Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the second junior group “Jolly Boats”


State institution Uraysky specialized “Children’s Home”

KHMAO - Ugra. Educator: Shestakova O.I.

Summary of an integrated lesson for children of the first junior group (drawing) “Boat”.

Goal: To introduce children to a new type of transport - a ship.

Integration of educational areas:

"Reading fiction"

• Introduce children to a new type of transport - a ship;

clarify and activate children's speech using nouns denoting types of transport (bus, car, boat, and also enrich children's vocabulary with nouns (ship, sail, sailboat);

• Learn to look at a drawing - an illustration, tell with the help of the teacher what is drawn in the picture.

• Develop the psychological basis of speech: attention, memory, thinking;

• Continue to develop communication skills: listen carefully to the teacher and answer his questions, develop communication skills not only with adults, but also with peers.

• Continue to develop the ability to listen to poetic text;

• Continue to improve your ability to work with paints, practice drawing wavy lines.

• Develop the ability to listen to the teacher and your comrades;

• Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Preliminary work: familiarization with land transport (bus and car) and water transport (boat): looking at books, illustrations, reading works of art, playing with story toys, active, didactic.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting a bus, a car and a boat, a toy boat, a drawing of a sailing ship at sea, a flat figurine of a paper boat, a phonogram of the song “Boat”, music. A. Pinegina, lyrics. D. Kharms, 6-8 boats for playing - experimenting, 2-3 basins with water, an easel, paints, brushes, album sheets (for each child, glasses with water, a sheet of Whatman paper size A3.

I. Organizational moment and introduction to the topic of the lesson.

V. – Guys, when you and I need to go somewhere in the city, what kind of transport can we use?

Children: by bus, by car.

V. – Yes, in the city you can travel by car or by bus.

(Teacher shows pictures)

II. Main part. Getting to know the sailboat.

V. – What if we need to cross the river? What transport will we use to do this?

V. – Yes, here we need a boat (shows a picture)

V. – But you can only cross the sea, where the wind raises high waves, on a large ship. Here, for example, on this one (shows a boat).

V. – As you can see, this is not a simple boat, it has a sail and it’s called a sailboat.

- What is it called? (Sailboat) (individual and collective responses of children)

Sailboat game.

Let's stand in a friendly circle and look at the sailboat.

Q: Do you want to hold a sailboat? (Yes)

-Take, Ilya, please, the boat.

The teacher hands the child the boat.

Q: - Now give the boat to Amina and say: “Please take the boat, Amina.”

“And Amina will tell you: “Thank you, Ilya!” »

Next, the children pass the boat in a circle to each other using the above phrases. The ship returns to the teacher.

Q: — The wind blows in the sails, and the ship floats where the man directs it.

I know a poem about a sailing ship.

The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up;

He runs in the waves

With full sails...

V. – And I also have such a beautiful painting.

The teacher shows a picture of a sailboat.

— Show me where the sea is drawn in the picture?

-What color is it? (Children's answers)

— Tima, show me the waves in the picture?

- Where is the boat sailing among the waves?

-Where are the sails of the boat?

III. Game-experimentation with a boat.

V. – I also have these boats. How about you and I also try to launch our boats on the water?

V. – But in order for our sailboat to sail, we need wind. You and I will now turn into little breezes.

-We spun, we spun, we turned into little breezes!

The teacher and children blow on the sails and the boats move.

Then you can blow on the water, making waves.

IV. Musical and rhythmic movements.

V. – This is how our sea got raging! But the sailors on the ship were not afraid and swam to the shore.

A song will tell us who sailed on this ship with the sailors.

(Children and teacher dance to the song “Boat”)

V. - Guys, of course, you guessed who sailed on the ship?

V. Drawing the sea.

V. – And I also have this boat. My boat cannot sail in the sea, because it is made of paper. It requires not an ordinary sea, but a painted one.

Let's all draw a huge sea for him together.

To paint the sea we need to take paint.

— What color should the paint be?

Children: Blue, blue.

V. – The sea is correctly painted with blue paint.

V. – Today we will draw the sea, on which the wind raises high waves

(The teacher on the easel shows techniques for drawing waves).

V. – This is the sea I got.

— Show how you will draw waves.

Children draw wavy lines in the air with their fingers.

- Now paint the sea with paints.

Children draw, the teacher helps children who have difficulty.

The drawings are displayed on the stand.

V. – What a huge sea we painted! - Who remembers the name of a ship with a sail?

V. – Now the sailing ship can sail for a long time on the blue sea.

The teacher shows how a paper boat floats on the waves, then gives the children the opportunity to play with it.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Teach children to construct crafts from natural materials, connecting parts with pieces of plasticine. Develop imagination, attention, perseverance.

Summary of the integrative lesson “Swim, sail, boat!” (middle group) Purpose: To introduce children to the fact that there is air inside a person, to discover it, air leads.

Graduation evening in the preparatory group.

information for parents "BOAT OVER THE CITY".

The plan is a summary of directly educational activities with children of the senior group in the educational field of “Cognition” (experimental activities, design).

Direct educational activities (DEA) for children are based on V. Suteev’s fairy tale “The Ship” with watching a cartoon and subsequent conversation about ways to depict characters.

Summary of direct educational activities Topic: A. Barto's poem "Boat". Elemental experience activity "Boat made of paper". Games with boats in the water. .


Progress of the lesson.

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. An audio recording of a song from the cartoon “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”

The teacher brings Captain Vrungel (a toy) into the group room, speaks for him.
Captain Vrungel. I wish you good health, children! I, Captain Vrungel, have heard a lot about how kind and skillful you are. I had a misfortune and I want you to help me .

Educator. What happened to you, captain?

Captain Vrungel. During a storm, my favorite yacht “Trouble”

Now I am a captain without a ship and cannot continue my voyage.
Educator. Don't be sad, captain, we will definitely help you. Just explain what kind of ship ?

Captain Vrungel. Strong, reliable and beautiful, in general, like my “Trouble”

Unfortunately, only this photograph remains from her (shows the picture)

Educator. Well, guys, let's help Captain Vrungel? Shall we draw him a sailing ship so that he can continue to sail the seas and oceans?

Children. Yes, we'll draw it.

Educator. Then let's go to the tables and draw Captain Vrungel his ship . And you, dear captain, sit with us and watch how the kids try .

Educator. Before you start drawing a sailing ship , I will teach you guys how to do it (comes to the easel, shows drawing techniques)

. First we draw the deck, don’t forget about the sail and flag. You can draw portholes. Well, shall we get started?

Children draw contour images of ships .

Educator. Before you start painting ships, you need to rest.

Captain Vrungel. I suggest you swim a little. This is good for your health and very pleasant.

How nice it is to swim in the river! (perform circular movements with hands)

Bank on the left, bank on the right, (turn the body left and right)

The river is a ribbon in front, (stretch arms in front)

There's a bridge on top - look (raise their hands up)

We row quickly with our hands.

Who will keep up with us? (perform circular movements with hands)


And now it's time for us, brothers,

Lie on the sand.

We are crawling out of the river (they are marching in place)

And we relax on the grass (they sit at tables)


Captain Vrungel. Now you can start painting the ships . They must be beautiful.

Children color outline images with paints .

Captain Vrungel. How to choose the most reliable and fast ship? It is necessary to carry out tests by launching the ships into the water . It will immediately become clear whether they can withstand the difficult voyage.

Educator. Watercolor paint will help us launch ships Take your brushes and use loose strokes to paint the sea.

“The Sound of the Sea” is playing

. Children tint the bottom of the sheet with watercolors.

Educator. You see, captain, how confidently our ships ! Well done guys today, they did their best !

Captain Vrungel. The ships turned out like real ones. I immediately smelled the fresh sea wind. How easy it is to breathe! I really like all sailboats. But how to choose the best one?

Educator. Children, let's place all the drawings on the stand. Maybe your parents will help Captain Vrungel choose a suitable ship for sailing ?

Captain Vrungel. Right. And I'll go get ready to sail. In gratitude for your efforts , please accept these sea stickers from me (gives stickers and leaves)


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