Summary of educational activities on speech development in the preparatory group with presentation

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Summary of educational activities on speech development in the preparatory group with presentation

Summary of educational activities on speech development in the preparatory group “How to help Kuza the brownie?”
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on speech development using presentation and elements of socio-game technology. Educational activities are aimed at developing friendly relations between children and are built in the form of performing certain tasks. This summary will be of interest to teachers of children of older preschool age. Goal: • formation of children's friendly attitude towards each other. Objectives: • to clarify children’s knowledge about friendship, about friendly relations between people, about children’s knowledge of poems and riddles about friendship; • learn to express an emotional state using facial expressions and gestures, continuing to work on understanding basic emotions: joy, anger, sadness, surprise, fear; • expand children’s communication capabilities, the ability to correctly answer the teacher’s questions on the topic; • develop in children the ability to act in micro groups, performing certain tasks; • fostering friendliness, empathy, the desire to help others and each other. Equipment: letter, cardboard logs for the home, audio recordings, presentation, cut-out pictures, pictures of fairy-tale characters, cards depicting human emotions. Progress of the lesson: Educator: Guys, when you come to kindergarten, what do you say to each other, what words do you use? Children: We say “Hello”, “Good morning”, “Hello!” Educator: Do you want to greet your friends differently? We will play the game “I want to be friends with you
I will say these words and then describe one of the guys. The participant, who guessed that they were describing him, quickly runs up to the driver and shakes his hand. And he himself becomes the driver in the game. Educator: draws attention to the ball with a letter attached. Someone threw us at the window, Look, a letter.
Maybe it's a ray of sunshine that tickles our faces? Maybe it was a sparrow that dropped it while flying? Let's find out who the letter is from?
Try to guess from this song. The song of Brownie Kuzi is playing.
(Audio recording) Children: The letter was sent by Little Brownie Kuzya.
Educator: Well done, you guessed correctly. And here he is ( slide 2: Kuzya’s image on the screen)
Educator: Let’s see, what is he writing to us?
( slide 3
) The teacher reads out the letter: “
Hello, dear guys!
I flew and flew and came to you, maybe I won’t be so lonely here, maybe I’ll find friends here? And I don’t have a house, mine is left far behind. I'm so sad and bored alone, please help. Goodbye! Your Little Brownie Kuzya.” Educator: How can we help him?
( children's answers
) Educator: Maybe we'll build a wooden house and invite Kuzya to live there (
slide 4
Here are the logs, yes, they are unusual, we will receive them when we complete the tasks correctly ( slide 5
We will have to work hard, go through an unusual path, and complete all the tasks that we encounter. Each task is one log, and this is how we will build our house for Kuzi. Task 1:
Teacher: task “What is friendship?”
difficult, I suggest you concentrate, think very carefully and answer the questions: 1) Where do you think friendship begins? 2) Who can you call your friend? 3) How should you treat your friend? 4) Is it nice when a friend trusts you, shares everything, helps? 5) What can friends do together? Educator: Well done! You have answered all the questions and can lay the first row of the house. ( Lays out the first log on the board
Task 2:
Educator: The next log and the new task “A world without a friend.”
I will start the sentences, and you will finish it: (Questions) The world without a friend would not be fun, because... The world without a friend would be sad, because... The world without a friend would not be joyful, because... ... Educator: Another log We mortgaged houses for Kuzya. Task 3:
Educator: Guys, do you know poems about friendship?
Children read poems * We quarreled with a friend and sat in the corners. It's very boring without each other! We need to make peace. I didn’t offend her - I just held the teddy bear, I just ran away with the teddy bear and said: “I won’t give it up!”
I’ll go and make peace, I’ll give her a teddy bear, I’ll apologize, I’ll give her a ball, I’ll give her a tram And I’ll say: “Let’s play!” *As soon as I start candy, I have countless friends, But the candy has run out, and I don’t have any friends. Everyone is a friend for candy, and tears it out of their hands. Well, why do I need this friendship, I myself love candy. * Friendship is a warm wind, Friendship is a bright world, Friendship is the sun at dawn, A joyful feast for the soul. Friendship is only happiness, People have only one friendship. With friendship, bad weather is not scary, With friendship, life in spring is full. * A friend came to me, and we played with her. And then one toy suddenly caught her fancy: a groovy frog, cheerful, funny. I'm bored without a toy - It was my favorite! But still, I gave the toy to my friend. Educator: Here's another log.
Task 4:
Educator: Oh, look, we have some kind of box, do you want to see what’s in it?
( slide 6
) Yes, it contains riddles about friendship and having guessed them, we will get the next log.
1) He shares his joy with me, He always stands up for me. If trouble happens suddenly, a faithful one will help me... 2) They say that we are alike. We answer: “So what?” They say they are inseparable. It's really boring without each other. They say that we are chatterboxes... So what! After all, we... 3) We are no longer friends, You left, I’m offended. They quarreled seriously, they called each other names, and now I’m sad. Come, I’ll forgive you. Agree, because of nonsense this one grew up... 4) Well, girlfriend, I suggest we forget our quarrel. I take a step towards you, I want to be friends with you. Stop being angry, girlfriend, I suggest... Educator: We laid out the fourth row for Kuzya’s house. And immediately we are all in such a joyful mood. Task 5: Physical education minute. "Business before pleasure!" Are you in a bad mood? Is things going wrong? Come out into the circle quickly! (Children stand in a circle, repeat the movements after the teacher
The mood has dropped, they throw their hands down
the matter is falling out of their hands... -
shaking their head, shaking their hands
But not all is lost yet,
- they shrug their shoulders
If there is a good friend.
- they turn their faces to each other.
handle the matter together,
- they shake each other's hands.
breathe a sigh of relief - -
take a deep breath, exhale
Let's raise the mood
- bend over and slowly straighten up.
And shake off the dust!
— they shake themselves off
We’re putting up another log for our house.
Task 6:
Game “Find out the mood.”
( Socio-game technique
) Educator: How can you find out a person’s mood?
That's right, by the expression on his face. Let's play now. We will divide into teams and perform game tasks (using cut-out pictures with a number on the back) The first, then the second number of each team comes to me. Task: show the person’s mood, which is depicted on the card (with facial expressions and gestures: sadness, fun, fatigue, surprise, joy, fear, thoughtfulness, anger, crying, cunning, etc.) ( slide 7
Did a great job! We continue construction, put up a log. Task 7:
“Find out the mood by the intonation of the voice” Educator: Is it possible to find out the mood of a person by the intonation of the voice?
That's right, it's possible. The third number in the team goes on a mission. Assignment: I will pronounce the words of the heroes of fairy tales, and you will name the mood of the hero one by one in your groups. Phrases: - “Come out, honey, quickly! It’s a shame for us without the sun - You can’t see a grain in a field!” ( sad
) - “Come out, bear, to the rescue.
You've got plenty of paws to suck, you lazybones, I have to go help out the sun! “( stern
) - “Where can we fight this guy!
He is both formidable and toothy, He will not give us the sun!” ( frightened
) - “The sun walked across the sky and ran behind a cloud.
The bunny looked out the window, It became dark for the bunny.” ( surprised
) - “Well, thank you, grandfather, for the sun!”
( joyful
) Educator: Well done, you coped with this task, here’s the next log.
Task 8:
socio-game technique
) Educator: The fourth number in the team is coming.
Next task: “Tell about a hero from a familiar fairy tale” (the cards depict fairy-tale heroes - children in the team must come up with a story about their character and tell everyone in turn) Attention to the screen! ( Fairy tale characters appear on the screen as the children tell the story and riddles for them: Little Red Riding Hood (slide8)
- caring, cheerful; Serpent Gorynych (slide 9) - evil, terrible; Emelya (slide 10) - kind, trusting; Cinderella (slide 11) - hardworking; Puss in Boots (slide 12) - cunning, funny, etc. ) Another row near the house. Educator: How many different tasks we completed, how much knowledge you showed about what kind of friends should be. I think , you can always find friends and be good comrades. We tried very hard, and our house for Kuzi turned out to be big and beautiful. (
Slide 13
) But it seems to me that Kuzi will be bored there alone. Let's put some funny people with him so that they had fun and joy to live in such a big, beautiful house. (
Slide 14
) Educator: Look how our house sparkled with joyful smiles! And what a beautiful fireworks soared into the sky in honor of our friendship (there is
a picture of a fireworks on the screen).
Educator : Admire your work. We did a very kind and useful thing - we helped Kuza find his own home, in which he and his friends will have a wonderful life.
(the music “Sunshine” plays, the children dance.
Summary of the lesson: Educator: Unfortunately, it’s time for us to say goodbye, but I was once again convinced that we have friendship in our group.
And so that the friendship between you becomes strong and real, we will say our wishes for friendship and close them in this magic box, which will be in our group all the time. Let's cheerfully tell everyone - goodbye. Presentation on the topic: How to help Kuza the brownie?

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