Pictures for children on the theme “Winter and winter fun”

More than anything else, children love to play. Whatever game they choose, snowballs, balls, cubes, football or building castles in the sandbox, the kids always do it with passion. You can also enjoy watching children's games. In addition, pictures of children playing with their parents on the street can be an excellent tool for the development of speech in children.

How to use the material?

Illustrations of children playing football, ball, blocks, snowballs on the street, and building castles in the sandbox are based on mini-plots. Each picture is a story that can be expressed verbally. Ask your child to describe the picture and tell what it shows. Images of children playing on the street with their parents are rich in material for indicating actions and for learning verbs. At the same time, in such pictures you can find objects, phenomena, the names of which are expressed by nouns.

Pictures of children playing football, snowballs, balls, cubes, or making Easter eggs in the sandbox can be used in speech development lessons. This is an indispensable material for educators. Offer each child a separate card with a picture and ask him to describe what he saw. Make sure that the child uses the vocabulary as much as possible, various parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.

Pictures of children playing snowballs, balls, and football on the street can be used to develop memory. To do this, show your child the illustration for a few seconds, then hide it and ask him to tell from memory what was depicted there. Open the picture and together analyze what was named and what was not. Let the child complete the story and reproduce what was not said.

Using the pictures, you can tell a small child about new games that exist for the street. Perhaps the most favorite of them are snowballs. Describe to your child how fun it is to play with snow balls in winter, sculpt a snow woman, etc. Pictures of winter games can tell a lot about the fun of our distant ancestors.

You can make applications from the pictures available on the site: just cut out the illustrations and stick them on the base. This way, the child will be able to independently create the stories he likes from the children’s lives. If there is a school or kindergarten holiday coming up, you can create a collage on a stand or on paper, which will alternate with real photos and represent the children at various moments in their lives.

Pictures of children playing are an excellent opportunity for preschool teachers to attract the attention of new children. Hang them at the entrance to the kindergarten or aesthetic center. And the kids, walking along the corridors, will focus their attention on these pleasant moments of their lives.

Pictures for children on the theme “Winter and winter fun”

Story pictures are a universal material for speech therapy work in kindergarten. They help the teacher solve the following problems:

  • learn to write a descriptive story;
  • enrich vocabulary;
  • develop thinking, attention, imagination.

Various pictures for children depicting winter and winter fun should definitely be among the speech therapist's teaching materials. You can use special themed sets for kindergarten or select suitable images yourself. Let's consider several options for pictures about winter that will help in your work.

The picture Winter has come opens a series of images of nature selected for the new season. It can be used in classes in senior and preparatory groups, conducting classes on the topic “Winter”, “How animals prepare for cold weather”, “Golden Autumn”, “Migratory birds”.

The plot picture Winter in the forest helps to clearly show children the changes that occur in nature, in the forest. A beautiful winter landscape helps expand a child's horizons and vocabulary.

The description of a winter forest can be played out as a journey, an imaginary adventure into a drawn area.

Snow-White Zimushchka-Winter is an ideal background for Russian folk tales; this can also be used in collective and individual work with children. A doll tetra on a transparent background superimposed on a forest landscape is suitable for this.

Stories about winter should also include a description of the New Year and Christmas holidays. Children love these Winter pictures more than others and are more willing to engage with them. It is very useful to select images of live Christmas trees in the forest and a decorated Christmas tree at a holiday, and then play “Find the Differences!”

The next picture is called Winter outside the window, it shows the life of the metropolis in the coldest time of the year. For the preparatory group, it is good to use images of snow-covered streets of a big city and winter in the countryside; a couple of these illustrations can be used for group work and games. Drawing winter in the city allows you to discuss with children not only changes in nature, but also conduct speech games and exercises on the topic of Transport and Professions, since at this time you can see new cars and people doing special work on the street.

Pictures depicting winter children's games and sports activities organized in the fresh air are an excellent opportunity not only to enrich children's active vocabulary and narrative speech, but also to work on reinforcing complex sounds. These could be exercises on differentiating between S and S, Z and Z, S and Z, S and Z.

Several pictures of winter fun will be useful for working in a group and for conducting open classes. A mnemonic table, which schematically shows:

  • name of entertainment, game;
  • its rules;
  • its attributes;
  • number of participants;
  • best season.

For example, if the picture is dedicated to the winter fun “snowballs”, then the following should be noted in the table:

  • the first sound of the game's name is soft S and the snowballs themselves;
  • prohibition of throwing snowballs in the face, at animals and birds, at children;
  • gloves, snow molds, shield, targets;
  • one child and many;
  • snowfall, large snowflakes.

With such support, children will be able to compose their own story not only following the example of an adult, but also with the help of independent analysis. No inscriptions are needed; even senior pupils can easily compose a complete story using clear, schematic pictures.

In speech therapy work, it is useful to use a series of story-based pictures on the topic of Winter fun, winter sports, etc. Here is an approximate list of games that a speech therapist can conduct on the topic of Winter fun using story-based pictures, one or a series:

  • “What happened next?” (continue story)
  • What's in the picture... (white, cold, fluffy, etc.)
  • "Journey into Drawing"
  • "Guess what I'm talking about!"

The themes of the arrival of winter and winter children's fun are a real “methodological treasure trove” for speech therapists and teachers. There are a huge number of options for using it. We have offered you just a few of them.


Visual and didactic aid Stories from pictures Winter

Visual and didactic aid Stories from pictures Winter sports

N. Sozonova E. Kunitsina Notebook Stories about the seasons Winter

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