Experiments with magnets for preschool and elementary school children with explanations

Exciting experiments with magnets for children with explanations

We suggest considering experiments with magnets using ingenuity and ingenuity. For example, heat has a destructive effect on magnetic properties.

With a candle

We also propose to refute the theory that only iron is subject to magnetic influence. An exception is, for example, matches.

With matches

Let's improve the theory about the strength of a magnet a little.

Magnetic gun

We suggest creating a magnetic mechanism with your own hands.


Using a similar algorithm, you can try different shapes of wire.

Rotation under magnetic influence

Or you can make a homemade fan! By the way, if you change the pole that touches the magnet, the direction of movement of the wire will change.


Or you can make such an engine with your own hands.


And finally, create an almost perpetual motion machine from a magnet, a battery and copper wire (if you close the wire in a circle). Until the battery runs out. All these experiments operate on the principle of a simple electric motor - electrons move along a wire, and a force acts on them.

Magnetic train

Don't be afraid to experiment - experiments with magnets are so exciting and varied that they can surprise even adults.

Card index of experiments and games with magnets

Table of contents


……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

EXPERIMENT 1. WHAT MATERIALS DOES A MAGNET ATTRACT?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

EXPERIMENT 2. MAGNETS ACT AT A DISTANCE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .6

EXPERIMENT 3. A MAGNET HAS TWO POLES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………… 8



EXPERIMENT 6. MAGNETIC FIELD OF THE EARTH…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………….. eleven


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12

MAGNETIC PUPPET THEATER……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……….. 12

VOLUMETRIC LABYRINTH…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………. 15

PICTURE MAZE “CAT AND MOUSE”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….. 16

PENCIL POINT-MAGNETIC CONSTRUCTOR ON A CAN……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18

FUNNY KNOCKS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………. 19

CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………. 21


What do we know about magnets?

Searching for information in the encyclopedia.

Purpose of the study: to find out how magnets appeared


A magnet is a body that has its own magnetic field.

A magnetic field is the area around a magnet, within which the influence of the magnet on external objects is felt.

Magnetic force is the force with which objects are attracted to a magnet.

Magnet (from Greek - stone from Magnesia - an ancient city in Asia Minor) - a natural magnet - a piece of iron ore that has the property of attracting iron, steel, cobalt, etc. and has its own magnetic field. It has been known to man since ancient times.

An ancient legend tells about a shepherd named Magnus. In search of a sheep, the shepherd went to unfamiliar places, into the mountains. He noticed with amazement that the iron tip of his stick was attracted to the black stone. Moreover, it was necessary to rub the blade of a knife with such a stone, and it itself began to attract iron objects: nails, arrowheads.

It was as if some kind of power, mysterious, of course, flowed into them from a stone brought from the mountains. This stone came to be called the “Magnus Stone” or simply “the magnet.”

Thus, many centuries BC it was known that some stones could attract pieces of iron. This was mentioned in the 6th century BC by the Greek physicist and philosopher Thales. The first scientific study of the properties of a magnet was prescribed in the 13th century by the scientist Peter Peregrinus.

“Introducing children to the properties of a magnet”

It can be small, big,

Iron is very friendly with him,

He will definitely help

Find a needle in a haystack.

Children's answers:


The teacher shows the magnet to the children and explains that a magnet is a stone.


: Take a magnet on the table and determine what it feels like?

answers :

Smooth, cold, etc.


: Do you think it is light or heavy?

answers :


The teacher suggests defining a magnet.

answer :

A magnet is a stone, its surface is cold, smooth, and heavy.


What other property does a magnet have that distinguishes it from ordinary stones?

answers :

Attracts objects.


Guys, do you think all objects are attracted by a magnet?
answers :


: Let's check your assumptions.


Take those objects that you think a magnet can attract.

Children make their own choices.


How to check if you made the right choice? Let's conduct an experiment.

Children conduct experiments using a magnet, confirming or disproving their choice.

Experience No. 1


Take the paper and try to attract it with a magnet. Draw a conclusion.

Children's answers

: The magnet does not attract paper.

Experience No. 2


: Take the fabric and try to attract it with a magnet.

Draw a conclusion.

answers :

The magnet does not attract fabric.

Experience No. 3


Take a plastic spoon and try to attract it with a magnet. What conclusion can be drawn?

answers :

The magnet does not attract plastic objects.

Experience No. 4


: On your tables there are jars containing paper clip snakes. Remove the snake from the jar without putting your hand into the jar of water.


Guys, what can we conclude?

answers :

The magnet acts through the glass.


Let's do another experiment and find out whether a magnet only acts through glass?

Experience No. 5


Try controlling a metal object with a magnet under a wooden table top.


What can be concluded?

Children's answers

: The magnet acts through the wood.

Physical education moment.


Now we will play the game
“Attracts - does not attract”
. I will throw you a ball, if the magnet attracts the object, you clap your hands. And if it doesn’t attract you, then squat.


: Which of you would like to go fishing?

The game "Fisherman"


: Do you think a magnet exhibits the property of attracting metal in water?

answers :

A magnet attracts metal in water.

The teacher draws the children's attention to a diagram that shows objects: a plastic button, a piece of fabric, paper, a pin, carnations.

Studying the use of magnets in people's lives

Goal: Find out where magnets are used.

Progress of the research: searching for information about the use of magnets on the Internet

People learned about magnets a long time ago and began to use its properties for their own purposes. In all branches of life, a magnet is a constant companion.

1. The first device based on the phenomenon of magnetism was the compass. It was invented in China, approximately between the 4th and 6th centuries.

2. Due to the property of magnets to act at a distance and through solutions, they are used in chemical and medical laboratories, where it is necessary to mix sterile substances in small quantities. Magnets are used underwater. Due to their ability to attract objects underwater, magnets are used in the construction and repair of underwater structures. With their help, it is very convenient to secure and lay a cable or keep a tool at hand.

3. Magnets are used for medicinal purposes in the form of patches, bracelets, amulets, because they have a mild analgesic effect, improve mood, treat bone diseases, reduce the excitability of the nervous system and relieve stress.

4.The magnetic method of removing metal particles from the eye is widely used.

5. Magnets surround us everywhere, since all the devices we use in everyday life, one way or another, include magnets - mobile phones, computers, cabinet doors, stereos, electric motors, cars, displays, compasses, toys, a variety of sensors and instruments, research equipment and many other areas.


Our hypothesis was confirmed. After conducting our research, we found out that magnets have many properties:

1. Magnets have the ability to attract objects made of iron or steel. Wood, plastics and paper do not react to magnets.

2. Magnets with the same poles repel, and magnets with different poles attract.

3. Magnetic force can pass through objects and substances.

4. Magnets attract even from a distance. The larger the magnet, the greater the force of attraction and the greater the distance over which the magnet exerts its influence.

5. Not all magnets are the same, different magnets have different strengths, this strength depends on the size of the magnet.

6. A magnet can transfer its properties to other objects, temporarily turning them into magnets;

7. Magnets with like poles repel each other;

There is no area of ​​human activity where magnets are not used.

During our research, we learned a lot of interesting things about magnets:

In 2006, Pierre Proske and his colleagues at the Future Applications Lab in Sweden invented unique magnets that are equipped with 16-character LCD displays and can interact with each other while hanging on the refrigerator. If you hang two or more magnets next to each other, the devices themselves will check the word order and correct grammatical errors, a kind of Word editor for the refrigerator door.

Soon a new generation of devices will come into use - magnetic gadgets, which, in essence, are a mini-computer on the refrigerator door. Gadgets transmit text and voice messages, make a list of necessary products and even calculate the energy value of food.

There is a Guinness Museum in Hollywood that displays over 7,000 magnets (part of the Louise Greenfarb collection).

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