Sports entertainment in the middle group “Autumn fun” material (middle group)

Sports entertainment in the middle group “Autumn Fun”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

municipal formation "City of Arkhangelsk" "Combined kindergarten No. 180 "Parusok"


sports entertainment in middle group No. 7 “Dolphin”

"Autumn Fun"


Starkova T.L.


Sports entertainment in the middle group “Autumn Fun”


bring joy and create a positive emotional mood from entertainment.


cultivate courage, dexterity, develop the ability to navigate in space, cultivate a friendly attitude between children, a desire to help


leaves; umbrella; steering wheel, hats: cabbage, onions, carrots, dummies of vegetables and fruits, bag; baskets 3 pcs., leaves (red, yellow, green)..

Progress of entertainment:

Educator: Hello, children! I am glad to see all of you at our sports entertainment “Autumn Fun”.

Autumn, autumn outside the window,

The rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling rustling

How beautiful you are autumn!

Look, children, what a beautiful bouquet of leaves. The bouquet welcomes you, each leaf says “hello” to you, each leaf is glad to see you and, of course, wants to play with you, run, jump, dance. Take two leaves from my bouquet, say hello to them, look at them, stroke them, pick them up and let's go study.

Everyone is ready! All leaves are held in hands. So, we begin to perform all sorts of miracles with the leaves.

Dance with leaves

Children, sit down on the bench with the leaves, and I will tell you an interesting tale about them. You see, the leaves are green. Repeat after me - green. In summer they are always green. But some of you have leaves of a different color. Which one? Yellow. In autumn the color of the leaves changes. They turn yellow, sometimes red or brown.

I know one green leaf that did not want to change its color; it thought that it would always be green - it tried to run away from the brush. She wanted to paint it yellow. The leaf ran away and ran away, spinning in the wind. But the brush caught up and painted it yellow. Soon all the leaves on the trees will turn yellow, and the brush will paint them too. And then they will spread out the carpet. We will walk carefully and listen to the rustling of dry leaves.

Educator: Guys, now guess the riddle. Listen carefully to me.

Tears are dripping from the clouds -

The unlucky master is crying.

Gloomy autumn artist -

Slurps through puddles...


Well done, let's play the game “Sunshine and Rain.” (With musical accompaniment)

Sports entertainment for middle school children on an autumn theme

Scenario of sports entertainment for children of the middle group “Our Autumn Fun”
Goal: to bring joy and create a positive emotional mood from entertainment. Objectives: to ensure the diversified development of the individual, to cultivate courage, dexterity, to develop the ability to navigate in space, to cultivate a friendly attitude between children, a desire to help. Aids: dummies of vegetables and fruits, 2 baskets, pine cones, a bear toy, a handkerchief, vegetable caps, onions, carrots, car attributes, leaves and hoops - by color (green, yellow), large umbrella. Decoration : autumn theme.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle. Educator: Hello, children! I am glad to see all of you at our sports entertainment “Our Autumn Fun”: “We walk along the path, raise our legs higher!” - they walk. So as not to be late, we need to run quickly! - they run.

We will gallop along a flat, smooth path on a horse!
We will walk along the winding path with a quiet step. We'll carefully go around all the swamps, puddles, and hummocks. - They walk like a snake. Have you all arrived? Hooray! That's nice kids. We arrived at the garden. A child reads a poem: A glorious harvest has grown. Collect whatever you want! Let’s all go to the garden - join in the round dance!” No. 1 Round dance game “We have a vegetable garden” after the game the children sit down. Educator: Guess my riddle: In the morning we go into the yard - The leaves are falling like rain, rustling under our feet and flying, flying, flying. (Autumn) A child reads a poem: “Autumn, autumn outside the window, The rain is falling like peas, The leaves are falling rustling, How beautiful you are autumn!” Educator: let’s prepare our fingers and perform finger exercises “Autumn Leaves” for them. Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves” No. 7

Educator: Autumn is an amazing time of year. Bright, unusual and magical. Now let's play with you. I will ask you questions, and you will answer them only “yes” or “no”. If yes, clap, if no, stomp. No. 2 Game "Yes or no." (verbal) Do flowers bloom in autumn? (no) Do mushrooms grow in autumn? (yes) Are the clouds covering the sun? (yes) Is the cold wind coming? (yes) Are the fogs floating in autumn? (yes) Well, do birds build nests? (no) Do the bugs fly? (no) Do animals close their holes? (yes) Is everyone collecting the harvest? (yes) Are flocks of birds flying away? (yes) Does it rain often? (yes) Do we get boots? (yes) Is the sun shining very hot? (no) Can children sunbathe? (no) Well, what should you do: wear jackets, hats? (yes) The teacher spends time with the children. Relay race for the middle group “Gather the harvest for the winter.”

Vegetables and fruits lie in a hoop. At the signal, the first players from each team run to the basket and take one fruit and vegetable and return back, then the second, third, etc. The team that correctly and quickly collects all the fruits or vegetables of its team wins. (5-6 people play in each team.) No. 2 “Collect all the cones.” 3-4 children come out, cones are laid out in front of them, at a signal, the children begin to collect cones. When all the cones have been collected, they are counted and it is found out who collected the most cones. (3-4 people per group play). Presenter : Autumn has mysteries, kids, listen to me carefully. Tears are dripping from the clouds - the unlucky master is crying. In a gloomy autumn, an artist - Slurping through puddles... (Rain) Host: Guys, do you want to play RAIN? Part 1 - children move jumping in a circle, part 2, when the music ends, they approach without pushing each other and stand under the umbrella with the leader. Music Game “Evil Cloud” After the game, the children sit on chairs. Autumn came to visit us and brought it with it. What? Say it at random! Well, of course. (Leaf fall) Presenter: Now let’s play game No. 3 “Multi-colored leaves” (3 children participate)

The children are given leaves, in the center there are hoops with the same color as the leaf, the children swing the leaves to the music, when the music stops, everyone runs to their hoop and stands up (in each hoop there are 1-2 children with a leaf of the same color) Educator : Guess Another riddle: “Clubfooted feet sleep in a den. Guess the answer. Who is this? "(Bear) Well done, guys! Now let's have fun and play! Takes a teddy bear. Educator: This is a bear cub, he wants to play a fun game with us “Blind Man’s Bluff”.

Outdoor game for the middle group “Zhmurka” by Flotov (All children play).

(The teacher stands inside a circle with a toy bear cub, he is blindfolded - he is blind man's buff, 1 hour children approach the bear 4 steps, 4 steps retreat to their places. 2 hours children easily run on their tiptoes in a circle - the bear - the teacher spots one of the children. The bear cub bows, tries to find out the child’s name by clothes, so a new blind man’s buff is chosen, the game is played 2 times.) Educator: I invite the children to get up and dance for the bear. No. 5 “Show your palms” Estimate. Toy bear: “Oh, thank you guys, show me how the grass sways” Breathing exercises “The grass sways” No. 6

I.p.:o.s. Raise your arms up, gently swing your hands - inhale, lower your arms down - exhale. Presenter: Autumn is a glorious time. Brought games to all of us! Thanks everyone, I hope you enjoyed our Fall Sports Fun!

Children leave the hall to the music.

We recommend watching:

Abstract of GCD for children of the middle group of kindergarten with a presentation on the topic: Mushrooms Autumn holiday in the middle group. Scenario “Fruit Joy” Final general conversation in the middle group on the topic: Early autumn Leisure in the middle group. Walk in the autumn forest

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