Summary of the final lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group “Help spring collect beads”

Summary of the final GCD on FEMP in kindergarten. Preparatory group

Summary of the final lesson on FEMP “Visiting Aunt Owl”
Author : Bozhko Svetlana Alekseevna, MADOU No. 24 “Kindergarten of a general developmental type” goal: to show children’s acquired knowledge in mathematics. Educational tasks: 1. Strengthen children’s ability to solve simple examples of addition and subtraction, and formulate arithmetic operations. 2. Learn to think logically and perceive information by ear. 3. Strengthen children’s understanding of geometric shapes: the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, the ability to compare them by properties (color, shape, and size). Developmental tasks: 1. Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, attention, imagination. 2. Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements. Educational objectives: 1. To develop independence, the ability to understand an educational task and carry it out independently. 2.Cultivate interest in mathematical knowledge. Methodical techniques: 1. Surprise moment (letter). 2. Didactic game “Name your neighbor.” 3. Graphic dictation “Machine”. 4. Logical tasks. 5. Game exercise “Count.” 6. Game exercise “Build according to a model” (using Gyonysh blocks) 7. Game exercise “Solve an example”. 8. Didactic game “Find identical objects.” 9. Game exercise “Let’s build figures.” 10. Game exercise “Left-right”. Equipment: magnetic board, numbers. Demonstration material: “letter”, a sheet of Whatman paper with a drawn “key” and with removable cards with tasks, a ball with numbers.
Handouts: (for each child) Gyonysh blocks, cards with tasks “What's extra?”, counting sticks, cards with examples, 1/2 A4 sheet with drawn balls, blue and yellow pencils. Progress of the lesson:

(the bell rings to gather the children for class)
Educator: Guys, look at what an unusual ball I have in my hands. Why do you think I called it that? Children: numbers are written on it Educator : That's right, I suggest you play the game “Name your neighbor” Educator: Well done, so we played, guys, what activity does the ball invite us to? Children : for math class Educator : That's right, guys. Today I received an invitation from my old friend Aunt Owl, she invites me to visit her, shall we accept the invitation? Children : Yes Educator : What will we go there on? Children : (children's versions) Educator : I suggest you do a graphic dictation and find out what we will go to visit. Educator : Well done guys, we did it all. We’ll go by car. Vos-l : I ask everyone to come to me and listen carefully to the task. In order for our car to go, you need to complete the task: How many times I clap my hands, so many times you stomp, How many times I hit the tambourine, so many times you clap your hands. Educator : Well, our car is on its way, and so that we don’t get bored, we’ll solve logical problems with you. 1. In February, 2 apple trees and 2 pear trees bloomed. How many trees bloomed? 2. 7 cars were driving along the road, 2 stopped. How many cars were on the road? 3. A cat has 2 right paws, 2 left paws, 2 front paws, 2 back paws. How many paws does a cat have? Educator : While you and I were playing and didn’t notice how we arrived in the forest to Aunt Owl. To get into her possessions we need to pass a test. Here are cards with examples, you can look carefully and solve them. Educator : Well done, everyone did it. So you and I ended up in the domain of Aunt Owl. Educator : Guys, trouble happened to Aunt Owl, the witch stole and hid all the numbers in a chest. And in order for us to find the key to the chest and free the numbers, we need to complete several tasks. Are you guys ready to help? Children : ready Teacher : Then let's get started. The first task is written on the red square. We need to answer the problems correctly: 1. We shared an orange, there were a lot of us, and he... 2. Under the bushes by the river there lived cockchafers, a daughter, a son, a father, and a mother, who can count them? 3. Squirrel, hedgehog and raccoon Wolf, fox, baby mole The neighbors were friendly. They came to the bear for a pie. You guys don’t yawn. Count all the animals. Educator : Well done, you completed this task. And the next task is hidden in the blue triangle. You need to assemble an object from geometric shapes according to a model (using Gyonysh block cards). Educator : Well done, you completed this task. The next task is hidden in the green square. You need to solve encrypted examples. A number is hidden in the number of letters. BLUE-MAY, RINGING + CINEMA, TABLE + CHAIR Educator : Well done, you coped with this difficult task. Now let's do a warm-up. Physics minute: We clap our hands and stomp a little, sit down once, stand up twice, bend down three times and take out: the shoe with the right hand, the ceiling with the left handle. and we’ll sit down one more time, and now we’ll sit down. Educator : next task on the blue circle. And this is the task. You need to build geometric shapes from counting sticks. Let's build a square, build a triangle to the right of the square, and build a triangle to the left of the square. Educator : Well done with this task too. And now we have the last task left on the blue oval. You need to paint the balls so that the blue ball is on the left, and the big one is between blue and yellow. Educator : Well done guys, you and I have found the “key” to the chest and now we can free the numbers. Let's put them in order: 1. How many suns are there in the sky? 2. What number is one less than three? 3. How many letters are in the word “ball”? 4. How many paws does a cat have? 5. How many fingers are there on one hand? 6. What number is between the numbers 5 and 7? 7. Count how many blows? 8. What number is smaller than the number 9? 9. What number comes after the number 8? 10. How many fingers are there on two hands? Educator : Well done! The numbers are falling into place. Children, did you like our trip? Now it's time for us to head back. Close your eyes and listen carefully: The number of times I clap my hands, the number of times you stamp your foot. The number of times I hit the tambourine, the number of times you clap your hands. Educator : Well, our lesson is over, thank you.

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