic countries, and it itself looks very unusual. You can also make a sampan boat from paper, focusing on the proportions of a dollar - 15.6x6.6 cm.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Place the bill with the long side facing you. Fold in half from bottom to top. Let's reveal.
  • Fold the bottom and top edges towards the center.
  • We bend all corners towards the center line.
  • We repeat the action again. We make sure that all folds are precise and neat.

Bend the corners again

The edges should lie evenly along the center line. Now fold the triangular flaps at the top and bottom towards the center. We push all the folds along the horizontal axis. Carefully turn the workpiece inside out until the inside becomes a convex bottom.

To make a canopy, just fold another bill in half twice. We insert its ends into the side edges of the boat.

Another traditional Chinese vessel is often assembled using the origami technique. This is a sailing ship known as a junk. Light and maneuverable ships with two or more masts first appeared in the early Middle Ages and have survived almost unchanged to the present day. They can often be found on the rivers of China, as well as neighboring Vietnam and Korea. The junk has unusual sails, which are mats stretched on bamboo yards. They can fold up like window blinds.

A Chinese boat made of paper floats no worse than its real prototype. You can easily verify this by making it yourself, step by step, following the video tutorial:


Method No. 1

For children who are just learning how to make appliques, a simple train is perfect. You need to prepare:

  • thick paper for the base and plain paper in two colors;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

To make it, you just need to cut out 3 rectangles, cut off about a quarter from one of them, cut out the windows, make wheels and glue the pipe.

Method No. 2

For older children, an applique is suitable, which involves up to 6 different colors depending on the creative idea, plus you need paper to create a background, scissors, a glue stick, as well as skills in cutting out small parts.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Depending on the size of the base, cut out strips of brown and black paper to decorate the railroad.
  2. Make clouds out of blue paper, preferably of different sizes. Yellow – the sun with rays.
  3. Next, the locomotive and its cars are individually decorated from rectangles of colored paper, adding square windows, frames for them, bright stripes, and roofs. The locomotive will need a pipe, a spotlight and a drive for the wheels.
  4. After gluing the railway track, clouds, sun and train, wheels cut from circles of 3 sizes are added. The drive is glued on top of the locomotive.

Making a bright locomotive for the soul or for a competition is not a problem. You just need to choose a suitable master class, stock up on the necessary materials and patience.

We do it ourselves

A child, with the help of an adult or independently, will be able to make an applique of a paper train. To do this, you need to prepare the accompanying office supplies:

  • colored paper and cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • felt-tip pens (optional, to design some elements or sign a picture);
  • a picture with a train (for example).

The procedure for doing the work is quite simple:

  • First you need to prepare the parts of the train that will be glued to the base of the sheet. It is worth writing a list of the required parts so that the locomotive is assembled efficiently. It should have: a driver's cabin with an exhaust pipe, trailers, wheels, windows.
  • To ensure that the transport elements are uniform, you need to make a pattern from white paper using a ruler and a simple pencil. With the help of geometric shapes, the parts of the locomotive will be uniform and believable. The shape of a rectangle should be used to outline the driver’s cabin and carriages. Use circles to draw wheels. An inverted isosceles triangle will successfully represent an exhaust pipe. The squares will become windows.
  • The cut out patterns are applied to the selected colored sheet, carefully traced and cut out.
  • The colors for the train are selected according to individual taste. You can make the train either plain or colored. The main thing is to cut out the windows in yellow, and the pipe and wheels in black or brown. The ideal color for railway transport is blue, pink, blue and red. By combining these colors, you can get a cheerful, bright train.
  • After cutting out the parts, they must be carefully glued to the cardboard using a brush. The rest of the background is done at the request of the author of the train applique. You can complement the picture with rails and Christmas trees, bright sun and clouds.
  • The result will undoubtedly please both children and adults.

Create a masterpiece from plasticine

It's easy to guess what we need for the product. Take modern types of our material. There should be an inscription on the boxes, a small mark “soft”, then the modeling will be pleasant and easy. Make your first plane. For an unusual camouflage, mix a couple of shades of plasticine. Don't forget about the details. We prepare the wings, all sorts of blades, and the body in advance.

Order-star for grandfather

A schoolchild of any grade can make a good, beautiful gift. Using thick paper, cut out a star or a rectangle. Decide on the size yourself, according to your taste. Secure with thread.

Or use wire to decorate with plasticine.

3D model of a steam locomotive

Method No. 1

This train looks most impressive when combined with carriages and a decorated background. The advantages of the options, on the one hand, are in the simplicity of the design, on the other hand, in the ability to change the background “landscape” to illustrate the journey. To make it you will need:

  • A4 colored paper. Depending on the size of the figure, take a whole sheet for the base or cut it to length. As a rule, the longer the train, the smaller its parts. You also need paper for window decoration;
  • scissors, ruler, glue;
  • colored cardboard, watercolors, felt-tip pens for creating a landscape.

Action plan:

  1. Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half lengthwise and unfold it.
  2. Fold the right and left edges to the middle.
  3. Straighten the structure and glue the workpiece.
  4. Cut out rectangular or square windows from paper of a different color and glue them to the carriage. You can glue figures of people and animals into the windows.
  5. To decorate the cabin of a steam locomotive, take a small rectangle, fold it in the same way and glue it on top.
  6. A paper tube is also added.
  7. The wheels are cut out of black and white paper, or preferably cardboard, and glued at the same level at the bottom of the cars.
  8. In this case, a sheet of Whatman paper was used for the landscape; cardboard would also work. For decoration, just cut out more small circles from double-sided colored paper, folding the sheet several times. They are folded in half and the desired shapes are created.

Method No. 2

This option couldn’t be simpler, and it’s also collapsible. All you need is a paper towel or toilet paper roll, cardboard, scissors, pencils or markers.


  1. Draw a steam locomotive on cardboard or thick paper, color and cut out.
  2. Cut 2 cylinders 3 cm wide from the sleeve.
  3. Make a half-thick slot in the middle and insert a cardboard locomotive into it.

Using the same technology it is possible to equip it with carriages.

Method No. 3

Such a simple model will require skill and accurate measurements. The base of the locomotive is still the same bushing, only this time it’s intact. In addition to it, you need paper, pencils or markers, scissors and glue.

Action plan:

  1. Place the cylinder on its side and measure the distance from the floor on one side to the floor on the other using a flexible measuring tape or using a thread and ruler.
  2. Also measure the approximate height of the cabin and pipe.
  3. Using these data, draw the parts of the locomotive, leaving a small margin for gluing, cut and assemble.

Applique for children steam locomotive

A colorful applique for children “Locomotive” with funny animals can be made in several versions: from plain paper, colored cardboard, or multi-colored felt.

You can put any animals or photos of your family members in the train windows, and, for example, stick a photo of your baby in the driver’s window. And then you will get a wonderful family photo. If there are many relatives, then you can increase the number of carriages. This is a great option for decorating a children's group photo.

This application can be made in the form of a greeting card and given to someone on their birthday.

Here are the materials for the paper appliqué “Train Engine” - a forest background and the details of the train itself. All you need to do is download, print and cut them out for your kids. You will find a link to download application templates at the end of the article.

If you are making an applique with a small child, then first you need to schematically put the parts together on paper to make it easier for the child to understand. And then proceed directly to gluing the parts.

Older children, 4 - 5 years old, should be given the opportunity to assemble a train on their own.

Good luck and interesting activities!

Paper locomotive applique for children

Paper locomotive applique for children

Paper locomotive applique for children

Paper locomotive applique for children

Paper locomotive applique for children

Cartoon about a train from the Children's Corner channel

How to make a train out of cardboard with your own hands

A real freight train made from cardboard rolls and corks! No child can remain indifferent to playing with trains: the process of linking different parts together and forming a single whole from them attracts both the little representatives of the stronger sex and future beauties.

Traditionally, trains are built from cubes or special blocks. But you can make them from the means that are currently at hand. And since a child of any age can easily make a train out of waste material, you can involve very young children and preschoolers in this activity.

For example, an unusual train is made from cardboard rolls of paper towels or toilet paper.

How to make a train out of cardboard with your own hands

To create it, prepare in advance:

  • several cardboard rolls (the more, the longer the train will be);
  • manual hole punch in the form of pliers (on a narrow handle);
  • chenille (fluffy) multi-colored wire (or regular wire);
  • scissors;
  • decorative paper tape;
  • tin bottle caps;
  • polymer glue.

Materials for crafts If you don’t have ready-made rolls, you can glue them together from cardboard or thick paper.

Thomas the Tank Engine

"Thomas the Tank Engine" is a popular modern cartoon that many children adore. Thomas is made from many materials: from mastic, from candies, and also from paper. We will consider the latter option.

Greetings, dear friends, readers of the Family and Mom blog! Today we have a craft on our website again, and this time we will tell/show the children how to make a train out of cardboard with their own hands for children with step-by-step photo instructions (or rather, from waste/survival material that every mother can find at home - boxes of with juice/milk/kefir).

If your child, like my children, loves everything related to trains/locomotives (the little engine from Romashkovo, Chaggintons and other cartoons with trains are among my children’s favorites), then please him with such a handmade cardboard train, Moreover, its production requires a minimum of time.

In such a homemade train you can carry small toys - Lego men, Kinder Surprise toys and others. A train made of cardboard has windows and a door, almost like a real train. It can be decorated - covered with colored paper, painted with paints, felt-tip pens, but we did not decorate it, since the children urgently needed to carry passengers and they could not wait any longer))

Toilet roll train | Kids will have a BLAST with this Fun & East Craft!

Celebrate National Train Day by creating this toilet paper roll ship today!

Train in a Craft Toilet Paper Roll

This train is made from recycled materials , making it an inexpensive craft that's good for the planet! I love making toys with my own hands that keep children occupied long after the craft is completed.

I thought it might be a craft we made and put on display for a while, but I was wrong.

When we finished creating, my son made a train that runs throughout the house for days!

He sat in the kitchen, making her travel around him for a while. His legs, tables and chairs around the house turned into tunnels.

It was a craft activity turned into a toy that resonated with my 3 year old, inspiring hours of imaginative play!

Materials needed to make a toilet paper roll train

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How to make a train out of toilet paper rolls

  1. Paint cardboard tubes in different bright colors. Cut C-shapes from one of the tubes to create the top of the engine and galley. Color them accordingly. Also cut a C-shape from a thin cardboard tube and paint it to match the engine color. The C-shaped tubes curve beautifully around the toilet paper roll.
  2. Once dry, hot glue the top of the engine and galley into place. Also, hot glue four plastic caps onto each cardboard tube for the wheels of your train.
  3. Make small holes in the four “corners” of each tube. These are your yarn attachment points. Cut the yarn to the desired length.
  4. Pass the thread through one tube and the other tube to join the two tubes together. To tie a knot. Continue the process until all the train cars are connected.

It's time to play!

Want more T Transportation Activities For Kids?

Try these:

Want more craft ideas using upcycled/upcycled materials?

I can't get enough of crafts that give everyday items a second life!

I hope you enjoyed making a train out of toilet paper rolls! Comment below any craft ideas you have for toilet paper rolls/paper towels!


A complicated version of origami

At first glance at this model, you can’t even believe that its carriages and locomotive are made from one piece of paper. However, this is true. All this was done thanks to a special pattern scheme once developed by Emmanuel Muzor. All you need to do is print out the diagram and, guided by the lines on it, make folds in the right places. If you wish, you can limit yourself to only a steam locomotive or still create carriages for it. There is also a more complicated version, in which the entire train is made from a long rectangle of paper, that is, the locomotive and cars are not separated in any way.

For those who have not yet used this method of folding origami, the model may seem complicated, but in fact it is not difficult to read the diagram.

  • The straight line indicates the direction of the fold upward, that is, the edge should bend towards the top, and the dotted line, on the contrary, means the edge goes down. The result is a sort of alternation of ascents and descents.
  • To accurately follow the diagram, you need to transfer it to a sheet of paper from which you plan to make a model.
  • Without experience in assembling such figures, it is better to practice on a rough sheet.

Color sorting activity

This color sorting activity is a fun way for young children to practice recognizing and sorting colors. My toddler and preschooler loved it!

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This month's featured book for the Children's Virtual Book Club is The Little Engine That Could. My kids love this book!

As you know, I love it when activities can be differentiated to suit the needs of my toddler and my preschooler. To my surprise, this was one of those activities. My toddler loved it, but so did my preschooler!

Necessary materials:

Preparing for the train

  1. Cut sheets of construction paper in half, except for black.
  2. Cut out two circles for each carriage from black paper. These will be the wheels.
  3. Print out a picture of a steam locomotive and draw it on black paper. Then cut it out. You can also draw this by hand on black paper if you are more skilled than me.
  4. Tidy up the locomotive and carriages on the floor. I would recommend securing each piece with masking tape to prevent them from sliding around like ours did.
  5. Collect a bunch of little manipulatives and toys in the colors you used for the train cars.

Train color sorting activity

I placed a bunch of manipulatives on the ground next to the train and then encouraged my toddler and preschooler to sort the items into the corresponding cars. My toddler loved doing this. She enjoyed the color combination.


How to make a train with your own hands


In railway modeling, the concept of scale is closely related to standard size. The standard size is characterized by a scale reduction and model track width. There are several basic sizes of model railroads. Below I will talk about the most popular ones in our country.

H.O. Perhaps this is the most common standard size not only here, but throughout the world. The scale of the models is 1:87, the rail gauge is 16.5 mm. Locomotives and carriages almost all over the world are produced in this standard size; there are additions and accessories that sometimes cannot be found in other scales. Whether you want to create, for example, a Russian village, the Alpine mountains or Western America, everything you need for this can already be found on sale. There is even an amusement park with a working carousel. However, this standard size is the largest of those presented on store shelves. This means that you will also need a significant amount of space for your entire household. For example, a passenger train consisting of a locomotive and three passenger cars is about one meter long. But he still has to go somewhere. Those. a full circle will take up almost the entire average room. But such a large scale is ideal for collectors who are not very interested in building models or simply riding trains. The thing is that this standard size has the most accurate detailing of the rolling stock. Everything, right down to the last bolt, is reflected quite accurately; there is even an imitation of the locomotive interior; in passenger cars there is an imitation of the interior. This standard size is also suitable for those who like to build models from scratch or finish ready-made, industrial ones.

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