Card index of didactic games for children of the 2nd junior group

Children begin to consciously distinguish the shapes of objects already at the 2nd year of life, but are able to remember and correctly name a circle, rectangle or square only by the age of 3. This period is the most favorable for studying elementary geometric figures.

Children of this age examine objects more carefully, identifying their distinctive features such as size, color and, of course, shape. But such skills require constant training.

Classes and didactic games aimed at developing concepts about the shape of objects should be conducted weekly, gradually complicating the tasks and thereby improving the children’s skills.

The teacher must not forget that children will learn the material more easily if they have bright and beautiful toys at hand. They will not only help you focus attention, but will also develop a desire to play with them, and this is so important in early preschool age.

By the age of 4–5, children’s understanding of basic geometric shapes is much broader, so they can be introduced to objects such as rhombus and trapezoid. At the same time, you can not say the name of the figure for now, but simply identify its distinctive features.

Later, in older preschool age, children will be able to independently compare objects and find similar figures among them.

Amazing circles

Purpose of the game:

introduce children to such a geometric figure as a circle, repeat the names of primary colors (red, blue, green and yellow) and sizes of objects, develop fine motor skills of the fingers, memory, the ability to focus attention on a specific object, teach how to fold a whole from the available parts at hand ( for example, a snowman).


mugs cut out of paper, different colors (red, blue, yellow and green) and different sizes (large, medium and small).


: 3 years.

When the children concentrate on the lesson, they should be asked what they saw on their tables, what is the name of this figure. If the guys are familiar with the circle, they will immediately give the correct answer, but if not, then you need to explain it to them.

Then the leader checks how well the kids remember the names of the colors. When the children are ready to play, you can tell the rules of the game, which consist of quickly saying the name of a certain figure, what size and color it is.

The kid who gave the most complete and correct answer becomes the leader, chooses the next figure of a certain color and asks the rest of the children to find a similar one on their table and raise it above their head, then describe its properties in detail.

Thus, the drivers are constantly changing, and the teacher has time to monitor each child.

At the end of the game, you can ask the children to assemble a snowman themselves, using only 3 circles of different sizes. Eyes, nose and mouth can be drawn with a pencil.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to play together, but first they need to take their places at the tables and carefully examine the prepared material.

Colorful squares

Purpose of the game:

introduce children to such a geometric figure as a square, repeat the names of the main colors and sizes of objects, develop fine motor skills of the fingers, memory, and observation skills.


cardboard squares of different colors (red, white, blue, yellow and green), different sizes (large, medium and small); several circles made of the same material; sample square measuring 30 x 30 cm.


: 3 years.

Progress of the game:

The leader invites the children to listen to the rules of the game, with the help of which they will learn to correctly identify squares and find them among other figures.

To do this, the teacher shows the children a large sample square and asks them to carefully examine and tell what is special about this figure. If the children did not see that the sides of this figure are the same, then this must be mentioned, since this is the main distinguishing feature of the square.

When the children have mastered this material, you can ask them to classify all the figures on their tables into categories. Place red squares on one side, blue squares on the other, and green squares on the third. When the work is completed, the teacher should check it and praise each child.

You can give the task to distribute the available squares into groups depending on their size. Here the children will also get 3 categories.

By the end of the game, the children, as a rule, learn the name and shape of the square very well, so you can do a little test: ask the kids to mix the squares and circles together, and then in a short time arrange the circles separately and the squares separately.

Magic rectangles

Purpose of the game:

introduce the children to the rectangle, repeat the names of the primary colors (red, blue and yellow) and the sizes of objects, develop fine motor skills of the fingers, memory, and observation skills. Develop children's speech and ability to construct complex sentences.


rectangles cut out of cardboard, different colors (red, blue, yellow and green) and different sizes (large, medium and small) for each child; circles and squares for comparison; large rectangle 20 x 40 cm for sample.


: 3 years.

Progress of the game:

Children have sets of rectangles of different sizes and colors on their tables. The teacher invites the children to carefully examine them and say which figure, studied earlier, the rectangles are more similar to - a circle or a square (the children say that they are a square).

The next step is to compare the rectangles in size and say that they can be used to build a large pyramid. You can offer to do this task yourself, but first the leader explains that the largest rectangle should be at the bottom, then a smaller one, and the smallest one at the very top.

When the children learn to select rectangles from the proposed shapes, you can invite them to play a game, the rules of which are to clap their hands when a rectangle is shown, and sit quietly if it is any other shape.

The teacher takes turns showing the children different figures, and they, in turn, clap or do not react to it, depending on what was shown.

Triangles, or roofs

Purpose of the game:

introduce children to such a geometric figure as a triangle, repeat the names of primary colors (red, blue and yellow), as well as the sizes of objects, develop memory, observation, and fine motor skills of the fingers.


cardboard triangles of different colors (red, blue, yellow and green) and different sizes (large, medium and small); a set of cubes of different shapes for building a house, a toy (baby elephant).


: 3 years.

Progress of the game:

The leader gathers the guys together and offers to help the baby elephant build a house. To do this, you need to lay out the walls, don’t forget about the window and door. Then the teacher asks what is missing in the built house, to which the children answer: “There is no roof.” Now you should ask the guys what shape the roof should be - round or triangular. When the kids answer the question, you can ask them to choose the required cube from the set and complete the house. This is how children come to the conclusion that the triangle is similar to the roof of a house, which helps them better remember the feature of the figure.

After this, it is necessary to consolidate the children’s knowledge about the new shape of the object for them - triangular. To do this, you should offer to play together. The rules of the game are as follows: the leader shows a figure of any shape (triangle, square, circle, rectangle), and the guys find the same one in their sets and say its name. If the teacher shows a triangle, then it must be placed separately from the others. Thus, the guys get two groups of objects: triangles and all the rest.

If the children have well understood the difference between a triangle and, for example, a rectangle, then you can ask them to independently find the differences, which lie primarily in the number of sides and angles in the figure.

Build a house

Purpose of the game:

develop fine motor skills of fingers, memory, the ability to focus attention on a specific object, teach weaving with various threads, develop children’s speech, teach them to distinguish shapes such as triangle, square and rectangle.


cardboard plates measuring 20 x 30 cm with holes made at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, parts for assembling the house (square, window, large triangle), thick threads for weaving, a sample of assembling the house for each child.


: 3–4 years.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to carefully examine the sample that he shows to everyone, and the items that are prepared on the tables.

The next step is for the leader to choose from those offered only those parts that will be needed to assemble the house (triangle, square, rectangle). Next, you need to take a thick thread and place the square on the board so that the holes in the parts match. Now the guys carefully sew the part. Then the roof and window are attached in the same way.

Making a house in this way not only develops fine motor skills of a child’s hand, but also helps to become more attentive and learn to focus on an object for quite a long time.

Name the figure

Purpose of the game:

develop imagination, memory, attention, the ability to identify an object by its characteristics, increase children's vocabulary, develop logical thinking, systematize children's knowledge about geometric objects such as triangle, rectangle, circle and square.


a large sheet with drawn cats made from different geometric shapes: heads - circles, noses - triangles, eyes - ovals, mouth - rectangle, etc. You can depict several cats, made in different ways.


: 4–5 years.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children a poster and asks them to carefully look at the drawings, then say what is shown on them. Despite the fact that the animals are made differently, the children say that these are cats, since they have peculiar triangle ears that only these animals have.

Then the leader tells the kids that they need to name the figures that make up the cats and compare the proposed drawings with each other. Once the children have completed the tasks, you can ask them to draw any other animal on the board with chalk, using only rectangles, squares, circles and triangles. This task is quite difficult, so the kids will need the help of a teacher.

Do it yourself!

Purpose of the game:

to develop in preschoolers imagination, speech, the desire to use existing knowledge, strengthen counting skills to 10, the ability to play in a group of peers, and develop independence in collecting various geometric shapes.


10 counting sticks for each child, patterns for collecting square, rectangle, triangle, pentagon and trapezoid or rhombus.


: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game:

The teacher gathers the children and invites them to play a game together that will require their concentration and observation. First, the children carefully examine the patterns of collecting squares, rectangles, and triangles from counting sticks (if the group of children is sufficiently developed, you can invite them to assemble a trapezoid or pentagon on their own).

Then the children pay attention to how many sticks are needed to assemble the various shapes, and begin to make squares on their own. After the teacher checks and evaluates all the work, you can begin to make a rectangle or diamond.

Thus, during one lesson, children not only assemble geometric shapes from available material, but also better assimilate their distinctive properties.

A similar game can be organized a little differently. First, you should divide the guys into 2 teams and come up with a name for each that would be related to the theme of the game. Next, the teacher offers groups of children tasks that can be as follows:

1) add as many shapes as possible from the 10 available sticks;

2) what figure can be made from 5 counting sticks? Collect it;

3) how to divide a square using 1 stick into 2 triangles?

4) try to collect 2 squares using only 7 counting sticks;

5) other tasks.

Find all the triangles

Purpose of the game:

continue to familiarize children with such geometric shapes as square, rectangle and triangle, consolidate knowledge about primary colors (red, blue, green, yellow), make children want to play together, develop thinking, memory, attention, speech.


an equilateral triangle with sides 30–40 cm long, drawn on whatman paper or cut out of thick cardboard. Its peculiarity is that it is divided by three thick lines emerging from the corners of the triangle; 2-3 small triangles for each baby.


: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game:

The leader invites the children to look at the prepared figure and say its name. Then the teacher draws special attention to the children that this triangle is divided into parts by three lines. It is necessary to say what shapes were obtained.

If it is difficult for the children to see these triangles, then they can be painted in different colors, which will help count the number of figures obtained. When the children complete the task, you can ask them to independently put together a new shape from 2-3 triangles (this can be a triangle, a square and a rectangle).

Guess the item

Purpose of the game:

develop imagination, memory, attention, the ability to play in a group of peers, the ability to identify an object by its characteristics, increase children's vocabulary, develop logical thinking, systematize children's knowledge about geometric objects such as triangle, rectangle, circle and square.


several toys familiar to children, a bag in which the prepared items will be placed.


: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game:

The leader invites the children to play scouts, but to do this they need to choose a driver. Then you can explain the rules of the game, which are to guess the object by touch.

The teacher brings into the group a bag of toys that the children have already seen before and are familiar with. Then the driver puts his hand into the bundle and selects one of the toys, but does not take it out, but tries to identify it by touch.

If the baby guesses what kind of item is in the bag, he takes it out and gets a chance to guess another toy, but no more than two times in a row. Then the turn passes to another participant. If the child could not guess the first time, the teacher begins to describe in detail all the properties of the object, and the rest of the participants try to guess what exactly is there.

If this game turns out to be quite simple for kids, then you can complicate it a little by putting toys in a bag that the kids have only seen a few times. If they are able to do this, then the teacher can, without showing the object, talk about it in detail, and the children ask leading questions. The child who guesses what is being said the fastest wins.

What figure is missing?

Purpose of the game:

develop memory, attention, observation, quick thinking, the ability to find small changes that have occurred in objects, repeat the names of colors and their shades, and develop children’s speech.


a sheet of whatman paper divided into 12 equal rectangles so that there are 4 cells horizontally and 3 vertically; 12 small cards - rectangles, squares, circles and triangles of different colors.


: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game:

The leader invites the children to carefully examine the figures that lie on the tables and say their name and color.

Then the teacher, with the help of the children, fills in the empty cells of the table. To do this, the leader asks one of the children to pick up any free piece and place it in a free cell. When the cards run out, the children carefully look at the resulting canvas and remember in what order the objects are located.

After this, the leader asks the children to close their eyes for a few seconds. At this time, the teacher removes one of the cards, then invites the children to restore the order of the figures. If the guys cannot remember which figure and what color was in the cell, then they can calculate it, because there were equal numbers of all the figures and they were all different colors.

To test children's observation skills, you can place 2 identical cards in the cells while the children close their eyes, and then ask them to find them. The fastest, most observant and dexterous guys win the game.

Find the odd one out

Purpose of the game:

teach children to group objects according to common characteristics, develop the ability to identify objects that do not meet certain requirements.


various geometric shapes for hanging on a magnetic board - squares of different sizes, rectangles, quadrangles and pentagons of different shapes, equilateral, isosceles, rectangular triangles, circles, ovals, etc.


: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game:

The leader places the prepared geometric figures one at a time on the magnetic board and asks the children to say what they are called. The teacher then places several shapes in a row (for example, a square, a quadrilateral, a diamond, and a triangle) and then asks what is missing. If the guys find it difficult to answer, then the leader can offer to count the number of sides and angles of the proposed figures.

At the next stage, the teacher lays out the geometric shapes in a different order (for example, among triangles of different shapes he places a circle or an oval) and invites the children to determine what is superfluous there and why. You can offer other combinations of figures:

1) circles, ovals of different sizes and a square;

2) quadrangles, and triangle, pentagons;

3) rectangle, square, rhombus, trapezoid and triangle;

4) other options.

A similar game can be played not only with geometric shapes, but also with various objects that have different properties.

Card index of didactic games in the first junior group on the formation of ideas about form

Sveta Bondareva

Card index of didactic games in the first junior group on the formation of ideas about form

“Put the pieces in their places!”

Purpose of the game: To introduce flat geometric shapes - square, circle, triangle. To develop the ability to select the necessary forms using different methods.

Materials: Flat geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles, insert frame.

"Wonderful bag"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes and develop the ability to guess objects by touch.

Material: bag, set of Dienesh blocks.

“What does the figure look like?”

Purpose of the game: To develop children's ability to group objects by shape.

Material: geometric shapes cut out of dense material in 4 primary colors.

"Find a different figure"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes. Develop the ability to distinguish figures based on one, two, or three characteristics. To develop speech activity and quick thinking in children.

Material: set of Dienesha blocks.

“What shape is this?”

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to group objects by shape.

Material: set of Dienesha blocks.

"Circle, square"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to group objects by shape.

Material: five cardboard circles and squares of the same color.

"Magic Box"

Purpose of the game: to develop children's ability to push geometric shapes into the appropriate holes.

Material: boxes with round and square holes and

cubes and balls corresponding to their size.

"Mand your pants"

Purpose of the game: to develop children’s ability to insert objects of a given shape into the appropriate holes.

Material: cardboard image of a wolf (matryoshka dolls, dolls, etc.) with

round, square and triangular holes on the panties and

correspondingly, they are circles, squares and triangles, the same color as the pants.

"Merry Men"

Purpose of the game: to develop children’s ability to group objects by shape

Material: circle, square, triangle, houses and the same small geometric shapes cut out of cardboard - people.

"Let's hide from the rain"

Purpose of the game: to develop children's ability to group objects by shape.

Material: geometric shapes and three patterns of umbrellas.

“Find a window for the figurine”

Purpose of the game: to develop children’s ability to correlate the shape of parts with the shape of the hole.

Material: Houses cut out of cardboard with holes (windows) of round, square, triangular shape, geometric shapes of square, triangular and round shape.


Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to perform actions with geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, insert shapes, develop memory and thinking.

Material: frame – liner with geometric shapes.

"Let's decorate the mittens"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to select shapes that correspond to the contours on the mittens and apply them to the contour, to consolidate the name of the geometric shapes.

Material: mittens with contour images of geometric shapes, geometric shapes.

"Find the object"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.

Material: two tables, on one there are geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, on the other there are objects.

"Geometric Lotto"

Goal: to develop children’s ability to compare the shape of a depicted object with a geometric figure, to select objects according to a geometric pattern.

Material: 5 cards depicting geometric shapes: 1 circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval. 5 cards each depicting objects of different shapes: round (tennis ball, apple, ball, soccer ball, balloon, square rug, scarf, cube, etc.; oval (melon, plum, leaf, beetle, egg); rectangular (envelope, briefcase, book, domino, picture).

"Find a pair by shape"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to select the necessary shapes using the method of visual correlation.

Materials: pairs of flat geometric shapes made of cardboard (circles, squares, triangles, ovals, rectangles, a box or a hat.

"Find the extra figure"

The purpose of the games: to develop the ability to compare figures using the visual correlation method.

Materials: flat geometric shapes or cards with their image (circles, squares, triangles, ovals, rectangles, 5 - 10 pieces of each shape).

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