"Through the pages of fairy tales." Summary of GCD in the preparatory group

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Journey through Fairy Tales”

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Journey through Fairy Tales” Prepared by teacher: Angelika Anatolyevna Morozova

  • Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales.
  • Tasks:
  • Educational:
  • - teach to recognize a fairy tale by illustrations, riddles , episodes;
  • - strengthen the ability to create the structure of a fairy tale using modeling;
  • — to strengthen children’s skills in retelling fairy tales;
  • - expand your vocabulary;
  • - consolidate the names of Russian folk tales.
  • Educational:
  • - develop children’s speech and cognitive activity, the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions and inferences;
  • - develop thinking, imagination, visual memory, observation.
  • Educational:
  • — cultivate interest in Russian folk tales;
  • - develop the skill of cooperation and goodwill.
  • Equipment:
  • A chest, a ball of thread, illustrations for fairy tales, a folder – an imitation of a book cover, 7 multi-colored pages, mnemonic tables for fairy tales, envelopes with riddles, letters.
  • Preliminary work:
  • reading Russian folk tales;
  • viewing illustrations;
  • games – dramatizations based on Russian folk tales.
  • Progress of the lesson:
  • To the music of “Little Country,” the children enter and stand in a semicircle.

Educator : Hello, dear guests (children say hello).

Children, look how many guests we have today. They came to us to see how smart, responsive, friendly you are, how smart you are, how much you already know and can do.


Far beyond the mountains, beyond the seas, beyond the dense forests there is a huge country of Childhood. You can’t come there by car or sail by boat, but you can get there on the wings of fantasy, imagine this world, invent it yourself.


Children, do you like fairy tales?
(Children's answers).
I brought you a new book of fairy tales. Look how beautiful she is! (I open it and it turns out that all the pages have disappeared).

Guys, where do you think the pages of the book disappeared to? (Children reason and express their assumptions). Look, instead of one of the pages there is a letter. Who could it be from? Let's read it.

Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Journey to a Fairy Tale”

  • Aida
    Lesson notes for the preparatory group “Journey to a Fairy Tale”
  • Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales and fairy-tale characters .
  • Tasks:
  • Educational: - Form a consistent and expressive conveyance of the content of the work;
  • -To strengthen the ability to compose a descriptive story using pictures .
  • Developmental: - develop figurative speech, creative imagination;
  • - develop a desire for accurate word use;
  • Educational: - Cultivate a love of fairy tales ;
  • — Develop the ability to cooperate with each other and adults.
  • Preliminary work: reading fairy tales .
  • Materials and equipment: illustrations for fairy tales , music, writing, disposable plastic spoons, napkins, scissors, stapler, PVA glue, eye stickers, colored paper.
  • Methods and techniques: conversation, explanations.

Progress of the lesson:

1. -Good morning guys! Look, we have guests today, let's say hello to them!

  1. "Circle of Joy"
  2. “They looked at each other,
  3. Hold hands tightly
  4. Left - right turned,

And they smiled at each other.” Let's smile at our guests too, let's give our smile. Well done! Have a seat!

2. Guys, do you like fairy tales ?

Children. Yes. We love you. Like very much.

Educator. How can you say about a fairy tale , what is it like?

Children. Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.

Educator: Fairy tales can be funny, sad, funny, they are familiar from childhood. Our first ideas about the world, good and evil, and justice are associated with them.

Children and adults love fairy tales based on fairy-tale plots, operas and ballets are created.

Fairy tales are the “Soul of the People”. Passed on from generation to generation, fairy tales came to us from ancient times.

Guys, you want to fly with me to the land of fairy tales and test your knowledge about fairy tales .

But how can we get to the land of fairy tales ? Let's remember what magical objects help fairy-tale characters move .

Children: Airplane carpet, flying ship, walking boots, etc.

Educator: And magic shoes will help a fairy tale And they flew in a circle. Guys, our little shoes don’t want to take off. What are we going to do?

You need to cast the spell “the shoes you dressed in a fairy tale flew away

(fabulous music)

Educator: Here we are in the world of fairy tales . 1 slide. the fairy-tale heroes greeting us on the magic screen .

Slide 2 Letter. Oh, there’s some kind of old letter here, signed to the preparatory group . It says here that we guys must complete the tasks and for each task completed we will receive a golden key. When we collect all the keys, we will be able to open the magic chest. Are you ready to complete all the tasks?

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

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