Sample notebook for children's health in kindergarten. Journal of Doe Children's Health. On a weekend

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

These health sheets give a complete picture of the ongoing activities to improve the health of children every day.

To help educators, fill it out and use it.

In conditions of self-isolation, “Staying at home”, we suggest spending time usefully, instilling good habits, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. In route sheets for different types of activities prev.

Health sheet No. p/pF. I. child Health group Main diagnosis Anthropometry Furniture group beginning of the year September middle of the year ____________ end of the year ____________ height weight height weight weight 12345678910111.

Health sheet for pupils of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 195”, building 2 of the Leninsky district of Saratov, 1st junior group “Kolobok” Last name, first name Physical education group Main diagnosis.


Health sheet in kindergarten

The health sheet in kindergarten is usually filled out by a preschool nurse.

The health sheet contains anthropometric indicators: the child’s weight and height. It also includes health groups, information about the child’s vision, hearing, posture, as well as information about somatic diseases (if any) and several other points that are needed to monitor the child’s health in kindergarten.

Protecting children's health is the most important task for both educators and parents. In this regard, the issue of preventing childhood injuries arises.

Show your child respect for the book and teach him to handle it carefully. Maintain eye contact with your child while reading.

Accept the child as he is and love him. Hug your child at least four, and preferably eight times a day.

After waking up, children, lying in bed, do eye exercises.

If you notice signs of aggressiveness in a child, you must first try to analyze the reasons for their appearance and identify the difficulties that the child is experiencing.


Group health passport

Group 5 includes children with serious illnesses that impair organ function.

Physical development is one of the most important indicators of a child’s health and reflects general patterns of growth and maturation. Assessment of the level of physical development is carried out on the basis of anthropometric measurements using generally accepted methods.

For individual assessment of children's development (growth rate, harmonious development), tables are used that are built according to regional standards, age and gender. If the value of the child’s height and body weight corresponds to the normal limits, then the growth rate is considered timely and the body weight is normal. When height and body weight are below normal limits, growth rates are slow and body weight is reduced. If the values ​​of height and body weight exceed the normal limits, then the growth rate is accelerated and body weight is increased. Assessment of children's physical development is carried out at the beginning (September) and at the end (May) of the school year.

The type of posture of the child is determined during a medical examination by a surgeon. To diagnose the condition of the feet, an imprint of their plantar part is taken - a plantogram. The plantogram is assessed using the method of V.A. Yaralov-Yaralenda. To do this, two lines are applied to the print: AB (connecting the middle of the heel with the middle of the base of the big toe) and AC (connecting the middle of the heel with the second interdigital space). If the internal bend of the contour of the foot print extends beyond the AC line or is located at its level, the foot is normal; if it is located between the lines AB AC, the foot is thickened (flat feet of the 1st degree); if it does not reach the AB line - flat feet of 2 and 3 degrees.

A child’s physical fitness is characterized by the degree of formation of motor skills and development of physical qualities. An examination of the level of development of motor skills is carried out using tests 2 times a year: at the beginning of the school year (in September, when the group is already fully staffed) and at the end (in May-June). Analysis of survey data shows the level and dynamics of development of basic movements and motor qualities in children and helps determine the success of mastering program material. Tests are saved from the nursery group. This allows us to identify the dynamics of development using the same indicators.

The examination of children's movement development is carried out by a physical education instructor and teachers. For the convenience of subsequent analysis, the results of boys and girls are distinguished in the examination protocol. Below is the total number of children examined and the average data. Assessment of children's physical fitness is given based on the increase in indicators over the year. The average score is displayed for boys and girls and for the entire group. In the recommendations, the physical education instructor records obvious deficiencies in the movement technique of a particular child and ways to eliminate them.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Fostering a culture of health in preschool settings Modern science proves that problems of health and improvement of the population go beyond the boundaries of healthcare. New scientific materials were obtained.

The implementation of the project makes it possible to provide real assistance to children with complex developmental defects and their families in a preschool educational institution.

In the content of the section “Preparing preschool children for learning to read and write”, in addition to intellectual and general speech development, the formation of phonemic perception, ideas about self.

Master class for parents “Health-saving technologies in a children's educational institution.”

Goal: to familiarize parents with modern health-saving technologies used in preschool educational institutions. Objectives: 1. show the use of technology when working with children of senior preschool age; 2. .

Family and kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other. Only in interaction with each other do they give the child a certain social experience and create optimal conditions for entry.


Certificate No. 026/u for kindergarten: which doctors?

Table of contents

  • Description
  • Is it necessary
  • Where to contact
  • Analyzes
  • About doctors
  • List of documents
  • Advantages of carrying out the procedure at MEDSI

The practice of maintaining unified medical records for each student goes back more than one decade. During this time, it demonstrated its advantages both for medical personnel and for parents, since if a child’s outpatient card was lost, it became possible to restore information using form No. 026/u-2000.


A certificate for kindergarten is the first thing that modern parents of preschoolers face when they receive a ticket to a preschool educational institution.

Form No. 026/у-2000 is a child’s medical record, and not just a single certificate. This is a full-length A4 notebook with a thick cover, which will summarize all the medical information about the baby from the moment he enters kindergarten until the completion of secondary education.

General information is placed on the cover: last name, first name, patronymic of the minor, his gender, date of birth and registration address; below is the children's clinic to which he is assigned and contact phone numbers.

Is it necessary

The presence of a medical card No. 026/u-2000 for a kindergarten is mandatory, rather, for medical workers, since this is the main reporting document where information about the medical examinations performed, Mantoux reactions and vaccinations will be entered. On the other hand, maintaining a card is convenient for the parents themselves, as it allows them to obtain the necessary information from there (including in the form of extracts to be provided at the place of request), which can be especially important if the main outpatient card is lost.

Where to contact

In city clinics there is usually a rather long process of getting doctors and not always all the specialists are available. It is easier and more comfortable to conduct an examination of a preschooler in a private clinic, where all the necessary specialists are gathered in one place. Modern private clinics often offer comprehensive treatment.


In addition to the conclusions of specialists, a certificate for a child in kindergarten will contain laboratory tests.

    General urine analysis
  • Clinical blood test + ESR

However, if a child has chronic diseases for which he is registered, this doctor will also be included in the list of specialists, and the list of tests may expand.

Like examination by specialists, obtaining test results can be expedited by contacting a private clinic. Here, the child will undergo all the examinations in one day, parents will be able to save working time, and the child will be able to minimize stress from medical interventions.

About doctors

Certificate for kindergarten form No. 026/у-2000 includes mandatory specialists, the list of which may vary slightly depending on the age at which the child first enters an educational institution. Some children skip kindergarten, and then parents apply for a child’s medical card (form No. 026/у-2000) only before first grade.

The child’s medical record for kindergarten will include:

  • Examination and conclusion of a pediatrician
    , with whom the medical examination will begin and with which it will end. In addition to the conclusion about the child’s readiness and ability to attend an educational institution, the pediatrician will issue referrals for tests, determine the health group and give recommendations regarding the characteristics or diseases identified as a result of the examination, if any.
  • The pediatric dentist
    will not only assess the condition of the oral cavity, but will also make a conclusion about the correspondence of the number of teeth to the age of the preschooler in the form of a dental formula
  • The pediatric otolaryngologist
    will check the level of hearing and evaluate the anatomical structure of the ENT organs
  • A pediatric neurologist
    will assess the degree of psychological maturity and level of mental development
  • An orthopedic surgeon
    pediatric surgeon
    will evaluate the correct formation and development of the child’s musculoskeletal system and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system
  • A pediatric ophthalmologist
    will check visual acuity
  • Children's gynecologist
    examines girls
  • Pediatric urologist-andrologist
    examines boys

A child’s medical development record for school will require a visit to the same specialists, in addition, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a psychiatrist


The following types of research are also carried out before school:

  • Clinical blood test (+ ESR)
  • General urine analysis
  • ECG and echocardiography
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys

Children visit many of these specialists for routine examinations according to their age, however, some diseases may be first identified at a medical examination before admission to a preschool educational institution, since here the child receives a full comprehensive examination.

List of documents

To obtain a certificate for kindergarten No. 026/u you will need to have with you:

  • Child's birth certificate
  • SNILS (not required in private clinics)
  • Insurance policy (in private clinics - only VHI policy)
  • Passport of one of the parents, where the child is entered in the “Children” column (or passport of one of the guardians/adoptive parents)
  • Vaccination certificate with vaccination marks

If the child does not have any vaccinations and the parents do not plan to vaccinate him before entering kindergarten/school, the medical office of the educational institution will require the parent to write a temporary refusal of vaccinations (Form No. 19n).

Advantages of carrying out the procedure at MEDSI:

  • Availability of a comprehensive: the necessary specialists are brought together and completed in one day
  • Tests can be taken on the day of treatment (and on the same day as specialists)
  • Pediatric doctors with extensive experience and experience interacting with children: polite staff, technical service

To make an appointment, call 24/7: 8 (495) 7-800-500

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