Lesson summary for the senior group on the Federal State Educational Standard “Oh, you winter-winter”

"Winter in the Forest"

Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about winter and winter phenomena.


Correctional and educational:

— clarify and expand the idea of ​​winter and its signs; — clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Winter”: learn to answer questions, compose sentences grammatically correctly, select feature words and action words; — learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes; improve skills in using prepositional-case constructions.

Correctional and developmental:

- learn to express your thoughts correctly and accurately; - develop visual and auditory attention, thinking; articulatory motor skills, coordination of speech with movement; facial muscles; - develop speech breathing, vocal range; - develop phonemic hearing; — learn to use prepositions denoting the spatial arrangement of objects.

Correctional and educational:

— to develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, and responsibility.


Laptop, presentation, projector, screen, cotton balls, artificial Christmas trees, paper balls with pictures, audio recording of bird voices.

Lesson summary for the senior group on the Federal State Educational Standard “Oh, you winter-winter”

Summary of an integrated lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the senior group on the topic “Oh, you winter-winter”
Author: Mandrykina Irina Nikolaevna, teacher. Goal: Repetition and generalization of acquired skills and abilities, clarification of children’s acquired knowledge in educational fields. Objectives: Educational:
1. Learn to express your point of view, listen to peers and maintain a conversation.
2. Activate children's vocabulary. 3. To consolidate in the minds of children the signs of winter and seasonal changes in nature. Developmental:
1. Develop memory, thinking, attention, sense of beauty through the winter landscape and the ability to convey this in your work.
2. Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of children’s health. 3. Develop children’s ability to communicate with adults and peers. 4. Develop independence, focus and self-regulation of one’s own actions. 5. Develop responsiveness, curiosity, cognitive motivation. Educational:
1. To form in children a sense of cohesion, unity, and a positive emotional mood within the team.
2. Strengthen children’s ability to interact with each other in a short game. 3. Strengthen the ability to follow the rules of the game, line up in a circle, find your place when building, move together, don’t push. Integration of educational areas: - Social and communicative development; — Cognitive development; — Artistic and aesthetic development; — Speech development; - Physical development. Methodical techniques: Game demonstration, comparison, questions, generalization. Providing activities: For the teacher:
a snowman, a painting “Winter Sorceress”, a painting with a winter landscape for group decoration, paper snowflakes for group decoration, imitation of snowdrifts.
For children:
drawing equipment: brushes, paints, watercolor sheets, napkins, coasters, sippy cups, wax crayons.

Progress of joint activities
Motivational and incentive stage: Exercise “Give a smile to a friend”:
Hello, the sky is blue!
(hands up) Hello, golden sun! (hands up) Hello, mother earth! (hands down) Hello, my friends! (arms to the sides) Educator: We have guests today, let's say hello to them. Organizational - search stage: Educator: Today a lot of interesting things await us, and your attention, resourcefulness, ingenuity and curiosity will help you. Please guess the riddle: Every day it’s getting colder, The sun is warming less and less, There’s snow everywhere, like a fringe, - So, it’s come to us... (winter) - What time of year do you think we’ll talk about? — What time of year is it now? Name the winter months. What is our winter like? (winter is snowy, cold, frosty) What happens in winter? (snow is falling, the wind is howling, the river is freezing) What can you say about snow? (the snow is fluffy, light, soft. The snow covered the whole earth. What is the weather like in winter? (the weather in winter is windy, frosty, snow is blowing in winter, the wind is howling) - They described winter well, remembered all its signs. Let us play a little. Game " "Winter words" Children clap their hands if they hear a word associated with winter (Snowflake, warmth, New Year, sled, ice, heat, mittens, tulips, snowman, Santa Claus, falling leaves, Snow Maiden, strawberry, sunbathing, snowfall, skiing ". Game "Say a word" (related words) - In winter, everything is covered with white fluffy snow, let's play with this word. The teacher reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word "Snow". Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, it falls to the ground (snow) From the sky all the fluffs are sliding - silvery (snowflakes) In the village, on the meadow everything is falling (snowball) Here's fun for the guys - more and more (snowfall) Everyone is running to the races, everyone wants to play ... (snowballs) Like in dressed up in a white down jacket (snowman) There’s a snowy figure nearby - it’s a girl (snow maiden) In the snow - look? - with a red breast (bullfinches) As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, the whole earth was decorated (snow) - What words did you add? - What word do they all look like? Who knows what to do outside in winter to avoid freezing? That's right, move! And now I suggest you get up and move. Physical exercise “Making a snowman” with music - Guys, tell me, what else do you like to do while walking? (children call) - Today we will talk about one of the winter activities. Listen carefully to the riddle: They didn’t raise me, They made me out of snow, Instead of a nose they cleverly inserted a carrot. Eyes - coals, Hands - knots, Cold, big. Who am i? (Snowman) (show a picture of a snowman). — Do you think it’s interesting to sculpt snowmen? Presentation “Snowman: the history of the origin of the symbol of winter and the New Year” Educator: We will continue to master mixed media in drawing - wax chalk and watercolor. Of course, your snowmen will be similar to each other, because each snowman consists of... what? Children: From balloons. Educator: How many snow globes do you need for a snowman? Children: Three. Educator: What size are these balls and how are they located? Children: A snowman consists of three balls placed on top of each other; at the bottom is the largest one, in the middle is the medium-sized one, at the top is the smallest one - this is the head; hands can be made from ovals. Educator: What items of clothing can you draw for a snowman? Children: Beautiful hats and scarves. First, we will do some finger exercises. Finger game “Winter” We put our palms out, (Children put their hands forward with their palms up) We begin to catch snowflakes! (Children perform grasping movements with their hands - “catch” snowflakes.” One, caught, two, caught! Not tired? Not tired! (children “catch” snowflakes) One, caught, two, caught! And of course, not tired! And snowflakes a lot, a lot! (children make “waves” with their hands, with their palms “looking” down) And snowdrifts grow everywhere. (children show with their hands with outstretched fingers “growing snowdrifts”) Let’s collect snow in our palms (children show how they collect with both hands a handful of snow) And let’s start making snowballs! (they begin to “make” snowballs) We sculpt, sculpt, sculpt a ball (the children continue to “make” snowballs) And then we throw it up! (an imaginary snowball is thrown up) We played without a care, And now we hurry to work! (everyone returns to work) Educator: We outline the outline of the snowman with white wax chalk, paint over the body, red cap and carrot, brown handles and you can draw a panicle. We tint a sheet of paper with blue paint. Result of the lesson: Educator: Guys, tell me, did you like our lesson? - What Did you like our lesson? — What caused the difficulties? - What have you learned? — What new did you learn? Thank you for the lesson.
Presentation on the topic: Snowman. The history of the symbol of winter and New Year

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