GCD modeling in the first and second junior groups “Winter Tree”

Abstract of the GCD on bas-relief modeling "Birch" for children of the 2nd junior group

Goal: developing children’s ideas about birch through the integration of educational areas “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”



  1. Teach children to use bas-relief modeling to create an image of a birch tree crown, consisting of individual “leaves” (flattened balls).
  2. Strengthen the techniques of circular rolling between the palms, flattening a small ball with the tips of the thumb and index fingers.
  3. Teach children to attach a “leaf” (a flattened ball) to birch branches against a common background.
  4. To form in children ideas about birch - a tree with a white trunk with black specks, white flexible branches.
  5. Clarify the structure of the tree trunk, branches, leaves.
  6. Activate words in children's speech - birch, trunk, branches, leaves. Enter the word “crown” into the dictionary


  1. Develop the ability not only to watch a demonstration of modeling methods, but also to listen to the teacher’s explanations of the demonstration.
  2. Develop fine motor skills, accuracy and coordination of movements when attaching “your piece of paper” to the background.
  3. Develop the ability to perform teamwork.


  1. Cultivate a caring attitude towards trees.
  2. Cultivate empathy and a desire to help.

Material for GCD: ready-made background of the work with the image of a birch tree (trunk, branches, but without leaves), the theater character bi-ba-bo goat.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “How a goat built a hut for itself”

GCD move

Children are in a group.

A goat appears in the group - a character from the bi-ba-bo theater.

Educator (indirectly on behalf of the goat): Hello children (speaks with a sad intonation).

Children greet the goat.

Educator: children, it seems to me that the goat is kind of sad, let's ask her what happened.

Children ask what happened?

Educator (indirectly on behalf of the goat): I built a hut in the forest for myself and the kids. But the wind blew in, tore off all the leaves, and now my hut could be seen from afar. I'm afraid that the gray wolf will see the hut and take my kids (the teacher shows the background of the work, which depicts a hut and birch trees without leaves using bas-relief modeling). When there were leaves on the birch tree, the hut was not visible.

Educator: children, let's help the goat (children's answers).

Educator (indirectly on behalf of the goat): how can you help me? (children's answers)

Educator: It’s great that you came up with the idea of ​​making the goat’s hut invisible. How can we make sure that the hut is not visible? (children's answers).

Educator (indirectly on behalf of the goat): how wonderful you came up with the idea of ​​putting leaves on the birch tree.

The teacher places the picture on the easel.

Educator: Children, what are the names of the trees in the picture? (children's answers). How did you guess that it was a birch? (children's answers).

Educator (indirectly on behalf of the goat): Well done children, they recognized the birch, this is my favorite tree.

Educator: children, look at the picture, what can we make leaves from? (children's answers). That's right, we can make leaves from plasticine.

What color are the leaves on a birch tree? (children's answers). Where are the leaves located? (children's answers). Where are the branches located? (children's answers)

Educator: let's play (conducts physical exercise at his discretion)

As a physical exercise, you can use the first verse of the song “There was a birch tree in the field” with the following continuation

The birch tree shook its branches, drove away the gray wolf, Lyuli, Lyuli drove away, Lyuli, Lyuli drove away.

Next, the teacher carries out a commented demonstration

Do I pinch off a small piece from a piece of plasticine and roll it between my palms? What did I get? (children's answers) I take the ball between the thumb and forefinger of my right hand and flatten it. Here I have a leaf. Now I attach the leaf to the branch.

Together we will quickly hide the goat's hut. Go to the tables. All together we begin to sculpt the leaves. As soon as you have molded a few leaves, go to the picture and place the leaves on the branches.

Independent work of children

The teacher makes sure that the children approach the easel gradually, do not push and give each other the opportunity to attach the leaves. Encourages children. If there are many children in the group, you can use a large format of work or two backgrounds.

Educator (indirectly on behalf of the goat): you hid my hut so well behind the leaves, now the wolf won’t be able to find it. Thank you very much.

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