Complexes of physical education minutes for ecology classes; methodological development on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic

Development of thematic physical education lessons taking into account age characteristics

Municipal preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 255" in the city of Saratov

Development of thematic physical education lessons taking into account age characteristics

Completed by: Kochetkova Ekaterina Gennadievna



Today, physical education sessions in kindergarten are used quite widely, as they are the most interesting and effective form of active recreation during sedentary activities with preschool children. Kids always enjoy performing a variety of short-term physical exercises in between classes, as well as during the learning process itself.

The purpose of physical education is, first of all, the desire to increase and maintain the mental activity and performance of children during classes. As well as providing short dynamic rest at a time when the child’s body is under significant stress. The organs of hearing and vision, the muscles of the trunk and especially the back, the hand of the working arm - everything is in a static state and needs periodic short rest.

The meaning of physical education is the orderly change of activity and posture of the baby through motor activity, which in turn will relieve fatigue and restore a positive emotional state of the psyche.

During the lesson itself, physical education can be done while standing at the table at which the child is studying, or sitting at it. It usually consists of two or three exercises for flexion and extension of the torso, circular movements of the arms, exercises that activate the muscles and open the chest, as well as walking in place. The time spent on physical education is on average 1-2 minutes. If physical education takes place between classes, then it can take the form of some kind of outdoor game.

Fresh air is a prerequisite for proper physical education in kindergarten, so in the summer the windows and in the winter the transoms must be open. After completing all the exercises, a short walk follows and an invitation to take your seats.

Typically, physical education sessions in preschool educational institutions are accompanied by some kind of text, which can either be directly related to the lesson or be of an abstract nature. The main thing is to ensure that when pronouncing certain words of the text, children exhale and have time to take a deep and calm breath before starting the next ones, then after physical education the child’s breathing will not be interrupted, but will remain rhythmic and calm. Children especially like physical education sessions with musical accompaniment; they turn out to be much more interesting and emotional. Kids can sing a couple of verses of a song they know well, while performing simple dance steps - for example, squatting, spinning, bending slightly. When conducting classes such as appliqué, modeling, drawing, the teacher must take into account that physical education can interrupt the child’s creative plan, so if the children do not show particular fatigue, then it may not be carried out.

Fun physical education sessions for children (from 2 to 5 years old)

How much joy outdoor games bring to little fidgets. By moving, a child not only lifts his mood. Physical development is directly related to mental development: the more the baby moves, the more active his intellectual development occurs. Fun physical education sessions are about your child’s health.

Stork - Stork, long-legged stork, Show me the way home. - Stomp with your right foot, Stomp with your left foot, Again with your right foot, Again with your left foot. After - with the right foot, After - with the left foot. And then you will come home.

*** Grasshoppers Raise your shoulders, Grasshoppers jump. Jump-jump, jump-jump. Stop! We sat down. We ate some grass. They listened to the silence. Higher, higher, higher Jump on your toes easily!

*** Butterfly The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, Didn’t want to sleep anymore, Moved, stretched, (Hands up, stretch) Soared up and flew. The sun just wakes up in the morning, the butterfly circles and curls. (Spin around)

*** Frog Let's jump like a frog, Jumping Champion. After one jump comes another jump, Let's jump higher, my friend!

*** Wind The wind blows in our faces (imitate the blowing of the wind), the tree sways (sway the body). The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter (squat). The tree is getting higher and higher (stand up, hands up).

*** The wind shakes the grass The wind shakes the grass, tilts it left and right. Don't be afraid of the wind, bunny, and dance on the lawn.

*** The gray bunny The gray bunny sits and wiggles its ears. Like this, like this, He moves His ears (massage the ears). It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm our little paws. Like this, like this We need to warm our paws (we rub our palms). It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump. Like this, like this The bunny needs to jump (jump). The wolf scared the bunny! The bunny immediately ran away!

*** The king was walking through the forest The king was walking through the forest He found himself a princess. Let's jump with you. And we kick our legs. And let's clap our hands. And let's stamp our feet.

*** The mice came out The mice came out one day (walking in place) See what time it is. (turns left, right, fingers “tube” in front of the eyes.) One, two, three, four (clap your hands above your head.) The mice pulled the weights. (hands up and squatting with hands down, “pulled by the weights.”) Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound, (claps in front of you) The mice ran away (running in place).

*** Tima walked Tima walked, walked, walked, (We walk in place.) I found a porcini mushroom. (Clap your hands.) One is a mushroom, (Bends forward.) Two is a mushroom, (Bends forward.) So the box is full.

*** In the morning, the gnomes went into the forest (step in place) On the way they found a mushroom (lean forward, straighten up, hands on the belt) And after it, one, two, three (torso tilted from side to side) Three more appeared! (hands forward, then to the side) And while the mushrooms were being picked, (bends forward, hands to the floor) The gnomes were late for school. (hands to cheeks and shake head from side to side) They ran, hurried (running in place) And they dropped all the mushrooms! (sit down)

*** The window opened (arms to the sides) The cat came out onto the ledge. (imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat) The cat looked up, (throw back its head, look up) The cat looked down. (lower your head, look down) So you turned to the left, (turn your head to the left) She followed the flies with her gaze. (turn your head to the right, “follow” the fly with your gaze) She stretched, smiled (appropriate movements and facial expressions) and sat down on the ledge.

*** The steam locomotive began to hum. The steam locomotive hummed, and the carriages were carried away. Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu I'll rock them far.

*** Who lives in our apartment? One, two, three, four, (Clap our hands.) Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.) One, two, three, four, five (Jumping in place.) I can count them all: (We walk in place.) Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands.) Murka the cat, two kittens , (Tilts the body left and right.) My cricket, the goldfinch and I - (Turns the body left and right.) That’s my whole family, (Clap our hands.)

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