"Introduction to the medical profession." GCD for speech development in the middle group

Lesson summary for the middle group on OBD

Notes on OBD “Should we be afraid of doctors?”

Goal: To introduce children to the medical profession in a playful way. Objectives: 1. expand children’s horizons and understanding of the medical profession. 2. develop imagination and creativity. 3. give children the opportunity to try on the role of a doctor and a patient. 4. help children overcome their fears of doctors in a playful way. 5. development of dialogue speech, activation of vocabulary. 6. development of children’s abilities to interact with each other in a playful way. Materials and equipment: 1. Doctor's play suitcase. 2. A set of toy medical instruments. 3. Robes and hats. 4. A set of toy medicines. 5. Doll “Aibolit”

Educator: Guys! Try to guess who will be the main character of our game today? Who is the most useful person in the world, who cures any disease? Who is always in a white robe busy with the most necessary work? Who, as soon as you enter, says: “Open your mouth and say loudly - “Ah-ah!” Does your head hurt? Who is caring and kind? Well, of course, this is... Children: Doctor! Educator: That's right, guys, well done! Our guest today is the good doctor. (We bring a large doctor doll and sit it on a chair) Do you guys know why doctors are needed? (Treat, help not to get sick, prescribe medications, examine) Have you ever gone to the doctor? (yes) Do any of you want to become a doctor when you grow up? Let's imagine that we are in a real hospital. There are doctors and patients among you. Now we will choose two doctors with a little counting: We are going to play, but who should start? One two Three! You will be the doctor today! Educator : Here are our doctors. They put on robes, hats and take a suitcase with tools. And the patients sit on chairs. The reception is in progress. Educator: Early in the morning, the good doctor puts on his robe, washes his hands cleanly with soap, calls the children into the office. - “How did you sleep, what’s bothering you?” The doctor will ask the kids. And he will carefully examine the throat and nose of children. Any illness is not scary. If the doctor asks, answer. He will prescribe medicine for everyone and delicious tea with raspberries. Measure the temperature and listen to the beat of the heart There will be a doctor at the appointment, The doctor is a good friend to children! If your teeth hurt, everyone rushes to the doctor! He will help and your suffering will instantly end. Well, if necessary, the Doctor will give an injection, and then, as a friendly team, we’ll play volleyball again. He will prescribe medicines for us, take them without any fun! Tomorrow, when we wake up, we will be the healthiest of all! Our doctors listen to the heart, examine the ears and eyes of their patients, and measure blood pressure. They ask: “What hurts, what worries you?” They prescribe medications and distribute them to patients. Educator: Guys, do you know what vaccinations are? What are they needed for?


help not to get sick.

Educator: Which of you was vaccinated? Well done! There is no need to be afraid of vaccinations. They are our helpers and protectors from viruses. After all, you and I don’t want to get sick? Children:


Educator: Being sick in your crib alone at home is so boring and unpleasant! It's much better to have fun, play and hang out with friends, right?


Educator : And now, guys, we will all solve riddles together: The good doctor from the fairy tale Heals all the animals. He sits under a tree, Good Doctor... Children: Aibolit!
Fight germs and bacilli: Wash your hands clean with... Children:
Don't be afraid of the pediatrician, Don't scream, don't worry, Don't cry in vain, This is a kind child... Children: Doctor!

He will take the temperature and help us understand whether we can go for a walk.
Children: Thermometer!
Doctor, but not for people, But for birds and all animals He has a special gift, This doctor is... Children:
You can chew through pipes too if you clean... Children:
So that our beautiful world can be seen in all its colors. It is necessary that the children’s eyes don’t hurt. If your vision is bad, Everything floats, then and there will be a sheet written on the lenses. It’s called... Children: Oculist!

You need to play sports and gain health! Our best friends... Children: Sun, air and water!

There is always a bottle for Alenka’s scratches... Children: Zelenka!

To be rosy and healthy And with a smile on your face Vitamins will help us develop... Children:
Vitamins A, B, C!
If your throat hurts or maybe you have bronchitis, a very tasty medicine, the doctor will allow us to drink it!
Even bears love him, all the girls and boys! Children: Raspberries and honey!
Educator: Guys, tell me, did you learn something new today about the profession of “Doctor”? What kind of doctors are there?


Pediatrician - children's doctor, Eye - ophthalmologist, Dental - dentist, in fairy tales - Good Doctor Aibolit, Veterinarian - animal doctor.
Educator: How should you behave at a doctor’s appointment?

Don’t be afraid, there’s no reason to cry, answer the doctor’s questions, give the doctor the opportunity to examine you.
Educator: What should you do to avoid getting sick?

Get vaccinated, wash your hands before eating, eat well, walk a lot in the fresh air, play sports, do exercises, eat fruits - they contain vitamins.
Educator: What if, after all, you get sick?
What should I do and who should I contact? Children:

See a doctor, take prescribed medications, drink hot tea with raspberries and milk with honey.
Educator: To prevent teeth from hurting, what should you do?

Brush your teeth morning and evening.
Educator: Well done, guys! Don't forget these rules and you will always be healthy!

Summary of NNOD on Familiarization with the subject and social environment on the topic “Wonderful doctor”

Educational field "Cognitive development"

Familiarization with the subject environment and social world


Wonderful doctor

Program content


  • To form concepts about the importance of the work of a doctor and a nurse, their business and personal qualities.
  • Develop an emotional relationship with them.

The priority educational area in the OA process is “Cognitive Development”

Integration of educational areas


Educational field "Speech development"

: expand children's vocabulary.

Educational area “Physical development”: Foster independence and initiative in organizing familiar games

Types of children's activities

: gaming, communicative, perception of fiction, motor.

Form of organization of collective activity

- joint activities of the teacher and children.

Materials and equipment:

Doll, medical equipment, photos of the nurse's family.

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about their parents' professions. Examination of paintings and illustrations on the topic: “professions”.

Contents of educational activities.

1. Introductory part (motivational stage).
Creating gaming motivation.
Guys, let's stand in a circle and greet each other in the usual way: say “Good morning!” first in a whisper, then in a normal voice and very loudly.

Now let's wake up our palms, legs, mouth, eyes so that they can work well. Warm-up exercise.

Hello, palms (clap, clap, clap).

Hello, legs (top, top, top).

Hello, cheeks (slap, slap, slap). Chubby cheeks (fluff, fluff, fluff).

Hello, our mouth (smack, smack, smack).

Hello, our tummy (yum, yum, yum).

Hello, we will tell everyone, all of us!

- Guys, guess the riddle and tell me what profession we will talk about today?

Seryozha coughs loudly. He appears to have bronchitis. They call the clinic, and they say to Seryozha: Don’t be afraid and don’t cry - a kind man is coming to see you... (Doctor)

Today I came to your group not alone, but with the Alice doll. You know, guys, it seems to me that Alice is sick; yesterday she got her feet wet during a walk. The winter is cold, the boots are not warm enough, and they forgot to put on socks, apparently the doll got a cold on her feet, her throat and head hurt, and she started to runny. What to do now? What do you guys think? (Give tea with honey, steam your feet, put on mustard plasters, give medicine).

- Guys, but neither I nor you guys know what medicine to give Alice, and we don’t have mustard plasters.

-How to be? Who should I turn to for help? (You need to call a doctor and a nurse.)

2. Main part.
I suggest the guys take Alice to the medical office.
The head nurse Oksana Nikolaevna meets us in the office.

The children say hello and say that something bad has happened - the doll Alice has fallen ill. She caught a cold on her feet and is now coughing and has a runny nose. The children ask Oksana Nikolaevna to help them cure the doll.

Oksana Nikolaevna agrees, carefully and carefully examines the doll, listens to it, accompanying her actions with a detailed story. Oksana Nikolaevna comes to the conclusion that Alice is really sick. But it doesn't matter. She offers to “drink” the patient with an infusion of medicinal herbs and put her to a warm bed. (He makes appointments and also gives the children vitamins so that they don’t get sick) Oksana Nikolaevna says that vitamins improve health and asks the children what else needs to be done to improve their health. (Do physical exercise, do exercises, harden yourself, etc.)

Physical school

Oksana Nikolaevna, tell us about the devices that a doctor needs to treat people.

-What number should we call and call a doctor? - Call 03. Well done. This is the emergency number. Guys, remember the most important thing. 03 is a very important phone number and can only be called if someone is sick.

We thank the nurse for her sensitive heart, for her caring attitude, for her skills and knowledge, for her kindness, and we ask what she does at home after work. Oksana Nikolaevna reports that she takes care of her mother: she is old and without the care of loved ones it is difficult for her. Oksana Nikolaevna's adult son comes to her aid.

(Oksana Nikolaevna talks about her family, shows photographs to the children)

The teacher and children thank Oksana Nikolaevna for her interesting story and the help provided, and invite her to a tea party in the group.

Return to the group.

Guys, tell me about the nurse. What is she like? (Hardworking, caring, attentive, sensitive, knowledgeable, kind)

3. Reflection.

— Guys, thank you for being active and attentive. Guys, the work of a doctor is very important. Everywhere in the city and in the villages... Kind, sensitive people are working. If trouble suddenly happens, a doctor or nurse will always help you!

Summary of an open lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten

Summary of an open lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten.

Topic: Profession doctor (doctor)

Author of the lesson: Lyudmila Vladimirovna Vasilenko, teacher of the middle group of the Tip-Top kindergarten, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Purpose: Familiarization with professions (driver, salesman, hairdresser, trainer, janitor, doctor (doctor)); expand knowledge about the work of adults, teach to respect the work of adults, apply their knowledge in the game; to become more acquainted with the work of a doctor (doctor); activate passive dictionary.

Materials: pictures with images of professions, houses made of soft modules, umbrella, telephone; white coat and cap, glasses, stethoscope for the doctor; envelope with pictures - coloring books.

Dictionary: profession, veterinarian, ENT, ophthalmologist, pediatrician.

Progress of the lesson:

I. PPN - Guys, today we will go on a trip to the city of Masters. There are very strict rules in this city: we cannot be naughty or talk loudly. Watch and listen carefully so as not to miss the most interesting things. — I have a magic umbrella (opens an elegant umbrella). Let's all walk under it together (children walk under the umbrella). - So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale city. Look how bright the houses are here! (the houses are made of soft modules). — Do you want to know who lives in these houses? (Children's answer) - You will find out if you guess my riddles (as you solve the riddles, the teacher hangs pictures on the houses depicting the named profession): I turn the steering wheel in the morning, Because people go to work early in the morning. And someone has to carry them (Driver). I stand behind the counter, I sell products: Milk, cottage cheese, kefir, Butter, bread, cookies, cheese. I'll pack it and weigh it for you. I'll smile and give you change. (Seller) Hairpins, scissors, combs, Haircuts, fashionable hairstyles, Varnishes, hair dyes... Sorry, what happened? Don't like your job? I'll change it in no time! (Hairdresser) There is no one in the world who is kinder than me, I train animals, I go into cages with lions and tigers, I boldly go, children! Leo is obedient, and for this Leo will get candy! (Trainer) I sweep the streets with a brush, I love cleanliness, Believe me, I’m very happy to Wash and clean everything, In the yard and at work You won’t find a speck (Janitor) If someone is not healthy, They call ……… (Doctors) - Wait , baby, don't cry! Prescribed medicine……… (Doctor)

(Picture with the image of a doctor (doctor) should be hung on the largest house)

II. The main part of the lesson.

— Guys, a doctor lives in this house. Let's go visit him. (the teacher hides behind the house and dresses up as a doctor) - Hello, guys! (children answer) - I am very glad that you came to visit me! I am a doctor, they also call me doctor. - Let me listen to you, look at your bellies and neck. Do you have a fever? (listens with a stethoscope, strokes bellies, looks into the neck). - Ooo! Yes, you are all healthy! How good! Healthy children very rarely come to me. — The profession of a doctor (doctor) is very necessary and important! Doctors help people be healthy and strong, just like you. - Doctors are different. People like me treat people: children and adults. And there are also other doctors. Guess who they are treating: “Good Doctor Aibolit, He is sitting under a tree. Come to him for treatment: a cow, a wolf, a bug, a worm, and a bear. Good Doctor Aibolit will heal everyone!”

(children's answers)

- Yes, guys! Such doctors treat animals. And they call them VETERINARIANS. (hang up a picture of a veterinarian) - Doctors (doctors) who treat people have different names. A doctor who treats eyes is called an OCULIST. (hang up the corresponding picture) A doctor who treats a sore throat is called an ENT (hang up a corresponding picture) A doctor who treats children for colds is called a PEDIATRIC (post the corresponding picture) - And here I am, just such a doctor! I treat children. — Doctors (doctors) are in the clinic and hospital during working hours. Moms or dads, and maybe grandmothers, bring you to the clinic. Doctors examine you and, if necessary, make appointments or make recommendations. In the hospital, doctors treat people: they give injections, procedures, operations. — When someone is sick at home, the doctor is called home. Who knows how to call a doctor? (On the phone) - What number should you dial? (number 103) - That's right, number 103.

The phone rings.

- Sorry guys, my phone is ringing, I need to answer, someone needs my help. - Hello, hello. Is your child sick? Does he have a high temperature? Sore throat and dizzy? I'm leaving immediately! — Guys, I need to go to a sick child. — I’m glad that you were in the city of Masters and came to visit me. So that you do not forget about our meeting, I will give you this envelope. Open it in your group! Goodbye! (Children say goodbye)

The doctor leaves. (the teacher changes clothes and returns to the children)

III. securing the material.

- Guys, it’s so good that you are all here. The doctor (doctor) went to see a sick child and left you an envelope with a surprise.

It's time for us to return. Let's say goodbye to the city of Masters and return to our group, and then we'll see what kind of surprise is here.

(shows envelope)

The teacher opens the umbrella, all the children walk under it and stand next to their desks.

Physical minute

— Guys, doctors recommend that children do physical exercises more often. And now we'll warm up a little. We played in the profession (walking in place) In an instant we became pilots (straight arms to the sides) We flew on an airplane (circle around ourselves) And became drivers (walking in place) The steering wheel is now in our hands (hands in front of us “hold the steering wheel” ) We're going fast, just great! (run around themselves) And now we are at a construction site. (walking in place) We lay bricks evenly (arms in front of us bent at the elbows) One - brick and two, and three (raise our hands up) We are building a house, look! (connect your arms straight above your head) The game is over! (put your hands down) It’s time for us to sit down at our desks! (sit down at their desks)

The teacher opens the envelope:

- What is it here? Oooh, these are photos of the doctor! But they are not colored. Let's paint them, make them colorful and beautiful. And also, draw a baby next to the doctor if your doctor is a PEDIATRICIST, or some animal if the doctor is a VETERINARINARY (children take coloring books, pencils and draw). — Guys, you made very good drawings. Let's arrange an exhibition.

When all the drawings are placed on the board, the children look at them and say which works they like. Brief discussion.

IV.Result of the lesson.

- Okay, guys! Did you enjoy our trip? (Children's response) - Where did we go today? (Children's response) - What did we see in the city of Masters? (Children's response) - Please tell me what we call in one word: driver, salesman, hairdresser, trainer, doctor - this is...? (Professions) - Do you want to return to the city of Masters? (Children's answer) - Who would you like to visit? (Children's answer) - Great! Next time we will go to visit...

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