SPARTAKIADA in preschool educational institutions Municipal preschool educational institution combined kindergarten 17. - presentation

Spartakiad for schoolchildren

We offer you a description of the summer sports competition for schoolchildren. The Spartakiad can be held in a children's camp.

The Spartakiad program includes the preparatory stage:

1. Breakdown into six teams.

2. Each team comes up with a name and chant.

3. With facial expressions and gestures, each team shows one of the sports-themed skits below. The task of the other teams is to guess what the guys are showing:

• The goalie of the hockey team caught the puck with his teeth.

• A skier runs away from an avalanche.

• The football player scored the decisive goal.

• The weightlifter did not have time to jump away from the barbell.

• The athlete shows off great muscles.

• The skydiver does not know what to do to make the parachute open.

After completing the tasks of the preparatory stage, the teams are given route sheets with the names of the stations and numbers indicating the order in which they pass. Please note: each team has its own sequence of passing stations. Route sheets for all six teams are given in the appendix.

You have 3 minutes to complete each station. Compliance with the conditions and rules at each station is noted on the route sheet by the coach. At the signal, the teams disperse to stations.

"Minefield" . A path of 20 squares is drawn on the asphalt with chalk, 10 of these squares are “mined” (on the trainer’s sheet they are marked with an x ​​- fig.). The team must navigate through a minefield. Anyone who hits a mine “explodes” and is eliminated from the passage. If at least one of the participants reaches the finish line, the team receives a note from the coach that they have successfully completed the station.

"Fisherman" The team stands in a circle. The trainer begins to slowly spin the rope around himself. Those who are touched by the jump rope are eliminated from the circle. If at least one participant remains within 3 minutes, the coach will mark it on the route sheet.

"Little Muck". The team lines up in one line. At the coach's command, the first participant must put on socks, run to the jump rope, jump 10 times, then run to the pin and squat 10 times. The participant jumps back to the rope on the right leg, and from the rope on the left.

"Kangaroo". The team lines up in one line. The first participant holds the ball between his legs and jumps with it to the rope, puts the ball down, jumps on it 10 times, takes the ball in his hands and runs backwards to the end point (pins), and from there returns to the team again with the ball between his legs. The main thing is not speed, but quality.

"Bowling" . 10 pins are placed in random order. Each participant throws the ball once with any part of the body except the hands. The use of elbows and shoulders is permitted. The goal is to knock down all the pins.

"The Cheerful Chef" . The team lines up in one line. The first participant picks up a ping pong racket. Let's imagine that the racket is a frying pan and the ball is a pancake. To prevent the pancakes from burning, you need to turn them over all the time and throw them up. Participants, tossing a ball, take turns jumping to a certain place on their right leg, then on their left leg, then on both legs. Having reached the final point (pins), they turn around and run backwards, continuing to throw the ball.

When all six teams reach the finish line, the results are summed up and memorable diplomas are awarded to each team of participants.
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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Spartakiad of preschoolers for pre-school groups

Physical education instructors Tusida E.V., Kozyr N.V.

The purpose of the Spartakiad is to increase interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle for children. Nurture strong-willed qualities, develop the desire to win and self-confidence. Learn not only to receive joy from your results, but also to worry about your comrades.


Educational: Improve the level of physical fitness of children; increasing overall performance and improving the physical development of children:

Developmental: To form strong-willed qualities: determination, endurance, strength, agility, cultivate the desire to win and empathize; Development of a child’s personality based on mastering physical education.

Educational: Fostering a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, and mutual assistance.

“Solnyshko” kindergarten . Our Spartakiad coincided with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. And our children have prepared a musical gift for you.

Presenter 2:

Attention! Attention! We invite all guys! the “Yamal Athletes” sounds , they make a circle

The guide, stand still, one, two! Commands left, one, two!

Hello guys, preschoolers! We are glad to see everyone here. Try today to show us the highest class.

Presenter 1: The floor for the opening of the Yarsalin II Spartakiad among preschoolers is given to the head of the kindergarten “Solnyshko” - Oksana Egorovna Chechikova.

Musical pause

Presenter 2: And now the solemn moment has come to raise the state flag of the Russian Federation. The right to raise the flag of the Russian Federation and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and to bring in the cup is granted to the winners of the first preschool sports competition: Anna Dyachkova, Egor Bovt, Ivanko Yaroslav.

Teams, level up, attention, alignment to the flag! (The anthem of the Russian Federation is played, then the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

The anthem is played and the flag is raised.

... The Spartakiad should be considered open.

Presenter 1:

Everyone wants to compete, joke and laugh, show strength, dexterity, and prove dexterity.

We are all happy about this meeting. We did not gather for a reward. We need to meet more often, so that we can all live together!

Presenter 2: Not a single competition is complete without a panel of judges.

Members of the panel of judges...

Elena Ivanovna Pikula – Honored Worker of Physical Education and Sports.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Evchuk is a veteran of military operations and local conflicts.

Ada Alekseevna Ermashevich is a veteran of military operations and local conflicts.

Presenter 1: Commands to the right, one-two! March into the column behind the one directing to the left! (The march of the “Yamal Athletes” ) Teams after the turn, line up in 4 columns!

Presenter 2: Now let’s get acquainted with the competition participants:

Preparatory group No. 1, 2, 3, 4

Representation of teams (name, motto)

And so, it's time to start the competition!

But each competition has its own rules. And our rule: “When completing a task, your task is to touch the shoulder of the team member to whom you are passing the baton

Presenter 1: Relay “Who is faster” At the whistle, team members run to the turning point and return in the same way, passing the baton to the next participant.

Presenter 2: Relay race. "Radiant sunshine" .

Each child is given a flag. A hoop is placed opposite the teams at a distance. When the whistle sounds, the first child runs to the hoop and places a flag near the hoop. He returns back, passing the baton to the next one. Whose team puts out the sun from the flags the fastest wins.

Summing up the relay race

Presenter 1: Relay race “Roll the ball like a snake”

At a signal, team members roll a fitball ball between hoops lying on the floor with a snake. Having run around the hoop, he returns to his team without a task and passes the baton to the next player.

Summing up the relay race

Presenter 2: Relay race. “Move the victim” Team members are divided into pairs. Each pair takes turns carrying the doll on a stretcher to the cone and back. Passing the baton.

Summing up the relay race

Presenter 1: Relay race “Pass the puck with a stick” Pass the puck with the stick to the cone and return back in the same way, pass the stick into the hands of the next participant.

Summing up the relay race

Presenter 2: “Potatoes in a spoon”

Each team is given a spoon with potatoes on it, holding the spoon in an outstretched hand, they must walk over the hummocks, run around the cones, and after the last cone return back without a task.

Summing up the relay race

Presenter 2: “Centipede” Children hold hands, turn to the right moving forward, run to the cone and return back so that their hands do not break. If this happens, the team loses.

Presenter 1: Relay “Obstacle Course” At the signal, the first team members walk along the balancing track, crawl into the tunnel, jump over the modules, run around the cone and return back without a task.

Changing into one line

Song performed by preschoolers


The panel of judges calculates the results

Presenter 2: Our “Spartakiad” , and soon you and I will find out which team we have today turned out to be the most athletic. And the floor to sum up the results is given to Elena Ivanovna Pikula.



Presenter 1: I declare the “Preschool Spartakiad” closed. The right to lower the flag of the Russian Federation and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is granted to the captain of the winning team......

(the anthem of the Russian Federation and the anthem of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are played)

Presenter 2:

After all, children really need sports. We are very good friends with sports. Sport is health, sport is a game, Let's all shout to sport - Hurray!

Lap of honor


  1. Kazina O.B. Physical education in kindergarten. Notes of classes, holidays and entertainment. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy , 2011.
  2. Kruseva T.O. Handbook of physical education instructors in preschool institutions. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005.
  3. Sports and recreational events at school (Health days, sports events, competitions) / author. -composition O.V. Bolonozhkina and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
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