Sports entertainment according to traffic rules for children of the senior group “Road starts” (from work experience)

Physical education according to traffic rules in the senior group of kindergarten

Physical education based on traffic rules in the senior group “In the country of road signs.”
Author: Nikiforova Valentina Ivanovna, teacher at MBDOU 286 in Kazan.
This event is designed for preschool children to reinforce their knowledge of traffic rules.
Goal : developing children's ideas about traffic rules. Objectives : consolidate knowledge about road signs, safe behavior on city streets, develop attention, coordination of movements, memory; visual, auditory and spatial perception, logical thinking, form friendly, benevolent relationships between children. Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative”, “Physical development”.
Progress of the event:

Children enter the hall to the music. Formation in two columns.
Teacher: Before counting and writing, drawing, reading, all children need to know the ABC of movement. Child 1: The city in which you and I live can rightfully be compared to an ABC book. Child 2: With the alphabet of streets, avenues, roads, the city gives us a lesson all the time, Here it is, the alphabet, - Over your head! Child 3: Signs are hung along the pavement. Always remember the alphabet of the city, so that trouble does not happen to you. (Ya. Pishumov) Teacher : Guys, why do you think road signs are needed? Children's answers. Teacher : I propose to go on a trip to the land of road signs. Do you agree? Then get ready: Game “Chauffeurs” “We will hit the road now. The cars are waiting for us. It’s time to start the engines, It’s time to take the cars out.” We inflate the tires, start the cars, take the steering wheels, simulate the movement of cars around the hall, changing into two columns according to commands. So we arrived in the country of road signs. The most important traffic light in it. Here he is. (A teacher comes in dressed as a traffic light) Traffic light: Hello guys! I look formidable and serious, A very important traffic light. From the crossroads, from the crossroads, I look at people point blank. I am both polite and strict. I am famous all over the world! I'm on a wide street. The most important commander. That's all I want to say. You must read their eyes. You need to clearly distinguish: Color green, yellow, red. The main attention is on the road, I suggest you play a game. Rules of the game: red light - jumping in place; Yellow light – walking in place; Green - run boldly. Traffic light: well done! You were very attentive. Teacher: Dear Traffic Light! The guys and I arrived in your country so that you could test us on our knowledge of road signs. Traffic light: I'm ready to test you. Please introduce yourself now. Team Captain 1: We are the “Experts” team. Our motto: “In order to know the rules, we need to study them.” Team captain 2: We are a team of “Clever and smart people.” Our motto is: “Not only to know the rules, but also to follow them.” Traffic light: Warm up for you, answer the question, and you count the jury's answers. (The traffic light asks questions to each team in turn). 1) The traffic light is red. Can you walk across the street? 2) Well, the green light is on then. Can we go across the street? 1) Lyosha and Lyuba walk in pairs. Where are they going? On the sidewalk. 2) Here is a road riddle: What is the name of that horse that lay down on the crossings, where pedestrians walk? (Zebra.) 1) Where the steps lead down, Go down, don’t be lazy. The pedestrian must know: Here...? Underground crossing. 2) He will tell the driver everything and indicate the correct speed. By the road, like a beacon, Good friend - ...Road sign Teacher: And now the next test. You guys know that there are different signs. What are they like if they have a red background? Prohibiting. What if it's blue? Permissive or informational. Now let's do the relay race. “Connoisseurs” collect red signs, and “Wise Men” collect blue ones. Children line up in columns. On the count “One, two, three”, one at a time, the teams run to the end of the hall, where the signs are laid out. They take one sign and return to the end of their column. The first team to raise their signs will win. Traffic light: Well done, clever guys. And now, everyone will tell you what their sign means. The children of both teams name their sign.

Traffic light: Well done, guys, you have a road literate. Teacher: And now it’s a competition to see whose team can get there the fastest by car. “Car Relay Race” Before we hit the road, let’s review the rules for the driver. Child 4: Stop, car! Stop, motor! Brake quickly, Driver! The red eye looks point blank - This is a strict traffic light. He looks menacing, lets you go further, doesn’t let you go further... Child 5: The driver waited a little, looked out the window again. The traffic light this time showed a green eye, winked and said: “You can go, the way is open!” M. Plyatskovsky (Children in a car, one by one, on the count of “One, two, three,” drive to the traffic light and back, pass the car to the next one from their team).

Traffic light : The last test of attention. I read out the questions, answer in unison, if you agree: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” If you do not agree, remain silent. How many of you go forward only where there is a transition? Who always runs ahead, or just lags behind? Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights? Who will cross the road only where there is a crossing? Who plays cheerful ball on the road in front of the house? We study the rules, we always follow them. Well done boys. Teacher: Dear traffic light, listen to the poems about road signs that the guys learned. Child 6: They made a bed under our feet. So that we don’t know about worries, And we walk forward along them. "Crosswalk".

Child 7: Where the steps lead down, go down, don’t be lazy. The pedestrian must know: There is an underground passage. Child 8: The sign was hung up at dawn, so that everyone would know about it: The roads are being repaired here - Take care of your feet! (“Road works.”) Child 9: This sign warns that the road here is zagged, and a sharp “Dangerous turn” awaits the car ahead.

Child 10 : Wonderful sign - Exclamation mark! So, you can shout here, sing, walk, play mischief? If you run, barefoot! If you go - with the breeze! I answer you sternly: “This is a dangerous road.” The road sign asks: Drive quietly, carefully. Child 11: The train is moving fast! To prevent misfortune from happening, I am closing the crossing - Cars are prohibited from entering! (Barrier.) Traffic light: Well done, guys! I see that you are real experts and smart people. For the fact that you have such good knowledge of road literacy, here is my reward for you, the book “Road ABC”. And friendship won our competition.

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