QUEST GAME WITH ELEMENTS OF HEALTH-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES “IN SEARCH OF HEALTH” for children of the senior group material (senior group)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The problem of the health of Russian schoolchildren is now acutely relevant. Teachers are increasingly realizing that they can do much more for a student’s health than a doctor. Extracurricular activities are dedicated to this.


extracurricular lesson in history for the 9th grade of a special correctional (school) of the VIII type.

The educational quest game is designed for primary school associations that study the additional general education program in the natural sciences “Secrets of Ecology.”

Report on the quest-game “The Chinese language is a bridge.”

Conducted during a subject week.

Creating a joyful, cheerful, festive mood in children and parents.

Kazan educational portal

Health quest game “In Search of Petals of Health” with children of the preparatory group Goal. Clarify and systematize knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, introduce the concept of a healthy lifestyle; develop children's cognitive activity and teach them to reason. Tasks.  To make children want to take care of their health. Summarize and consolidate basic knowledge and ideas about maintaining and promoting health.  Promote children's speech development.  Development of educational skills: the ability to listen to the teacher, answer the question posed, development of attention and thinking.  To develop in children the ability to actively communicate with adults, answer his questions with interest, and jointly solve problem situations. Arouse children's interest in a healthy lifestyle. Equipment. Computer, projector, screen, easel with attached route map, massage mat, didactic game “Daily Routine”, gymnastic bench. Progress of the game. The song “Smile” sounds (music by V. Shainsky, the teacher and children come out and stand in a circle. Teacher: - Hello guys! Today we will talk about the greatest and most important wealth of a person. What do you think about? Children name their options answers (land, water, money, friendship, family, etc.) - Of course, you say everything correctly. Without all this it is difficult for a person to live. But today we will talk about health. What word is the word “health” like? That's right, the word "health" is similar to the word "hello". When people say hello, they wish each other health. You and I did the same thing when we just said hello. Now look at the screen and listen carefully to the information about health. (2- 6 slides) Educator: - I didn’t just decide that we needed to talk about health. This morning a letter from the Island of Health came to our email. Let’s read this letter together. (7 slide) “Hello, guys! We have The other day there was very bad weather on Health Island. Strong winds, hurricanes, and rain swept across the country and caused trouble in the form of destruction. We have already eliminated a lot, but we have not been able to restore the Flower of Health, the symbol of our country. A strong wind carried away the petals of our flower; there are treasured words written there that help us to be healthy. Could you help us find the petals of our flower? So that you can find your way to our country, we are sending you a route map. Residents of the Island of Health." Educator: - This is what the flower was like before the hurricane. (8 slide) After the hurricane, she was left without any petals at all (9 slide) Guys, what do you say, can we help you find the petals of the Flower of Health? (Yes) But I want to warn you, this is not an easy path. Difficulties and obstacles await you. Overcoming these obstacles requires a lot of knowledge. (Children's answers). Educator: Well then, let's hit the road. Let's take a look at our route map. And our first stop will be where Chistyulka Island is. But there is a very narrow road to this island and you need to be very careful. And off we went... The children line up in a column one at a time and walk along the tightrope, saying the words: We are going on the road, we are going to the road, We are going to Health. There are many obstacles ahead - It will be a difficult road! Educator: - Children, I see an island ahead, according to the route map - this is Chistyulka Island. (10 slide) Children, let's sit on the chairs and see who lives on this island? (Show a slide with the character Moidodyr). Yes, this is Moidodyr, he is the ruler of this island. He left a letter for us. (11 slide) Reads: “Dear children! I know that you are looking for a petal from the Flower of Health. I'll give you the petal, it will return to its place, but first I want to check if you know personal hygiene items. Guess my riddles and explain why this item is needed." (12 - 18 slides) Educator: - Well done, guys, you did it. Moidodyr kept his word and returned the petal to the Flower. (19 slide) And on this petal is written the cherished word - hygiene. What does the word hygiene mean? (Children's answers) Hygiene is a science that studies the factors of maintaining and promoting health, including personal hygiene. Being clean and tidy is very important for health. Now let's continue our journey. The next island on the map is the “Hurry Up” island. But our path also has obstacles, there is a swamp here and we need to walk over bumps. (Children walk over the bumps) Educator: Here is the island “Hurry up.” (20 slide) - Smeshariki live on this island, they left us such a wonderful chest. What do you think is in it? (children's answers). Let's see (the teacher takes a watch out of the box). What is this? Children: - Watch. Educator: - Why do you need a watch? Children: - To be on time everywhere. Educator: - Yes, you are right, we need watches in order to navigate time, to know when to wake up so as not to be late for kindergarten; know when it’s lunch, walk time, bedtime. Also, the clock helps us maintain a daily routine. Guys, do you have time to do everything, do you know the daily routine? This is where they left the didactic game “Daily Routine”. If you complete the puzzles correctly, they will return the second petal to us. (Children collect puzzles) Well done, the second petal has returned to the flower. (21 slides) There is a treasured word - daily routine, which we just talked about. Educator: - We continue our journey. According to the route map, the next island is Healthy Island. But a river spilled on our way and we had to jump over it. (Children jump over and stand in a circle) Very strong people live on this island. (22 slide) And they will return the petal when you show how strong you are. What you need to do to become strong. Yes, train your muscles. Now we will show you how to train muscles. Physical education minute. Let's jump and jump! One two three four five! (Walk in place) Let's jump and gallop! (Jumping in place.) The right side bent. (Tilts the body left and right.) One, two, three. Left side bent. One two Three. Now let’s raise our hands (Hands up.) And reach for the cloud. Let's lean forward, (Lean forward, hands in front) Let's stretch our legs. Let's bend our right leg, (Bend our legs at the knee.) One, two, three! Let's bend the left leg, One, two, three. Legs, arms behind, (Arms, legs are taken back one by one) And they held it for a while. They shook their heads (Move their heads.) And everyone stood together together. Educator: - Now you have become stronger and have returned the third petal. (23 slide) The treasured word there is physical activity. How do you understand what physical activity is? (children's answers) That's right, to be physically active, you need to do gymnastics, physical education, and play outdoor games. Next on the way we have an island - Vitaminka. The mountains are an obstacle and we need to overcome them. (Children step over or go around obstacles) Educator: - Now we’ve reached Vitaminka Island. (24 slide) Healthy foods live here, which contain a lot of vitamins and are very necessary for the body. Healthy and vitamin-rich food helps us be healthy. Let's listen to what task they have prepared on this island. We need to do everything correctly to return another petal. (26 slide) (Completing the task) Educator: - Well done, the fourth petal has returned to its place. (27 slide) The cherished word of this petal is proper nutrition. Now we have the last island left on our map. For some reason this island has no name. The road to this island is rocky. The island has no name, so I suggest taking an unusual route to the island. Let's take off our shoes and walk barefoot. Do you agree? (Children take off their shoes and walk along the massage path) Educator: - Finally, we reached the nameless island. You can wear shoes. (28 slide) Look at the screen, children just like you live here. But they are very strange. What can you say? What are they doing? (poured with water, hardened) What is this for? (children's answers) While we were talking, we almost forgot why we were here. We need a fifth petal. We are asked to play the didactic game “Finish the proverb” (didactic game) (29 – 33 slides) - What were the proverbs about? (about health) You completed the task well and returned the last petal to its place. (34 slide) The cherished word of this petal is hardening. Why is hardening needed? (children's answers) After a while we will see how the Flower of Health - the symbol of the country of Health - has returned to its place. But I want to offer you one task. Our last island was unnamed. I suggest you come up with a name for this island. Please remember in order the islands we visited. (children's answers) (Children come up with a name for the last island) Educator: - Look at the screen, as I said, the Flower of Health has returned to its place, taking the place of the symbol of the country of Health. (Slide 35) Do you like this country? Would you like to live there? What do you need for this? (to be healthy) And what you need to do to be healthy. (children's answers, discussion about a healthy lifestyle) Everything is in your hands, if you want, you will be healthy. At the end I want to read a poem about how you can always be healthy! (36 slide) Well done, I hope that the knowledge gained today will be useful to you in the future. And you will always be healthy! (37 slide)

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