Card index of invigorating gymnastics after a nap (1-2 ml g).

How to analyze such gymnastics

Like any other structural element of the educational process, invigorating gymnastics requires careful analysis. The purpose of such monitoring is to draw up an overall picture of the effectiveness of measures aimed at promoting the health and general development of children; the analysis allows us to understand whether additional adjustments are needed in the teacher’s approach to this issue. The analysis is carried out once every 2–4 weeks as new complexes are introduced. At the beginning, general information is indicated:

  • name of the preschool institution and group,
  • teacher's name,
  • date of gymnastics,
  • children's age,
  • number of children in the group.

Awakening gymnastics is part of the work aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children

Table: sample analysis scheme for invigorating gymnastics

No.Gymnastics stageList and description of exercisesTime frameConclusion (were the goals achieved or not, did they meet the allotted time, did all the children succeed)Notes
1Start of the climb, toilet3 minutesConclusion(At the discretion of the teacher)
2Exercises in bed(List specifically and describe)Conclusion(At the discretion of the teacher)
3Exercises near the bed (including walking on massage mats)(List specifically and describe)1–2 minutesConclusion(At the discretion of the teacher)
4Outdoor game(List specifically and describe)2 minutesConclusion(At the discretion of the teacher)

Daytime naps help children aged 1.5 to 3 years old regain strength after various types of activity, and also allow them to get used to their new life in kindergarten. Methodically well-constructed invigorating gymnastics allows you to carefully integrate it into the general daily routine, which is necessary for the harmonious organization of the pedagogical process.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Gymnastics includes techniques for relieving psycho-emotional stress and self-massage. Awakening gymnastics “Visiting the Sun.”

Purpose of the lesson: Prevention of colds through hardening procedures.

Waking up children after a nap requires a special approach from the teacher. Much depends on the nature and duration of children’s sleep and the sequence of their awakening. It is important to gradually include them in activity.

Prevention of colds through hardening procedures.

Gymnastics after sleep is a set of exercises that provide a smooth transition from calmness to wakefulness. The goals of such exercises are: increasing muscle tone; improving muscle tone.


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