Ecology project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage”

Ways to dispose of waste

  • Organization of landfills,
  • recycling of waste,
  • waste incineration.

Organizing landfills is the cheapest, but also short-sighted way to dispose of waste.

Toxic substances penetrate into underground waters, are dispersed by winds throughout the surrounding area and thereby cause damage to the environment.

As a result of rotting processes without air access, various gases are formed.

Fires regularly occur in landfills, releasing soot, phenol and other toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Recycling waste is the most resource-saving way. But there are a number of problems here:

  • The first problem: the garbage needs to be sorted.
  • The second problem: delivery of waste to the recycling site.
  • The third problem: garbage cannot be used as a raw material for the production of high-quality products.

Incineration of waste is the most common and well-known method. BUT:

  • Harmful or toxic chemical compounds are released in large quantities.
  • not all garbage burns
  • garbage contains a lot of moisture and difficult-to-burn materials.

We calculated the amount of garbage in our family:

Amount of garbage per day500 g
Amount of garbage per month–15kg
Amount of garbage per year180 kg
Amount of garbage per year per family member45 kg
Amount of garbage in the village, residents 870 people (year)39 tons 150 kg

Garbage decomposition time

The process of waste decomposition occurs in different ways and can last from several days to tens of thousands of years. This is due to the composition of the product and the types of effects on it. Below are the average decay times of popular waste.

Type of garbageDecomposition time
Paper and cardboard3 months
Printing paper3 years
Wood, tin, shoes10 years
Iron20 years
Chewing gum30 years
Batteries100 years
Plastic bags200 years
BatteriesFrom 100 years
Tires200 years
Diapers500 years
Aluminum500 years
Glass and plasticFrom 1000 years

Ways to solve the problem of waste disposal

Gullies and holes are filled with construction waste.

First, such landfills are drained to prevent water from the landfill from leaking into underground aquifers.

Secondly, they are ventilated to prevent the formation of flammable and toxic gases.

Thirdly, the garbage is poured into the landfill so that its surface is flat.


The following results were obtained during the work:

  1. Literatures studied
  2. We found out that garbage is a global problem for humanity. Garbage dumps cause pollution of soil, air, and water, which leads to a deterioration in health and the emergence of a number of diseases among the population.
  3. Methods of dealing with waste are: organizing landfills, recycling waste, incineration. But they have positive and negative ways.

Types of waste

All waste in the city can be divided into 3 groups.


  1. Household waste. Appear in the process of conducting household activities. Solid waste is not the main problem of humanity, but garbage, glass, and organic waste make up a significant share of the total percentage of litter.
  2. Industrial. According to statistics, they are considered the most dangerous. One of the global environmental problems is environmental pollution from industrial waste.
  3. Agricultural. This includes sawdust, livestock and crop waste. Reusable and recyclable.

Waste recycling as a national idea

Currently, more than 40 billion tons of unrecycled waste have accumulated in Russia, the amount of which increases annually by more than 60 million tons. According to various estimates, their processing can bring in from two to 3.5 billion dollars a year. Davydov is confident that the country is “passing by a lot of money, since today waste recycling projects are a global trend that is interesting to both Russian and foreign investors.”

But, in his opinion, there is still an opportunity to make up for this by introducing the most modern technological methods of waste processing as soon as possible throughout the country. To do this, he proposes to provide tax incentives to companies investing in waste processing, provided that “the equipment installed will be the most modern analogues and meet the most stringent selection criteria focused on world standards.”

Dmitry Davydov is confident that after introducing the measures he proposes, we will be able to get rid of existing landfills, we will intensify business activity in the country as a whole, we will get the most environmentally friendly enterprises in the world for processing and converting household waste into heat and electricity, thus increasing the revenue side budget.

According to the enthusiastic entrepreneur, the most difficult thing in this process is changing the mentality of Russian citizens. But here, he believes, a clearly thought-out motivation system will help to sort waste in accordance with existing requirements. And for those who do not want to do this, he offers an alternative solution - to purchase special garbage bags, the price of which will already include a special fee for sorting and recycling. Otherwise, the environmental police will identify the violator and issue a huge fine. This measure would help solve the problem of waste recycling in Russia.

Dmitry Davydova is confident that all the proposed measures will solve the problem of waste recycling in Russia. In his opinion, “bringing cleanliness and order to one’s own yard, city, country is a worthy goal in the life of any socially responsible citizen.” The author of the concept emphasizes that without legislative support from the state, these initiatives cannot be implemented, so he calls on the current government to pay attention to the proposed solutions.

Violator tracking

As an example of creating a favorable environmental atmosphere in Russian cities, Dmitry Davydov suggests turning to the experience of Singapore, which is currently one of the greenest megacities on the planet. He recalls that back in 1965 the island was “a model of decline, destruction and neglect” and the current environmental well-being was achieved through the implementation of almost draconian measures.

Indeed, in addition to restoring acidified soils, establishing a drainage and irrigation system, importing eight thousand varieties of plants to the island and planting millions of trees and shrubs, it was necessary to change the mentality of its inhabitants. Therefore, in order to fight for cleanliness, according to the authorities, for two decades, police officers stationed at every intersection personally monitored the behavior of citizens. And for every violation, be it spitting or walking cattle on the city streets, they were fined. As a result, thanks to a clear policy of the authorities and a change in the self-awareness of citizens in Singapore, it was possible to create today's favorable environmental atmosphere.

Currently in Russia, according to Dmitry Davydov, with the availability of modern technologies, it is possible to restore order much faster. He proposes to track violators using professional video cameras, installed not at public expense, but by entrepreneurs who will receive half the amount of fines imposed on violators.

In addition, the enthusiastic entrepreneur is confident that citizens of the country, the so-called authorized applicants, can play an important role here, recording violations and also receiving 50 percent of the amount of the fine received by the state for this.

Thus, Davydov believes, “we will receive a system of effective mass control over cleanliness, which will help restore complete order in a maximum of two years.” He proposes launching a pilot project in Sochi, and after receiving positive results, expanding this experience throughout the country.

Photo: Maxim Grigoriev / TASS

Project “Use of recycled materials for clothing production”

Reality television shows such as Project Runway (as well as artists such as Lady Gaga) have greatly expanded the understanding of fashion design. Project Runway participants create comfortable things using the most unimaginable materials, such as newspapers, burlap, metal products, car parts, giving old things a second life. Moreover, many leading fashion designers have become interested in environmentally friendly materials. There are now numerous fashion events around the world dedicated to creating clothes from recycled materials. This project will help you discover the fashion designer within you.

Project goals:

  1. Experiment with unusual clothing design ideas.
  2. Promote the development of environmentally friendly products.

What we need:

  • computer with Internet access;
  • color printer;
  • digital camera;
  • common office supplies (such as paper, pens, cardboard, glue, etc.);
  • clean, lightweight materials suitable for recycling.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Find and print photos of models wearing items made from recycled materials, as well as any other fashion-related images that interest you.
  2. Collect recycled materials that suit your needs. You can take plastic bottles, aluminum cans, toys, lamp shades, umbrellas, anything! Make the most of your imagination. Keep in mind that things should be comfortable, washable, well-fitted, lightweight, warm enough, durable and pleasing to the eye. In addition, a fashion consultant and one of the TV presenters of Project Runway says that these clothes should be comfortable to get in and out of the car. However, it all depends on you, because you are a designer.
  3. If you already know how to sew, create 3 or 4 simple identical garments using regular stretch cotton fabric. If you don't sew, grab 3 or 4 white cotton T-shirts.
  4. Sketch your ideas. Make color sketches.
  5. Cut out the selected materials. Give them the required shape.
  6. Sew (or securely attach in some other way) all the parts, giving them the desired shape.
  7. Let the models try on the clothes, make the necessary adjustments to fit the items to the figure.
  8. Take a photo of each item of clothing.
  9. Present your ideas in a detailed report.
  10. Showcase the results of your live fashion project during a science fair.
  11. Include interesting photos taken while working on the project.


What determines the quality of clothing? What recycled materials can be used to create wearable clothing?

Project "House of Tires"

A smaller model of a house made from “tires”.
Houses made from car tires are the latest fashion. This is an affordable and environmentally friendly method of reusing worn-out tires. Tires filled with soil provide a very strong frame and foundation. They can also be used as bricks. Tire houses offer great architectural flexibility. That is, they allow you to create any structure with attractive design elements, such as wide rounded corners and spiral staircases.

Goals of this project:

  1. Create an architectural structure using car tires that are no longer fit for purpose.
  2. Build a reduced scale model.

What we need:

  • computer with Internet access;
  • color printer;
  • digital camera;
  • round flat objects resembling tires;
  • regular office supplies (paper, cardboard, glue, etc.).

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Read reviews on the relevant topic.
  2. Learn all terms and research questions.
  3. Find and print images that relate to the topic.
  4. Take photographs during the experiment.
  5. After thoroughly researching this topic, consult with local architects and landscape designers. Find out the details of using tires as a building material.
  6. Create your own unique architectural design. This could be a building, a playground, landscaping item, or even furniture.
  7. Build a scale model of this structure using round, flat objects that resemble tires. Checkers, hockey pucks, toy parts are suitable, and this is only an incomplete list of possible options.
  8. If you decide to make a small object, such as a piece of furniture, use a real tire.
  9. State your observations in a detailed report.
  10. Prepare a science fair display and include photographs, diagrams, models.


Think about what other unnecessary things you can use when building a house.

Project “House Projects Made from Recycled Materials”

Eco-friendly houses have become fashionable. Many people are concerned about environmental issues. They are worried about various questions, for example, what to do with billions of old tires and rusty cans. These objects can be used to construct buildings, playgrounds, roads, and urban areas.

In this next experiment, try to design a city built entirely from recycled materials. Such a project to reuse household waste will help you find new ways to use old materials and find unique, creative ideas for creating architectural design.

What we need:

  • computer with Internet access;
  • color printer;
  • digital camera;
  • common office supplies (such as paper, pens, cardboard, glue, wood, etc.).

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Study the relevant materials.
  2. Find and print pictures of cities that interest you.
  3. Sketch your design ideas for your city. First, draw the outlines of your own city. Then point out important features of the area, such as hills and bodies of water.
  4. Add all the necessary elements such as houses, public buildings, roads, railway tracks, airports, etc. Let your imagination run wild as much as possible.
  5. Include all measurements and materials of construction.
  6. Build a model to illustrate your idea, using (if possible) the same materials you specified in the project plan.
  7. Describe your methods in detail, list materials, and provide estimated costs in a detailed report.
  8. Prepare a science fair display and include your model and sketches.
  9. Also supplement the exhibition with interesting photographs taken while working on the project.


What is the characteristic feature and defining factor of the city? Is it possible to build an entire city using old materials? What materials are best suited for this purpose?

Harmfulness of waste to the environment

The problem of waste is not only the space occupied, but also the pollution of the environment. Let's look at the harm that garbage causes to nature.

Hazardous substances

Waste stored in landfills gradually decomposes when exposed to direct sunlight.

During this decomposition process, the following accumulates in landfills:

  • methane;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • filtrate.

Toxic compounds enter the air, water and soil. They cause suffocation, problems with the respiratory system, and lead to chronic diseases.

Long decomposition period

Plastic, glass, car batteries and tires take a long time to decompose. Such garbage can lie in landfills for thousands of years, occupying useful areas.

At the same time, it is impossible to simply burn inorganic waste - in this case, toxic combustion products enter the air.

Harm to animals and people

Garbage on the ground is dangerous for both people and animals. Toxic compounds enter food and water, causing serious poisoning. Birds often get entangled in plastic bags and are unable to fly.

It is not uncommon to see birds entangled in discarded fishing nets.

In addition, spontaneous landfills are dangerous for small children, who often pick up garbage from the ground.

Large clogged areas

Garbage in nature is found in almost all forests near large cities. Unauthorized dumps are found in parks, courtyards, and residential complexes.

The areas occupied by official testing grounds can be compared with the size of the Moscow or Leningrad region. This place could be used rationally.

Pollution of the planet's waters

Most of the waste ends up in the Pacific Ocean, where it remains for hundreds of years. The phenomenon of “garbage islands” is not at all uncommon.

There are trillions of tons of plastic floating in the water, causing irreparable harm to the environment.

A huge garbage patch right in the middle of the ocean.

Garbage washes up on the islands, killing fish and algae.

Greenhouse effect

As waste decomposes, it releases large amounts of carbon monoxide and methane. They make a significant contribution to the accumulation of the greenhouse effect. Because of this, the temperature of the earth increases every year.

A simplified diagram of the greenhouse effect phenomenon.

The consequence of this is global warming.

How can we solve the garbage problem?

All countries are addressing the environmental problem of garbage. Several effective methods have been developed for this.

Separate waste collection and sorting

Separate waste collection has been officially introduced in many European countries. Residents are accustomed to throwing away organic waste in one place, and throwing away plastic, glass, batteries and accumulators separately, taking them to special collection points.

All this helped to establish a state waste sorting system. Garbage is not accumulated in a single heap at landfills, but is divided into categories and then recycled.

Failure of landfill or incineration

Incineration or landfilling are the most unsafe methods of waste disposal. Instead, European countries have adopted recycling.

If the waste can be reused, it is sent to special factories.


Recycling is the solution to litter and overconsumption. Plastic or glass can be used to make new containers, and rubber is used as a covering for stadiums.

Waste management and recycling scheme.

The waste paper recycling process is well established. It is used to make new paper and cardboard.

High fines

Prevention of the formation of spontaneous landfills is an appropriate punishment.

Sanctions in other countries:

  • Austria - 7 thousand rubles;
  • Australia - 400 thousand rubles;
  • Ireland - 400 thousand rubles and 12 months in prison;
  • Great Britain - 7 thousand rubles;
  • Switzerland - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Singapore - 40 thousand rubles and imprisonment;
  • Japan - 5 million rubles and 5 years in prison.
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