Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Journey to a forest clearing.”

Summary of a lesson on speech development “In a forest clearing”

Summary of educational activities for speech development for children of senior preschool age.

Topic: “In a forest clearing.”


develop the lexical and grammatical structure of children’s speech.


1. Activate children’s vocabulary and speech.

2. To consolidate the use of diminutive forms of nouns, in the correct use of prepositions;

3.Develop children's imagination and creativity.

4. Foster love and respect for nature and its inhabitants.

Methods and techniques

: verbal: conversation, explanation, asking riddles; visual: work with subject pictures, schemes for composing stories - descriptions; practical: independent creative stories for children.

Health-saving technologies: physical education, outdoor classes.


: polar bear toy, pictures of forest animals, schemes for writing stories - descriptions.

Preliminary work

: Didactic games on the theme “Wild Animals”, drawing animals, trees. Reading fiction on the topic.

OOD progress.

Introductory part.

Organizing time.

The teacher quietly brings a toy polar bear into the group. Then he draws the children’s attention to the sounds (someone sighs very sadly).

Surprise moment.

Children discover a Polar Bear in the group.

Main part

Teacher (in the voice of a bear) - Hello, guys! I am a Polar Bear. I live in the Arctic, where there is a lot of snow and ice. During classes on getting to know the environment, our teacher, Penguin Lolovich, told me that I have relatives - brown bears and they live in the forest. And I really wanted to visit a clearing in the forest, meet its inhabitants, learn about their families. My teacher said that you can help me with this because... You know a lot about the forest and its inhabitants.

Educator: Are you guys ready to help the Polar Bear? (Children's answers)

- Well done, how can you help the Polar Bear? (You can choose pictures, tell stories, draw pictures, etc.).

— That’s right, guys, and it’s even better if we not only tell you, but also show you the forest and its inhabitants. Do you agree? (Children's answers)

- Then I suggest you get dressed and invite you and our guest to our forest clearing ( the teacher and the children go out to the park area on the territory of the kindergarten


Educator: Guys, many different animals live in the forest. Let's try to guess who they are? ( The teacher asks riddles, and after each guessed riddle, puts up a picture of an animal


I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest.

In the forest on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts ( Squirrel )


- Well done guys, place a picture of a squirrel where its house is (children hang the picture on a tree).

GCD for speech development in the preparatory group “Visiting Lesovich” - presentation

ECD for speech development in the preparatory group “Visiting Lesovich”

Petukhova Tatyana Timofeevna Teacher of the preparatory group of MBDOU "Kindergarten 21" (Pskov). Highest qualification category. Teaching experience – 10 years.

“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Physical education”, “Health”, “Music”, “Work”, “Reading fiction”. Integration of educational areas:

teacher, physical education instructor, music director Integration of the work of preschool specialists:

Objectives: Educational: expand children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn, activate vocabulary on the topic; ensure that children are positioned correctly on the ball; control posture, balance and vestibular function; improve various types of walking and running; develop the ability to feel the character and mood of a musical work. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and in people’s lives.

Developers to develop coordination of movements and eye, attention, orientation in space; strengthen various muscle groups; develop flexibility and mobility of joints; develop imaginative thinking, cognitive interest and speech activity of children; develop the basics of musical thinking, activating mental activity and long-term memory while listening to music.

Health activities help improve the emotional and mental state of children; promote correct posture; develop the muscular system by performing exercises on fitballs.

Educational to cultivate personal qualities: self-confidence, curiosity, sense of camaraderie; arouse interest in exercises with fitballs, an emotionally positive attitude towards physical education; cultivate interest and respect for nature; to cultivate creative musical and auditory perceptions, conveying images of the listened musical work through plastic movements.

Bars, ribbed boards, fitballs; colored paper confetti, cardboard, glue, markers, napkins; audio recording “Birds Singing”, audio recording “The Tale of Autumn-Goldilocks” by V. Bortsova. Materials for GCD:

repeating the rules of behavior in nature, reading works about autumn, guessing and interpreting riddles, observing and getting to know signs, sayings about autumn, listening to music, outdoor games, general developmental exercises on fitballs. Preliminary work:

1. Methods of motivation (invitation to guests; use of musical means; appearance of fairy-tale characters Lesovichka and Kikimora). 2. Methods of the educational process (outdoor games and exercises, visual aids and sports equipment, tasks for the development of children’s musical and motor memory). 3. Control methods (conversation, visual support, help if necessary). 4. Methods of stimulating children (surprise moment, encouragement). Methods and techniques for organizing GCD:

Progress of GCD Introductory part Educator: Dear guys! Today we were invited to visit! Do you want to know where and to whom we will go? (Children's answers - Yes, we want.) Educator: And we are going to the forest to the kind old forester. He wants to know whether we know what changes occur in the forest with the arrival of autumn and whether we know how to behave correctly in the forest. So, let's hit the road, and to get into the forest faster, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words:

Forest, path and stump, Lesovichok lives here. The kind grandfather of the forest invited you and me to visit. (Children close their eyes and repeat in chorus together with the teacher.) (Music sounds. Lesovichok enters.)

Lesovichok: Hello, dear guests! I'm glad to meet you. A magpie on its tail brought the news that friends of nature were hurrying to visit me, they knew the rules of behavior in the forest and always followed them. So I want to hear what you can’t do in our forest? Children name the rules for safe behavior in the forest: 1. You cannot go into the forest alone. 2. You cannot light a fire in the forest. 3. You cannot throw garbage in the forest. 4. You cannot make noise so as not to scare animals and birds living in the forest. 5. You cannot put unfamiliar mushrooms and berries in your mouth. 6. You can’t destroy birds’ nests. 7. You cannot touch or take home animals that live in the forest.

Lesovichok: Well, well done! I think you can safely go into the forest. And I invite you to a forest clearing, where a surprise awaits you and me. But the road ahead is not easy. Can we handle it?

To get there faster, we need to try very hard. Raise your feet higher if you are walking along the road. Walking with a high knee lift There are stumps in front, Use a snake to go around them. There is a ravine waiting for us on the way. Walk along the bridge. Walking “snake” between objects Walking while stepping over a gymnastic bench. We reach the edge, We found a path. Wonderful voices singing Improves your mood! Easy running with a change of direction and breathing exercises at the end. The main part of the Exercise with Lesovichok. (Audio recording of birds singing sounds)

Educator: Look, what a beautiful clearing! This is an unusual clearing: whoever wanders into it can always hear some kind of fairy tale. Do you love fairy tales... Then sit back, listen carefully and tell me who this fairy tale is about. (Audio recording of a fairy tale sounds)…

I'm on a forest palette Mixing miracle colors, The fragrant smell of pine needles And the warm light of the sun. And I’ll write you a fairy tale about Autumn-Goldilocks, With crimson and gilding I’ll create her portrait. I will weave a shepherdess wreath for her from fallen leaves, and decorate her sundress with a berry pattern. Her face will be warmed by cheerful freckles, the Tale of Autumn-Goldilocks

A caring fog will fall like a cloak on your shoulders. Rowan trees will put ruby ​​beads on her, Pomegranate seeds will be made into a bracelet made from grains, Wheat ears will curl up in brown, A cloudless dawn will flash in her smile. Soft moss will cover her in fluffy boots, And the aroma will be given by pine resin, Her outfit will be complemented by earrings made of acorns, And her gentle face will be remembered by the mirror lakes. Vasilisa Bortsova

Lesovichok: Look, there’s something hidden here. Want to see what's there? (Children's answers - Yes!) (Open the curtain.) So this is the surprise Lesovichok has prepared for us! Lesovichok: These are balls that are very similar to the sun! But these are not simple balls, but very useful ones - fitballs. Take fitballs and sit in a forest clearing. And I’ll call my friend, Kikimora-Veselushka, a fitball champion, she’s preparing the team from our forest to participate in the Olympic Games. (Calls Kikimora, asks her to teach the guys their favorite animal exercises)

Outdoor switchgear on fitballs. “Little Foxes” I.P. – sitting on the ball, feet on the floor, hands on the belt, back straight 1-2 – rolls on the feet from heel to toe and back – 15 times “Owl” I.P. – sitting on the ball, feet on the floor, hands on the belt, back straight B. – head turns left and right (perform 6-8 times)

“Hedgehog” I.P. – lying on your stomach, on the ball with support on your feet and palms V. – raise your right leg straight, return to the I.P., the same with the left leg (perform 6-8 times) “Beavers swim” I.P. – kneeling in front of the ball, leaning your chest on it, perform swimming movements with your hands (perform 6-8 times).

“The Little Bears are Playing” by I.P. – sitting on the floor with your hands behind your back, a fitball between your legs. V. – try to lift the ball with your feet, return to the position. (perform 6-8 times) “Little Bunnies” by I.P. - sitting on the ball, hands on hips. V. – jumping on a ball. Perform 2 sets of 20s.

Lesovichok: That's how well we worked out with Kikimora! Guys, let’s also make a nice Kikimora, tell you what changes occur in living and inanimate nature in the fall (children’s answers) Game “box” (we call signs, proverbs about autumn) 1. There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry. 2. Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn. 3. There are sparse clouds - it will be clear and cold. 4. If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh. 5. If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, next spring will be early, and if from below, it will be late.

6. In September, summer ends and autumn begins. 7. In September there is only one berry, and that one is a bitter rowan. 8. In September, the tit asks autumn to visit. 9. There is no September without fruits. 10. September - leaf fall. Well done, you named a lot of signs, and now quickly stand in a circle, we’ll play with the rain, we’ll run away from it.

The sun became bored in the sky, stretch with both hands, through the sides up and lower your hands down. It called its neighbors: Call them with one hand, and then with the other. Hey, you clouds are flying in. Speak into a megaphone (cup your hands near your mouth). And play with me: Cross your arms over your chest, then your arms to the sides and down. The clouds quickly flew in, waving your arms above your head. They wanted to play. Spin around once and put their hands down. Just lost the sun, shrug your shoulders, be surprised. Bitterly, bitterly, they began to cry. Rub their eyes with their fists. It started raining like buckets. Jump on two legs, clapping your hands. Run away in all directions! They run away. Physical education minute

Lesovichok: Thank you, Kikimora, for being able to devote time to us. Go prepare your team of future Olympic champions. Kikimora: And you guys will root for our forest team?.. Then we will definitely win, all the Olympic gold will be ours. Grow up smart and healthy... Goodbye... (Kikimora leaves)

Reinforcement game “It happens, it doesn’t happen” (The teacher pronounces a phrase, the children say, is it true or not, explain.) Lesovichok: Guys, my grandson sent me a letter, but it seems to me that he got something wrong, let’s correct the mistakes: “ Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees turned yellow. They are very beautiful. It's getting cooler and it's raining. People harvest vegetables and fruits. It's a pity that there are no flowers in autumn. The wintering birds do not want to spend the winter with us and have flown south. Swallows, rooks, and sparrows flew away. It's nice and fresh to breathe in the forest in autumn. The animals fell asleep. He sleeps curled up in a squirrel's hollow. Only wolves and foxes run around and eat the bark of trees. Autumn is an uninteresting, boring time of year; it would be good if winter came immediately after summer!”

Lesovichok: Guys, what if winter comes immediately after summer? What happens if there is no autumn? Children. All living things will not have time to prepare for winter. Trees will die, birds and insects will freeze. The squirrels and hedgehogs will not make provisions for the winter. People won't have time to harvest. Lesovichok: You guys know a lot about autumn and love it. At this time of year you are never bored; there is always something interesting and useful to do.

Lesovichok: Today I suggest you give yourself a gift as a souvenir of our walk through the autumn forest. Sit down at your desks, and I’ll tell you what needs to be done now. Children draw the trunk and branches of a tree with felt-tip pens; Thickly spread glue where there will be leaves on the tree, under the tree; Sprinkle confetti onto the glue. Let's wait until the work dries. And so that we don’t get bored waiting, let’s sing a song about autumn.

Song: “Farewell to the autumn forest” Words and music by E. V. Mashechkova Autumn, autumn, goodbye. It's time for us to go home. A farewell autumn leaf swirled above me. (2 times) Goodbye pine trees, spruce trees, We will come to you in the spring. And in frosts and snowstorms, sleep soundly, soundly! (2 times)

Lesovichok: Did you like our walk?.. Soon you will return home, but first we’ll put things in order, because you can’t litter in the forest (cleaning up workplaces) Photo as a souvenir.

What did you do in class? What did you like? What do you remember? Lesovichok: Goodbye, come visit me again. I will be waiting for you. And in memory of our meeting, I want to give you a gift of treats. (Lesovichok distributes gifts to children) Final part

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