Abstract of an open lesson on environmental education in the senior group “Water and its properties. “The sorceress is water.” Water is in the life of all living beings.

Software tasks:

Teach children to act out simple plots, work with transparent dishes, unfamiliar solutions.

Familiarize children with the properties of water: transparent, water is a liquid, tasteless, odorless. Clarify children's knowledge about the purpose of water in our lives.

To develop visual perception, cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation, mental operations: comparison, generalization, ability to analyze, coherent speech, ability to reason, draw conclusions.

Develop a caring attitude towards water, the ability to work in a group, negotiate, and take into account the opinion of a partner;

Equipment: card in the form of a drop of water, plastic cups, napkins, spoons, glasses with milk, water, fir oil, juice, brushes, sippy cups, cocktail straws, sheets of paper, blue watercolors, easel, cards with diagrams, costumes for dramatization , audio recording “The Murmur of a Brook”, video “Droplets Jump - Jump”.

Progress of the lesson: An audio recording of a knock on the door sounds.

Q: Guys, do you hear someone knocking? (goes, opens the door, a girl in a droplet costume enters the group). Q: Guys, look who came to visit us?

Children: Droplet.

Droplet: Hello, children!

Children say hello Droplet: Today I am going on a journey to the Kingdom of Water, I invite you to go with me on this amazing journey. I travel all over the world, I’ve seen a lot, I know a lot of interesting things about water. Do you agree?

D: Yes

An audio recording of a babbling brook (the sound of water) sounds. Droplet: Guys, listen and determine what these sounds are. Children. These are the sounds of water. Q: Have you heard about water? They say she's everywhere! In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean And in a water tap... Q. Is this so? We'll find out now! Where did Droplet come from, where could she be? Let's look at the pictures that show the places where our Droplet traveled. Name them.

( Pictures on the screen: sea, river, swamp) . Presentation. Children. Lake, sea, river. K: That's right, guys! So I am a small piece of water.

K: Guys, now I propose to go to a fairy tale (dramatization of a fairy tale).

Q: A long time ago, in one city there lived a ruler and he had three sons. One day he gathered his sons and declared his will.

The ruler of the city: “Go, my sons, throughout the wide world and find me a wonderful miracle, without which there is no life on earth. The brothers thought about it. They dispersed all over the world in search of a miracle.

Q: The brothers walked around the world for a long time in search of a miracle.

Finally, after a long search, they returned and fell at the feet of their father.

The eldest son “Father, I brought you gold and silver” - B: the eldest son said, laying precious metal at his father’s feet, the middle son brought precious stones, and the youngest son - ordinary water. Everyone started laughing at him, and he said:

Younger son: “Water is a great miracle on Earth. The traveler I met was ready to give me all his jewelry for a sip of water. He was thirsty. I gave him clean water to drink and gave him some more to spare. I didn’t need his jewelry; I realized that water is more valuable than any wealth.

And another time I saw a drought. Without rain, the whole field dried up. It came to life only after it rained, filling it with life-giving moisture.

  • The third time I had to help people put out a forest fire. Many animals suffered from it. If we had not stopped the fire, the whole village could have burned down if it had spread to it. We needed a lot of water, but we managed with all our might. That was the end of my search. And now, I think you all understand why water is a wonderful miracle, because without it there would be nothing alive on Earth. Birds, animals, fish, and people cannot live a day without water.

Q: And the youngest son finished his story by showing all the honest people the wonderful properties of water.

The father of his youngest son listened and declared water the greatest miracle on earth. He ordered to conserve water and not pollute reservoirs.

Q: Here is water, an amazing miracle on earth, consisting of many drops (show water in a glass). Droplets of water love to jump and jump when they fall from the sky. Do you love it? Then come out, let's rest a little. And let the droplet look at us.

Fizminutka Removable disk. Droplets jump-jump.

  • Who needs water? (Children answer). Can a person live without water? (Children answer). Of course, water is necessary for all living things; without water there would be no life on our Earth. K: Guys, now I propose to go to the laboratory to find out the properties of water, which the youngest son of the ruler showed to all honest people. Practical experimentation

Q: But before you and I go into the laboratory, you need to put on a special uniform - these aprons and sleeves. Then you and I will truly become real researchers.

Children wear aprons and sleeves (remember the rules of conduct in the laboratory)

Experiment 1. “Water is a liquid” there are two glasses in front of you, one with water, the other empty. (The teacher and children pour water from one glass to another.) Is water flowing? Why? Because it's liquid. And so that you guys remember this, I prepared this symbol (posted on the board).

  • (Picture on the easel of pouring water) put a glass of water in an empty glass. What is water? The conclusion is a liquid, it can be poured from one glass to another.

Experiment 2. “Water has no taste”

Invite children to try water through a straw. Does she have taste? Give the children a taste of the juice for comparison. Conclusion: water has no taste, it is not tasty (the symbol is posted on the easel)

Experiment 3. “Water has no smell”

Children sniff fir oil and then water. What does the water smell like? It doesn't smell at all. (picture of a crossed out nose)

Experiment 4. “Colorless water”

Educator: There are two glasses on the table, one with water, the other with milk (you can use highly colored water). I suggest putting one teaspoon in a glass of water, the other in a glass of milk.

– What did you notice? (Children express their opinion: a spoon is visible only in a glass of water. It is not visible in a glass of milk. The teacher helps the children formulate another of the properties of water: pure water is transparent, all objects are visible through it. Conclusion: water has no color, it colorless.)

Educator: Well done, guys! You are so friendly and you all coped with the task. Oh, our little one is feeling sad.

K: I once had a lot of girlfriends and I really miss my girlfriends.

Educator: Guys, let’s all help our Droplet draw her girlfriends. Take brushes and paint sheets of paper with blue paint (I turn on the music recording)

Recording calm music

K: Oh, how great! How many droplet friends!

Q: our droplets are resting on the leaves, let's go to the easel and once again remember what we learned about water today! (pictures on the easel)

Water is a liquid; it can be poured, poured, or poured out.

Water is colorless.

The water is tasteless.

Water has no smell.

Educator: Water is the source of life, one of the most amazing and mysterious on the planet.

For both people and animals, there is nothing more valuable than water. Everyone needs to cherish water, because we can’t live without it!

And so our laboratory is closing, you guys did a great job. We'll come back here, but now let's clap for each other.

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