Health corner in kindergarten. Content and design

Doctor Aibolit: health corner in kindergarten

The immune system of a small child is just beginning to develop and adapt to environmental conditions. To help families support it, the first step is to provide information on how to do so. This is an important task of preschool institutions. This mission can be accomplished by organizing conversations and creating a so-called health corner.

What should a health corner look like? Pictures are a must. The main audience is parents, but also children. Therefore, funny faces, famous characters from fairy tales or cartoons, bright colors - this is what will attract the attention of both. The theory should be present, but it is worth placing more specific practical recommendations on the information stand. And, of course, the materials should be in a visible place, perhaps where parents are waiting for their children and could while away the time reading.


Our mood and the general condition of the whole body are influenced by paints of different colors. The poster is drawn in one general color scheme, but to highlight the necessary details, it is worth using a bright and catchy color. The combination of red and green, blue and orange, and purple and yellow are absolutely incompatible.

Most often, in preparation before drawing a poster, three colors are chosen; two colors will be similar, while the third will be contrasting. The third color serves to highlight the main idea and purpose of the poster; it can be red or yellow.

It is noticeable that red is the color predominantly used by product manufacturing companies to attract potential buyers.

Experienced poster makers don't like to use a lot of unnecessary colors. Ideally, there are three of them, you need to keep this in mind and not load the poster with completely unnecessary colors.

Information for the health corner

It is advisable to update materials periodically; you should always try to make them relevant. So, the health corner in kindergarten usually consists of the following topics:

  1. Disease prevention and accident prevention. In winter, you can write about how to avoid frostbite, in the off-season - about the symptoms of a cold and its prevention, and in the summer it is important to remind about safe swimming in rivers and seas, about how to save yourself from sunstroke and insect bites.
  2. Information about vaccinations: what they are for and when you can contact your pediatrician to get them.
  3. Choosing clothes according to the weather. Children need to be taught to dress themselves; they must understand when and what to wear.
  4. Physical education of the child, education of hygiene skills: daily hygiene, taking care of posture, etc.
  5. Features of the daily routine of a child of a certain age.
  6. Proper, balanced nutrition: the required daily amount of calories consumed, sources of vitamins, etc.

Requirements for formatting text messages

A health corner in a kindergarten can be made in any style and contain elements of creativity, but there are a number of general recommendations to increase its effectiveness:

  1. Simplicity and accessibility of the material provided: absence of unknown terms or incomprehensible phrases, clarity of presentation.
  2. Large font and certain colors in the design (preferably contrasting compared to the background, and not too bright). The text should be well presented visually, this will improve its perception.
  3. Interesting, attention-grabbing headlines. You can write abstractly - short and at the same time meaningful titles will be remembered immediately.
  4. The text that will be placed in the health corner (photos will help to dilute it) must be literate. Don't write too much different information. Let these be short passages illustrated with thematic images.


First, you need to understand what you want to draw on the poster, what idea to convey with your drawing.

Examples of ideas:

  • Proper nutrition saturates the body with all necessary elements and vitamins
  • Playing sports protects against various diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • It is important to have a sufficient number of hours allocated for sleep; their lack has a detrimental effect on the general condition of a person
  • Taking time for your spiritual development is just as important as your physical health.

Choose a few inspiring and catchy slogans that will catch attention and act as a kind of accent.

As a rule, slogans are written small, short and succinct.

Educational classes with a teacher

In addition to the fact that there is a health corner in kindergarten, the teachers themselves must clearly show and explain everything to the kids. Day after day you need to repeat the necessary rules. It is useful not only to talk about, but also to show, for example, why brush your teeth and how to do it correctly, what to wear in summer and what in winter, what vaccinations are, etc. You can also demonstrate the materials themselves (brush, clothes, doctor’s kit and other). It is worth involving children in improvised scenes and teaching them to use objects for their intended purpose. Hygiene rules, for example regarding brushing teeth, can also be outlined in the health corner.

Every day or at least every other day you need to set aside time for physical education. You can include fun playful exercises in each lesson. The children's room should have sports equipment - balls, hoops, jump ropes, massage mats, bolsters, a horizontal bar or wall bars. Teachers are required to explain to children how to use all this. Information on how you can exercise with your baby at home can also be posted in the health corner.

Using photos

Photos can be a great solution if, for example, you are short on time or want to stand out among your students. You need to draw the details, as mentioned above, with paints or felt-tip pens, and additionally use photographs; you can also print out the required material.

Another advantage of photographs in a poster is the reality of the moments captured; viewers will be interested in seeing themselves or their friends in them.

Use different directions of photographs or pictures from newspapers; a thin young man and a strongly built young man will produce an excellent effect.

Sports family – healthy child

Parents are the most significant people for everyone throughout their lives. For a small child, they are role models. The child’s life activities directly depend on their lifestyle. The health corner should also contain information about a healthy lifestyle and the need for parents and children to spend time together. Parents need to cultivate in their child the need to take care of their body, eat well and properly, be active and play sports. At the same time, they themselves must adhere to the same attitudes, accept them and demonstrate them in behavior.

It is not necessary to fanatically follow the idea that a healthy body means a healthy mind. But we also must not forget about the need for vitamins, the quality of food as a source of energy, and light gymnastics that can be done even with a baby and which will strengthen his health - these ideas are definitely needed convey to parents.

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