Theater. Summaries of theatrical activities in the middle group

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

Summary of a lesson on theatrical activities with modeling elements for children of the middle group “Visiting Fairy Tatyana”

Summary of a lesson on theatrical activities with modeling elements for children of the middle group “Visiting Fairy Tatyana”

Goal: organizing creative and productive activities for children using non-traditional modeling techniques.
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Summary of educational activities for theatrical activities in the middle group “Playing theatre”

.Summary of GCD for theatrical activities

in the middle group

"We're playing theater"


: development of creative abilities through theatrical activities


: 1. Teach children to clearly pronounce the text using different emotional colors (joy, sadness);
2. Develop children’s psychophysical abilities (facial expressions, gestures); 3. Cultivate cognitive interest in theatrical activities; 4. Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical games. Progress:
(The storyteller enters)


Guys, do you recognize me?


You are a storyteller.


Do you know where fairy tales are shown?


In the cinema, on TV.


And fairy tales are also shown in the theater. Do you know who shows fairy tales in the theater?


Guys, do you want to become artists?
(Children's answers). Storyteller:
Let's play artists.
Do you know that an artist is helped by his face, eyes, hands. Today you and I will learn to convey through facial expressions and body movements what we feel. After all, these skills help us better convey the images of our heroes when we stage a fairy tale. Let's start our lesson with a warm-up game called "Transfers".
Be careful and follow my instructions clearly.
First I will explain to you the rules of this game. We convey everything to each other silently, and what we feel will be expressed with our eyes, face, lips, shoulders, hands - in general, this is all called facial expressions and gestures.
Sit comfortably and correctly, let's start with... and end with me.

1. Give a smile to your neighbor

2. Pass the “angry look”
(angry facial expression);
3. Convey “fear”;
Pass on the “horror story.” Storyteller:
And here is the next task -
pass the “clap”.
Let's start with me, I show you transmit to each other.
(First I show one clap; three clap; two clap and a third on the knees). Storyteller:
So, our
is over.
Guys, we conveyed everything silently only with facial expressions, i.e., facial expressions,
and movements, i.e.,
Guys, what did we convey? (Gestures, facial expressions, movements). Now let's try to convey our mood with our voice
: happy and sad.
Listen to this phrase: “We’re going, we’re going, to see grandma and grandpa.”
Let's repeat this phrase all together.
(Choral repetition). Storyteller:
Guys, I have drawing cards with facial expressions
of a man: happy and sad.
You need to go to the table and take a little man with a facial expression that you like.
(Children come to the table and take cards). Storyteller:
Now say this phrase:
“We’re going, going, to grandma and grandpa,”
with the intonation of the little man shown in your picture: sad or cheerful.
Here Misha, Sophia, Styopa have a sad little man. Let's try to say this phrase sadly, imagine that someone offended you. (Children take turns saying sad). Storyteller:
And Tanya, Zarina, Arseny are a cheerful little man.
Let's try to say this phrase cheerfully. Imagine that they bought you your favorite toy and you are in a joyful, cheerful mood. (Children take turns saying cheerfully). Storyteller:
Guys, a kitten came to visit me. What fairy tales and cartoons does a kitten live in? (Children's answers).


Let's stand in a circle and play with him.
Look, I have a little kitten in my hands. I will give each of you to hold him, and you stroke him, caress him, just be careful and tell him kind words. (Children pass to each other and say kind words to the kitten). Storyteller:
Well done!
Guys, I know a poem about “Pussy.”
Do you want to listen to it?
Listen and say sadly or cheerfully I read this poem. (I read the poem with expression). - Hello pussy, how are you?

Why did you leave us?

- I can’t live with you,

There is nowhere to put the tail.

Walk, yawn,

You step on the tail.

Educator: Funny poem? (Yes) . Educator: How did I read the poem: sad or happy? (Children's answers).


I read it with intonation and expression.
Guys, let's read this poem to make you feel sorry for the pussy, to make you feel sad. Storyteller:
Who wants to read this sad poem
(2-3 children).
Now let's read it
And I feel sorry for the pussy and at the same time the poem is funny.
(I read it fun. Then 2-3 children). Storyteller:
Guys, do you want to become pussies yourself who wants to steal a sausage?
(Yes). Storyteller:
Let's try to play
tricky pussy.
Get up from your chairs.
Imagine that you are a pussy who wants to pull a sausage off the table. Stand up like a pussy on your paws. Pussy goes to the kitchen. You spin around the table, rub your back against its leg, stand on your hind legs and inhale the pleasant smell with pleasure. But then the hostess came out of the kitchen. You reach for the sausage with your paw, and there it is in your paws. But then the hostess comes in. Pussy throws the sausage and runs away. Storyteller:
Guys, do you feel sorry for the pussy?
(Yes) . Storyteller:
Let's take pity on her.
Imagine that your left hand is a cat, and with your right hand you are stroking it: - Pussy, kitty, kitty! - Julia called the kitten. - Don’t rush, wait, wait! - And stroked it with her hand!
(L.P. Savina).
Kitty has calmed down.
Guys, how do you think Mistress Julia will feed her pussy? (Yes) . Storyteller:
(Children's answers) Storyteller:
Well done! I also think that the mistress will stroke her pussy and feed her. Well, it's time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye, guys!

Summary of educational activities for theatrical activities “Home Alone” in the middle group

Lesson for children of middle preschool age
Integration : Cognitive, Artistic and aesthetic, Speech, Social and communicative. Goals: • teach children to behave correctly at home when they are alone; • form the idea that doors should not be opened to strangers. Objectives: Educational: Teach children to identify strangers, how to behave if someone rings the doorbell or on the phone; help children remember the police number. Developmental : Develop children's skills for safe behavior at home (if the child is left alone at home), perception, thinking, attention, memory, speech. Educational : To instill in children a sense of self-defense. Preliminary work : reading the book by O.M. Zhuravleva, G.P. Shalaeva “New rules of behavior for well-mannered children.” Vocabulary work: policeman, stranger, Equipment: animal masks: fox, fox, bear, bunny, wolf, cat, raccoon, mole, squirrel, hedgehog, frog;
telephone numbers: 01, 02, 03, 04, 911, policeman's cap, plumber's key, electrician's wires, telephone, door model with peephole. Logic of educational activities
Presenter : Children today a film crew from Hollywood came to our kindergarten. And they will film an unusual instructive story—the film “Home Alone.” Children, “filmmakers,” enter to the music. Presenter: Once upon a time there lived a family: mother Fox and daughter little fox Lida. One morning my mother received a call from work and asked her to come urgently. Mom Fox : Hello! How to get to work? Do you need it urgently? Okay, I'm leaving! Presenter : Of course, little fox Lida let her mother go and stayed home alone. And now we will see what happened to little fox Lida that day. Cameramen: “Get ready!” Motor!" - “There is a motor!” - “Camera!” - I have a camera! - “Frame 1!” Take 1!” - “Let’s start!” Children (squirrel, bunny, hedgehog, raccoon, mole) approach the front door model. Presenter: Her friends came to visit the little fox Lida. They rang the doorbell, and the little fox Lida immediately opened it. Lida: Come in! I didn’t expect it, such a surprise! Host: They entered. Little Fox Lida slammed the door. And the bunny said in surprise... Bunny : My mother forbids me to open the door to any call. Lida : And my mother is not at home now! She left for work. Hedgehog :. Didn't she tell you that you can't open the door right away? You have to ask; "Who's there?" or “Who do you want?” It’s better to look through the peephole of the door - whether it’s yours or someone else’s. Lida: I can’t reach the peephole. Raccoon: Put up a chair! Lida : Yeah, drag it back and forth. You, in general! panties! Well, they'll steal. Yes, we don’t have anything valuable in our house except a computer and a tablet. Squirrel: What will you watch and play then? Mole:. She will look out the window. Lida : Come on, you guys are so timid. Little Hare: There are so many terrible things happening now. They say that a toothy wolf walks around apartments and other deceiving strangers. Lida (laughing): Stop being intimidating. Squirrel (solidly): You’re still little, we’re worried about you. And you must understand this. Lida: That's enough, let's go to my room and play. They gave me new toys. Host: And the insidious toothy Wolf actually walked around the apartments that day. It was the Wolf from the high road, or maybe from the dark forest. And most likely, from the main road going through a dark forest. He wandered into the city and checked the doors of different houses: where they were poorly closed and where they opened them, without asking: “Who appeared there?” And it had to happen that he rang the doorbell. At the door of Lida the fox. He was probably watching in the yard and saw Lida’s mother leave. Cameramen: “Get ready!” Motor!" - “There is a motor!” - “Camera!” - I have a camera! - “Frame 2!” Take 1!” - “Let’s start!” The bell rings. Lida: Mom has come! Hedgehog: Wait! Wolf: I'm here! Plumber. Open it quickly, I don't have much time! Lida : But nothing is leaking here. Wolf: If it doesn’t flow, it will flow. I am carrying out current repairs. Presenter: The little mole climbed onto a high chair and looked through the peephole: a wolf in overalls with a wrench stood in front of the door. Mole: You are not a mechanic, you are a Wolf. Wolf: I just look like him, everyone confuses me. And I am not me. (Laughs loudly.) Raccoon: Whose wolf’s tail is it? Wolf: I borrowed it for the sake of respect. Lida: We didn’t call a locksmith. Host: The wolf grumbled angrily at the door and left. Hedgehog: You see, and you rushed to open the door. Lida: And if my mother calls, should I ask too? Bunny: Definitely! Or maybe a stranger’s uncle or aunt came instead of your mother. Host: And the Wolf didn’t waste any time either. He put on another jacket and, putting a coil of wire under his arm, again approached the treasured door. Cameramen: “Get ready!” Motor!" - “There is a motor!” - “Camera!” - I have a camera! - “Frame 3!” Take 1!” - “Let’s start!” Wolf: Did you call the specialists from Rostelecom? Lida: They called! Presenter: But the prudent Hedgehog did not let her into the door, and he also closed all the other locks. Hedgehog: (whispers). Remember, the door should always be tightly closed. Wolf: How long will I wait?! Is it possible to do this to a master?! Now the cartoons on the Cartoon Channel will begin! Lida (jumps and rejoices): Cartoons, cartoons. (Tries to open the door.) Let me in! Squirrel: I won’t let you in, the cartoons will be there in an hour, I know the program. Mole : No, you are not a master! You are the Wolf again! Look what teeth you have! Wolf: Don’t talk to me about my teeth, she’s looking at my teeth. Well, stay without cartoons. You're lucky that the door is locked (Leaves.) Host: The wolf turned out to be persistent and again dressed up this time as a gas repairman. He turned his jacket inside out, and there were numbers: 04. Again he approached the impregnable door and rang the bell three times. Cameramen: “Get ready!” Motor!" - “There is a motor!” - “Camera!” - I have a camera! - “Frame 4!” Take 1!” - “Let’s start!” Lida: Who's there? Wolf (in a squeaky voice). Gorgaz. You need to look at the gas stove. Lida : We didn’t call anyone. Wolf: This is an urgent check to see if you have a gas leak, otherwise you won’t notice and will fly up into thin air. Lida : Now, now! Already going! Please wait. Presenter : The little hare habitually stopped the little fox Lida and climbed onto a high chair to look through the peephole on the door. Little Bunny : Why do you have such a long tail? Wolf : I don’t have a tail, I was tailless from birth. Little Bunny: What’s sticking out above your head? Wolf: Ugh. Host : Do you think the Wolf has left? Nothing like this. He again came up with some kind of dirty trick. The wolf changes clothes in front of the door: he puts a police cap on his head. The doorbell rings. Cameramen: “Get ready!” Motor!" - “There is a motor!” - “Camera!” - I have a camera! - “Frame 5!” Take 1!” - “Let’s start!” Wolf : Your local police officer, Sergeant Fedotov. I came to introduce myself and get to know you. Are strangers bothering you? Please open the door! Lida : Please, we will open it for you now. And then there are all sorts of people walking around here. Mole: Wait, hurry, what is your police number? 01 or 02, or maybe 03? Forgot! The little hare went into another room and from there called the police. Hare: They don’t have any Sergeant Fedotov. The police ask to speak with the Wolf and detain him until they arrive. Wolf : What took you so long! You shouldn't be afraid of the police. Do you know the poem: “My police are watching over me”? Ugh: “He takes care, of course he takes care.” Raccoon: Where did she guard you? Wolf : I'm no longer there. Oh, how smart the children have become. Presenter : Meanwhile, other guests arrived! Cameramen: “Get ready! Motor!" - “There is a motor!” - “Camera!” - I have a camera! - “Frame 6!” Take 1!” - “Let’s start!” Cat : Open up, nurse! We are vaccinating against flu! Lida: My mother and I already went to the hospital and got vaccinated! And vaccinations are done in the hospital! We won't open it, go away! Lida's friends : Well, now you answered correctly! Presenter : In five minutes, the call! Cameramen: “Get ready!” Motor!" - “There is a motor!” - “Camera!” - I have a camera! - “Frame 7!” Take 1!” - “Let’s start!” Frog: Open, there’s a telegram for you! Lida: Now it’s the 21st century - SMS, Internet, but no telegrams! Go away, you are telling lies! Host: Mom came home from work. Friends said that strangers came to Lida and how they warned Lida against strangers. A policeman from the department also arrived. And about the Wolf he said briefly: “We’ll catch you!” Presenter: -Well, children, should you open the door immediately after the bell rings or first ask: “Who’s there”? — Is it possible for children to open the door for strangers if there are no adults at home? The children answer. Presenter: The little bunny - our poet - gives advice to teachers: Little Bunny : For the correct children's answer, everyone gets a couple of candies! Don't trust the wolf anymore, Believe only in a reliable door! Film director : (Comes out with the caption “The End”) -Cut! Everybody's Free! Children line up in a semicircle to bow. The final music plays and the children dance to it. At the end, a table is set for treating the artists.

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