Sports fun with parents (middle group)

Sports entertainment with parents by February 23 in the middle group. Author: teacher Baranchikova N.V.

Goal: To promote psychological rapprochement between children and parents, the development of positive emotions, and a sense of mutual assistance .


Attract children and parents to a healthy lifestyle

— Ensure physical activity of children

— To foster love for the Motherland and mutual understanding in the family.

1. Children march into the hall with flags in their hands. They stand in a semicircle, facing the guests.

1 child: Our Russian Army’s birthday is in February! Glory to her invincible! Glory to peace on earth!

2nd child: Hello holiday, Hello holiday, Holiday of boys and dads! Our beloved kindergarten congratulates all military personnel.

Child 3: Look, there are nice Guests sitting in our hall. Today we congratulate all defenders of the country!

4 child: Maybe he can play football, He can read a book, He can warm up soup for me, He can watch a cartoon, For me he’s always a hero -

My best dad!

5 child: He can play checkers, He can even wash cups, He can draw cars, He can collect pictures, For me he is always a hero - My best dad!

Child 6: Maybe give me a ride instead of a fast horse. He can catch fish, fix the faucet in the kitchen. For me, there is always a hero - My best dad!

Child 7: My dad is cheerful, but strict and honest. It's fun to read books and play with him.

Child 8: My dad is a wizard. He's the best! He instantly turns into whatever you ask for.

Child 9: I will hug him and quietly whisper: “My daddy, I love you dearly!” You are the most caring, the dearest, you are kind, you are the best and you are only mine!

Presenter: This day is of special significance, the birthday of the brave sons! On this date, all the Russian people send greetings to the sailor and soldier!

Song - “We are soldiers”

To the sounds of the march, the children sit down.

2. Presenter:

Hello, dear fathers and mothers! Very soon, on February 23, our country will celebrate Defenders of the Fatherland Day. This holiday is dedicated to all the men who defended and are defending our country. And at least every man always protects his family, so men are protectors by nature. And today our defenders, big and small, will show their dexterity and ingenuity. We offer a competition for real men. And we will support them. Do you agree? We need to create two teams. Each team should have 4 dads and 4 children.

So, the teams have been selected, all that remains is to choose the jury (we choose 3 mothers from the audience at will). The jury takes its place. The jury will evaluate the results of our competitions using a 3-point system.

And, of course, our teams need to be given a name, I think that it will be somehow connected with the holiday, and a team captain must be chosen. Stand in a circle, you have one minute to discuss, and the captain will announce the decision.

Presenter: The teams are given names, captains are chosen. Well done to our players, like brave soldiers. To become a real fighter. Both the brave and the daring, friends, need effort, dexterity, strength, knowledge! We'll check you now. Let's start the competition!

1 competition for captains: “Erudite”

Presenter: Each captain in turn is asked a question; if the captain finds it difficult to answer, then he can ask the team for help. The winner is the team that never makes a mistake when answering the question. “He controls the tank...” “Fires from a cannon...” “Sits at the helm...” “Scribbles from a machine gun...” “Guards the border...” “Serves on a submarine...” “Jumps with a parachute...” “Serves on ships...”

The jury sums up the results of the first competition.

Host: Our fearless soldiers have a hard time during their military service. They have to perform the most difficult and dangerous tasks. I suggest you deal with one of them today.

Competition 2: “Crossing the minefield”

Dads are experienced people and know how to get through a minefield, but guys don’t yet. And here’s the task - you need to put your child on your feet and walk with him to the basket with balls, take one ball and bring it to the team.

The jury sums up the results of the competition

Host: There is a proverb: “It’s not the shooter who shoots, but the one who hits the target.”

Competition 3: “Sharp Shooter”

Let's see what kind of marksmen you are. Team members throw sandbags into a basket at a distance of 2 meters

The jury sums up the results of the competition

Host: There are many specialties in the Army, including border guards, pilots, and sailors, but I prefer cavalrymen. The cavalrymen were carried into battle by fast horses. Well, who is the best horse in the family? Well, of course it's dad

4th competition "Fast Cavalry"

Each participant - father - must put his child on his back, run to the landmark, come back and pass the flag to the next pair. The team that completes the task faster and without errors wins.

The jury sums up the results of the competition

Host: There is a proverb: “The bad soldier is the one who does not dream of becoming a general.” And in the army, ranks are distinguished by shoulder straps. Now I'm offering a competition for children

5th competition: “My dad is the best”

Each dad receives a cardboard shoulder strap. The child comes to the table, names a word that characterizes dad and smears glue on a star. Then he goes to dad and sticks a star on his shoulder strap.

And the jury will count the total number of stars in the team

(My dad is the kindest, strongest, cheerful, etc.)

The jury sums up the competition and the overall result of the entire competitive program

Presenter: Dear men, I congratulate you on February 23 and from the bottom of my heart I wish each of you to be a powerful fortress for your family, a real hero for your child, a faithful comrade for friends, an honest and fair person for everyone.

Host: Guys, today we are all convinced that your dads are your best friends, irreplaceable helpers and simply caring dads! Let's say thank you to each other for being there today and having such a good time with health benefits!

Host: And now I invite all fathers and mothers with their children to go to the tables located at the end of the hall. Let's depict a symbol of a strong union and warm friendship between parents and children.

First, dad traces his palm on a piece of paper, then mom traces her palm inside this palm, and in the center the child traces his palm.

Presenter: I hope that this wonderful symbol of your friendship will take pride of place in your home gallery of drawings!

To the music, children and parents leave the hall.

Funny balls

Physical education lesson for middle group children together with parents.
: Enriching the joint motor experience of children and parents.

Training tasks

: teach outdoor games with a ball.

Developmental tasks

: develop motor skills and abilities, visual and auditory attention, speed, dexterity and accuracy of movements, their coordination, eye, orientation in space; to form voluntary behavior and the ability to interact in pairs.

Educational tasks

: to cultivate a desire to engage in physical education and the desire to improve one’s motor qualities.


: “puddles” made of fabric, “traffic lights”, soft “boards” 2 m x 0.2 m made of polyethylene foam, a bag for balls, a music center.


: hoops, balls with a diameter of 20-25 cm according to the number of child-parent pairs.

Progress of the lesson

(To the music Yu. Lyzhina “Junior March” parents with children enter the hall


: Hello, guys and dear parents! Today you and I will exercise together and improve our health. This will help us...

Round and smooth, He gallops very deftly. Mischievous, cheerful! Of course this is... ( ball

). (
The teacher throws the ball into the hall from behind the door


: Our guest, a funny ball, can jump, roll, fly high and hit the target. Today we will perform all movements and exercises with a ball. But how can this be? There is one ball, but there are many of you.


: Let's go on a journey and find the rest of the balls!
( To the music of V. Solovyov “It’s time to hit the road,” children and parents walk around the hall, holding hands


: We walk in step together, And raise our knees.
The sun is shining on the path, We stretch our palms towards it. ( Children and parents walk, raising their knees high, then an adult, walking behind the child, pulls him up by his palms

There are puddles on the road like that, Hey, don’t get your feet wet!
Traffic lights ahead - Don't hit them, and go around! ( Children and parents walk holding hands and step over the “puddles”, and then pass like a snake between the “traffic lights” standing in a row

Who can jump deftly? Who will show everyone his skill? ( Children and parents perform jumps on two legs over soft “boards”.



: To find the balls as quickly as possible, next we will go on a train.
( Parents stand in front of their children and stretch out their hands back. The children cling to them, and to the music of E. Zheleznov “Locomotive” they all move around the hall. The instructor quietly brings in a bag of balls


: Look, our balls have been found!
( The teacher pours the balls out of the bag. To the music of Sh. Kalosh “In Every Little Child,” children take the balls and run up to their parents, after which adults and children walk in pairs through the middle of the hall


: Now it’s time to do exercises with balls together.
( Children and parents perform a set of exercises with a ball in pairs to the song “On a Round Planet” by S. Vasilyev, M. Landa

Stretch on your toes, and quickly touch the ball! ( I.p.: an adult with a ball in his hands and a child stand at a short distance opposite each other, legs together. 1 – the adult raises the ball up, the child stands on his toes and tries to touch the ball with his hands; 2 – i.p. 5 times


Like nesting dolls, they bent over and immediately straightened up again. ( I.p.: an adult and a child hold a ball together in front of them, legs apart. 1 - bend to the right at the same time; 2 - i.p. The same, to the left. 3 times in each direction


Ball to the right, ball to the left, We passed it skillfully. ( I.p.: standing with their backs to each other, legs apart, the adult has the ball. 1 – the adult and the child simultaneously turn to each other, the adult passes the ball to the child; 2 – the same, in the other direction, the child passes the ball to the adult. 6 once


Bend over, pass the ball, don’t let it out of your hands! ( I.p.: standing at a short distance with their backs to each other, legs wider than shoulders, the adult has the ball. 1 – adult and child bend down at the same time, the adult passes the ball to the child between his legs; 2 – i.p.; 3 – child passes ball to an adult in the same way; 4 – IP 6 times


Can you hold the ball? High! We jump with him easily. ( Children jump with balls between their knees to the music, then give them to adults, and they jump in the same way. 4 times 10 jumps. Then everyone performs an exercise to restore breathing



: Funny balls will help everyone become dexterous and accurate!

Exercise “Ball to each other”

Children and parents sit on the floor facing each other at a distance of 2.5 m and roll the ball to each other.

Exercise “Straight through the hoop”

Parents with hoops in their hands stand opposite the children at a distance of 2 m. At a signal, the children throw the ball, trying to hit the hoop, and return to their place. The exercise is repeated 6 times, then parents and children change places.

: Now we will leave only one fastball.

This is our fast ball, Look how it bounces! ( Children stand on the line, the instructor is opposite them. While hitting the ball, the teacher steps forward. The game is played to the music of Crazy Frog “Popcorn.”)

Girls and boys, jumping like balls!
( Children and adults jump on the spot
.) Now don’t yawn, run away from the ball!
( The children run away and the ball flies after them


: Now let's see if the parents can dodge the ball just as deftly.
( To the music of San Diego “La Cucaracha”, two parents sit opposite each other and take turns throwing the ball at the rest of the players between them, who try to dodge. The players who were hit by the ball leave the game


: But will parents and children be able to run away from the ball while holding hands?
Let's play the game Friendly Couples! ( Parents and children stand in pairs, holding hands. The “Tyrolean song” sounds. The teacher throws the ball at the players, they run away. It is important not to unclasp your hands and dodge the ball


: We became friends with the ball, now we don’t care about illness!
Let the balls rest a little, and we will wait for a new meeting with them. ( The instructor conducts an exercise to restore breathing


: Be healthy!
Goodbye! ( Parents with children walk through the hall to the march of Z. Petrova and Y. Chichkov “Physical culture-hurray!”

Elena Balandina, physical education instructor,
Secondary School No. 16 SPDS “Little Red Riding Hood”, Zhigulevsk

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