Master class “Morphological analysis - a method for developing creative imagination”

Teaching TRIZ to preschoolers is a very fertile topic. And it brings results quite quickly. According to reviews from teachers and parents, children are actively involved in work, reason confidently and put forward a lot of ideas within a month after the start of classes.

The mobile mind of a child quickly adapts to new conditions and accepts them as the norm. And TRIZ methods in working with preschoolers are aimed specifically at transforming the habit of thinking in patterns.

Today we will look at some exercises to develop the creative imagination of a preschooler.

TRIZ - what is this method and where is it used

TRIZ is a set of methods for solving problems and improving systems. With its help, you can increase efficiency and improve your ability to solve complex problems, while using a creative approach, developing imagination and flexible thinking. Some experts consider this theory to be the most effective for developing creative skills because it is not judgment-based and does not provide a single correct answer.

The theory is applied when inventive problems arise on a person’s path. These may be problems that cannot be solved in obvious or familiar ways. That is, you need to invent something that will help you win without any losses.

Benefits of technology

Many people have studied this technique and actively used it in their practice. As a result, they established the following advantages of its use:

  • identifying the essence of the problem through a different approach;
  • departure from traditional ways of resolving problems;
  • increasing the efficiency of creative activity;
  • obtaining knowledge and correct systematization of this knowledge in the process of searching for information on choosing a problem and direction of solution;
  • getting an impetus for inventive activity;
  • correct determination of the main search directions, taking into account those nuances that are usually ignored;
  • development of logical, illogical and systematic thinking;
  • development of a new look at some things and phenomena;
  • broadening one's horizons;
  • reducing the time spent searching for a solution.

Master class “Morphological analysis - a method for developing creative imagination”

Master class “Morphological analysis - a method for developing creative imagination”


dissemination of experience in the use of elements of TRIZ-RTV technologies in children of senior preschool age in visual arts classes for the development of their creative imagination


— to form teachers’ ideas about the use of the “Morphological Analysis” method in working with children to develop creative imagination.

— show by personal example the production and use of tables for morphological analysis.


pictures depicting animals, body parts, blank tables for morphological analysis, multimedia presentation, booklets, pencils, glue (for each participant).

Progress of the event

To be successful in the modern world, children need an active life position and the ability to solve problems. This means that the student must be able to work with information, understand current events and situations, be flexible to change, be able to quickly find the right solution and have strong and creative thinking.

Such problems are solved by RTV and TRIZ technologies and their non-standard methods. One of the effective methods for developing children's imagination is morphological analysis.

The essence of the method is that mental operations are based on combination and are carried out using a table where some indicators are set vertically and horizontally.

The intersection of the values ​​of these indicators is the basis of analytical activity. In RTV and TRIZ methods, a separate morphological table is compiled for each creative task.

Using the table, children come up with new buildings, clothes, fantastic animals and birds, fairy-tale characters - anything!

But it is necessary to remember that any fantasy must be embodied in the form of drawings and applications, otherwise the child does not feel satisfied with the creative process and loses interest in it. It is very important for a child to see the result of his creativity, to realize that he created something himself, that he is the talented author of his work.

I consider the morphological table to be the most effective in my work, which I use in creative sketches with children. This table is convenient because the number of axes and parameters in it can be modified at will and depending on the object being created.

To make a table on the theme “Fantastic Animal” you will need:

- a table where, depending on the age of the students, 2-4 horizontal and vertical lines can be used;

- pictures of animals, their body parts;

- glue, scissors;

- pencils, watercolors for drawing.

On the horizontal axis we lay out pictures of animals in order: bear, hare, cat, fox. Then we place the animal body parts that we will combine on the vertical axis.

I suggest you draw the resulting animal.

Let me give you another example. Creative assignment on the theme “Fantasy House”. We set the parameters of the drawing vertically: shape, color, material.

Then we place options for parts of the house horizontally: windows, doors, chimney.

We randomly select one characteristic from each row and combine it.

The result is unusual, fantastic houses, with a sheet of paper instead of a door, a window and a chimney in the shape of an orange star.

Using the same principle, my students and I made drawings of an unusual plant and received funny cars and wonderful toys.

Compiled by Deputy Head M.A. Chubakova.


Historical reference

The TRIZ method was invented by the Soviet engineer and writer Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. He is also the author of another theory - the development of a creative personality (TRTL).

In 1946, Altshuller studied the techniques that inventors often use to solve problems. As a result of the study, he identified 40 such techniques and called their totality the theory of solving inventive problems. At the same time, the author concluded that the most effective result is achieved through the use of existing resources.

In the 1980s, the theory was used to teach in Soviet schools and improve efficiency in factories. Today this technology is recognized throughout the world. Leading companies such as Intel, HP, Boeing, Ford, Toyota, Kodak and many others are implementing TRIZ practices in their activities. In addition, world conferences on this topic are held annually, and international, Asian and European TRIZ associations have been created. And in 1998, the Altshuller Institute even opened in the USA to train engineers and managers in this technique.

Article “TRIZ – technologies in kindergarten”

"TRIZ - technologies in kindergarten"

(the theory of solving inventive problems)
TRIZ is not a strict scientific theory. TRIZ is a generalized experience of invention and study of the laws of development of science and technology. As a result of its development, TRIZ has gone beyond solving inventive problems in the technical field, and today is also used in non-technical fields (business, art, literature, pedagogy, politics, etc.).

The problem for everyone involved in education is a new generation of people with high creative potential. If earlier, in order to become a socially successful person, it was enough to be a good performer, have certain knowledge and skills, now you need to be a creative person, capable of independently posing and creatively solving problems. Today, there are many courses in which adults learn to play in order to learn to go beyond traditional business. After all, original thinking is the key to survival in the fight for competition. Our time is a time of economic, political, moral crises, when the old system of values ​​and norms has collapsed, and the new one has not yet taken shape. Modern society places new demands on the education system of the younger generation, including its first stage – preschool education. But the problem is not in the search for gifted geniuses, but in the purposeful formation of creative abilities, the development of a non-standard vision of the world, and new thinking. It is creativity, the ability to invent and create something new that best shapes a child’s personality, develops his independence and cognitive interest.

Preschool age is unique, because as the child develops, so will his life. That is why it is important not to miss this period to unleash the creative potential of every child. Children's minds are not limited by the “deep experience of life” and traditional ideas about how things should be, which allows them to invent, be spontaneous and unpredictable, and notice things that we adults have not paid attention to for a long time.

Practice has shown that this problem cannot be fully solved using traditional forms of work. Today this makes possible TRIZ - the theory of solving inventive problems, originally addressed to engineering and technical workers, in recent decades has aroused keen interest among practicing teachers. The TRIZ-pedagogy system has been developing since the early 80s. years, in response to the demand of the time for the preparation of innovative-minded individuals who know how to solve problems. Adapted for preschool age, TRIZ technology allows you to educate and educate a child under the motto “Creativity in everything.”

The focus of TRIZ - pedagogy - is a creative person who has a rich flexible systemic imagination.

TRIZ, as a universal toolkit, is used in all classes. This allows us to form a unified, harmonious, scientifically based model of the world in the child’s mind. A situation of success is created, the results of the decision are exchanged, the decision of one child activates the thought of another, expands the range of imagination, stimulates its development

TRIZ develops such moral qualities as the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, the desire to help, and the desire to find a way out of a difficult situation. TRIZ allows you to gain knowledge without overload, without cramming. That is why we use TRIZ technologies in classes and in free activities.

TRIZ, as a universal toolkit, is used in all classes. This allows us to form a unified, harmonious, scientifically based model of the world in the child’s mind. A situation of success is created, the results of the decision are exchanged, the decision of one child activates the thought of another, expands the range of imagination, stimulates its development

The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. A teacher should not give children ready-made knowledge or reveal the truth to them, he should teach them to find it.

The TRIZ program for preschoolers is a program of collective games and activities. They teach children to identify contradictions, the properties of objects, phenomena and resolve these contradictions. Resolving contradictions is the key to creative thinking.


  • Systematize the knowledge of teachers in the field of TRIZ - pedagogy
  • To give educators a tool for specific practical education in children of the qualities of a creative personality, capable of understanding the unity and contradiction of the world around them, and solving their small problems.

TRIZ methodology

The TRIZ methodology was invented and developed approximately 50 years ago by Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. It was originally created to help find solutions to technical problems and contributed to the development of thinking, flexibility, consistency, logical construction and originality.

the main task

This technique is to teach a child to think outside the box and find his own solutions.

  • Preschool childhood is that special age when a child discovers the world, when significant changes occur in all spheres of his psyche (cognitive, emotional, volitional) and which manifest themselves in various types of activities: communicative, cognitive, transformative. This is the age when the ability to creatively solve problems that arise in a given situation in a child’s life (creativity) appears. Skillful use of TRIZ techniques and methods (the theory of inventive problem solving) successfully helps to develop inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, and dialectical thinking in preschoolers.

TRIZ goals

- not just to develop the imagination of children, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place, to give educators a tool for specific practical education in children of the qualities of a creative personality, capable of understanding the unity and contradiction of the world around them, and solving their small problems.

The starting point of the TRIZ concept in relation to a preschooler is the principle of natural conformity of learning. When teaching a child, the teacher must follow his nature.

TRIZ for preschoolers is a system of collective games and activities designed not to change the main program, but to maximize its effectiveness.

The main working mechanism of TRIZ is the algorithm for solving inventive problems. Having mastered the algorithm, the solution of any problems proceeds systematically, according to clear logical stages: the initial formulation of the problem is corrected; a model is built; the available material and field resources are determined; IFR (ideal final result) is compiled; physical contradictions are identified and analyzed; bold, daring transformations are being applied to the task.

Algorithm for solving inventive problems

The main means of working with children is pedagogical search.

The teacher should not give ready-made knowledge, reveal the truth to him, he should teach him to find it. If a child asks a question, there is no need to immediately give a ready answer. On the contrary, you need to ask him what he himself thinks about it. Invite him to reasoning. And with leading questions, lead the child to find the answer himself. If he does not ask a question, then the teacher must indicate the contradiction. Thus, he puts the child in a situation where he needs to find an answer, i.e. to some extent repeat the historical path of knowledge and transformation of an object or phenomenon.

At the first stage, children are introduced to each component separately in a playful way. This helps to see contradictions in the surrounding reality and teach them to formulate them.

Game “Yes-No” or “Guess what I wished for”

For example

: the teacher thinks of the word “Elephant”, the children ask questions (Is it alive? Is it a plant? Is it an animal? Is it big? Does it live in hot countries? Is it an elephant?), the teacher answers only “yes” or “no” until the children guess planned.

When children learn to play this game, they begin to make words for each other. These can be objects: “Shorts”, “Car”, “Rose”, “Mushroom”, “Birch”, “Water”, “Rainbow”, etc.

Exercises in finding material and field resources help children see positive and negative qualities in an object. Games: “Good - Bad”, “Black - White”, “Lawyers - Prosecutors”, etc.

Game "Black and White"

The teacher raises a card with a picture of a white house, and the children name the positive qualities of the object, then raises a card with a picture of a black house and the children list the negative qualities. (Example: “Book”. Good - you learn a lot of interesting things from books. Bad - they tear quickly, etc.)

Can be disassembled as objects: “Caterpillar”, “Wolf”, “Flower”, “Chair”, “Tablet”, “Candy”, “Mom”, “Bird”, “Prick”, “Fight”, “Punishment” and etc.

Game “Verse versa” or “reversal”

(carried out with a ball).

The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the word, and the child responds with a word of the opposite meaning and returns the ball to the leader (good - bad, build - destroy exit - entrance).

Games for finding external and internal resources

Example “Help Cinderella”

Cinderella kneaded the dough. When I had to roll it out, I discovered that there was no rolling pin. And the stepmother ordered to bake pies for dinner. How does Cinderella roll out the dough?

Children's answers: we need to go to the neighbors and ask them; go to the store, buy a new one; maybe an empty bottle; or find a round log, wash it and roll it out; cut the dough into small pieces, and then press it with something heavy.

At the second stage

Children are offered games with contradictions, which they solve using an algorithm.

Example: “Scientists have developed a new breed of hare. Outwardly, he is, in general, the same as ordinary hares, but only the new hare is black. What problem will the new hare have? How to help a new hare survive?”

Children's answers: (A black hare is easier for a fox to hunt. It is especially visible in the snow.

Now he only needs to live underground. Or where there is no snow at all, but only black earth. And now he only needs to walk at night. He needs to live with people so that they take care of him, protect him.)

The beginning of thought, the beginning of intelligence is where the child sees a contradiction, the “secret of the double.”

The teacher should always encourage the child to find contradictions in this or that phenomenon and resolve them.

Resolving contradictions is an important stage in a child’s mental activity. For this purpose, there is a whole system of methods and techniques used by the teacher in game and fairy-tale tasks.

  • Focal object method


– transferring the properties of one object or several to another. For example, a ball. What is he like? Laughing, flying, delicious; telling bedtime stories.

This method allows you not only to develop imagination, speech, fantasy, but also to control your thinking. Using the MFO method, you can come up with a fantastic animal, come up with a name for it, who its parents are, where it will live and what it will eat, or offer pictures of “funny animals”, “pictograms”, name them and make a presentation.

For example, “Left Monkeys”. His parents: a lion and a monkey. Lives in hot countries. Runs very quickly on the ground and deftly climbs trees. Can quickly escape from enemies and get fruits from a tall tree.

Method "System analysis"

It helps to consider the world in a system as a set of elements interconnected in a certain way, conveniently functioning with each other. Its goal is to determine the role and place of the functions of objects and their interaction for each sub-system and supra-system element.

For example: System “Little Frog”, Subsystem (part of the system) - paws, eyes, circulatory system, Supersystem (a more complex system that includes the system in question) - pond.

The teacher asks questions: “What would happen if all the frogs disappeared?”, “What are they for?”, “What benefits do they bring?” (Children offer options for their answers and judgments). As a result, they come to the conclusion that everything in the world is organized systematically and if one link of this chain is broken, then another link (another system) will certainly be broken.

MMC technique

(modeling with little people) – modeling of processes occurring in the natural and man-made world between substances (solid – liquid – gaseous).

The game “Cubes” (on the edges of which there are figures of “little” people and symbolic interactions between them) helps the child make his first discoveries, carry out scientific research work at his own level, and get acquainted with the laws of living and inanimate nature. With the help of such “men”, children make models of “Borscht”, “Ocean”, “Volcanic Eruption”, etc.

Fantasy techniques:

  • Do the opposite.

This technique changes the properties and purpose of an object to the opposite, turning them into anti-objects.

Example: anti-light makes objects invisible, while light makes objects visible.

  • Increase decrease


Used to change a property of an object. With its help you can change the size, speed, strength, weight of objects. The increase or decrease can be unlimited.

  • Dynamics - statics.

Used to change the properties of an object. It is first necessary to determine which object properties are constant (static) and which are variable (dynamic). To get a fantastic object, you need to use the “dynamic” technique to transform constant properties into variables, and using the “static” technique, transform variable properties into constants.

Example: A computer modified using the “dynamic” technique could change shape (turn into something). And a person changed using the “static” technique would have the same height (the height of an adult) all his life, starting from one year old.

A special stage in the work of a TRIZ teacher is working with fairy tales, solving fairytale problems and inventing new fairy tales using special techniques.

Collage from fairy tales

  • Inventing a new fairy tale based on fairy tales already known to children.

This is what happened to our book of fairy tales. All the pages in it were mixed up and the evil wizard turned Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood and Kolobok into mice. They grieved and grieved and decided to seek salvation. We met old man Hottabych, but he forgot the spell.” Then the creative joint work of the children and the teacher begins.

  • Familiar characters in new circumstances.

This method develops imagination, breaks the usual stereotypes in children, creates conditions under which the main characters remain, but find themselves in new circumstances that can be fantastic and incredible. Fairy tale "Geese - swans". New situation: a gray wolf meets on the girl’s path.

  • Tale from a rhyme (E. Stefanovich)

    - Not a healer, not a witch, not a witch, But the Spoon knows about everything that is in the Bowl. (Early in the morning, the spoon turned from an ordinary one into a magical one and became invisible.)

  • Rescue situations in fairy tales.

This method serves as a prerequisite for composing all kinds of plots and endings. In addition to the ability to compose, the child learns to find a way out of sometimes difficult circumstances.

“One day the kitten decided to swim. He swam very far from the shore. Suddenly a storm began and he began to drown.” Offer your options for saving the kitten.

Fairy tales, in a new way. This method helps to take a fresh look at familiar stories. An old fairy tale - “Little Little Khavroshechka” A new fairy tale - “Khavroshechka is evil and lazy.”

  • Tales from “living” drops and blots.

First you need to teach children how to make blots (black, multi-colored). Then even a three-year-old child, looking at them, can see images, objects or their individual details and answer the questions: “what does your or my blot look like?” “Who or what does it remind you of?” Then you can move on to the next stage - tracing or finishing the blots. Images of “living” drops and blots help to compose a fairy tale.

Fairy tale modeling

First, it is necessary to teach preschoolers how to compose a fairy tale using a subject-based schematic model. For example, show some object or picture that should become the starting point of a child’s imagination.

Example: a black house (this could be the house of Baba Yaga or someone else, and it is black because the one who lives in it is evil.)

At the next stage, you can offer several cards with ready-made schematic images of characters (people, animals, fairy-tale characters, phenomena, magical objects). Children just have to make a choice and inventing a fairy tale will go faster. When children master a simplified version of working with diagrams for a fairy tale, they will be able to independently draw a diagram for their invented fairy tale story and tell it based on the model.

The work of a TRIZ teacher involves conversations with children on historical topics: “A Journey into the Past of Clothes”, “Utensils Tell About Their Birth”, “The History of a Pencil”, etc. Considering an object in its temporal development allows us to understand the reason for constant improvements and inventions. Children begin to understand that inventing means solving a contradiction.

On walks with preschoolers, it is recommended to use various techniques that activate children's imagination: revitalization, dynamization, changing the laws of nature, increasing or decreasing the degree of impact of an object, etc.

For example, the teacher turns to the children: “let’s bring the tree to life: who is its mother? Who are his friends? What is it arguing with the wind about? What can a tree tell us?” You can use the technique of empathy. Children imagine themselves in the place of what they are observing: “What if you turned into a flower? What do you dream about? Who are you afraid of? Someone you love?"

In the development of the mental activity of preschoolers, a special role is played by entertaining tasks and educational games that contribute to the development of creative and independent thinking, reflection, and in general, the formation of intellectual readiness for learning at school.

Preparatory stage

You can start with game exercises like “Complete the drawing”, “Complete the construction”, “Make a picture from geometric shapes”, “What does it look like?”, “Find similarities”, “Find differences”.

To further develop creativity, imagination, independence, attention, and intelligence, tasks with counting sticks are offered. First simple ones (“build a house of 6, 12 sticks”), then more complex ones (which stick should be placed so that the house faces the other way?). At the main stage, it is advisable to use games - puzzles (arithmetic, geometric, alphabetic, with laces), chess; write riddles and compose and solve crossword puzzles.

A riddle is a serious exercise for the mind, an important way to increase knowledge and a means of exercising wit.


Who is knocking like a drum sitting on a pine tree. (woodpecker)

Ay, what a fine fellow I am,

Red, round. (tomato)

Children really like such riddles, they raise their emotional mood, teach them to concentrate and be mentally active. Games and exercises help teach children to classify and establish cause-and-effect relationships: “What’s extra?”, “What’s first, what’s next?”, “Which figure should be put in an empty cell?”

Games: “Logic Train”, “Big Lu-Lu”.

Children make a logical chain of words from pictures, explaining how they are connected. Example: book - tree - linden - tea - glass - water - river - stone - tower - princess, etc.

When preparing children for school, it is advisable to use exercises and tasks: For general development; To test the inertia of thinking; To use fantasy techniques.

In order to obtain the necessary skills in using TRIZ techniques and methods, it is good to use “mind simulators”.

Set of exercises “Mind Trainer”:

Trainer 1.

1. Repeat the words in the same order (no more than 6 words) Window, ship, pen, coat, clock;

2. Remember what your kitchen looks like. Without going there, list 10-15 items that are in plain sight (you can clarify the details: color, size, shape, special features).

3. One of these words is redundant. Which? — Bread, coffee, iron, meat. Why?

Trainer 2. (Exercises with numbers)

1. How to get numbers: 0, 2, 5, using numbers and mathematical signs. 2. Continue the number series 2, 4, 6, 3. What number should be in place of the question mark?

4. Game “Skeleton” Certain combinations of consonants are offered. For example: CST or ZB.

To find a word, you need to add vowels to it. The words can be: KNT (rope, whip, edge) ZB (tooth, goiter, hut, chill)

5. Difficult task (after a walk) 1. How many men, women, children have you met or seen? 2. Which cars were parked and which ones drove past? 3. Was anyone walking the dog? Describer her. 4. Were there any cyclists on the street? 5. Were there people with baby strollers?

Look at the picture and make up a story. For example: a traveler is packing a backpack for a hike: he has prepared a hatchet, a knife, a rope, he cannot find the second shoe, but the clock shows that he has to leave in 15 minutes, etc. Make up a fairy tale using the objects depicted (bell, ladder, crown, basket of apples, jug, comb, rose, snake, axe, chest).

Trainer 3.

1. Compose an advertisement for a newspaper so that the words begin with the same letter.

Example: for sale is a singing fluffy parrot, Painka, five years old, half-green. Prefers to eat cookies and drink Pepsi-Cola. Please come take a look.

Text of the telegram: Urgent message: “The dog Sushka, light brown, medium-sized, has escaped. Let me know immediately. I miss"

2. Make a chain of words (association) The original word. Book - leaf - tree - linden - tea

Trainer 4.

Tasks to test the inertia of thinking. It is required to quickly answer the questions of the tasks. You can think about it, but not for long. 1. How many fingers are there on 2 hands and on 4?

2. He sits in the swamp and speaks French. Who is this? (explain since when did frogs start speaking, and in French too).

3. Two people approached the river. How can they cross to the opposite bank? If you have a single-seater boat. It’s quite cold outside, but it’s not quite winter yet—the river isn’t frozen.

4. How does a deaf-mute in a hardware store explain to the salesman that he needs a hammer? How can a blind man ask for scissors?

Trainer 5.

Systematicity and system analysis.

1. Find the extra word in each line Chair, table, snake, tripod, horse (common subsystem - legs). Flask, desert, sea, aquarium, bottle (common subsystem - water).

2. I propose a system, select the words included in this system: Forest - hunter, wolf, trees, bushes, path. River - bank, fish, fisherman, water, mud. City - cars, buildings, streets, bicycles, etc.

3. Make a chain of subsystems for the “table lamp” system. This could be the following chain: table lamp - light - lamp - glass, etc.

Trainer 6.

Fantasy techniques.

Reception “Perspectives”

“See what happens.” Aliens arrived from a distant planet and landed in our city. They have some insidious plans and to fulfill their secret plans they turned off the lights in the entire city. The city is plunged into darkness: the lamps and lanterns are not shining. In order to prevent aliens from taking over a city (country), you must somehow get to where they turned off the power system, turn it on and stop their plans. How to do it? At the same time, they will not fall into the hands of aliens, and they navigate very well in the dark.

The technique of “magnification” or “fiction”. Waking up one morning, the residents of our city saw that the grass in the city had “grown to the fifth floor.” What will happen next? Who will like it and who won't? What problems will city residents face? What will be the consequences? The "reduction" technique. Invite children to reduce all the cars in the city to the size of children's, toy cars. How will people then solve transport problems? How to use smaller cars? After the practical use of “mind simulators”, game training is carried out to test the ability to master creative thinking skills.

The use of TRIZ methods and techniques in our work allows us to note that children have almost no psychological barriers, but older preschoolers already have them. TRIZ allows you to remove these barriers, remove the fear of the new, the unknown, and form the perception of life and educational problems not as insurmountable obstacles, but as regular tasks that need to be solved. In addition, TRIZ implies the humanistic nature of learning, based on solving relevant and useful problems for others.

TRIZ principles

Technology helps identify and resolve contradictions. To do this, the problem should be formulated in such a way that all ineffective solutions are eliminated. As a result, it must comply with one of the three principles listed below:

  1. Leave everything as it was.
  2. Remove unnecessary, harmful properties.
  3. Add a new, useful property.

It is after this step that an ordinary task becomes inventive. Such elimination of contradictions is also called the ideal end result (more on this later).

Dealing with Contradictions

When there is a contradiction, one of two concepts or judgments denies the second. The TRIZ method provides for three types of contradictions. Next, I will list them by complexity of resolution:

  • Administrative contradiction . It appears when an inventor tries to improve a system. But he may lack access to resources or lack the knowledge to formulate a competent approach. This problem can be resolved by obtaining additional information, finding the necessary resources, or making appropriate administrative decisions.
  • Technical controversy . Appears if, while improving one system parameter, another one is deteriorating.
  • Physical contradiction . This type depends on the laws of physics, which is why it is the most difficult to implement. And the paradox is that in order to improve the system, some part of it must simultaneously be in different physical states, and this is logically impossible.

Less serious contradictions can be resolved in four parameters - in time (by choosing a different moment or interval), in space (by moving to another place) or relation (by changing the meaning), as well as by using the resources of another system. If the situation does not clear up or the chosen methods do not help, you can use TRIZ.

What is the TRIZ system and how does it teach children to be resourceful and think independently?

The word “savvy” has been undeservedly forgotten by us, although we all use it (and it would be better even more often). And even critical thinking cannot become a full replacement for it. The ability to grasp the essence of a problem and find non-standard solutions for it is the “savvy” that the TRIZ system, or the theory of solving inventive problems, teaches.

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How TRIZ pedagogy appeared

The system appeared in the middle of the 20th century, and at first it was not even related to pedagogy. In 1946, Soviet engineer, scientist and science fiction writer Genrikh Altshuller began studying the techniques most often used by inventors. There were about forty such techniques, and all of them, together with the algorithm for solving inventive problems (ARIZ), formed the basis of TRIZ.

During this time, it acquired new algorithms, and by the early 80s they began to use it as the basis for teaching methods in experimental classes and schools. The goal of TRIZ pedagogy is the development of flexible thinking and imagination, the ability to solve complex problems in elegant and effective ways.

Altshuller found out that any technical problem leads to a situation in which every inventor finds himself: a moment when a solution has not yet been found, but there are many options around. The trial and error method is an unreliable and energy-intensive method, which does not guarantee excellent results. The scientist came to the conclusion that the most effective solution is achieved using existing resources, that is, in the process of solving a problem, you need to cut off everything unnecessary, then the answer will become obvious.

Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller, author of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ)

TRIZ pedagogy has little in common with classical and developmental pedagogy. Firstly, there are no grades or a single correct answer: children must reason, reflect, look for contradictions and unusual signs in the conditions of the task. Secondly, in order to begin the basics of TRIZ pedagogy, a child does not necessarily have to be able to read, write and count: you can work with a child from the moment he becomes able to distinguish a game from reality, that is, from about 2. 5-3 years.

TRIZ methods

In the process of solving TRIZ problems, several approaches are used at once:

  • brainstorming method,
  • synectics (comparing and finding similarities in objects and phenomena),
  • morphological analysis (identification of all possible solutions),
  • method of focal objects (establishing associative connections with various objects) and so on.

Experts assure that in order to work with a child in a family using this method, no special education is needed. It is enough to simply share the basic principles of TRIZ pedagogy and approach the problem creatively, maintaining curiosity and allowing for the possibility of any, even if not the most standard, solutions.

It is possible to become a TRIZ teacher without a pedagogical education: certificates are issued after a course of training conducted by the international association “Education for a New Era.” At the same time, the organization warns that it does not issue Russian state certificates and cannot guarantee that they will be taken into account when hiring.

Example from life

Without knowing it, we solve many TRIZ problems every day. When planning our day, being late for work, or forgetting important documents at home, we look for simple and effective ways to resolve problems. Sometimes the solution is not on the surface, but the more courage we show in the process, the greater the satisfaction from the result.

The same thing happens with children: searching for and inventing solutions to a problem awakens excitement in them, and pride in independently finding an answer serves as the best motivation. Since there is no single correct answer, this eliminates the need for evaluation. Children study with pleasure, without fear of making mistakes or expressing the wrong opinion.

Plots for TRIZ problems are everywhere: how to turn on the light in a room if the switch is too high? How to roll out the dough if you don’t have a rolling pin at home? How to cook a pie when there is no flour left and almost no sugar left? You can solve such problems every day and not only at the table, but also while walking, on the way to kindergarten or school.

TRIZ methods are becoming especially relevant today, when every day we are forced to pass through gigabytes of heterogeneous information. The ability to navigate it, systematize and isolate the main thing is something we can learn ourselves and teach our children. According to some modern researchers, these are the skills that will be in demand and needed for life in the very near future.

Pollyanna method

Yes, yes, that same enthusiastic girl from Elinor Porter’s book can be called the founder of the TRIZ approach. After all, in order to find a reason for joy in any unpleasant situation, you need ingenuity and imagination.

It's raining in the morning, and the long-awaited walk is postponed? This is sad, but there are also advantages: you can stay at home, call your friends and play board games! Broken pencil and no sharpener? Yes, now you can’t paint with them, but you can get paints that have been waiting in the wings for a long time on the shelf! A daily game of “good and bad” can be excellent training in developing stress resistance and a positive outlook on the world. In addition, it introduces children to the concept of “contradiction”, teaches them to build logical chains and find cause-and-effect relationships.

There are a lot of games with TRIZ elements, and all you need is a little imagination and a willingness to throw away conventions. For example, in the game “Masha the Confused”, the presenter every time cannot find an item that he really needs in these particular circumstances: he needs to cut bread, but there is no knife; I’m thirsty, but there’s no water left in the kettle; I want to draw, but I've run out of paper. In each situation, children offer their own solution, and for the most original answer, the presenter gives the participant a badge or sticker. The one who collects the most stickers by the end of the game wins.

An example of a TRIZ task.

Not only people traveling by sea, but also astronauts suffer from seasickness. Medicines are also effective in space, but are absorbed by the body somewhat differently than in water, so they need to be taken often and in small portions. How can we make sure that astronauts do not have to be regularly distracted to take medication, given that a large dose of the drug will be too harmful to the body?

Solution option.

It is necessary that with a minimum of actions the drug enters the body and is absorbed in stages. For this, scientists have invented a special patch that relieves the symptoms of seasickness: the active substance penetrates the body through the skin, and the dosage is not compromised.

What else can you read about TRIZ?

1. Mikhail and Zoya Shusterman “Kolobok and everything, everything, everything, or How to reveal the creator in a child”

- an interpretation of a well-known fairy tale, which you can and should not only read, but also analyze the text, simultaneously solving problems of ingenuity and ingenuity.

2. Yuri Tamberg “How to teach a child to think”

- a book for parents about how to develop and support children's curiosity and why creative development is as important as will and discipline.

3. Gennady Ivanov “Denis the Inventor”

- fifth-grader Denis solves inventive problems: for example, how to catch a flying balloon or make a window close on its own when it starts to rain. The book helps to develop imaginative and systematic thinking in children.

4. Vladimir Bogat “Big discoveries of the little lion cub”

— throughout the book, the lion cub faces various problems, which the resourceful turtle helps him solve. Together with them, the children will figure out how to get a coconut from a tall palm tree, where to hide from the rain in the desert, and how to get from one bank of the river to the other when there is no boat.

5. Anatoly Gin “Inventive tales from the cat Potryaskin”

- fairy tales for which you need to figure out how they will end.

6. Anatoly Gin “Triz-pedagogy. We teach you to think creatively"

is a book for parents that contains the basic methods and techniques of TRIZ pedagogy, and at the end you can find tasks for children.

Photo: Shutterstock (Everett Collection)

The ideal final result in TRIZ

An ideal solution or an ideal final result is a situation in which the problem is solved without any costs or losses. That is, external resources are not used, nothing in the system is complicated, and no undesirable effects appear.

The formulation of an ideal solution can be carried out in three ways, but in any case it is necessary to use the words “himself”, “self”, “independently” and the like. If you formulate the IFR correctly, then the desired effect will be achieved almost free of charge, that is, using already existing resources.

So, three formulations of the IFR are mainly used:

  1. The system independently implements this function.
  2. There is no system, and its functions are performed using available resources.
  3. The function is not necessary.

Top most popular games used by TRIZ teachers

This collection contains the most popular games that are used in TRIZ pedagogy. These are the most famous and effective games, and not all possible ones. Since all the possible ones would hardly fit even in a weighty volume, moreover, their number is constantly growing. The fact is that TRIZ pedagogy, like a sponge, absorbs all the effective tools that develop thinking and creativity. And the most proven ones remain in the arsenal of TRIZ teachers and are successfully used in the classroom.

Check yourself, are you familiar with all the educational games from the selection? And if so, are you using all the games as efficiently as possible?

The selection can be useful both for new TRIZ teachers and for all teachers and parents who are involved in the development of thinking in children.


Recommended age: from 7 to 100 years.

The essence of the game: the presenter makes a wish for something. Participants guess what by asking questions. But you can only ask questions that the presenter can answer “yes” or “no.”

One of the simple questions, for example: “Guess what kind of food I ordered?”

What are the benefits of the game? We train the ability to ask strong questions. Within the framework of the game, these are those that cut off many possible answers at once. We also train our memory - because in order to solve the subject, you will have to remember many previous answers in your head!

Additional ideas: at some point, players may form an algorithm for solving (a clear sequence of strong questions). Then change what you wish for! Let this time it be not an object, but a hero of a book or film. Have you gotten used to it? Great, let's come up with other types of yes-no. For example:

  • Yes-no under a microscope;
  • Yes-no from the pictures;
  • Yes-no about ancient species.

The main thing is not to forget to mark strong questions. You can also complicate the conditions - for example, you can ask no more than 10 questions. Did you manage? And now no more than 7. Is it hard to guess in 5 questions? There is no limit to perfection :)


Recommended age: From 5 to 100 years.

The essence of the game: the presenter offers to look at some incomprehensible abstract picture. Participants come up with as many options as possible for what this image looks like.

What are the benefits of the game? Such visual riddles are used in TRIZ pedagogy to develop imagination; they also work well as a warm-up to activate creative thinking before subsequent tasks.

Additional ideas: you can not only look at droodles, but also draw and complete them yourself one by one. For example, the first participant drew a doodle, and the second completed it to some kind of full-fledged object and vice versa.

You can continue to draw the same doodle, because the more options you find, the more you will boost your imagination. Examples here.

Droodles can also be found in real life, for example, on a fence.:) Examples here.

Tree crowns and clouds serve as excellent droodles for a walk. On the road, you can even take a photo of the cloud on your phone and finish drawing it in any drawing program:

Or maybe it’s more convenient for you to solve droodles in the form of short animated videos? And the cartoon format is closer to children. Then you can use the selection of video doodles on our YouYube channel TRIZiKot.


Recommended age: from 5 years to 8 years.

The essence of the game: imagine that we find ourselves on a mysterious planet. It is almost the same as ours, but magnetic anomalies very often appear on it. All inhabitants of the planet, in order not to fly into outer space, need to, at the command of the presenter, have time to “magnetize” to a certain object.

What are the benefits of the game? With its help, you can master various properties of objects in an active form, as well as develop ingenuity and creativity.

Additional ideas: Objects in a game can be either items or properties. For example, “let’s magnetize to the wall!” or “let’s get magnetized to green!” And when simple objects and signs are mastered, we begin to get creative. For example, in a room where there are no plants, say “attach to something growing.” Here you need to realize that people also grow. Or maybe we can find some even more unusual answer?

Or “magnetize yourself to the ceiling” - this problem still needs to be solved before you implement it :)

By the way, to make it more fun and active, we play for speed and turn on the countdown! 5…4…3…2…1…!

A detailed description of the game, video instructions and a list of properties that you can play can be found at the link.


Recommended age: from 10 to 100 years.

The essence of the game: this exercise is similar to “Find the extra one,” only in reverse. The task is to find a unifying feature between two objects and exclude the third.

What are the benefits of the game? According to the author, with the help of the game you can even create a new convolution for yourself.:) But only if you reach a new level of solution, find a new area of ​​comparison that other participants in the game have not yet found, and which was not on the surface!

Additional ideas:

A detailed description of the exercise from the author Sergei Faer is at the link.

You can see how participants find new levels of solutions here.

5) Good-bad

Recommended age: from 10 to 100 years.

The essence of the game: the presenter names any phenomenon or event (for example, winning the lottery), and the participants take turns calling what is good about it and what is bad about it.

What are the benefits of the game? The game trains the ability to find and identify contradictions - one of the main skills of “TRIZ” thinking. Indeed, at the heart of almost every inventive problem lies precisely the contradiction: “in some ways this is good, but in some ways it is bad.” After correctly formulating the contradiction, the problem is much easier to solve.

Additional ideas:

“Good and Bad” can be played in another way. For example, build a chain where participants find the pros and cons of not one event, but its various consequences. For example, the presenter says the first negative fact: “I slipped on the ice,” the first participant must say why this is good, for example, “next time I will be more careful.” And the next participant must say why the previous fact is bad: “I will look too carefully at my feet and will not notice the friend who was walking from the other side of the street” and so on. Another version of the “Good-Bad” game - training on turning harm into benefit - can be viewed at the link.

6) Universal item

Recommended age: from 6 to 100 years.

The essence of the game: we choose any object that is familiar to us and ask us to come up with how it can be used in another way? In addition to the main purpose. For example, a chair!

What are the benefits of the game? The exercise trains the ability to see not only the main function of an object (what it was created for), but also hidden functions (what else it might be useful for, for example, in some unusual situation).

Additional ideas:

The main thing in this exercise is not to stop at the first answers. After all, only when the brains begin to creak does progress occur. You can see how participants find new uses for such an ordinary object as a chair - here.

7) Break the stereotype

Recommended age: from 10 to 100 years.

The essence of the game: you need to choose several templates/known facts/stereotypes and come up with situations where they do not work. For example: The snow is cold. The fire is hot. The water is wet.

What are the benefits of the game? One of the key characteristics of an inventor's mindset is the ability to think outside the box. Seeing the unusual in the ordinary, seeing differently, in general, breaking the mold. The game will help to break the inertia of thinking and get out of the “automatic mode” of the brain.

Additional ideas:

You can watch how the participants play “Break the Stereotype” by following the link.

A version of the game for kids is “Edible - Inedible”. Choose any inedible object and figure out when it can be edible (an edible ball in the form of a cake or when made from fruit). And vice versa, when something edible can be inedible (an apple when it is old or plastic).

A version of the game for adults is “Paradoxes”. We combine two qualities together, for example “Living” and “non-living”. And we come up with an answer to the question: “What can be both living and nonliving at the same time?” . Possible answers from participants.

8) Creative fight

Recommended age: from 8 to 100 years.

No one will get hurt in a creative fight. But the brain will be well trained on open tasks.

What is this? Open problems are those problems that are found in real life, and not on the pages of ordinary school textbooks. In open problems, as a rule, there are no clear conditions; there may be several solutions and not just one correct answer - but many. An entire section is devoted to the theory of Open Problems on the Education for a New Era portal.

How to play open challenges? Based on solving open-ended problems, the intellectual team game Creative Fight was created. Participants are divided into teams and solve open-ended problems. Their decisions are evaluated according to special parameters. You will find more information about the rules of the game, nuances, as well as tasks that you can play on the Creatime portal.

Additional ideas:

You can also add an active element to solving open problems! To begin with, we set any open tasks for the participants, for example:

  • A coin sinks in water, but how can you prevent it from sinking?
  • Clothes get dirty, but how can you prevent them from getting dirty?
  • How to prevent a balloon from bursting?

And then you are free to figure out which activity element to include! For example, participants stand at the start, and for each decision made, the participant jumps forward and approaches the finish line. Who will get there first?

Or the participants stand against the same wall. Everyone comes up with solutions. If someone has not come up with a solution, then instead of answering, he can do a physical exercise, for example, bend his arm and walk back and forth to the opposite wall. Then, if there is no answer again, bend your other arm and walk again, then your leg, and so the task of walking will gradually become more difficult.

Or include a ball in generating answers. Whoever catches the ball must come up with a solution and throw it to the next player.

9) Additional materials

There are many more games from the arsenal of TRIZ teachers that are not included in this top, but are compactly collected and presented in cards. For example, these are games for writing fairy tales, for systems thinking, for cause-and-effect relationships.

For information on how to get games in cards, follow the link.

Big request:

Do you think that some cool and effective educational game was not included in this list? We will be glad if you add to it and tell us about this game in the comments!

Thank you in advance!

The TRIZiKot project is educational games, exercises and cartoons for children, parents and teachers.

You can register for seminars on TRIZ pedagogy for teachers


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Types of resources

Resources are everything that is useful and necessary to achieve the desired result. As we remember, to achieve IFR it is necessary to use only those resources that are already available. In TRIZ they are divided into several categories:

  • Temporary.
  • Informational . This includes books and other media, as well as social channels.
  • Material-material . Here it is worth noting equipment, money or parts.
  • Spatial . Area, volume and other resources.
  • Human . This category includes people themselves, as well as their capabilities, including vision, hearing, smell and touch.
  • Energy . Electrical, thermal, atomic energy, sound signals, etc. are distinguished here.
  • Other . This includes culture, image and other resources, including past events.

Decision techniques for TRIZ

TRIZ has identified 40 different methods and techniques for solving contradictions in technical inventive problems. Below I will list 10 of the most popular ones.

Crushing principle

It works like this:

  1. divide the object into independent parts;
  2. We carry out tasks in disassembled form;
  3. increasing the degree of crushing.

The principle of adjudication

Here we separate from the object those parts or properties that interfere or are not needed, or, conversely, we select the necessary elements.

The principle of unification

To implement it we do the following:

  1. we connect objects that are homogeneous or intended for related operations;
  2. We combine homogeneous or related operations in time.

The principle of "vice versa"

Here we follow this algorithm:

  1. we perform the opposite action to what is dictated by the conditions of the task;
  2. we make the moving part motionless, and set the motionless part in motion;
  3. we turn the object inside out or turn it upside down.

The principle of continuity of useful action

When implementing it, work must be carried out continuously. In this case, all elements must operate at full load at all times, and the performer should eliminate idle and intermediate actions.

The principle of “turning harm into benefit”

A non-standard method, but it works, and in the following way:

  1. We use harmful factors to achieve a positive effect;
  2. we eliminate a harmful factor by combining it with other harmful factors;
  3. we strengthen the harmful factor to such an extent that it ceases to be harmful.

The principle of "intermediary"

To implement it, you should introduce an intermediate object that carries or transmits the action. You can also temporarily attach another easily removable object to an object.

Self-service principle

Everything is simple here - the object maintains itself independently, and, if necessary, performs auxiliary and repair operations.

Copy principle

Instead of an inaccessible, complex, expensive, inconvenient or fragile part, simpler or cheaper copies can be used.

The principle of cheap fragility instead of durability

This means replacing an expensive part with a cheaper set that is inferior to the original in some qualities, such as durability.

TRIZ tasks for adults

  1. A barber in a small Italian town always said that he would rather cut and shave two tourists than one local. Why? (Answer: because the payment for two clients is more than for one.)
  2. One day my son rode a bicycle from the city to the village. An hour later, the father rode out to meet his son from the village to the city, also on a bicycle. They met in a roadside cafe. Which of them will be closer to the city if they were driving at the same speed? (Answer: at the same distance.)
  3. There were two black grouse sitting on a tree. The hunter shot one of them. How many birds are left on the tree? (Answer: most likely, none. When shot, birds usually fly out of the trees.)

The connection between TRIZ and creative approach

To understand what TRIZ technology and the creative approach have in common, let’s identify some similarities in them. So, both methods are based on the following methods for finding a solution:

  • Brainstorming is an active discussion of an object by several participants without preliminary evaluation of proposals. Each person should offer as many options as possible for solving the problem, even if they are unrealistic to implement.
  • The method of analogies involves comparing and identifying similarities between two objects. Works great when combined with brainstorming.
  • Morphological analysis is a search for solutions for individual elements of a problem and their further combination in work.
  • The focal object method is a search for associations with random objects and the use of those properties that are not associated with the main subject.
  • Robinson's method involves searching for as many different uses as possible for a selected object.
  • A system operator involves finding connections that allow the creation of a separate system.

Consultation for teachers “Compiling fairy tales using the catalog method using TRIZ technology”

municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk “Kindergarten No. 555”

(MADOU d/s No. 555)

Project topic: “Compiling fairy tales using the catalog method with children of primary preschool age”

Project participants:

children of the “Cradle” group, teachers, junior teacher;

Project type:

short-term, cognitive, informational, speech, creative;

Project implementation timeline:

1 day

Prepared by: teacher Sabrekova V.V.

Qualification: no

Novosibirsk 2021


Compiling fairy tales using the catalog method with children of primary preschool age.


Teach the child to connect randomly selected objects into a single storyline, develop the ability to compose a fairy-tale text according to a model in which there are two heroes (positive and negative) who have their own goals; their friends who help them achieve these goals; a certain place.

This method was developed by Berlin University professor E. Kunze in 1932. The essence of the method is its application to the synthesis of fairy tales: the construction of a related text of fairy-tale content is carried out using randomly selected media (heroes, objects, actions, etc. ).

The method was created to remove psychological inertia and stereotypes in inventing fairy-tale characters, their actions and describing the place of what is happening.

The area of ​​speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture, enrichment of the active vocabulary; communication development; development of speech creativity. And also, acquaintance with book culture, perception of fiction, both of one’s own people and the peoples of other countries, folklore; stimulating empathy for characters in works of art.

Fairy tales play a big role here. After all, fairy tales not only introduce the history of Russia, Russian culture, customs, but also make children laugh and empathize, worrying about the heroes, teach them to distinguish good from evil, truth from lies, give the first concepts of justice, conscience, honor, nobility and deserved punishment , they make you love the world around you.

Using TRIZ technology in our work, we can distinguish several models:

  • A model for composing a fairy tale using the “Catalog” method,
  • Model of composing a fairy tale using the method of “Morphological analysis”,
  • A model for composing a fairy tale using the “System Operator” method,
  • A model for composing a fairy tale using the TPF method,
  • A model for composing a fairy tale using the “Magic Triangle” method.

We will focus on the “Catalog” method.

Children can perceive and understand the algorithm for composing a fairy-tale text if the teacher has done quality preparatory work.

Reading is a must.

From familiar fairy tales, children learn to identify the characteristic features of fairy tale texts; identify the main characters in a fairy tale, their character, properties. Children themselves learn to conclude that a fairy tale can take place anywhere, that the hero of a fairy tale can be any object.

Work on preparing for the compilation of texts with fairy tale content in a kindergarten can be organized from the age of 3 through a system of creative tasks.

A system for teaching the composition of fairy tales can be built subject to a consistent selection of games and game exercises.


  1. A small group of children is invited to compose a fairy tale (story) using a book.
  2. The teacher asks the children a question, the answer to which the child “finds” by pointing out a word on an open page of typed text.
  3. The answers “found” in the book are gradually collected into a single storyline.
  4. When the fairy tale is compiled, the children come up with a name for it and retell it.
  5. The teacher asks the children to remember what questions they answered using the book (deriving an algorithm of questions).
  6. Productive activities for children: modeling, drawings, appliqué, construction or schematization (recording the actions of a fairy tale using diagrams).
  7. Ask the children to tell a made-up fairy tale at home.

Rules for finding answers to questions:

  1. A question is asked to the children. For example: “Once upon a time there was someone?”
  2. The teacher opens the book to any page and invites the child to point his finger at any word (for example: “Once upon a time... a pencil!”). So the story will be about a pencil that gets into trouble.
  3. The next answer to the question is searched on any other page.

If according to the plot there should be a noun or a verb, and the child pointed to another part of speech, the teacher needs to change the word into the desired part of speech, or find another one on the same line.

If children lose interest in writing, you need to:

  • “Collect” the plot at a fast pace.
  • React emotionally to every “found” answer (surprise, joy, horror, etc.)
  • Use dramatization techniques.
  • Stop looking for “answers” ​​in the book, and come up with the ending of the story together with the children using brainstorming techniques.

As you use this method, you should strive to ensure that children independently make connections of randomly selected “answers” ​​and restore the sequence of questions. Sometimes the child takes on the role of leader. He poses questions himself and “reads” the answers himself. The teacher performs the function of a controller. From time to time it is recommended to recall invented stories and tell them like storytellers.

With children three to three and a half years old, as a variant of the catalog method, the game “Wonderful Bag” is played.

It may contain toys or pictures, which are the first objects for composing 3-4 sentences of coherent text.

Sample chain of questions

for children 3 - 4 years old:

  • Once upon a time... Who?
  • Who was he friends with?
  • The evil one came... Who?
  • Who helped the friends escape?
  • Thus, Catalog method

    prepares the child to master more complex models of composing fairy tales. It is recommended to use this method to teach children to compose a logically connected text in which good defeats evil. Actions must take place in a specific place and time.

A card index of fairy tales on the use of modeling elements for speech development in working with children of primary preschool age.

How to use TRIZ to solve a problem

For technology to help solve the problem, it is advisable to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Formulate an inventive problem.
  2. Analyze the system and determine what parameters it consists of.
  3. Identify the contradiction and determine what type it belongs to.
  4. Formulate the ideal end result.
  5. Identify available resources that will assist in the solution process.
  6. Use one or more suitable techniques.
  7. Analyze the result.

Examples of TRIZ tasks for schoolchildren and preschoolers

In this book you can find many interesting questions and tasks that can be discussed with kids. For example:

  • Who is more, men or dads?
  • What are more squares or quadrangles in the world?

Many of the TRIZ problems can be solved while walking or on the way home, if you casually ask your child about:

  • Why does snow melt or what color is the water?
  • Why do trees shed their leaves?
  • Why do houses need windows?

I am sure any of these questions will force the child to reason, and most importantly, think!

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