Summary of a drawing lesson using non-traditional techniques in the first junior group “Unforgettable flowers - snowdrops!”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

drawing “Tree” using the method of blowing paint from a tube.

Non-traditional form of conducting classes.

Summary of a lesson on drawing in a non-traditional form in the 2nd junior group. Educator Kovaleva Galina Vasilievna MBDOUd/s o/v19 “Kolobok”. TASKS: Teach children to draw in a non-traditional form of rice.

Summary of a lesson on drawing in a non-traditional form in the 2nd junior group. Educator Kovaleva Galina Vasilievna MBDOUd/s o/v19 “Kolobok”. TASKS: Teach children to draw in a non-traditional form of rice.

Summary of a lesson on drawing in a non-traditional form on the topic “Preparations for the winter.”


Summary of a lesson in the junior drawing group “Spring Flowers”


Compiled by senior teacher Modenova I.Yu. MDOU kindergarten No. 102 in Yaroslavl Head of the kindergarten Shakhova E.G.

Goal: To develop children's creative activity through music and drawing.

Objectives: - Strengthen children’s skills in visual arts. — Consolidate knowledge about flowers. — Learn to listen carefully to music, and use dance movements to convey the character of the characters being portrayed. — Cultivate accuracy in work and a friendly attitude towards peers. — Cause an emotional and aesthetic response to the topic of the lesson.

Preliminary work: examining illustrations, conversations with children on the topic “Spring,” reading poems.

Demonstration material: illustrations depicting the seasons, toys. Handouts: tinted paper, gouache in three colors, cotton swabs and sponge swabs on stands, rags, blue ribbons for each child.

Progress of the lesson Children join the group with the teacher to the music. Educator: Guys, the Magic Brush came to visit us today! Children: Hello! Educator: Look how elegant she is! This is because she paints with different colors. Can we draw? Children: Yes, we can! Educator: Then we’ll show the Magic Brush how we prepare our fingers for drawing.

Finger gymnastics: “Chicken” The chicken went out for a walk, to nibble some fresh grass, and behind her were the children - yellow chickens. Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, don’t go far! Row with your paws, look for grains! They ate a fat beetle, an earthworm, and drank a trough full of water!

Educator: Well done! And Brush brought us wonderful paintings as a gift. (Show) What season do you think is depicted in the picture? Answers from several children: Summer. Educator: Correct. What time of year is this? Children: Autumn! Educator: What time of year did the Magic Brush depict in this picture? Children: Winter! Educator: You said everything correctly, but Brush forgot that there is another season, I’ll read it, and you guess:

Nature came to life around us, Awakened from sleep. From the blue sky (spring) has come to us with the sun! Let's help Brush and draw Spring! Sunshine, grass and the first flowers! Guys, have you noticed that we don’t have any paints? Shall we ask the assistants? Guess the riddle: The yellow guys are following the corydalis. Who are these guys?

Children: Chickens! Educator: That's right, now we will play like chickens, and for this they will give us yellow paint. Children's movements to music. Educator: It turned out great, the chicken brought paint for the sun! Let's listen to another riddle:

Where will you find it? Well, of course, in the swamp! Green as grass, Says "kva-kva-kva"

Children: Frog! Educator: Let's dance for the frogs, they will give us paint for the grass!

Here is a frog on the path, jumping with its legs outstretched. Kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva jumps with outstretched legs. Here from the puddle to the hummock Yes, jump for the fly Kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva and jump for the fly There is no more hunting, Jump again into your swamp Kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva jump again into your own swamp

Educator: Now we have green paint. Educator: Blue ribbon stream

Straight into the river from the hill - jump!

The river carried him

And the stream disappeared...

I will ask for blue paint from the spring stream, and you will dance with me (give the children blue ribbons and dance with the ribbons to the music of “April” by P.I. Tchaikovsky) Educator: Guys, we have collected all the paints! Do our clothes have these colors? Children: Yes, there is (they name it). Educator: We sit down at our seats and begin to draw the sun, grass and snowdrops. Brush and I will take a look. Educator: Tell me, guys, what will we draw first in our drawing? Children: The sun. Educator: That's right, first in the drawing you need to draw the objects that are located at the top of the sheet, then the objects that are located in the middle and then those objects that are at the bottom of the sheet. This must be done so as not to get dirty or smudge the drawing. What paint will we use to paint the sun? Children: yellow. Educator: Correct. Please take a large swab from a sponge, pick up some paint and use the dipping method to draw the sun. (Children do the work together with the teacher. Educator: We have the sun ready, now we will paint the grass. What color of paint do we need? Children: Green. Educator: Correct. Guys, take cotton swabs, draw paint on them and from bottom to top, like the grass is growing, we draw stripes. Now we have the grass, now we need to draw the first spring flowers - snowdrops. What kind of paint will we take for this task? Children: blue. Educator: Correct. Take small swabs from a sponge, pick up paint and use the dipping method to draw snowdrops . (Children do all the work together with the teacher for the demonstration.) Teacher: "Brush, what beautiful work the work turned out to be! Sunny, bright! The guys did their best! Well done! And now we go out onto the meadow and stand in a circle! Round dance "Vesnyanka."

Title: Summary of a drawing lesson in the junior group “SPRING FLOWERS” Author: Irina Yuryevna Modenova Position: senior teacher Place of work: MDOU “Kindergarten No. 102” Location: Yaroslavl, st. Saltykova – Shchedrina, 29

Also interesting material on drawing on croup: Lesson notes for the junior group “Visiting the Sun” (in the second junior group)

Date modified: 08/09/2015 Date of publication: 08/09/2015

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