Program objectives for familiarizing pupils with traffic rules in preschool institutions

Author's didactic games on traffic rules for preschool children card index on the topic

Didactic game on traffic rules “Traffic light”

Game for children 3-6 years old

Number of players from 2 to 5 people

Purpose of the game: to cultivate interest in joint games, a friendly attitude towards each other during the game. To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic lights and the purpose of their colors, to familiarize them with the rules of behavior on the roadway. Develop attention and memory.

Progress of the game:

A model of a traffic light, children's figures and cars are placed on the playing field. The teacher changes the traffic light signals, the children move figures and cars along the roadway depending on the traffic light signal. During the game, the actions of pedestrians and cars at traffic lights are discussed.

Didactic game on traffic rules “My way home”

Game for children 3-7 years old

Number of players from 4 to 6 people

Purpose of the game: to develop in children the ability to navigate a traffic situation using road signs; help you practically master the rules of the road when modeling the route from kindergarten to home. Develop safe behavior skills.

Progress of the game:

Models of traffic lights, houses, figures of people and cars are placed on the playing field. Children assign the roles of “pedestrians” and “motorists” and hit the road. Moving across the playing field, children consolidate their knowledge of traffic rules. Motorists and pedestrians take turns talking about their movement across the playing field. During the game, traffic rights are assigned and various situations on the road are simulated. The game will be repeated until everyone learns to follow the traffic rules. A motorist is assessed by the rules of conduct for pedestrians, and pedestrians are assessed by motorists.

Didactic game on traffic rules “Merry Journey”

Game for children 4-6 years old.

Number of players from 2 - 3 people.

The purpose of the games: to cultivate interest in traffic games, a sense of

empathy; consolidate children's knowledge of road signs, familiarize them with the rules of conduct on the roadway; develop the ability to navigate the environment; develop observation and caution Game equipment: playing field, children's figures, cube.

Progress of the game: The lessons of children going on a trip are placed at the beginning of the playing field. Movement is carried out in circles according to the number of points on the die. As the player moves along the playing field, he talks about road signs along the way. If the player lands on the green circle, it means that the traffic rules are met and the player has the opportunity to move two moves forward; if it lands on a red circle, the movement rules are violated and the player misses a move. The winner is the one who gets to Fen's fairytale house first.

Didactic game on traffic rules “We are pedestrians”

Game for children 5-6 children.

Number of players from 2 to 4 people.

Purpose of the game: to cultivate interest in joint games, a friendly attitude towards each other during the game. To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic lights and the purpose of their colors, to familiarize them with the rules of behavior on the roadway. Develop attention and memory.

Game equipment: playing field, children's figures, 3 traffic lights with different signals, cars, tree models.

Progress of the game. A model of a traffic light, children's figures and cars are placed on the playing field. The teacher changes the traffic light signals, the children move figures and cars along the roadway depending on the traffic light signal. During the game, the actions of pedestrians at a traffic light are discussed.

Didactic game on traffic rules “The Adventures of the Traffic Light”

Game for children 5-6 years old.

Number of players 2-4 people.

Purpose of the game: to cultivate interest in didactic games, consolidate skills of safe behavior on the road, develop the ability to navigate the environment; learn to talk about depicted situations, develop attention and a sense of caution.

Game equipment: cards with dangerous situations depicted, traffic light figurine

Progress of the game: The presenter (Traffic Light) distributes cards to the players. Players talk about the dangers depicted on the cards, explain why it is dangerous and offer their options for safe behavior in this situation. The traffic light evaluates the correctness of answers and the creativity of players in modeling safe behavior.

Didactic game on traffic rules “Traffic light”

Game for children 4-6 years old

Number of players from 2 to 5 people

Purpose of the game: to cultivate interest in joint games, a friendly attitude towards each other during the game. To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic lights and the purpose of their colors, to familiarize them with the rules of behavior on the roadway. Develop attention and memory.

Progress of the game: A model of a traffic light, children's figures and cars are placed on the playing field. The teacher changes the traffic light signals, the children move figures and cars along the roadway depending on the traffic light signal. During the game, the actions of pedestrians and cars at traffic lights are discussed.

Summary of a lesson-game on the rules of the road. Plan-summary of a lesson on life safety (grades 3, 4)

Municipal budgetary educational institution "School No. 8 for students with disabilities in the Lytkarino urban district, Moscow region"

Game lesson on traffic rules in elementary school

"Traffic Laws"


primary school teacher

Koknaeva S.G.

April 2021

Lesson-game on traffic rules in elementary school “Road Rules”

Description of work: The lesson-game “Road Rules” is intended for children of primary school age (grades 3-4). Primary school teachers can use this development. The lesson-game can be used in extracurricular activities, in classes on traffic rules. Goal: developing the idea of ​​primary schoolchildren about road safety. Objectives: - consolidate students’ knowledge about traffic regulation; — introduce the history of the emergence of traffic rules; — develop children’s ability to recognize road signs; - develop thinking, memory, attention; — cultivate a general culture of behavior on the street Equipment: — projector, computer, board; — presentation “Traffic Law”; — traffic rules posters; — split road signs “Brick”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Parking area”, Underpass”, “Bus and tram stop”, “Road works”, “Overtaking is prohibited”, “Slippery road” , “Railway crossing without a barrier”, “First aid station”, “Hospital”, “Gas station”; — quiz answer sheets; - rod; - traffic light; — certificates for awarding winners; - task cards

During the classes

1. Org. moment - Today we have an unusual lesson - a game. 4 teams from our class take part in the game, which will show their knowledge of the laws of streets and roads, and traffic rules. (The teams are being introduced.)

2. Setting lesson goals -Why do we need to know the rules of the road? (so as not to get hit by a car and die)

Crossword questions 1) What is another name for a pedestrian crossing?8) (zebra) 2) A person who regulates traffic at intersections and roads. (traffic controller) 3) The traffic controller's striped stick. (rod) 4) What is the name of any street or avenue used for traffic, including sidewalks and curbs? (road) 5) The intersection of roads and streets. (intersection) 6) How do cars illuminate the roads? (headlights) 7) One of the means of traffic control. (traffic light) At what traffic light is pedestrians and vehicles allowed to move? (green) 9) Part of the road intended for pedestrian traffic. (sidewalk) 10) Waiting area for a bus, trolleybus, tram. (stop) 11) How to call a car, bus, tram, trolleybus in one word? (transport) 12) A person who drives any transport. (driver)

-So why is it necessary to know the rules of the road? (for our safety)

3. Updating knowledge - Who knows when and where the first traffic rules appeared? - It turns out that it was a long time ago. -There was a time when only riders on horses, chariots and horse-drawn carts rode the streets and roads. They could be considered the first vehicles. They drove as they pleased, and therefore often collided with each other. There were often clashes between people and horses, and between horses. After all, city streets in those days were usually narrow, and the roads were winding and bumpy. It became clear that it was necessary to streamline traffic on streets and roads, so rules were invented that made traffic convenient and safe. The first traffic rules appeared more than 2000 years ago.

4. Game-competition - I will make riddles about road signs, and after discussion as a team you will have to pick up the required sign.

The sign scares drivers and prohibits entry for cars! Don't try to rush past the brick! (no entry sign)

There is a land crossing here, people walk all day long. You, driver, don’t be sad, let the pedestrian pass! (sign "Pedestrian crossing")

No pedestrians walk here in rain or shine. The sign tells them one thing: “You are prohibited from walking!” (sign “Pedestrian traffic prohibited”)

If the driver gets out here, he parks the car here, so that the car he doesn’t need doesn’t bother anyone. (sign "Parking area")

Every pedestrian knows about the underground passage. It doesn't decorate the city, But it doesn't interfere with cars! ("Underground crossing")

At this point the pedestrian waits patiently for transport. He's tired of walking, he wants to become a passenger. (“Bus and tram stops”) (slide No. 28)

- Let's sum up the preliminary results.

5. Physical exercise - Let's play the game "Traffic Light" and relax. If I show the red circle, you stand silently. If the circle is yellow, clap your hands. And if it’s green, let’s go straight away.

6. Competition “Road Situations” - Each team receives a specific situation that may arise on the road. Team members discuss and present to us an action plan that will help deal with the problem. Problem #1: You were riding in the back seat of a car. After stopping the car on the roadway, you need to get out. What will you do? Problem No. 2. You are standing at a bus stop and waiting for the bus. The bus is delayed, and the number of passengers at the stop increases. And then the bus arrived. What are you going to do? Problem No. 3 While driving on the bus, a fire suddenly started. What will you do? Problem No. 4 You are crossing the road when the traffic light is green. And suddenly the green light blinked quickly and quickly and switched to yellow. What should you do: walk forward to the opposite side of the street or go back to the sidewalk? (students in teams discuss the situation and talk about their actions) - Let's summarize the preliminary results.

7. Summing up the lesson (children go to the board and read poetry) Adults and children know. It will be easier to live in the world, If without a doubt you know the rules of the movement.

If you break the rules and run a red light, you will get various injuries and end up in the hospital!

If the light is green, Walk boldly, don’t yawn! But be careful, don't forget about cars!

If there is an intersection nearby, Or just a turn, Be careful, teenager, Or just a pedestrian! (slide number 43)

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